Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

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    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

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Right wing anti intellectual dumbing down the complexities of human sexuality and gender is willful ignorance. They are not changing what they are . They are becoming on the outside, what they are on the inside.

Actually, there HAS been scientific and medical research done on gays and transgendered people. They found that gay males have the same brain structure as straight females and gay females have the same brain structure as straight males.

Sexuality isn't determined so much by what you show on the outside, but more to do with how your brain is structured. Yeah, you might be able to "cure" gay and trans people with brain surgery, but we don't have the tech to be able to do that yet.

No, gay and trans aren't exactly choices. Progressive Patriot is right.
So, after 800+ posts, have any of these bigots cited any significant examples of transgendered Americans causing major problems in the military?

lol, let me guess the answer. No.
So, after 800+ posts, have any of these bigots cited any significant examples of transgendered Americans causing major problems in the military?

lol, let me guess the answer. No.

Actually, in the news segments that I've seen, the trans soldiers they interviewed had high evaluation marks, and were respected by their commands. Granted, they could be looking for the best to interview, but if there were problems, don't you think some of the higher ups would have said so by now?

And yeah, I was a Personnelman for 20 years in the Navy. One of my duties was to work up Navy wide advancement worksheets every time the test came around. That consisted of factoring in their time in service, service in paygrade, evaluation averages for the past 3 years, personal awards given, as well as certain medals.

Got news for you.................gay service members had better scores on their worksheets than the straights did. Why? They were better at paying attention to detail.
So, after 800+ posts, have any of these bigots cited any significant examples of transgendered Americans causing major problems in the military?

lol, let me guess the answer. No.

Actually, in the news segments that I've seen, the trans soldiers they interviewed had high evaluation marks, and were respected by their commands. Granted, they could be looking for the best to interview, but if there were problems, don't you think some of the higher ups would have said so by now?

And yeah, I was a Personnelman for 20 years in the Navy. One of my duties was to work up Navy wide advancement worksheets every time the test came around. That consisted of factoring in their time in service, service in paygrade, evaluation averages for the past 3 years, personal awards given, as well as certain medals.

Got news for you.................gay service members had better scores on their worksheets than the straights did. Why? They were better at paying attention to detail.

So, perhaps at the risk of overdrawing a conclusion,

it's probably fair to say that opposition to gays and transgendered Americans serving in the military is pretty much founded on bigotry and bigotry alone...
So, after 800+ posts, have any of these bigots cited any significant examples of transgendered Americans causing major problems in the military?

lol, let me guess the answer. No.

Actually, in the news segments that I've seen, the trans soldiers they interviewed had high evaluation marks, and were respected by their commands. Granted, they could be looking for the best to interview, but if there were problems, don't you think some of the higher ups would have said so by now?

And yeah, I was a Personnelman for 20 years in the Navy. One of my duties was to work up Navy wide advancement worksheets every time the test came around. That consisted of factoring in their time in service, service in paygrade, evaluation averages for the past 3 years, personal awards given, as well as certain medals.

Got news for you.................gay service members had better scores on their worksheets than the straights did. Why? They were better at paying attention to detail.

So, perhaps at the risk of overdrawing a conclusion,

it's probably fair to say that opposition to gays and transgendered Americans serving in the military is pretty much founded on bigotry and bigotry alone...

Pretty much. Matter of fact, I grew up in Montana, and nobody out in my part of the country would ever admit to being gay (lots of rednecks and cowboys up there). So, as a result, I didn't meet my first gay person until I got to my first command. His name was Paul, and not only was he a shit hot Sailor, but he was also a really good dude. We started hanging out when I first got there, and after about 6 months, he looked at me one day and said he had something to tell me. I said what, and he told me he was gay. I said no problem as long as he didn't hit on me. He then said not a problem, because I wasn't his type. Going out on liberty with him overseas was great, because all the women for some reason would flock to him, he would talk me up and tell them what a great guy I was, and then I would get a date. If you want a good wingman for picking up ladies, get a gay dude, because I picked up more women with him than anything else.

After that, I was able to figure out who was and wasn't gay in the commands I was at (yeah, there are signs if you know what to look for), and like I said, for the most part, gays were superstars. But then again, if you think about it, they had to be, because as we say in the Navy, "One aw shit can wipe out a thousand attaboys, so make sure you have at least a thousand and one".
You can't change your gender, it is impossible.
Right wing anti intellectual dumbing down the complexities of human sexuality and gender is willful ignorance. They are not changing what they are . They are becoming on the outside, what they are on the inside. I'm sure that it would be to much to expect of you to know that not every one is 100% male or female, right?

Unless they have some kind of genetic mutation, they are! When will you stop using people who have a genetic abnormality to try and normalize transgenderism?
You can't change your gender, it is impossible.
Right wing anti intellectual dumbing down the complexities of human sexuality and gender is willful ignorance. They are not changing what they are . They are becoming on the outside, what they are on the inside. I'm sure that it would be to much to expect of you to know that not every one is 100% male or female, right?

Unless they have some kind of genetic mutation, they are! When will you stop using people who have a genetic abnormality to try and normalize transgenderism?
You are another one who is obviously not very well versed on the topic. Who exactly are you to decide who and what is normal? "Normal" and "abnormal" are used in a number of different ways . Something may be abnormal statistically but still be a normal variation found in nature. I don't think that it is helpful or appropriate to uses such labels on people. It is subjective and pejorative and detracts from the fact that we are talking about real human beings who have feelings and thoughts but jut happen to be different. I am not trying to normalize anything. It is what it is. You're trying to make it abnormal....and for what purpose? So that you can snicker and sneer at them? So that you can demean and marginalize them and feel OK about it?

You might want to do some reading on the genetic/biological underlying transgender-as well as the relationship between intersexuality and transgender- before you say anything else that is foolish.
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I repeat...................of the age eligible people who could serve in the military, only 30 percent of them are qualified to serve. The rest are disqualified because of ASVAB scores, no diploma or GED, or they have too many civil convictions or other run ins with the law, or, they are physically incapable of serving because of flat feet, asthma, or any number of other physical problems.

Of those 30 percent that are even qualified to serve, only about 1 percent of this country actually decides to go into the military.

Now, if a transgender person can pass the ASVAB, pass the physical and make it through boot camp, they have proven they are qualified and should be allowed to serve. Considering the small percent of this country that is willing to serve, can our military afford to turn away qualified applicants? Besides, almost every other western nation allows gays and trans people to serve, why can't we? Probably because we are a country of prudes that was founded by Puritans.
I repeat...................of the age eligible people who could serve in the military, only 30 percent of them are qualified to serve. The rest are disqualified because of ASVAB scores, no diploma or GED, or they have too many civil convictions or other run ins with the law, or, they are physically incapable of serving because of flat feet, asthma, or any number of other physical problems.

Of those 30 percent that are even qualified to serve, only about 1 percent of this country actually decides to go into the military.

Now, if a transgender person can pass the ASVAB, pass the physical and make it through boot camp, they have proven they are qualified and should be allowed to serve. Considering the small percent of this country that is willing to serve, can our military afford to turn away qualified applicants? Besides, almost every other western nation allows gays and trans people to serve, why can't we? Probably because we are a country of prudes that was founded by Puritans.
Coward!!! Disgusting!
I repeat...................of the age eligible people who could serve in the military, only 30 percent of them are qualified to serve. The rest are disqualified because of ASVAB scores, no diploma or GED, or they have too many civil convictions or other run ins with the law, or, they are physically incapable of serving because of flat feet, asthma, or any number of other physical problems.

Of those 30 percent that are even qualified to serve, only about 1 percent of this country actually decides to go into the military.

Now, if a transgender person can pass the ASVAB, pass the physical and make it through boot camp, they have proven they are qualified and should be allowed to serve. Considering the small percent of this country that is willing to serve, can our military afford to turn away qualified applicants? Besides, almost every other western nation allows gays and trans people to serve, why can't we? Probably because we are a country of prudes that was founded by Puritans.
Coward!!! Disgusting!

I actually served this country in the U.S. Navy for over 20 years in 4 different war zones. What did you do?
I repeat...................of the age eligible people who could serve in the military, only 30 percent of them are qualified to serve. The rest are disqualified because of ASVAB scores, no diploma or GED, or they have too many civil convictions or other run ins with the law, or, they are physically incapable of serving because of flat feet, asthma, or any number of other physical problems.

Of those 30 percent that are even qualified to serve, only about 1 percent of this country actually decides to go into the military.

Now, if a transgender person can pass the ASVAB, pass the physical and make it through boot camp, they have proven they are qualified and should be allowed to serve. Considering the small percent of this country that is willing to serve, can our military afford to turn away qualified applicants? Besides, almost every other western nation allows gays and trans people to serve, why can't we? Probably because we are a country of prudes that was founded by Puritans.
Coward!!! Disgusting!

Yes you are

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You know, initially when trans personnel were allowed into the military, the higher ups were nervous about it and weren't sure that it would work, so they watched it closely for the first year or so. No problems were reported, and you would think that if it had caused problems with the commands, they would have said so by now.

Besides...................not many people really want to serve in the military nowadays. If they are qualified and can pass all the requirements, let them serve.
You know, initially when trans personnel were allowed into the military, the higher ups were nervous about it and weren't sure that it would work, so they watched it closely for the first year or so. No problems were reported, and you would think that if it had caused problems with the commands, they would have said so by now.

Besides...................not many people really want to serve in the military nowadays. If they are qualified and can pass all the requirements, let them serve.
Your commentary and observation as someone who has been there are greatly appreciated and bring a good deal of reason and intelligence to the discussion. However, the bigots will likely not be impressed. On the other hand, it appears that they have at least shut the fuck up, including the perpetrator of this thread.
I repeat...................of the age eligible people who could serve in the military, only 30 percent of them are qualified to serve. The rest are disqualified because of ASVAB scores, no diploma or GED, or they have too many civil convictions or other run ins with the law, or, they are physically incapable of serving because of flat feet, asthma, or any number of other physical problems.

Of those 30 percent that are even qualified to serve, only about 1 percent of this country actually decides to go into the military.

Now, if a transgender person can pass the ASVAB, pass the physical and make it through boot camp, they have proven they are qualified and should be allowed to serve. Considering the small percent of this country that is willing to serve, can our military afford to turn away qualified applicants? Besides, almost every other western nation allows gays and trans people to serve, why can't we? Probably because we are a country of prudes that was founded by Puritans.
Coward!!! Disgusting!

You really are a meat head....
Majority of Americans Against Trump's Trans Military Ban | Human Rights Campaign

On Monday, The Washington Post published an extensive report measuring public opinion on this topic in all 50 states and D.C. It revealed that the majority of Americans in every state oppose Trump’s discriminatory ban and support transgender people serving openly in the military.

“We found that there is no majority support for Trump’s proposal in any state or the District of Columbia,” the authors wrote -- an extraordinary statement considering in these polarizing times there are few issues that garner widespread support.
You know, initially when trans personnel were allowed into the military, the higher ups were nervous about it and weren't sure that it would work, so they watched it closely for the first year or so. No problems were reported, and you would think that if it had caused problems with the commands, they would have said so by now.

Besides...................not many people really want to serve in the military nowadays. If they are qualified and can pass all the requirements, let them serve.

How many Trans can carry you out of a problem? Hell, how many women can?
You know, initially when trans personnel were allowed into the military, the higher ups were nervous about it and weren't sure that it would work, so they watched it closely for the first year or so. No problems were reported, and you would think that if it had caused problems with the commands, they would have said so by now.

Besides...................not many people really want to serve in the military nowadays. If they are qualified and can pass all the requirements, let them serve.
Your commentary and observation as someone who has been there are greatly appreciated and bring a good deal of reason and intelligence to the discussion. However, the bigots will likely not be impressed. On the other hand, it appears that they have at least shut the fuck up, including the perpetrator of this thread.

Well, even when I first enlisted, I was kinda ahead of my time, because I didn't see anything wrong with gays serving. Why? There are rules against having sex onboard the ship, whether it's hetero or homosexual sex, so you shouldn't have to worry about someone "frigging in the rigging". It's against the rules.

I also noticed that they seemed to perform better than their straight counterparts, and I wondered why. Found out later, that because of the bias against gays, they had to pay attention to every detail in their life so they didn't get outed. Attention to detail is a big thing in the military.

And yeah, the screaming and name calling back and forth tend to bore me as well, so if someone can contribute something worthwhile, or asks what sounds like a decent question that I know the answer to, I will.

Besides...................like I've said.............with all the military action that looks like it's on the horizon, turning away people who are qualified in every way physically and mentally is stupid. Sexuality doesn't have much to do with military duties anyway. Save that stuff for off duty.

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