Zone1 One of the Dumbest Comments in History

Maybe to you but for this man to ask who is the lord that I should obey him, it can't get much dumber. Who is God that I should obey him? Really?

I wholeheartedly agree. But unfortunately, there are a lot of people like Pharaoh. Some of us learned the hard way, and they will too, eventually. :dunno:
Archeologists carry a shovel in one hand and a Bible in the other, it is that historically accurate. The History of the Kings of the ancient world is all there in the book. The rise and fall of historic empires is there. It contains the history of man on the earth from the beginning. It foretells history in advance in Revelation. There is layer after layer of knowledge in the Bible. History, Science, Astronomy, Physics, it's all there because Jesus and God were involved in all aspects of what we know. :smiliehug:
Perhaps they should shelve it in the history section in the library.
I did and had you done so, you would see that God told Moses exactly what Pharoah was going to do and he did it. That's why Pharoahs bones are laying on the bottom of the Red Sea when that didn't have to happen.

The Pharaoh didn't drown and the Red Sea didn't part.
Archeologists carry a shovel in one hand and a Bible in the other, it is that historically accurate. The History of the Kings of the ancient world is all there in the book. The rise and fall of historic empires is there. It contains the history of man on the earth from the beginning. It foretells history in advance in Revelation. There is layer after layer of knowledge in the Bible. History, Science, Astronomy, Physics, it's all there because Jesus and God were involved in all aspects of what we know. :smiliehug:

That's how archeologists use to work. They don't do that anymore.

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