one Solid Reason Trump Will Win; Hillary is Low Energy

This election has been a hoot and only promises to plunge further into the absurd and grotesque as time goes on.

We are actually supposed to elect a known theif,liar, bribe taking Marxist supporting lunatic instead of a rude but very successful business man all because the media Talking Heads dont think he can run a campaign, despite them being proven wrong about him completely for the last year?

roflmao lolololololo


Trump was the media darling right up til he won the primary. Now they are using every crazy thing HE SAID against him. If he had kept his bizarre nature to himself he would still be the media darling and take this election in a huge landslide.

Nobody is inventing anything on Trump.

Republicans had a path to victory in 2016. Hillary was uninspiring and beatable

But they gave in to the crazies of their party and ran Trump, once again proving they are the party of stupid
"1. “An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud"

Trump was determined to 'expose' President Obama’s birthplace back in 2012, and even claimed to have sent investigators to Hawaii in the hopes of proving Obama wasn’t born in the United States."

Donald Trump: The man behind the mouth

Excellent choice. Trump says that someone called him to let him know that Obama's Birth Certificate is a fraud. Which one is he talking about? The electronic one that was a composition of graphic images that essentially show the birth data from the state of Hawaii's database, was not his long form birth certificate as the media was saying at the time. So to the layman that equates to "it is a fraud" if they understand what the improtance of a long form birth certificate is.

But as to this whole Birther stuff, it wasnt started by Trump.

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart
As Breitbart News reported earlier this month, other left-wing media outlets, like Politico and the Guardian, had already traced the Birther movement back to Democrats and Ms. Clinton. Using his wayback machine on Wednesday, the Post‘s David Weigel took an in-depth look at the origins of the false rumors that President Obama is a practicing Muslim who was not born in a America. Weigel’s reporting contains the final pieces of a very disturbing puzzle.

What Weigel found and re-reported was astounding, details many of us had forgotten or never heard of, including a 2007 bombshell memo from the Clinton campaign’s chief strategist.

What the left-wing Weigel left out of his reporting was even more astounding, including a documented confrontation between Clinton and Obama over the Birther issue, and video of Hillary herself stoking doubt about Obama’s Christian faith.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?

According to the article, the theory that Obama was born in Kenya “first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.”

The second article, which ran several days after the Politico piece, was published by theTelegraph, a British paper, which stated: “An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.”

Both of those stories comport with what we here at wrote two-and-a-half years earlier, on Nov. 8, 2008: “This claim was first advanced by diehard Hillary Clinton supporters as her campaign for the party’s nomination faded, and has enjoyed a revival among John McCain’s partisans as he fell substantially behind Obama in public opinion polls.”...

It is certainly interesting, and perhaps historically and politically relevant, that “birther” advocacy may have originated with supporters of Hillary Clinton — especially since many view it as an exclusively right-wing movement. But whether those theories were advocated by Clinton and/or her campaign or simply by Clinton “supporters” is an important distinction. Candidates are expected to be held accountable for the actions of their campaigns.

Birtherism: Where it all began

The original smear against Obama was that he was a crypto-Muslim, floated in 2004 by perennial Illinois political candidate and serial litigant Andy Martin. Other related versions of this theory alleged that Obama was educated in an Indonesian “madrassa” or steeped in Islamist ideology from a young age, and the theories began to spread virally after Obama appeared on the national stage – to the casual observer, from nowhere – with his early 2007 presidential campaign announcement. (See: Obama kin: Birther rumors 'a shame')

All through that year, the Obama campaign – with the affirmation of most leaders of both parties – aggressively battled that smear by emphasizing his Christian faith. Obama’s controversial but emphatically Christian pastor emerged as a campaign issue and the belief that he was a Muslim seemed to lose traction. (See: Clinton: Birther claims 'ludicrous')

Then, as Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve. (See: Birther debate alive across U.S.)

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

And much of the controversy was fueled by Obamas own publishers I guess they figured presenting him as being a foreign student would sell more books to libtards and he could get grants for foreign students in the mean time, so he didnt object.

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I'm just remembering 2012 very vividly, and I think a significant portion of the GOP has essentially lost its mind.

My, that is a very specific, scientific and objective statement.

Any other pearls of wisdom to share today?

"The GOP is certifiably insane" - if that isnt an indicator of a Democratic Party hack, I dont think such a thing exists.

How do you imitate a Dem hack so well without being one? roflmao

And I suspect that the time I "used to be able to think for myself" coincided directly with positions I took with which you agreed.
Well, let me see my index of controversial issues that you might agree with me on.

I support Nordic Model Socialism. We will have no choice in the next twenty years or so; the voters will demand it as jobs dry up.

I support the Social Security Program and regard anyone that wants to end it as either ignorant to the point of stupidity or is simply a liar.

I support gun rights to empower the individual to be able to protect themselves. Guns have saved more womens lives over the last 50 years than a feminazi ever did.

I do not support Black Lies Matter as they are an violent group of Marxists. And I note that Hillary Rodham of the royal house Clinton does support them. Do you ever think about what that actually means? The USA will become Ferguson MO on a national scale, possibly.

I support reform of the ACA instead of abolishing it. It is helping millions of people who need health care to get it. It is worth saving but both parties need to work out the problems with it.

I support developing a moderate set of allies in Muslim areas in the Middle East, North Africa and Southern Asia instead of engaging in genocide against them.

I support lowering taxes on the Middle Class and removing the cap on Social Security for the upper income earners.

I favor enforcing our trade agreements against currency manipulation, product dumping or copyright infringement.

I support immigration reform that does not allow illegals to cut ahead in line in front of those trying to get here legally.

I support more investments in technological research and planning for the consequences of the Robotics Revolution.

I support a Universal Basic Income.

I support removing all state limits to health insurance or any other kind of insurance and introducing interstate competition among insurance companies.

I support further scientific research and technological development.

I agree with the Theory of Evolution from a theistic perspective.

I support the concept of case law and see it as an organic part of the Constitution until changed by an amendment.

I support the use of federal funds to help people in need when the state refuses to. This is consistent with the principle of Subsidiarity which was well known to the Founding Fathers.

I support gay rights except in regard to marriage (civil unions are fine, IMO), and I have not changed my mind on this topic for the last twenty five years.

I oppose racism in all races, and do not excuse it simply because it sometimes comes from a black or Hispanic mouth.

I support advanced education and think that state colleges and universities should have free tuition like the rest of the advanced industrial nations around the globe. It is an investment in the future generations of tax payers that pays itself back many times over.

I suspect we agree on more than we disagree on, but since I dont share your worshipful prostration to polls and the leaders of the Democratic Party, who seem to be mostly crooks, fools and morons these days, I am obviously an uneducated red neck.

But you are not being an ideologue, roflmao, I am just a brainless Trumper, lol.
I never said you were a "brainless Trumper", although as much as I try I can't completely figure out the appeal.
I never said you were a "brainless Trumper", although as much as I try I can't completely figure out the appeal.
I'm sorry, I didnt mean to accuse you unfairly.

I just have a hard time keeping my Democrats straight around here.

The beauty of this echo chamber thing is that, if the polls aren't wrong and Trump gets smeared, it will only be because the election was rigged.

Kind of a bass ackwards way. Will give you some credit here for knowing what Hillary would do while thinking she wouldn’t have to.
Someone outta bump some threads from election night. I could use a good laugh.
This is a list of the Trump itinerary as compared to the Clinton itinerary.
First is Trumps, and the second Clintons. Trump has 19 events over the same period that Hillary has only 8 plus Trump does far more interviews.


And Trump will get far better word of mouth as far more people attend his rallies compared to Hillary.

This is how Trump is going to 'punch through' the medias thick layer of lies and propaganda to elect Hillary.

Trump isn't winning. He's losing badly. Is this 'high energy' thing something new that he just started today? Because otherwise your premise is contradicted by pretty overwhelming evidence.

Ah, not as bad as what you claim. How do you explain ABC polls?
Will Donald Trump “Make America Great Again?”

    • Yes (95%, 3,769 Votes)
    • No (5%, 204 Votes)
Total Voters: 3,973
ABC LIVE POLL: Will Donald Trump “Make America Great Again?”

Which Candidate Will Win the Presidential Election?

    • Donald Trump (81%, 12,256 Votes)
    • Hillary Clinton (9%, 1,297 Votes)
    • Jill Stein (7%, 1,039 Votes)
    • Gary Johnson (3%, 477 Votes)
Total Voters: 15,069

ABC News Poll: Which Candidate Will Win the Presidential Election?

Do You Agree With Trump That Obama Is Guilty Of Treason To America?

    • Yes (95%, 10,279 Votes)
    • No (5%, 524 Votes)
Total Voters: 10,803
ABC LIVE POLL: Do You Agree With Trump That Obama Is Guilty Of Treason To America?

This is ABC, and it does not look good.
Yeah, Hillary has this election in the bag with an 18% lead in the polls, but wow, why cant her followers learn how to log in to a computer?

Trump will win: 81%

Clinton will win: 9%

Oh, and despite the poll having more than 15k votes, they stopped the count at 453 votes with Hillary having a lead.


The All Broadcasts for Clinton network does it again.

Nate Silver called the 2012 election with stunning us the popular vote within about 2 percent, the electoral count, accurately called every single state, accurately called every single congressional race and accurately called every senate race save one.

If polling is as useless and inaccurate as you claim, how do you account for the stunning accuracy?

Hillary has an 18% lead in the polls, but an online ABC poll shows Trumps support at 81% vrs 9%.



You're citing a strawpoll. They involve only interested parties who can 'vote' as many times as they want. Such strawpolls routinely showed Ron Paul sweeping the 2008 election.

The randomized poll where people are contacted at random and only allowed to answer Hillary with a solid lead.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Clinton leading by 6.8%. Even Breitbart's poll showed Clinton with a clear lead.

You're desperately ignoring anything that contradicts what you want to be true. While ignoring the overwhelming evidence that indicates what actually is true.

And come November it won't matter what comforting lies you've told yourself.

Hillary has an 18% lead in the polls, but an online ABC poll shows Trumps support at 81% vrs 9%.



that is an online poll, little boy. trumpsters hit the button over and over.

they are your wishful thinking.

this is your current reality:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

we understand your desperation. have a cookie


One solid reason Trump will win: "I really, really, really, really, really want him to. I'm going to ignore his disastrous campaign and all the polls saying he's going to get slaughtered, claim a giant conspiracy and that all the polls are rigged, and grasp onto any thin reed I can to make myself feel better."

I'm satirizing your mindset, which is pretty obvious.

Generally 0one has to have an accurate grasp of what another is stating before one can perform satir on anything.

And since you contiually demonstrate a complete ignorance of what I am trying to tell you, you are not satirizing me, but a figment of your imagination, which is pretty obvious

When my football team is down 21 points in the 4th quarter, I'm not convincing myself that I'm losing because the refs and the league are conspiring against me, and that my team is really winning.

The score in a football game is not even remotely similar to what polls do. A poll is like an estimate of who will win BEFORE the game starts, the game being election day.

And frequently good, scientific polls are shown to be head-spinningly wrong. Junk polls that show Clinton losing a 15% lead in 2 days are not just junk, they are a pile of shit, and you would recognize that were you not such a Clinton fan bois.

But that's what you are doing.

No, actually I am not, but assplaining it to you for the fifth time on the same thread is just boring now.

Good luck!

Well, you certainly don't have an accurate grasp of what you are stating. That's why you keep going back to all this nonsense about the polls being rigged. The idea that Trump is actually leading when he's down by 5 to 7 points in the polls is ridiculous. You are lying to yourself because you can't admit the obvious.

The game is played up to the election, not just on election day. Perhaps a better analogy is Trump being down by 21 points in the middle of the 3rd quarter. He can still come back to win. But he is still down. It's like you saying that he's not really down by 21 points because the opposing team only has 50 more yards of offense, or only 4 more first downs. But all that matters is scoreboard.

If this were a football game, Trump would have committed 12 turnovers, he has been so fucking bad.

Remember when Trump said he was going to pivot, and be so Presidential, that no one else could be as Presidential as he?


This election has been a hoot and only promises to plunge further into the absurd and grotesque as time goes on.

We are actually supposed to elect a known theif,liar, bribe taking Marxist supporting lunatic instead of a rude but very successful business man all because the media Talking Heads dont think he can run a campaign, despite them being proven wrong about him completely for the last year?

roflmao lolololololo


Trump was the media darling right up til he won the primary. Now they are using every crazy thing HE SAID against him. If he had kept his bizarre nature to himself he would still be the media darling and take this election in a huge landslide.

Nobody is inventing anything on Trump.

Republicans had a path to victory in 2016. Hillary was uninspiring and beatable

But they gave in to the crazies of their party and ran Trump, once again proving they are the party of stupid

This election has been a hoot and only promises to plunge further into the absurd and grotesque as time goes on.

We are actually supposed to elect a known theif,liar, bribe taking Marxist supporting lunatic instead of a rude but very successful business man all because the media Talking Heads dont think he can run a campaign, despite them being proven wrong about him completely for the last year?

roflmao lolololololo


Trump was the media darling right up til he won the primary. Now they are using every crazy thing HE SAID against him. If he had kept his bizarre nature to himself he would still be the media darling and take this election in a huge landslide.

Nobody is inventing anything on Trump.

Republicans had a path to victory in 2016. Hillary was uninspiring and beatable

But they gave in to the crazies of their party and ran Trump, once again proving they are the party of stupid

roflmao, the Ghosts of Elections Past, roflmaololololololol

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