One Year Anniversary Of The Passing Of Rush Limbaugh

Rush died last year on this date.

I wanted to dedicate a thread to celebrate the man.

Yeah you love republicans no matter how evil they are and no matter if they are no differerent than the Dems.gasbag Rush is burning in hell right now,he attacked Clinton all the time but yet he never had one single bad word to say about his pal globalist bush.he always praised him.this asswipe also is the main reason brainwashedsheep like you fell fir the propaganda Reagan was a great president when he was a mass murderer of genocide of women and children in Africa,rush covered up fir so many of his crimes.
Rush talked about all of the things that Durham is reveling about Hillary Clinton's crimes.
He would love to be talking about today's left wing crackpot disasters.
He would love to be talking about how Democrat Cultists are goosestepping towards
TroglocratsRdumb you just gave facts on why only a fool would mourn that gasbags death.sure he would talk about the corruption of the leftist Dems but he sure as hell would not be talking about the corrupt Rinos if he were still alive,he never spoke of the corruption of the Republican Party,he never for example would talk about the famous mena arkansas scandal where Clinton as governor helped his long time friend Bush smuggle drugs into the mena Arkansas airport for the CIA thst bush and Reagan were running in exchange for weapons to be shipped to nicuragua,no sir,he never wanted to touch thst subject other patriotic researchers would sense it involved two REPUBLICAN presidents as well as a Democrat president,The only way Thst asswipe would have ever bothered to discuss the mena Arkansas scandal would have been if it were ONLY dem presidents in on it and no republicans.he is rotting in hell right now.

Like gipper said so well,he was always wrong about what he said about the Republican Party because any facts thst came out on the corruption the gop party was involved in,the asswipe turned the other cheek and never h would discuss the mena travesty.,thsts why to no surprise the op liked him.
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Rush was highly successful....but outlets like CNN and MSNBC have been causing divisions and fear for years and they're going into the tank.
What's the primary difference?
What Rush said on his show was usually 100% correct.
Comedy gold,I just fell out of my chair laughing in stiches. :rofl:
I appreciate you admitting that you are still the same ignorant and selfish piece of shit you've been for the last several years.
I also remember how you claimed that your electric bill contained no taxes on it until I pointed it out to you.
The issue is that Reagan was a selfish piece of shit President who created a nation where far less than 1% of the population can afford to live without people like myself paying State and Federal Taxes to allow them to live lives of relative luxury.
Thanks for admiring a guy who caused us to pay taxes so the destitute can survive.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: It’s understandable why he is such a stupid fuck who is one of those dead brain zombie sheep who think Reagan was such a great president,he always listened to the lies and propaganda thst gasbag Rush always sprouted all the time. :abgg2q.jpg: Thst is beyond comedy gold saying Reagan was about the best president ever when at the time,he ran the most corrupt administration ever of any president.the Reaganut braindead zombies like him like to ignore thst there were more officials in his administration indicted than any other president ever,they were only corrupt as they were because they were acting on orders from their boss the gipper,they like to pretend thst never happened as well as pretend his policys did not destroy the middle class familys and only benefited the rich as well as pretending he did not commit genocide in Africa.:abgg2q.jpg: Reagan was such a great president he got us into more debt than all previous presidents COMBINED,yep,great president there looking out for the American people.:rofl:

No wonder he loved Reagan,same as the op and Rush was,he is mr biased towards the surprise he would say Reagan was about the greatest president ever,look at his user name,he is confused about his sex and actually thinks he is a girl,no wonder he babbles all the time.:rofl:
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Only if you are STUPID enough to believe his fake ratings.

March 28, 2012
RUSH: We haven't lost any audience in this program. The audience is larger than it's ever been... But the advertisers who've really been hurt are the ones who've abandoned here. I just assume everybody understood that. Let me tell you: We have 22 million people here who have stopped patronizing these people, stopped patronizing them. It's major in many instances, the harm that has been inflicted.

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

In 2012 he claimed he had 22 million SUCKKKERS and hadn't lost any of them, but only one year earlier he said he had 40 million a day, so the LIAR actually LOST almost half his audience.
Yes, his ratings were through the roof, by far Rhee most popular single news commentator ever
Reagan, again you are wrong. The 1%, that would be the Democrat elites. Bill gates. Zuckerberg, Warren buffet, Obama, Clinton, etc..

Reagan & all of Congress caused that.
You realize that there are no Conservatives on Wall Street or in Silicon Valley because when one becomes a billionaire they indulge.
The you have family oriented people paying lots of taxes to sustain other people's lives.
There's no way you can avoid the facts on the ground.

Conservatives worship money as well as anyone else.
Yes, conservatives are the best at creating an economy that feeds the world. Sure we have to fight against your isocialust deology but that goes with the territory.

Even in pure socialism, you would still have nothing. The elites would not offer you anything.
So, without Googling it, what's your favorite Rush quote?
May 21 2015
"I am addicted to prescription pain medication."

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be
convicted and they ought to be sent up."
-- Rush Limbaugh. October 5, 1995 show transcript.
October 14, 2011
RUSH: I say it, you believe it, with no questions.
He said that kind of thing regularly.

They may not even realize it, who knows. That's how fully their thoughts were/are manipulated.
One of the kindes most giving men

Leukemia, RUSH gave tens of millions of dollars to Leukemia research and treatment.
TroglocratsRdumb you just gave facts on why only a fool would mourn that gasbags death.sure he would talk about the corruption of the leftist Dems but he sure as hell would not be talking about the corrupt Rinos if he were still alive,he never spoke of the corruption of the Republican Party,he never for example would talk about the famous mena arkansas scandal where Clinton as governor helped his long time friend Bush smuggle drugs into the mena Arkansas airport for the CIA thst bush and Reagan were running in exchange for weapons to be shipped to nicuragua,no sir,he never wanted to touch thst subject other patriotic researchers would sense it involved two REPUBLICAN presidents as well as a Democrat president,The only way Thst asswipe would have ever bothered to discuss the mena Arkansas scandal would have been if it were ONLY dem presidents in on it and no republicans.he is rotting in hell right now.

Like gipper said so well,he was always wrong about what he said about the Republican Party because any facts thst came out on the corruption the gop party was involved in,the asswipe turned the other cheek and never h would discuss the mena travesty.,thsts why to no surprise the op liked him.
yea, you should watch more CNN and MSNBC
Rush made that money by lying his ass off.
Yes, rush pointed out the lies on the left and the right. He laid out the case perfectly, playing clips, citing the news, rules, laws, or regulations.

Like a criminal hares the police, ideologues hate rush.

Thank you for pointing out how he addressed the lies.
Yes, conservatives are the best at creating an economy that feeds the world. Sure we have to fight against your isocialust deology but that goes with the territory.

Even in pure socialism, you would still have nothing. The elites would not offer you anything.
I don’t totally disagree.
The problem is that you are confusing Conservatism for the greed and avarice of neo-Conservatism.
Rush Limbaugh was not an educated man, but he was a smooth talking grifter, and he knew his audience. He made a fortune dividing America, and Trump did politically what Limbaugh did thru the media.
No he made his fortune exposing the left as they were lying retarded morons with no morals
When Rush's fellow Nobel Peace Nominee, MLK, passed away, Dr. King wasn't well loved by libs either. The leftist run DOJ harassed and wiretapped King, just like they harassed Dr. Limbaugh.

The anniversary of Rush's death would be a good time to listen to his epic CPAC address to the nation, a speech analogous to King's "I have a dream" oration. It should be mandatory in the government schools to have the kids study the CPAC speech of 2009, and to memorize it like we did the Gettysburg Address in my day.


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