Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says

I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

Liberals continue to condemn the tax cuts being given to the owners of companies who used that money to come back to the US, to create more jobs, to created full-time jobs, to give their employees raises, to give their employees bonuses...owners who have helped Trump create an economy stronger than we have seen in DECADES.

This all happening as a result in investing in and giving those who create jobs and opportunities like this completely escapes the Democrats, who see all of this money - which they consider to be THEIR money - flowing back into the hands and pockets of Americans, and immediately fear the realization that this success is making Americans more successful, more independent, and LESS dependent on them!
It will create more growth than the Dems tax cut.
Deficits are increasing during a strong economy. That is as irresponsible as it gets.
Let me know when dem politicians decide to be responsible on spending.

Republicans control the government and deficits are increasing in a strong economy. I assume you are like all repubs and only fiscally responsible when Dems are in power?
That's terrible!!!! Personally, I'd cut government spending 30%.
To start.
But you are happy to vote for big spending repubs right?
Compared to Dem twats, you bet!!!
I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

Liberals continue to condemn the tax cuts being given to the owners of companies who used that money to come back to the US, to create more jobs, to created full-time jobs, to give their employees raises, to give their employees bonuses...owners who have helped Trump create an economy stronger than we have seen in DECADES.

This all happening as a result in investing in and giving those who create jobs and opportunities like this completely escapes the Democrats, who see all of this money - which they consider to be THEIR money - flowing back into the hands and pockets of Americans, and immediately fear the realization that this success is making Americans more successful, more independent, and LESS dependent on them!

I don’t see it. What are you basing all that on? Labor force participation low, wages growth low, first quarter was only 2.2% growth, and deficits are growing.
Deficits are increasing during a strong economy. That is as irresponsible as it gets.
Let me know when dem politicians decide to be responsible on spending.

Republicans control the government and deficits are increasing in a strong economy. I assume you are like all repubs and only fiscally responsible when Dems are in power?
That's terrible!!!! Personally, I'd cut government spending 30%.
To start.
But you are happy to vote for big spending repubs right?
Compared to Dem twats, you bet!!!
Deficits were decreasing before trump.
Let me know when dem politicians decide to be responsible on spending.

Republicans control the government and deficits are increasing in a strong economy. I assume you are like all repubs and only fiscally responsible when Dems are in power?
That's terrible!!!! Personally, I'd cut government spending 30%.
To start.
But you are happy to vote for big spending repubs right?
Compared to Dem twats, you bet!!!
Deficits were decreasing before trump.
Prove it.
I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

Liberals continue to condemn the tax cuts being given to the owners of companies who used that money to come back to the US, to create more jobs, to created full-time jobs, to give their employees raises, to give their employees bonuses...owners who have helped Trump create an economy stronger than we have seen in DECADES.

This all happening as a result in investing in and giving those who create jobs and opportunities like this completely escapes the Democrats, who see all of this money - which they consider to be THEIR money - flowing back into the hands and pockets of Americans, and immediately fear the realization that this success is making Americans more successful, more independent, and LESS dependent on them!

I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

That's not necessarily true, if we didn't have poor people killing each pther, robbing people we wouldn't have all these cop jobs. .
I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

Liberals continue to condemn the tax cuts being given to the owners of companies who used that money to come back to the US, to create more jobs, to created full-time jobs, to give their employees raises, to give their employees bonuses...owners who have helped Trump create an economy stronger than we have seen in DECADES.

This all happening as a result in investing in and giving those who create jobs and opportunities like this completely escapes the Democrats, who see all of this money - which they consider to be THEIR money - flowing back into the hands and pockets of Americans, and immediately fear the realization that this success is making Americans more successful, more independent, and LESS dependent on them!

I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

That's not necessarily true, if we didn't have poor people killing each pther, robbing people we wouldn't have all these cop jobs. .
That Vegas shooter wasn’t poor..
I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

Liberals continue to condemn the tax cuts being given to the owners of companies who used that money to come back to the US, to create more jobs, to created full-time jobs, to give their employees raises, to give their employees bonuses...owners who have helped Trump create an economy stronger than we have seen in DECADES.

This all happening as a result in investing in and giving those who create jobs and opportunities like this completely escapes the Democrats, who see all of this money - which they consider to be THEIR money - flowing back into the hands and pockets of Americans, and immediately fear the realization that this success is making Americans more successful, more independent, and LESS dependent on them!

I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

That's not necessarily true, if we didn't have poor people killing each pther, robbing people we wouldn't have all these cop jobs. .
That Vegas shooter wasn’t poor..

So now you saying poor people don't create jobs?

I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

Liberals continue to condemn the tax cuts being given to the owners of companies who used that money to come back to the US, to create more jobs, to created full-time jobs, to give their employees raises, to give their employees bonuses...owners who have helped Trump create an economy stronger than we have seen in DECADES.

This all happening as a result in investing in and giving those who create jobs and opportunities like this completely escapes the Democrats, who see all of this money - which they consider to be THEIR money - flowing back into the hands and pockets of Americans, and immediately fear the realization that this success is making Americans more successful, more independent, and LESS dependent on them!

I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

That's not necessarily true, if we didn't have poor people killing each pther, robbing people we wouldn't have all these cop jobs. .
That Vegas shooter wasn’t poor..

So now you saying poor people don't create jobs?

I’m pointing out the rich kill too.
I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

Liberals continue to condemn the tax cuts being given to the owners of companies who used that money to come back to the US, to create more jobs, to created full-time jobs, to give their employees raises, to give their employees bonuses...owners who have helped Trump create an economy stronger than we have seen in DECADES.

This all happening as a result in investing in and giving those who create jobs and opportunities like this completely escapes the Democrats, who see all of this money - which they consider to be THEIR money - flowing back into the hands and pockets of Americans, and immediately fear the realization that this success is making Americans more successful, more independent, and LESS dependent on them!

I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

That's not necessarily true, if we didn't have poor people killing each pther, robbing people we wouldn't have all these cop jobs. .
That Vegas shooter wasn’t poor..

So now you saying poor people don't create jobs?

I’m pointing out the rich kill too.

You're pointing out how easy I can set you up..
I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

Liberals continue to condemn the tax cuts being given to the owners of companies who used that money to come back to the US, to create more jobs, to created full-time jobs, to give their employees raises, to give their employees bonuses...owners who have helped Trump create an economy stronger than we have seen in DECADES.

This all happening as a result in investing in and giving those who create jobs and opportunities like this completely escapes the Democrats, who see all of this money - which they consider to be THEIR money - flowing back into the hands and pockets of Americans, and immediately fear the realization that this success is making Americans more successful, more independent, and LESS dependent on them!

I don’t see it. What are you basing all that on? Labor force participation low, wages growth low, first quarter was only 2.2% growth, and deficits are growing.
I know you don't see it. That's part of the problem.

Again, Trump put cash back in the hands of those who owned businesses and create jobs. What ensued?

Businesses returned to the US.
Workers got bonuses.
Workers got raises.
MORE jobs were created.
More FULL-TIME Jobs were created.
The stock market stabilized / rose.
Unemployment went down - to record levels
Housing prices went up.
The economy soared to levels not seen in decades.
The cost of utilities went down.
The amount of Taxes paid into the Federal Govt have hit historic highs...

Yes, deficits are growing again...they have constantly been growing for years...but the deficits have continued to soar because we still have self-destructive, criminally fiscal a$$holes who are looking BEYOND the exploding deficits to the projects / special interest groups, etc they want to spend money on ... willing to dump the ticking time bomb in our kds' and grand kids' laps.... POLITICIANS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE HAVE BEEN DONIG THAT FOR MORE THAN A DECADE...

For example, regarding spending - it was reported in the news to day that the Federal Govt is spending something like $300k on a study to 'ENSURE LESBIANS ARE USING THE 'RIGHT' KIND OF CONTRACEPTIVE'.

Correct me if I am wrong, but science / nature has not come up with a way for two people of the same sex to create life - become pregnant - so why do lesbians having sex with one another need CONTRACEPTIVES at all? AND WHY DOES THE FEDERAL GOVT HAVE TO USE MY TAX DOLLARS TO PAY FOR IT? Talk about FRAUD, WATE, and ABUSE!

It does not matter WHOSE idiot - GOP or DEM - agreed to fund this, the money should be immediately withdrawn from the douche bag's personal savings account immediately!
I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

Liberals continue to condemn the tax cuts being given to the owners of companies who used that money to come back to the US, to create more jobs, to created full-time jobs, to give their employees raises, to give their employees bonuses...owners who have helped Trump create an economy stronger than we have seen in DECADES.

This all happening as a result in investing in and giving those who create jobs and opportunities like this completely escapes the Democrats, who see all of this money - which they consider to be THEIR money - flowing back into the hands and pockets of Americans, and immediately fear the realization that this success is making Americans more successful, more independent, and LESS dependent on them!

I don’t see it. What are you basing all that on? Labor force participation low, wages growth low, first quarter was only 2.2% growth, and deficits are growing.
I know you don't see it. That's part of the problem.

Again, Trump put cash back in the hands of those who owned businesses and create jobs. What ensued?

Businesses returned to the US.
Workers got bonuses.
Workers got raises.
MORE jobs were created.
More FULL-TIME Jobs were created.
The stock market stabilized / rose.
Unemployment went down - to record levels
Housing prices went up.
The economy soared to levels not seen in decades.
The cost of utilities went down.
The amount of Taxes paid into the Federal Govt have hit historic highs...

Yes, deficits are growing again...they have constantly been growing for years...but the deficits have continued to soar because we still have self-destructive, criminally fiscal a$$holes who are looking BEYOND the exploding deficits to the projects / special interest groups, etc they want to spend money on ... willing to dump the ticking time bomb in our kds' and grand kids' laps.... POLITICIANS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE HAVE BEEN DONIG THAT FOR MORE THAN A DECADE...

For example, regarding spending - it was reported in the news to day that the Federal Govt is spending something like $300k on a study to 'ENSURE LESBIANS ARE USING THE 'RIGHT' KIND OF CONTRACEPTIVE'.

Correct me if I am wrong, but science / nature has not come up with a way for two people of the same sex to create life - become pregnant - so why do lesbians having sex with one another need CONTRACEPTIVES at all? AND WHY DOES THE FEDERAL GOVT HAVE TO USE MY TAX DOLLARS TO PAY FOR IT? Talk about FRAUD, WATE, and ABUSE!

It does not matter WHOSE idiot - GOP or DEM - agreed to fund this, the money should be immediately withdrawn from the douche bag's personal savings account immediately!
You don’t seem to have any numbers to back that up. You are just babbling. None of that is happening.
I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

Liberals continue to condemn the tax cuts being given to the owners of companies who used that money to come back to the US, to create more jobs, to created full-time jobs, to give their employees raises, to give their employees bonuses...owners who have helped Trump create an economy stronger than we have seen in DECADES.

This all happening as a result in investing in and giving those who create jobs and opportunities like this completely escapes the Democrats, who see all of this money - which they consider to be THEIR money - flowing back into the hands and pockets of Americans, and immediately fear the realization that this success is making Americans more successful, more independent, and LESS dependent on them!

I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

That's not necessarily true, if we didn't have poor people killing each pther, robbing people we wouldn't have all these cop jobs. .
That Vegas shooter wasn’t poor..

So now you saying poor people don't create jobs?

I’m pointing out the rich kill too.

You're pointing out how easy I can set you up..
You seem really confused...
I have never met a poor man who created jobs....

That's not necessarily true, if we didn't have poor people killing each pther, robbing people we wouldn't have all these cop jobs. .
That Vegas shooter wasn’t poor..

So now you saying poor people don't create jobs?

I’m pointing out the rich kill too.

You're pointing out how easy I can set you up..
You seem really confused...

What a little mind you have ...
That Vegas shooter wasn’t poor..

So now you saying poor people don't create jobs?

I’m pointing out the rich kill too.

You're pointing out how easy I can set you up..
You seem really confused...

What a little mind you have ...

It's a simple question , if poor people followed the law would their be?

A.. less cops

B. More cops

C. Same amount of cops
Nope..but I think you're this point...Especially since over time oil increases in does not depreciate. If the oil companies wish to write off their capital and such..via depreciation--I've no problem with that. As long as they use the same rules every other business uses....a percentage..and not the whole. Oh..and as long as it's understood that oil exploration is the cost of doing business..and is NOT included as a write-off. I simply do not believe that the American taxpayer should bear the cost of private businesses everyday expenses.
How is depletion of an oil deposit different than depreciation? How is exploration expense not an expense to be written off, like any other business expense?

Can depreciation exceed the value of the original investment? The depletion allowance can. And normally you depreciate a building that someone built. Nobody "built" the damn oil that has been sitting in the ground for millions of years.
Because no one built it, it can't be depleted?

Come on, use your head. I already told you how it was different. The depletion allowance can exceed the value of the original investment, which is total bullshit and makes no sense whatsoever. How can you justify that? In your example the depletion allowance would have been three million dollars. And it could be three million dollars in perpetuity. I mean why don't I get a depletion allowance for the gasoline I buy for my business. I fill up, it costs forty bucks. I write off the forty bucks and then, well hell, I guess I should get a depletion allowance because that gas gets depleted.
The gross income was 20 million. That doesn't allow 3 million a year, forever. That allows a total of 3 million.

For that one year. The next year, say the oil wheel explodes and results in 100 million dollars in income. The depletion allowance is 15 million. Or let's just say the oil produces 20 million a year for twenty years. Well, that is a three million dollar depletion allowance each and every year. Now, I have stated that the difference between a depletion allowance and depreciation is that the depletion allowance can exceed the value of the original investment. Unlike depreciation, or even normal expenses, the depletion allowance is not limited to the cost of the property.

And if you want to support the depletion allowance then you better not ever, EVER, call yourself a supporter of "free markets". The depletion allowance results in ineffective allocation of resources, it distorts markets, Today, this very day, there are hundreds of wells operating at what would be a loss, or at production levels so low they do not justify continued extraction BUT FOR the depletion allowance. Hell, sometimes they are sold as "investments", not for the value of the oil extracted, BUT FOR the damn depletion allowance. Since the depletion allowance is calculated on gross revenue it both subsidizes, and encourages, all the cost associated with oil production. From the foreman's salary to the equipment. And you guys bitch about clean energy subsidies. Talk about cognitive dissonance.
You don’t seem to have any numbers to back that up. You are just babbling. None of that is happening.
uuummm, I have the continuous news being reported by almost every news agency how this has all continued to happen under Trump, how we now have the strongest economy and lowest unemployment that we have seen in decades. It's found on almost ever media site, is being talked about on tv and radio, and can easily be found on Google....
You don’t seem to have any numbers to back that up. You are just babbling. None of that is happening.
uuummm, I have the continuous news being reported by almost every news agency how this has all continued to happen under Trump, how we now have the strongest economy and lowest unemployment that we have seen in decades. It's found on almost ever media site, is being talked about on tv and radio, and can easily be found on Google....
According to trump the real unemployment rate is over 20%.

So you can’t back up what you are saying obviously.

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