Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says

Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says

Tax cut scoreboard: Workers $6 billion; Shareholders $171 billion

Wow, this is one of the most expensive tax cuts in history. And at a time when corporations are doing really, really well. Why not share with the workers?


ARC: Athens County back to 'distressed' status

This is Appalachia, the center of the Republican Party. The area that has the 10 poorest counties in the United States. Those counties being more than 98% white.

Why not pass some of those tax cuts along as wage increases for whites living in the Appalachia area?

Why not pass those tax cuts on to the owners of the company?

Did the workers NOT also get tax cuts?

Specifically, who pays corporate Federal Income Taxes? Who does that money come from?
Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says

Tax cut scoreboard: Workers $6 billion; Shareholders $171 billion

Wow, this is one of the most expensive tax cuts in history. And at a time when corporations are doing really, really well. Why not share with the workers?


ARC: Athens County back to 'distressed' status

This is Appalachia, the center of the Republican Party. The area that has the 10 poorest counties in the United States. Those counties being more than 98% white.

Why not pass some of those tax cuts along as wage increases for whites living in the Appalachia area?

Why not pass those tax cuts on to the owners of the company?

Did the workers NOT also get tax cuts?

Specifically, who pays corporate Federal Income Taxes? Who does that money come from?
What we need is higher wages. If making the rich richer led to strong economic growth, we'd have the fastest growing economy in the world. We need a strong middle class again for strong economic growth.
I've seen little evidence it is changing. Labor force participation still just as low under obama too!

True, and we also have more jobs available than workers to fill those jobs. Why? Lack of skills. We have reached the bottom of the barrel of workers. They don't want a job, do they?
What we need is higher wages. If making the rich richer led to strong economic growth, we'd have the fastest growing economy in the world. We need a strong middle class again for strong economic growth.

We have strong economic growth and higher wages will follow insofar as there are more jobs available than workers to fill them. It took EIGHT YEARS of economic malaise from our former failed President to create this mess and the ship is already turning!
I've seen little evidence it is changing. Labor force participation still just as low under obama too!

True, and we also have more jobs available than workers to fill those jobs. Why? Lack of skills. We have reached the bottom of the barrel of workers. They don't want a job, do they?
You must have a study to share that confirms your claims? What skilled jobs aren't being filled? Normally wages would be increasing with such low unemployment, but it hasn't been.
Help me out here... aren't business tax cuts... first and foremost, designed to spur businesses into reinvesting excess capital back into things like R&D, expansion etc.???
Republicans sold it to us like it would increase wages.

All but Bernie Sanders worshipers should realize that the only way to increase wages (without Gov. artificially propping them up) is for there to be more jobs than there are workers to fill them. (period) So how does this happen... lower taxes on the middle class & business to free up more of their money to be the good little materialistic, greedy, expansion driven individuals and business that they are striving to be.
What we need is higher wages. If making the rich richer led to strong economic growth, we'd have the fastest growing economy in the world. We need a strong middle class again for strong economic growth.

We have strong economic growth and higher wages will follow insofar as there are more jobs available than workers to fill them. It took EIGHT YEARS of economic malaise from our former failed President to create this mess and the ship is already turning!
Obama was given a mess. He turned it around. Trump inherited an economy in great shape relative to what obama received. First quarter was 2.2% growth. Better than a recession, but not overly impressive given all the cut regulations, tax breaks, increased deficits, kicking out illegals....
Help me out here... aren't business tax cuts... first and foremost, designed to spur businesses into reinvesting excess capital back into things like R&D, expansion etc.???
Republicans sold it to us like it would increase wages.

All but Bernie Sanders worshipers should realize that the only way to increase wages (without Gov. artificially propping them up) is for there to be more jobs than there are workers to fill them. (period) So how does this happen... lower taxes on the middle class & business to free up more of their money to be the good little materialistic, greedy, expansion driven individuals and business that they are striving to be.

O yeh... probably a huge influx of illiterate, uneducated (as wonderful as they may be) illegal aliens from other countries shouldn't be allowed through until the shortage of jobs has just made wages so disgustingly bloated that people are using cash for toilet paper...messing up the Dept. of the Treasuries monetary system & all... IMHO
Help me out here... aren't business tax cuts... first and foremost, designed to spur businesses into reinvesting excess capital back into things like R&D, expansion etc.???
Republicans sold it to us like it would increase wages.

All but Bernie Sanders worshipers should realize that the only way to increase wages (without Gov. artificially propping them up) is for there to be more jobs than there are workers to fill them. (period) So how does this happen... lower taxes on the middle class & business to free up more of their money to be the good little materialistic, greedy, expansion driven individuals and business that they are striving to be.

Given the unemployment rates, wages should have had significant growth by now. There is still time of course, but it is unimpressive so far.
What we need is higher wages. If making the rich richer led to strong economic growth, we'd have the fastest growing economy in the world. We need a strong middle class again for strong economic growth.

We have strong economic growth and higher wages will follow insofar as there are more jobs available than workers to fill them. It took EIGHT YEARS of economic malaise from our former failed President to create this mess and the ship is already turning!
Obama was given a mess. He turned it around. Trump inherited an economy in great shape relative to what obama received. First quarter was 2.2% growth. Better than a recession, but not overly impressive given all the cut regulations, tax breaks, increased deficits, kicking out illegals....
But that sage wisdom and logic 2008 - 2016 was set up for Obama by GW... right?
What we need is higher wages. If making the rich richer led to strong economic growth, we'd have the fastest growing economy in the world. We need a strong middle class again for strong economic growth.

We have strong economic growth and higher wages will follow insofar as there are more jobs available than workers to fill them. It took EIGHT YEARS of economic malaise from our former failed President to create this mess and the ship is already turning!
Obama was given a mess. He turned it around. Trump inherited an economy in great shape relative to what obama received. First quarter was 2.2% growth. Better than a recession, but not overly impressive given all the cut regulations, tax breaks, increased deficits, kicking out illegals....
But that sage wisdom and logic 2008 - 2016 was set up for Obama by GW... right?
GW certainly left the country in a mess. Trump was quite clear he also believed that.
What we need is higher wages. If making the rich richer led to strong economic growth, we'd have the fastest growing economy in the world. We need a strong middle class again for strong economic growth.

We have strong economic growth and higher wages will follow insofar as there are more jobs available than workers to fill them. It took EIGHT YEARS of economic malaise from our former failed President to create this mess and the ship is already turning!
Obama was given a mess. He turned it around. Trump inherited an economy in great shape relative to what obama received. First quarter was 2.2% growth. Better than a recession, but not overly impressive given all the cut regulations, tax breaks, increased deficits, kicking out illegals....
But that sage wisdom and logic 2008 - 2016 was set up for Obama by GW... right?
GW certainly left the country in a mess. Trump was quite clear he also believed that.
As do most of us... blind partisanship is, uh... blind. Wouldn't come close to characterizing their ideologies as tantamount, just that they got lumped into the same 'party'.
What we need is higher wages. If making the rich richer led to strong economic growth, we'd have the fastest growing economy in the world. We need a strong middle class again for strong economic growth.

We have strong economic growth and higher wages will follow insofar as there are more jobs available than workers to fill them. It took EIGHT YEARS of economic malaise from our former failed President to create this mess and the ship is already turning!
Obama was given a mess. He turned it around. Trump inherited an economy in great shape relative to what obama received. First quarter was 2.2% growth. Better than a recession, but not overly impressive given all the cut regulations, tax breaks, increased deficits, kicking out illegals....
But that sage wisdom and logic 2008 - 2016 was set up for Obama by GW... right?
GW certainly left the country in a mess. Trump was quite clear he also believed that.
As do most of us... blind partisanship is, uh... blind. Wouldn't come close to characterizing their ideologies as tantamount, just that they got lumped into the same 'party'.
GW is like the democrats Jimmy Carter. Seem to be nice guys, but they left their country in worse shape.
Is depreciation a subsidy?
Nope..but I think you're this point...Especially since over time oil increases in does not depreciate. If the oil companies wish to write off their capital and such..via depreciation--I've no problem with that. As long as they use the same rules every other business uses....a percentage..and not the whole. Oh..and as long as it's understood that oil exploration is the cost of doing business..and is NOT included as a write-off. I simply do not believe that the American taxpayer should bear the cost of private businesses everyday expenses.
How is depletion of an oil deposit different than depreciation? How is exploration expense not an expense to be written off, like any other business expense?

Can depreciation exceed the value of the original investment? The depletion allowance can. And normally you depreciate a building that someone built. Nobody "built" the damn oil that has been sitting in the ground for millions of years.
Because no one built it, it can't be depleted?

Come on, use your head. I already told you how it was different. The depletion allowance can exceed the value of the original investment, which is total bullshit and makes no sense whatsoever. How can you justify that? In your example the depletion allowance would have been three million dollars. And it could be three million dollars in perpetuity. I mean why don't I get a depletion allowance for the gasoline I buy for my business. I fill up, it costs forty bucks. I write off the forty bucks and then, well hell, I guess I should get a depletion allowance because that gas gets depleted.
The gross income was 20 million. That doesn't allow 3 million a year, forever. That allows a total of 3 million.
You seem to be switching back and forth between job growth, wage growth and labor participation. Pick one, comment on one or piss off.
I don't see why we can't discuss all of them. Trump before he was elected talked about how bad our participation rate was and that our real unemployment rate was like 25%, the participation rate is just as low now. There isn't much wage growth to speak of. All this and increased deficits.

And he adds another piece....
Are you unable to discuss the economy?

Unable to discuss with someone that want's to interchange words, one post you talk about jobs not going up, next you talk about wages not going up, then participation simple answer is no, not with you.
I see, you are too slow to keep. I'm not surprised...

Wow, either that or you're too fragmented to have a complete thought....dumbass.
Debt doesn't matter, remember?

No one you voted for cares about the debt ergo you don't care about the debt
I do care actually.
And yet you vote for people who don't
I vote against those who have shown they dont.
So you voted against Obama?
You voted against your senators and congressmen who voted to raise the debt ceiling?
That’s how it works. I don’t just bitch like you.
I noticed you didn't answer the question and I'm not bitching about the debt because IDGAF about the debt no one does.

All I care about is keeping as much of my own money as I possibly can
I agree, no more "green energy" subsidies.
Did we get more of those when repubs increases the deficits?
End the subsidies!!!!!
You dodged the question.
Across the board tax cuts aren't handouts.
Only 13% going to workers, quite a big handout. Meanwhile deficits are increasing.

It's better then a lousy $400 bucks I got from Obama and then he raised the social security tax
I don't see why we can't discuss all of them. Trump before he was elected talked about how bad our participation rate was and that our real unemployment rate was like 25%, the participation rate is just as low now. There isn't much wage growth to speak of. All this and increased deficits.

And he adds another piece....
Are you unable to discuss the economy?

Unable to discuss with someone that want's to interchange words, one post you talk about jobs not going up, next you talk about wages not going up, then participation simple answer is no, not with you.
I see, you are too slow to keep. I'm not surprised...

Wow, either that or you're too fragmented to have a complete thought....dumbass.
You were clearly overwhelmed...
I do care actually.
And yet you vote for people who don't
I vote against those who have shown they dont.
So you voted against Obama?
You voted against your senators and congressmen who voted to raise the debt ceiling?
That’s how it works. I don’t just bitch like you.
I noticed you didn't answer the question and I'm not bitching about the debt because IDGAF about the debt no one does.

All I care about is keeping as much of my own money as I possibly can
If debt collapses our currency you will have much less.

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