Only 52% of Americans are invested in the stock market.



Just Over Half of Americans Own Stocks, Matching Record Low

Nearly three in four middle-class Americans, with annual household incomes ranging from $30,000 to $74,999, said they invested money in the stock market in 2007. Today, only half report having stock investments. This 22-percentage-point drop is more than double the changes seen in stock investing among higher and lower income groups.

Over half of Americans have $0 in stocks

Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power


Right now, my two accounts are doing great. Moving up by thousands of dollars in just a few weeks.

But after the first of Jan and before Trump's swearing in, I'm changing to less risky investments. In 2008, Republican policies caused my portfolio to drop by more than a third. I can't afford that now that I'm retired.

CEO's and investors are delirious Trump is now the President elect. They assume he will be great for business. That he will slash corporate tax, screw the middle class, cut taxes for billionaires and do great things for investors.

Here's the problem. Consider a trade agreement like NAFTA which was actually put together by Republicans and signed by Bill Clinton after President Bush signed it first.

Trump Is Wrong, NAFTA Was Not Bill Clinton’s Creation

NAFTA supports over a hundred and forty thousand small and medium businesses in the United States. There were clauses in NAFTA to protect American workers. For instance, there was an education plan that would retrain American workers in case they lost their jobs because of NAFTA, but Republicans refused to fund it. Just like they refuse to help the Middle Class in anything. We all already know that.
There were environmental protection plans to protect both countries from environmental rape.

Republicans on the USMB will say Mexican Trucks can go anywhere in the US but US Trucks can't go into Mexico. That was because American Trucks can't go on Mexican roads. Too big. And Congress made an alteration that Mexican trucks have to unload at the boarder and American Trucks would pick up the goods. Mexican Trucks are simply too dangerous to drive on American highways. That's how things are supposed to work. You find a problem and you fix it.

Well, Trump supporters have cried for so long about NAFTA, Trump almost has to scrap it. Besides, he has already made an enemy of Mexico and possibly China.

The world is much more interconnected today and less dependent on the US. I believe Trump is going to sabotage trade agreements and cause a worse recession than 2008. I need to take my money out of risky investments and move them to safer investments. I will do that before Trump is sworn in. I think it won't take long before Trump's impact will distress the American economy.
Oh yeah, there IS this. Every president so far has signed NAFTA.
Here's Bill.
Goldman Sachs is the big winner of this election. 3 cabinet members, and 1/3 of the market rally since Trump was elected.
You ever look at the titles of what you post for conflicts?
Just Over Half of Americans Own Stocks, Matching Record Low
Now that moron says just over half own.
Over half of Americans have $0 in stocks
That says over half do NOT own.
Common core math there idiot?
Nit wit. The articles are more than a year apart. more than enough time for the statistics to change by one or 2%.

So what percentage of Americans to you think own stocks?
Its YOUR OP idiot. Can't YOU be up to date?
You ever look at the titles of what you post for conflicts?
Just Over Half of Americans Own Stocks, Matching Record Low
Now that moron says just over half own.
Over half of Americans have $0 in stocks
That says over half do NOT own.
Common core math there idiot?

Homicides per 100,000 nationwide.

Homicides — United States, 2007 and 2009
You ever look at the titles of what you post for conflicts?
Just Over Half of Americans Own Stocks, Matching Record Low
Now that moron says just over half own.
Over half of Americans have $0 in stocks
That says over half do NOT own.
Common core math there idiot?

Homicides per 100,000 nationwide.

Homicides — United States, 2007 and 2009
Derailing your OWN OP because you got caught looking stupid?
Folks here are used to it from you.
You ever look at the titles of what you post for conflicts?
Just Over Half of Americans Own Stocks, Matching Record Low
Now that moron says just over half own.
Over half of Americans have $0 in stocks
That says over half do NOT own.
Common core math there idiot?

Homicides per 100,000 nationwide.

Homicides — United States, 2007 and 2009
Derailing your OWN OP because you got caught looking stupid?
Folks here are used to it from you.
Looking stupid how?

But I do enjoy your joke of a map.
You ever look at the titles of what you post for conflicts?
Just Over Half of Americans Own Stocks, Matching Record Low
Now that moron says just over half own.
Over half of Americans have $0 in stocks
That says over half do NOT own.
Common core math there idiot?

Homicides per 100,000 nationwide.

Homicides — United States, 2007 and 2009
Derailing your OWN OP because you got caught looking stupid?
Folks here are used to it from you.
Looking stupid how?

But I do enjoy your joke of a map.
That blue map is yours moron.
You ever look at the titles of what you post for conflicts?
Just Over Half of Americans Own Stocks, Matching Record Low
Now that moron says just over half own.
Over half of Americans have $0 in stocks
That says over half do NOT own.
Common core math there idiot?

Homicides per 100,000 nationwide.

Homicides — United States, 2007 and 2009
Derailing your OWN OP because you got caught looking stupid?
Folks here are used to it from you.
Looking stupid how?

But I do enjoy your joke of a map.
That blue map is yours moron.
I know.

This one's yours:


It's a joke. Mine is for real. SFB's.
You ever look at the titles of what you post for conflicts?
Just Over Half of Americans Own Stocks, Matching Record Low
Now that moron says just over half own.
Over half of Americans have $0 in stocks
That says over half do NOT own.
Common core math there idiot?

Homicides per 100,000 nationwide.

Homicides — United States, 2007 and 2009
Derailing your OWN OP because you got caught looking stupid?
Folks here are used to it from you.
Looking stupid how?

But I do enjoy your joke of a map.
That blue map is yours moron.
I know.

This one's yours:


It's a joke. Mine is for real. SFB's.
To be fair, the blue spots on his map represent around 90% of the country's GDP.
I don't know what your investments were.... or are in exactly.... but I have no intention of changing mine.

First, I highly doubt that the scrapping of NAFTA will cause long term damage.

I could be wrong. It depends on how Trump goes about it.

View 1
If Trump makes a typical political move, he'll replace NAFTA with trade agreements that does exactly the same thing, with minor tweaks, and in the end little will change, but he'll claim he did an amazing feat that protected American jobs.

The end result is, the market will go up and down, nothing significant will happen, and I'll end up making tons of money off my stocks.

View 2
Trump scraps NAFTA, and replaces it with less economical trade agreements. Stocks go down in value slightly, but as the companies adapt to the new trade system, they recover.

While the stocks are low in value, the company still makes money. So now I can buy GM stock, or Ford stock, or any number of stocks, for a discount price. When they recover, I'll make hundreds of thousands. Buy low, sell high.

View 3
Trump really screws up trade. Stocks tank. Companies fail to recover.

My money is in mutual funds. Mutual funds have full time professional investors that look at things like trade and government policy, and make wise investments based on the economic reality.

They may sell off Ford stock, knowing the company will get hammered by the end of NAFTA, and instead invest in Google, and Walmart, and dozens of companies that simply are not going to be harmed by the end of NAFTA.

My portfolio will drop a little, and then recover, making me tons of money.

View 4.
Trump destroys the country, and we end up in a great depression.

IF that happens, I highly doubt you have a 'less risky' investment to put your money in. If all the major companies all bankrupt, your CDs in the bank will likely be risky. Everything will be risky. If the entire country implodes, there is no such thing as 'less risky'.

Even so, I have 50% of all my money invested internationally. So if the US implodes, I'll have investments in China, Japan, Europe, and even some South American investments. So I may lose a bit, but I have plenty more invested wisely.

Sorry, but I'm not going to let fear, prevent me from investing wisely. I'm not going to run and hide under a bush in the back yard because someone is running around screaming the sky if falling.

Diversify and invest. Diversify and invest. People who change their investments out of panic and fear, end up poor. This guy in 2000, sold off all his stocks because the market tanked, then when it recovered bought back in. Turned a million into $800,000. Why? Because he panicked, sold low, and bought high. Then he did it again in 2008, sold everything, and when the market recovered, bought back in. Turned $850,000 into $700,000.

Don't be stupid. In 2007, everyone... and I mean everyone I talked to, said sell sell sell...... I bought every stock I could. I sank thousands into the market, during the very months the market was falling. Every week, the market lost 10 points, I dropped another $500 into the market. When the market recovered, I doubled my investment. Literally the value of my investments was twice as much as the amount of money I put into the market.

While everyone was crying and whining about how much money they lost, and how it was evil Bush's fault... I made money hand over fist. Rule number one of being wealthy.... don't freak out.
You ever look at the titles of what you post for conflicts?
Just Over Half of Americans Own Stocks, Matching Record Low
Now that moron says just over half own.
Over half of Americans have $0 in stocks
That says over half do NOT own.
Common core math there idiot?

Homicides per 100,000 nationwide.

Homicides — United States, 2007 and 2009
Derailing your OWN OP because you got caught looking stupid?
Folks here are used to it from you.
Looking stupid how?

But I do enjoy your joke of a map.
That blue map is yours moron.
I know.

This one's yours:


It's a joke. Mine is for real. SFB's.
Oh, mine is for real. The first one is a county by county map where you got your ass kicked, feel free to check it. The second is where democrats commit the most crimes and its a government map as well.
I don't know what your investments were.... or are in exactly.... but I have no intention of changing mine.

First, I highly doubt that the scrapping of NAFTA will cause long term damage.

I could be wrong. It depends on how Trump goes about it.

View 1
If Trump makes a typical political move, he'll replace NAFTA with trade agreements that does exactly the same thing, with minor tweaks, and in the end little will change, but he'll claim he did an amazing feat that protected American jobs.

The end result is, the market will go up and down, nothing significant will happen, and I'll end up making tons of money off my stocks.

View 2
Trump scraps NAFTA, and replaces it with less economical trade agreements. Stocks go down in value slightly, but as the companies adapt to the new trade system, they recover.

While the stocks are low in value, the company still makes money. So now I can buy GM stock, or Ford stock, or any number of stocks, for a discount price. When they recover, I'll make hundreds of thousands. Buy low, sell high.

View 3
Trump really screws up trade. Stocks tank. Companies fail to recover.

My money is in mutual funds. Mutual funds have full time professional investors that look at things like trade and government policy, and make wise investments based on the economic reality.

They may sell off Ford stock, knowing the company will get hammered by the end of NAFTA, and instead invest in Google, and Walmart, and dozens of companies that simply are not going to be harmed by the end of NAFTA.

My portfolio will drop a little, and then recover, making me tons of money.

View 4.
Trump destroys the country, and we end up in a great depression.

IF that happens, I highly doubt you have a 'less risky' investment to put your money in. If all the major companies all bankrupt, your CDs in the bank will likely be risky. Everything will be risky. If the entire country implodes, there is no such thing as 'less risky'.

Even so, I have 50% of all my money invested internationally. So if the US implodes, I'll have investments in China, Japan, Europe, and even some South American investments. So I may lose a bit, but I have plenty more invested wisely.

Sorry, but I'm not going to let fear, prevent me from investing wisely. I'm not going to run and hide under a bush in the back yard because someone is running around screaming the sky if falling.

Diversify and invest. Diversify and invest. People who change their investments out of panic and fear, end up poor. This guy in 2000, sold off all his stocks because the market tanked, then when it recovered bought back in. Turned a million into $800,000. Why? Because he panicked, sold low, and bought high. Then he did it again in 2008, sold everything, and when the market recovered, bought back in. Turned $850,000 into $700,000.

Don't be stupid. In 2007, everyone... and I mean everyone I talked to, said sell sell sell...... I bought every stock I could. I sank thousands into the market, during the very months the market was falling. Every week, the market lost 10 points, I dropped another $500 into the market. When the market recovered, I doubled my investment. Literally the value of my investments was twice as much as the amount of money I put into the market.

While everyone was crying and whining about how much money they lost, and how it was evil Bush's fault... I made money hand over fist. Rule number one of being wealthy.... don't freak out.
I think view 2 is what we are looking at.
I don't know what your investments were.... or are in exactly.... but I have no intention of changing mine.

First, I highly doubt that the scrapping of NAFTA will cause long term damage.

I could be wrong. It depends on how Trump goes about it.

View 1
If Trump makes a typical political move, he'll replace NAFTA with trade agreements that does exactly the same thing, with minor tweaks, and in the end little will change, but he'll claim he did an amazing feat that protected American jobs.

The end result is, the market will go up and down, nothing significant will happen, and I'll end up making tons of money off my stocks.

View 2
Trump scraps NAFTA, and replaces it with less economical trade agreements. Stocks go down in value slightly, but as the companies adapt to the new trade system, they recover.

While the stocks are low in value, the company still makes money. So now I can buy GM stock, or Ford stock, or any number of stocks, for a discount price. When they recover, I'll make hundreds of thousands. Buy low, sell high.

View 3
Trump really screws up trade. Stocks tank. Companies fail to recover.

My money is in mutual funds. Mutual funds have full time professional investors that look at things like trade and government policy, and make wise investments based on the economic reality.

They may sell off Ford stock, knowing the company will get hammered by the end of NAFTA, and instead invest in Google, and Walmart, and dozens of companies that simply are not going to be harmed by the end of NAFTA.

My portfolio will drop a little, and then recover, making me tons of money.

View 4.
Trump destroys the country, and we end up in a great depression.

IF that happens, I highly doubt you have a 'less risky' investment to put your money in. If all the major companies all bankrupt, your CDs in the bank will likely be risky. Everything will be risky. If the entire country implodes, there is no such thing as 'less risky'.

Even so, I have 50% of all my money invested internationally. So if the US implodes, I'll have investments in China, Japan, Europe, and even some South American investments. So I may lose a bit, but I have plenty more invested wisely.

Sorry, but I'm not going to let fear, prevent me from investing wisely. I'm not going to run and hide under a bush in the back yard because someone is running around screaming the sky if falling.

Diversify and invest. Diversify and invest. People who change their investments out of panic and fear, end up poor. This guy in 2000, sold off all his stocks because the market tanked, then when it recovered bought back in. Turned a million into $800,000. Why? Because he panicked, sold low, and bought high. Then he did it again in 2008, sold everything, and when the market recovered, bought back in. Turned $850,000 into $700,000.

Don't be stupid. In 2007, everyone... and I mean everyone I talked to, said sell sell sell...... I bought every stock I could. I sank thousands into the market, during the very months the market was falling. Every week, the market lost 10 points, I dropped another $500 into the market. When the market recovered, I doubled my investment. Literally the value of my investments was twice as much as the amount of money I put into the market.

While everyone was crying and whining about how much money they lost, and how it was evil Bush's fault... I made money hand over fist. Rule number one of being wealthy.... don't freak out.
I think view 2 is what we are looking at.

It's a typical political move. Politicians know they have to promise all kinds of stuff they can't possibly do. Remember Obama's closing gitmo? Everyone who wasn't an idiot, knew that couldn't happen.

It just disappeared and everyone forgot about it.
Yes, over half the country is invested in the stock market.

This includes young families growing their money for the future, and senior citizens trying to live off interest and dividends.

These are not "the rich" you keep hearing about from you-know-who.

And as the companies in which these people are investing are attacked, these people will suffer far more than some CEO.
Just Over Half of Americans Own Stocks, Matching Record Low

Nearly three in four middle-class Americans, with annual household incomes ranging from $30,000 to $74,999, said they invested money in the stock market in 2007. Today, only half report having stock investments. This 22-percentage-point drop is more than double the changes seen in stock investing among higher and lower income groups.

Over half of Americans have $0 in stocks

Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power


Right now, my two accounts are doing great. Moving up by thousands of dollars in just a few weeks.

But after the first of Jan and before Trump's swearing in, I'm changing to less risky investments. In 2008, Republican policies caused my portfolio to drop by more than a third. I can't afford that now that I'm retired.

CEO's and investors are delirious Trump is now the President elect. They assume he will be great for business. That he will slash corporate tax, screw the middle class, cut taxes for billionaires and do great things for investors.

Here's the problem. Consider a trade agreement like NAFTA which was actually put together by Republicans and signed by Bill Clinton after President Bush signed it first.

Trump Is Wrong, NAFTA Was Not Bill Clinton’s Creation

NAFTA supports over a hundred and forty thousand small and medium businesses in the United States. There were clauses in NAFTA to protect American workers. For instance, there was an education plan that would retrain American workers in case they lost their jobs because of NAFTA, but Republicans refused to fund it. Just like they refuse to help the Middle Class in anything. We all already know that.
There were environmental protection plans to protect both countries from environmental rape.

Republicans on the USMB will say Mexican Trucks can go anywhere in the US but US Trucks can't go into Mexico. That was because American Trucks can't go on Mexican roads. Too big. And Congress made an alteration that Mexican trucks have to unload at the boarder and American Trucks would pick up the goods. Mexican Trucks are simply too dangerous to drive on American highways. That's how things are supposed to work. You find a problem and you fix it.

Well, Trump supporters have cried for so long about NAFTA, Trump almost has to scrap it. Besides, he has already made an enemy of Mexico and possibly China.

The world is much more interconnected today and less dependent on the US. I believe Trump is going to sabotage trade agreements and cause a worse recession than 2008. I need to take my money out of risky investments and move them to safer investments. I will do that before Trump is sworn in. I think it won't take long before Trump's impact will distress the American economy.

In 2008, Republican policies caused my portfolio to drop by more than a third.

Which Republican policies?

Which of those policies was fixed by Obama?

You have a list you can post?

I need to take my money out of risky investments and move them to safer investments.

Which risky investments do you hold now?
Which safe ones will you buy soon?

Forum List
