Only in California.....the mental case state!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Who cant burst out laughing with this idea??!!!

Safety nets on bridges to stop the taxpayers expense!!!

Golden Gate Bridge set to take measures to dissuade people from jumping - Telegraph

Always look to California for the most innovatively stoopid idea's on the planet!!! Every day, they give you a new reason never to visit this Godforsaken state!!:D:D:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Always wondered how California somehow became the test-run state for every hairbrain liberal idea?
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Who cant burst out laughing with this idea??!!!

Safety nets on bridges to stop the taxpayers expense!!!

Golden Gate Bridge set to take measures to dissuade people from jumping - Telegraph

Always look to California for the most innovatively stoopid idea's on the planet!!! Every day, they give you a new reason never to visit this Godforsaken state!!:D:D:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Always wondered how California somehow became the test-run state for every hairbrain liberal idea?

and look at how many things that have come out of this State that the rest of you fuckers are now doing.....oh i wasnt supposed to say that?....sorry....
Stoopid idea saving lives.... they come, like slugs to plates of beer.

The connect the dots challenged!!!:up::rofl::rofl::rofl:

This is why you can love this messageboard.........people just line up to out themselves as having thought processing challenges, AND THEN TAKE BOWS!!!:rock::rock::rock::2up:

kind of like this poster named Skookerbil.....oh sorry sOn....
Always wondered how California somehow became the test-run state for every hairbrain liberal idea?

Ever since Democrats took over all the political power in California, it's been doing fantastic - it now has a $4 billion surplus!

I'll take those "hairbrained Liberal" policies any day.

that surplus will soon be gone Synth.....and Democrats have been the major players out here for some time now.....
Always wondered how California somehow became the test-run state for every hairbrain liberal idea?

Ever since Democrats took over all the political power in California, it's been doing fantastic - it now has a $4 billion surplus!

I'll take those "hairbrained Liberal" policies any day.

that surplus will soon be gone Synth.....and Democrats have been the major players out here for some time now.....

Why? Is a Bush about to become Governor? :)

Was Arnold a Democrat? What was the deficit the day Jerry Brown took office?
Wasn't it California that just released a few thousand "lifer" criminals??? Oh.....indeed it was!!! Brilliant stuff going on out there........:D:D:eusa_dance:

Next thing you know, they'll start putting water softener in the water for the jumpers who defeat the nets. Maybe put in a bill that bans utensils like knives........make 'em rubber.

The meatheads really do think there is a solution to every problem in life if we just think hard enough about it.......if you ban enough stuff, suicides will cease to exist!!

Here is an example of a liberal mental case who truly believes that anything is possible........that all the solutions are there to remove anything bad in society.......

[ame=]Debating A Gun Control Fanatic - YouTube[/ame]

God these people keep life fascinating!!!:D

People worry about California falling into the ocean........which really would be like a mercy killing. The whole state is quickly heading to Jonestown status!!! Gonna be fascinating to watch!!
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Always wondered how California somehow became the test-run state for every hairbrain liberal idea?

Ever since Democrats took over all the political power in California, it's been doing fantastic - it now has a $4 billion surplus!

I'll take those "hairbrained Liberal" policies any day.

that surplus will soon be gone Synth.....and Democrats have been the major players out here for some time now.....

There isn't any surplus. There never is. There is a projected surplus. We get a projected surplus every year. Sometimes it's as much as 10 billion dollars. It always turns into the same old deficit. CA is very nearly bankrupt.
Who cant burst out laughing with this idea??!!!

Safety nets on bridges to stop the taxpayers expense!!!

Golden Gate Bridge set to take measures to dissuade people from jumping - Telegraph

Always look to California for the most innovatively stoopid idea's on the planet!!! Every day, they give you a new reason never to visit this Godforsaken state!!:D:D:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Always wondered how California somehow became the test-run state for every hairbrain liberal idea?

Actually, it will save lives.
Business and people cant get out of California fast enough........

Why are people leaving California, and, who are they? | Radio Vice Online

48th worst business tax climate and people in that hideous state pay 50% more for electricity than the national average due to mega-stoopid green energy policies. Like I said.,.....the place is evolving into a Jonestown.......a socialists dream but a total snake pit.

Liberal k00ks have pulled stunts here in NYC too.......what we call "dangerous safety" the 70's, some genius' came up with the idea of slowing subways down from 70mph to 55mph to reduce suicides. Fucking brilliant........within 2-3 years, people took to traveling into the city by car and the traffic deaths on NY borough highways skyrocketed!!!

These people should never be put in charge of anything.........but in California, these morons are running the show. Bridge nets...........:rofl::rofl::rofl::eusa_dance:

What will it be on trains to scoop track jumpers into a cozy, warm container of slime foam???!! If it happens, California will be first!!!:lol:
Who cant burst out laughing with this idea??!!!

Safety nets on bridges to stop the taxpayers expense!!!

Golden Gate Bridge set to take measures to dissuade people from jumping - Telegraph

Always look to California for the most innovatively stoopid idea's on the planet!!! Every day, they give you a new reason never to visit this Godforsaken state!!:D:D:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Always wondered how California somehow became the test-run state for every hairbrain liberal idea?

They are just gearing up for society after decades of liberal rule. Pretty soon you will be unable to kill yourself.
Who cant burst out laughing with this idea??!!!

Safety nets on bridges to stop the taxpayers expense!!!

Golden Gate Bridge set to take measures to dissuade people from jumping - Telegraph

Always look to California for the most innovatively stoopid idea's on the planet!!! Every day, they give you a new reason never to visit this Godforsaken state!!:D:D:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Always wondered how California somehow became the test-run state for every hairbrain liberal idea?

Actually, it will save lives. mean it will reduce bridge jumping s0n!!:clap2:
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Who cant burst out laughing with this idea??!!!

Safety nets on bridges to stop the taxpayers expense!!!

Golden Gate Bridge set to take measures to dissuade people from jumping - Telegraph

Always look to California for the most innovatively stoopid idea's on the planet!!! Every day, they give you a new reason never to visit this Godforsaken state!!:D:D:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Always wondered how California somehow became the test-run state for every hairbrain liberal idea?

Actually, it will save lives. mean it will reduce bridge jumping s0n!!:clap2:

If it is proven safe, people will start jumping for fun.
It is the second most common suicide spot in the world after the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge in China,

This antisuicide patrolling of the Golden Gate Bridge is nothing new

While living in San Francisco in 1969, I had a roommate who attempted to leap off that bridge.

She was stopped as she was climbing over the railing.

It is SO common for people to try to kill themselves there.

Often California is the place people go to get away fronm their problems.

then they get to San Francisco and discover that THEY are the source of their their problems.

So they kill themselves by leaping from that specific bridge.

Not the other bridges in San Fran (like the Oakland bridge), only the Golden Gate.

The symbolism of the bridge leads potential suicides to choose that specific bridge.

Weird eh?
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Actually, it will save lives. mean it will reduce bridge jumping s0n!!:clap2:

If it is proven safe, people will start jumping for fun.

The liberal mind never considers necessary tradeoffs. Its not in their manner of thinking. If a public policy decision has good intentions, who cares about the results........its always a zero sum game to these people. Its a failure to connect the dots issue.

Some years back, a family of 8 was wiped out on the I95 Ct I believe. 18 wheeler guy fell asleep at the wheel and plowed into them, killing them instantly.....they had broken down on the shoulder in their van. Some genius liberal activist group petitioned the state to spend tens of millions to build a much wider roadway to reduce the chances of this tragedy occurring again. Of course, the effort got nowhere......but it highlights the level of disconnect these people have in their thinking.:D

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