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Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
You make a point. You fail to explain why a vaccinated person should be worried about an unvaccinated person, or even an unmasked person.

The failure of those suggesting they "follow the science" can't square the circle when they also say "you must become vaccinated, still wear your masks, social distance and be afraid of those who DON"T have the vaccine".

Many people who have the common cold or flu can kill another. I know I haven't been vaccinated since I was a kid. I can count on one hand the number of times I've had the flu, two of them over the last ten years as I grow older.
Maybe it's the angry left that doesn't get it. The federal government's job has never been "to protect everybody". As a matter of fact the federal government didn't have much to do before the Civil War other than "to provide for the common defense and to promote the general welfare" and they didn't do such a good job of it around 1812.
Most of the power to order these things is with the Governors and the States, not the Federal Government.
I am pro-vaccination, but I am not sure even the governors can do it. I am pretty sure, they can allow private business to make whatever policy changes they want to protect their business model, but that may be about it. No difference to me. I'm vaccinated.
Maybe it's the angry left that doesn't get it. The federal government's job has never been "to protect everybody". As a matter of fact the federal government didn't have much to do before the Civil War other than "to provide for the common defense and to promote the general welfare" and they didn't do such a good job of it around 1812.
How come your boy helped to fund research into a COVID vaccine if it's not the federal govt's job to protect people, pinhead? Boy, you guys are wasting a lot of taxpayer money by not getting the shot, wouldntcha say, genius? Or do you want your money back?

But that's ok. Sane people will continue to get vaccinated while you guys cry in your beer because Trump got his ass beat.
I am pro-vaccination, but I am not sure even the governors can do it. I am pretty sure, they can allow private business to make whatever policy changes they want to protect their business model, but that may be about it. No difference to me. I'm vaccinated.

I was thinking lock downs and masks, not forced vaccinations. I'm not for that.
How come your boy helped to fund research into a COVID vaccine if it's not the federal govt's job to protect people, pinhead? Boy, you guys are wasting a lot of taxpayer money by not getting the shot, wouldntcha say, genius? Or do you want your money back?

But that's ok. Sane people will continue to get vaccinated while you guys cry in your beer because Trump got his ass beat.
The post was about the preamble to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. The federal government assumed all sorts of obligations since the 1700's. Who would have thought the Supreme Court could have come up with a "right to privacy" that had no basis in Constitutional law to justify the murder of the unborn?
How come your boy helped to fund research into a COVID vaccine if it's not the federal govt's job to protect people, pinhead? Boy, you guys are wasting a lot of taxpayer money by not getting the shot, wouldntcha say, genius? Or do you want your money back?

But that's ok. Sane people will continue to get vaccinated while you guys cry in your beer because Trump got his ass beat.
Mainly blacks that aren't vaccinated, which mainly vote for democrats, Einstein. Lol
Hillsdale College offers a free on-line course the US Constitution

Obviously, you would be well served by taking their course. As you should know by now that nowhere in our Constitution does it charge the Federal Government with protecting all Americans against everything.
Hillsdale College offers a free on-line course the US Constitution

Obviously, you would be well served by taking their course. As you should know by now that nowhere in our Constitution does it charge the Federal Government with protecting all Americans against everything.
You should read it.
The general Welfare has been absconded by the elites of the world. People survived without all of the social programs. And it was tougher. The social programs are great. But there is massive corruption in them. The general Welfare is leading to the Totalitarianism and exterminations. Toughen the rules on people. People make mistakes. Stop giving them reasons to.
The general Welfare has been absconded by the elites of the world. People survived without all of the social programs. And it was tougher. The social programs are great. But there is massive corruption in them. The general Welfare is leading to the Totalitarianism and exterminations. Toughen the rules on people. People make mistakes. Stop giving them reasons to.
A. There's a certain amount of corruption in anything involving human beings.

B. There more to my list than just the general.welfare.

C. This is really about the idiocy that many republicans expound.

Actually, CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the leftist media where running down the vaccine, until Biden took over.

Here's a tip for you. GET VACCINCATED.

So seriously, everyone else has to get vaccinated because your lazy ass doesn't want to do it yourself?

Are you a Democrat in the Texas Legislature?
Actually, CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the leftist media where running down the vaccine, until Biden took over.

Here's a tip for you. GET VACCINCATED.

So seriously, everyone else has to get vaccinated because your lazy ass doesn't want to do it yourself?

Are you a Democrat in the Texas Legislature?
Son, I've been vaccinated longer than almost anyone else. I've been in the moderna trial since last August.
You make a point. You fail to explain why a vaccinated person should be worried about an unvaccinated person, or even an unmasked person.

The failure of those suggesting they "follow the science" can't square the circle when they also say "you must become vaccinated, still wear your masks, social distance and be afraid of those who DON"T have the vaccine".

Many people who have the common cold or flu can kill another. I know I haven't been vaccinated since I was a kid. I can count on one hand the number of times I've had the flu, two of them over the last ten years as I grow older.

Does the common flu or the cold cause spread virulently at pandemic rates, causing hundreds of thousands to sicken and die within weeks? Have hospitals ever been overwhelmed with so many sick and dying of the cold or flu, that staff were unable to cope?

Comparing covid with the a cold or flu is a fallacy. The latter are upper respiratory ailments, while covid is a systemic assault on multiple body systems, including heart, lung and circulatory damage - triggering dangerous and deadly blot clots in many people. Covid can cause kidney failure, brain damage, and strokes in some individuals.

Congratulations on not needing a flu shot. Those of us with compromised immune systems do much better on flue shots than without them, especially since I used TTC on a daily basis and needed the protection. Once I stopped riding the TTC to work every day, I got a lot fewer colds and flu.
Son, I've been vaccinated longer than almost anyone else. I've been in the moderna trial since last August.

Have you thanked Trump for the vaccine? And OK, then what are you lying about? You are claiming:

1) Unvaccinated people put you at risk

2) You are vaccinated.

One of those is a lie. Which one?
You make a point. You fail to explain why a vaccinated person should be worried about an unvaccinated person, or even an unmasked person.

Because we just finished quarantines, social distancing, shutdowns and masks

Because we have so many selfish idiots refusing to get vaccinated, we are keeping COVID alive and ensuring we will have to go back to strict COVID measures

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