Only Voters Can Hold Obama Accountable for Illegal Amnesty Policy

I realize that you're either too retarded to understand this or you're being purposely obtuse, but I'm going to explain this to you one more time. By saying "try telling that to Latino voters", I was saying that Latino voters aren't distinguishing between amnesty for illegal immigrants and rights for legal immigrants; they simply want a president who will actually address issues that are important to their community. And since Obama is actually trying to address the issue, they're more likely to support Obama instead of the guy who thinks they should all self-deport.

oh so you're saying latinos don't give a shit if immigration is illegal.. gotcha.

I'm saying that you are quite possibly the dumbest person on USMB and possibly the entire world wide web.

well which is it.. are latinos for or against illegal immigration?
Poor Willow. Don't worry, the GOP will still get uneducated white people to vote for them. But even though there are plenty of those, it still won't make up for Romney's deficit among Latinos and women.
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Poor Willow. Don't worry, the GOP will still get uneducated white people to vote for them. But even though there are plenty of those, it still won't make up for Romney's deficit among Latinos and women.

Poor Josef, no matter how many deflections Obamavider throws up, it's still about the economy and jobs.
republicans are such racists that they won't pander to minorities for votes.

You shouldn't have TO PANDER to anyone, but that's the only thing Democrats know/

pit the people against each other.

as for your calling people racist because they won't pander to minorities, that is another Liberal Democrat trait, must make you all proud
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Poor Willow. Don't worry, the GOP will still get uneducated white people to vote for them. But even though there are plenty of those, it still won't make up for Romney's deficit among Latinos and women.

Poor Josef, no matter how many deflections Obamavider throws up, it's still about the economy and jobs.

Poor naturegirl. Obama is up by 40something points with Latinos. Romney can't win with those numbers.
Poor Willow. Don't worry, the GOP will still get uneducated white people to vote for them. But even though there are plenty of those, it still won't make up for Romney's deficit among Latinos and women.

Poor Josef, no matter how many deflections Obamavider throws up, it's still about the economy and jobs.

Poor naturegirl. Obama is up by 40something points with Latinos. Romney can't win with those numbers.

hope you don't eat those words
Poor Willow. Don't worry, the GOP will still get uneducated white people to vote for them. But even though there are plenty of those, it still won't make up for Romney's deficit among Latinos and women.

Poor Josef, no matter how many deflections Obamavider throws up, it's still about the economy and jobs.

Poor naturegirl. Obama is up by 40something points with Latinos. Romney can't win with those numbers.

poor josef.. he for illegal immigration and so is the asswipe he worships..
Yep, the only reason he did this now was for political reasons. Pretty disgusting using people as pawns.
This will energize the Latino vote, just as his other political moves did with Gays and women.
The Republican Party will need to be careful how they respond, but the voters know which side really wants full amnesty on a large scale and which side is against it.
Vote accordingly.

That's right. Voters do know which side is serious about immigration. Fortunately for Democrats, Latinos realize that the serious party is not the Republican party, and they will vote accordingly.


The democrats were so serious about it they ignored it for the entire two years they had full control of the govt.
And his minions in Big Ed will gladly be giving out spots in our universities in the name of diversity.

Make sure your kids do their homework folks. College acceptances for middle class white students just got a whole lot tougher.
It's not illegal and Romney will support and expand it when elected.

This issue is finally over for 95% of America, and we can move forward.
It's not illegal and Romney will support and expand it when elected.

This issue is finally over for 95% of America, and we can move forward.

knock it off Jake, now you're sounding like a idiot broken record

you're not fooling anyone
Rule by Proclamation & Decree is not what our Nation is about. In fact, it's exactly why our Founding Fathers fought a Revolutionary War. This is bad for all Americans. Those cheering it now, will likely regret it at some point. I do hope the Voters stand up and give this guy the boot in November. But we'll see i guess.
Thanks for bringing us back on Topic Paulitician. Diversion is the flavor of the day, month and year lately. :)
It's not illegal and Romney will support and expand it when elected.

This issue is finally over for 95% of America, and we can move forward.

knock it off Jake, now you're sounding like a idiot broken record you're not fooling anyone

Knock off what? Romney will expand it into an full blown immigrant reform package, and heavens help the congress critters who oppose it.

BHO just ended the far right critters' nonsense forever on immigration.


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