oops...cain is pro choice

Cain has real trouble making clear to the public his positions on issues. He's gone back and forth on Muslims in a Cain administration, he's changed so many things about his 999 plan, he's recanted his answer on a hostage exchange, he's retracted and unretracted his statement about an electrified border fence, and now he's given conflicting answers on abortion. This is the sort of thing that he's got to get under control if he wants a real shot at the nomination.

he's not a serious candidate. people should stop treating him like he is. that's the fact.

And Mr. community organizor, Obama, was a serious candidate?? Yeah sure. and boy aren't we paying a high price for that now?? I would take Herman Cain anyday of the week any time of the day over the economic moron that we have occupying the White house now.

BTW- I am a Romney supporter but I will vote for the orange juice can before I ever support the socialist/ marxist, spender in Chief Obama, in fact, I will walk through a blizzard to do it. I would vote for each and everyone of the GOP candidates before I will ever sit back and allow Obama to be elected again. Because if we allow this we will be sitting in the ash heap of what is left of our country. He will most certainly bankrupt it.

Obama was a serious candidate from the start, even before when he gave the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention. Throughout his campain, he drew hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.

No Repub has ever done that. You all have tried to drag his name through the mud but it's not successful strategy.

Cain could never compare to Barack in any other way than the color of his skin. None of yours could compare.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWynt87PaJ0]Barack Obama Speech at 2004 DNC Convention - YouTube[/ame]
Obama was a serious candidate from the start, even before when he gave the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention. Throughout his campain, he drew hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.

No Repub has ever done that. You all have tried to drag his name through the mud but it's not successful strategy.

Cain could never compare to Barack in any other way than the color of his skin. None of yours could compare.


So your logic is that because Obama gave purty speeches, that qualifies him? Really?

Obama's been a horrible president. He's never run a state, a city, or even a McDonald's franchise. He was over his head on day one, and that's pretty clear for anyone to see.

But he gave a purty speech, and that's good enough to chose him over Hillary Clinton, who has decades of real experience, or John McCain, a man who served his country for four decades in Congress and the Navy.

Now, I'm not a Cain supporter, but Cain has actually accomplished things in his life. He is an excellent businessman. Has Obama ever run a business?

Hell, I'll even give props to Romney. Romney has run a state and a business. If he didn't belong to this cult that scares the Hell out of me, I'd vote for him.

Let's look at Obama's record of actual accomplishment-

Community Organizer- Which is just a nice way of saying "Rabble Rouser".

Non-entity in the IL Legislature. Seriously, most of us never heard of him.

Senator for three years when he bothered to show up for work.

Failed president.
Obama was a serious candidate from the start, even before when he gave the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention. Throughout his campain, he drew hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.

No Repub has ever done that. You all have tried to drag his name through the mud but it's not successful strategy.

Cain could never compare to Barack in any other way than the color of his skin. None of yours could compare.


So your logic is that because Obama gave purty speeches, that qualifies him? Really?

Obama's been a horrible president. He's never run a state, a city, or even a McDonald's franchise. He was over his head on day one, and that's pretty clear for anyone to see.

But he gave a purty speech, and that's good enough to chose him over Hillary Clinton, who has decades of real experience, or John McCain, a man who served his country for four decades in Congress and the Navy.

Now, I'm not a Cain supporter, but Cain has actually accomplished things in his life. He is an excellent businessman. Has Obama ever run a business?

Hell, I'll even give props to Romney. Romney has run a state and a business. If he didn't belong to this cult that scares the Hell out of me, I'd vote for him.

Let's look at Obama's record of actual accomplishment-

Community Organizer- Which is just a nice way of saying "Rabble Rouser".

Non-entity in the IL Legislature. Seriously, most of us never heard of him.

Senator for three years when he bothered to show up for work.

Failed president.

Bullshit. He has more common sense, a grasp of real issues that Americans care about and no cooperation from an ignorant teaparty led congress.

He will be elected for a second term.
Bullshit. He has more common sense, a grasp of real issues that Americans care about and no cooperation from an ignorant teaparty led congress.

He will be elected for a second term.

If he does, it will because the Republicans failed to come up with a better alternative, not because he merited it.

Frankly, I'm not sure why he'd want a second term. Second terms are never as good as first terms, anyway.

Bush had Katrina, the war went south, the economy went south, and he lost Congress. He'd have been much more fondly remembered if he stopped at one.

Clinton had impeachment and Monica in his second term.

Reagan had Iran-Contra and lost the Senate.

Nixon had Watergate

LBJ had Vietnam and a bunch of stinkin' hippies.

I could go back down the list, but you get the idea. These guys build up to second terms, and then they are always disappointed in them.

Come on, I think Obama has been an awful president, but Bush dealt him a pretty shitty hand to start with.

Will not think the next guy, if Rebublican, was dealt a pretty shitty hand no matter how awful Obama has been.

I think the next guy will have a shitty hand. (Unless, of course, Obama wins a second term and the economy recovers, which is also a possibility.) It won't excuse him if he fails to make progress.

Personally, I wish both sides would stop running for election just long enough to do some actual governing.

Come on, I think Obama has been an awful president, but Bush dealt him a pretty shitty hand to start with.

Will not think the next guy, if Rebublican, was dealt a pretty shitty hand no matter how awful Obama has been.

I think the next guy will have a shitty hand. (Unless, of course, Obama wins a second term and the economy recovers, which is also a possibility.) It won't excuse him if he fails to make progress.

Personally, I wish both sides would stop running for election just long enough to do some actual governing.

Obama is not running, he is going around congressional obstruction and straight to the American people for the jobs bill. It has been used as strategy in the past by others.
Will not think the next guy, if Rebublican, was dealt a pretty shitty hand no matter how awful Obama has been.

I think the next guy will have a shitty hand. (Unless, of course, Obama wins a second term and the economy recovers, which is also a possibility.) It won't excuse him if he fails to make progress.

Personally, I wish both sides would stop running for election just long enough to do some actual governing.

Obama is not running, he is going around congressional obstruction and straight to the American people for the jobs bill. It has been used as strategy in the past by others.

His own party isn't supporting his jobs bill.

Let's be honest, his strategy right now has to be to blame others for the economy. It's not good enough to brag about, so that's what he has to do, which is why he's embracing the smelly hippies of OWS.

Will it work? Maybe. The GOP seems to be going all out for corporate clinger vote.

God, I wish we had a sensible third party in this country.
I think the next guy will have a shitty hand. (Unless, of course, Obama wins a second term and the economy recovers, which is also a possibility.) It won't excuse him if he fails to make progress.

Personally, I wish both sides would stop running for election just long enough to do some actual governing.

Obama is not running, he is going around congressional obstruction and straight to the American people for the jobs bill. It has been used as strategy in the past by others.

His own party isn't supporting his jobs bill.

Let's be honest, his strategy right now has to be to blame others for the economy. It's not good enough to brag about, so that's what he has to do, which is why he's embracing the smelly hippies of OWS.

Will it work? Maybe. The GOP seems to be going all out for corporate clinger vote.

God, I wish we had a sensible third party in this country.

Democrats did support the jobs bill. Mitch supports the filibuster, that is the problem and the way he obstructs every freaking Democratic thing that goes through the senate. :lol:

I disagree that we need a bunch of fence sitters in this country, we need congress to be committed to America and not to their party.

The smelly hippies are not Democrats. If you're an Inde, you're a part of the unwashed masses:

Politically independent
Among other striking findings, Codero-Guzmán discovered that 70 percent of the survey’s 1,619 respondents identified as politically independent, far-and-away the vast majority, compared to 27.3% Democrats and 2.4% self-identified Republicans.

“That finding surprised me based on what I had heard in previous conversations about the movement” said Codero-Guzmán in a telephone interview with TPM on Wednesday. “I wasn’t expecting many Republicans, but I was expecting more self-identified Democrats. In recent years, there’s been an increased interest in who political independents are and what political views are and what are their levels of interest in particular issues, which will only continue as the election cycle progresses.”

Other findings in the paper include:

Participation level: Relatively weak
Less than a quarter of the sample (24.2%) had participated in the Occupy Wall Street protests as of October 5, 2011. (But as Codero-Guzmán pointed out to TPM, the movement was still in its relative infancy at that stage.)

Age varies widely
64.2% of respondents were younger than 34 years of age, but one in three respondents was over 35 and one in five was 45 or older.

Wealth varies widely
A full 15.4% of the sample reported earning annual household income between $50,000 and $74,999. Another 13% of the sample reported over $75,000 , and 2% said they made over $150,000 annually, putting them in the top 10 percent of all American earners, according to the Wall Street Journal’s calculator. That said, 47.5% of the sample said they earend less than $24,999 dollars a year and another quarter (24%) reported earning between $25,000 and $49,999 per year. A whopping 71.5% of the sample earns less than $50,000 per year.

Highly educated
92.1% of the sample reported “some college, a college degree, or a graduate degree.”

They have jobs
50.4% reported full-time employment, and “an additional 20.4% were employed part-time.”

Occupy Wall Street Demographic Survey Results Will Surprise You | TPM Idea Lab
so herman cain said he doesn't think government has a role in telling a woman what to do with her body.


man are the rightwingnuts gonna be ticked.

So you're voting for him ,right? Oh yeah, libs don't vote for ******* who run off the plantation.
Ask Cain the following:

Do you believe the unborn have a right to life, and if so,

do you believe that the unborn should have a civil right to life protected by the Constitution of the United States?

...if you get a straight answer out of him, you will know his position on abortion.
I think the next guy will have a shitty hand. (Unless, of course, Obama wins a second term and the economy recovers, which is also a possibility.) It won't excuse him if he fails to make progress.

Personally, I wish both sides would stop running for election just long enough to do some actual governing.

Obama is not running, he is going around congressional obstruction and straight to the American people for the jobs bill. It has been used as strategy in the past by others.

His own party isn't supporting his jobs bill.

Let's be honest, his strategy right now has to be to blame others for the economy. It's not good enough to brag about, so that's what he has to do, which is why he's embracing the smelly hippies of OWS.

Will it work? Maybe. The GOP seems to be going all out for corporate clinger vote.

God, I wish we had a sensible third party in this country.

It's already coming. It's a historically proven thing. I personally would put a few dollars on a third party inclusion.

Then a fight. Then a merge. Then back to the Republican center. There's far too much left leaning right.

To my view.
It is true that Obama was dealt a shitty hand but sooner or later we all get one and we have to play the hand that we are dealt. Some know when to fold and take a new deal; some know how to bluff effectively and some know how to calculate the odds and come out ahead. Those who don't only reduce the assets they had to start with.

Obama doesn't apparently know when he has a bad hand; he isn't smart enough to bluff effectively; and he sure doesn't know how to get ahead in the game by playing the good cards effectively. In other words he is a terrible poker player which is a metaphor for terrible President but seems to think nobody notices that.

I have to believe that because the alternative is that he is intentionally squandering his stack of chips. And as much as it looks that way sometimes, I don't want to believe that he is hammering the American economy and standing in the world on purpose.
Rabbi, was the racial slur called for?

Ya know, the Rabbi is not really the one using that term. If you look at his post carefully, what he was arguing was that liberal Democrats are the racist ones because THEY don't vote for (what they refer to) as the "n-words" who fail to stay on the plantation.

If one is quoting a biased liberal Democratic (or speaking the way they often speak), that doesn't really mean that one favors the use of such language.

Could the Rabbi have made his point without resort to the offensive term? Probably. Should he have? Arguably.

The question asked by Ropey* is fair.

But the pile on crap from Carbuncle is dishonesty by him. No surprise there.


EDIT: Actually, the question was asked by JoeB131, and kind of echoed by Ropey. Otherwise, my reply stands.
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I am pro-life. To the core. But, like Cain, I believe that my personal beliefs are mine alone. I do not have the right to inflict my beliefs on you.... but you do not have the right to inflict yours on me either. Why is it that the left insist on doing that?

It is not a question of being either 'pro-life' or 'pro-choice', it is about sticking to the Constitution.... whatever the topic. Stop forcing me to live by your standards, and I won't expect you to live by mine.

What is so hard with that?

You don't have the ability to inflict (especially from your keyboard); you do proselytize ad nauseam. Cain is two-faced, if his position on abortion is indicative.

It is not two-faced to say that one believes both that abortion is wrong (and should be illegal in most cases) AND that it is not the province of the Federal Government to interject itself into the question which is properly either one for the States or the People.

It is perfectly coherent and consistent. This explains your unending confusion, Fly Catcher.

When did Cain assert abortion was a states-right's issue? Cain was clear, clear in that he was opposed to abortion ("I support life") and clear that he supported a women's right to choose. Even if outlawed by a state government, would his position on choice change? No one knows. My guess, he (and you) hope to create confusion, and yes that is two-faced and dishonest.

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