oops...cain is pro choice

Personally I think most of Cain's answers to the media 'gotcha' questions are brilliant. How refreshing it is to see a candidate who isn't pandering to anybody but is up front and honest that you can't state policy decisions until you have all the facts and all possible information necessary to make the call.

Someone's stand on abortion is now a 'gotcha' question?


I could be wrong, and I'm sorry if I am I'm not trying to make excuses. If they are indeed referring to the abortion question they are wrong...

But I think she is talking about the whole you get a phone call at night and the terrorists have captured a soldier, will you negotiate? That is a bad question. I hate the gotcha term, I will never use any language that illiterate idiot Sarah Palin branded and I think others should refrain from doing so to unless you want to look on par with her intelligence.
And then there is the possibility that the Tea Party movement is for real, and we having a growing population of Americans who are sick to death of the PC crap, the scripted lines that everybody is required to dutifully repeat, who deplore the custom built candidate who is not allowed to speak from the heart lest the other side use it to massacre him or her, yadda yadda.

Maybe we are finally mature enough and educated enough to get away from the well groomed and scripted politician with the SOP well oiled machine pulling all the right strings to make their puppet look good??????

And THAT is what could propel Herman Cain to the top if enough people see him as the real deal instead of a sculpted image designed to appease and appeal to the masses.

I think Cain represents a large crossection of the GOP and America. But I also think that six months ago, these same people thought Michelle Bachmann was the bee's knees. (Do bees actually have knees?) In January, they were all for Donald Trump and that unfortunate animal he wears on his head.

The TEA Party deserves kudos for changing the national conversation, absolutely. But changing the nature of a 150 year old political party in 2 years is a tall order.

I think at the moment, the only person who can really reconcile the TEA and Establishment positions is Rick Perry, if the guy can bounce back. But we'll see.

For the record, if the nomination comes down to Cain vs. Romney, I'll vote for Cain.

Well those registered GOP or in open primary states will likely have to make a choice come primary election day won't they.

But remember that Herman Cain is a Tea Party darling and the Tea Party is made up of Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, and 'other' and don't take their marching orders from any political party. Yes the GOP has fallen all over itself trying to get Tea Party endorsements and yes, currently the Tea Party is working to put better Republicans into the system rather than form a third party.

But if the GOP blows it again and goes back to the status quo, I am pretty confident that there will be a viable third party in this country shortly thereafter. The Tea Party is not instructed by the GOP and I sense that neither is Herman Cain. And that could be seen as a strength as well as a weakness.

I don't know yet whether I would vote for Cain over Romney. If the election were held today, of course I would. But Romney has been pretty well vetted, and though I don't trust him as much as I trust Cain right now, I am still convinced he would be heads and shoulders above Barack Obama. I don't think we can take another four years of Obama so I will be committed to avoiding that if there is any way possible.
Really? Perry is the southern equivalent of Obama. From most of your posts I have seen I agree with you and think you are dead on, you lost me on that point though...

Can you cite an example?

I think Perry has been a much better conservative than Bush has been, for instance.

I think he hasn't run a great campaign, but he has time to recover. Heck, Gingrich is showing signs of life.
Really? Perry is the southern equivalent of Obama. From most of your posts I have seen I agree with you and think you are dead on, you lost me on that point though...

Can you cite an example?

I think Perry has been a much better conservative than Bush has been, for instance.

I think he hasn't run a great campaign, but he has time to recover. Heck, Gingrich is showing signs of life.

I meant Romney lol not a good time for a mistake there lol... I like Gingrich, much better than Romney or Perry.

Perry I believe is a lot like Bush and Romney. I mean the guy was a democrat, endorsed Gore....

I'd like to hear his stance on the 14th amendment, but he is just another empty suit to me. I don't like Perry... His jobs record is an absolute fraud, his drilling is the answer plan, that won't work in states like NY,NH,MA,VT,RI,OR,WA,MI,NJ,DE, I mean probably over half the country. I don't like him at all... Stay in Texas...
I meant Romney lol not a good time for a mistake there lol... I like Gingrich, much better than Romney or Perry.

Perry I believe is a lot like Bush and Romney. I mean the guy was a democrat, endorsed Gore....

I'd like to hear his stance on the 14th amendment, but he is just another empty suit to me. I don't like Perry... His jobs record is an absolute fraud, his drilling is the answer plan, that won't work in states like NY,NH,MA,VT,RI,OR,WA,MI,NJ,DE, I mean probably over half the country. I don't like him at all... Stay in Texas...

You know what, I'm going to wax philosophical here a bit... maybe we get the candidates we deserve.

I guy I really liked was Mitch Daniels of Indiana. I get to hear him frequently as a guest on the Don and Roma Show on WLS, and I think, what a smart, articulate, effective guy.

Do you know why we are talking about Romney and Perry instead of him?

Because he didn't want to put his wife through the grinder of having to explain a rough spot in their marriage where they separated.

So we get stuck with Romney- two-faced on positions, weird religion, sleazy business practices... but his wife "Sister Ann" is a nice little Stepford Robot who won't cause any problems.
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I think what is refreshing about Cain is that he is candid about his views.

But I think he is also unprepared and I'm not sure he'd be an effective president or even nominee.

Now, I do think nominating him would blunt Obama playing the race card pretty effectively. He can't go about whinging about how Republicans are racist when they nominate a black guy.

But can he go the distance? NOt sure. I'm not even sure if he wants to. He has no ground organization to speak of, and I think that if he won an early primary, the GOP establishment would go into pure panic mode like they did when Pat Buchanan won New Hampshire in 1996.

Cabinet position imo.

what position would that be? the 9-9-9 club? :rofl:

you really are in full troll mode. :thup:

I actually think if Romney gets the nomination he should choose Cain as his VP he would also make a good treasury secretary.
And what reason did Mr Obama give for emptying GITMO?
Obama to order Guantanamo Bay prison closed - CNN

Oh, that's right, to show that he was 'different' than Mr Bush.
I guess he learned something new as soon as he took office, because he hasn't closed it yet.

gitmo should have been closed and the people in it tried.

but you don't release 1000 terrorists for one person.

thanks. :thup:

What Shimon Peres did was foolish. I wouldn't call Mr Obama smart for not following in the footsteps.

We'd be better off if the folks in gitmo had been killed on the battlefield instead of captured. Silly us for treating them humanely instead.

Nope we would probably have had another attack interrogating them was better, it saved more lives than most of us know
I disagree Ravi. Someone hates Jillian and is passive/aggressive imo. I don't see fear there.

No? I do.

Yep, someone thinks they are so funny by aping her screen name and posting nasty stuff in her name cuz they are obviously incapable of posting straight up...

But that's just my view. This is a person with an account here and what they did had nothing to do with an attempt to make humor. This is someone who has taken the time to create an account to toss hate at another person. Those words tell me that the acceleration is not fear. There's too much desire to have the other feel pain.
Cain has real trouble making clear to the public his positions on issues. He's gone back and forth on Muslims in a Cain administration, he's changed so many things about his 999 plan, he's recanted his answer on a hostage exchange, he's retracted and unretracted his statement about an electrified border fence, and now he's given conflicting answers on abortion. This is the sort of thing that he's got to get under control if he wants a real shot at the nomination.

he's not a serious candidate. people should stop treating him like he is. that's the fact.

And Mr. community organizor, Obama, was a serious candidate?? Yeah sure. and boy aren't we paying a high price for that now?? I would take Herman Cain anyday of the week any time of the day over the economic moron that we have occupying the White house now.

BTW- I am a Romney supporter but I will vote for the orange juice can before I ever support the socialist/ marxist, spender in Chief Obama, in fact, I will walk through a blizzard to do it. I would vote for each and everyone of the GOP candidates before I will ever sit back and allow Obama to be elected again. Because if we allow this we will be sitting in the ash heap of what is left of our country. He will most certainly bankrupt it.
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gitmo should have been closed and the people in it tried.

but you don't release 1000 terrorists for one person.

thanks. :thup:

What Shimon Peres did was foolish. I wouldn't call Mr Obama smart for not following in the footsteps.

We'd be better off if the folks in gitmo had been killed on the battlefield instead of captured. Silly us for treating them humanely instead.

Nope we would probably have had another attack interrogating them was better, it saved more lives than most of us know
You may be correct.
Cain has real trouble making clear to the public his positions on issues. He's gone back and forth on Muslims in a Cain administration, he's changed so many things about his 999 plan, he's recanted his answer on a hostage exchange, he's retracted and unretracted his statement about an electrified border fence, and now he's given conflicting answers on abortion. This is the sort of thing that he's got to get under control if he wants a real shot at the nomination.

he's not a serious candidate. people should stop treating him like he is. that's the fact.

And Mr. community organizor, Obama, was a serious candidate?? Yeah sure. and boy aren't we paying a high price for that now?? I would take Herman Cain anyday of the week any time of the day over the economic moron that we have occupying the White house now.

BTW- I am a Romney supporter but I will vote for the orange juice can before I ever support the socialist/ marxist, spender in Chief Obama, in fact, I will walk through a blizzard to do it. I would vote for each and everyone of the GOP candidates before I will ever sit back and allow Obama to be elected again. Because if we allow this we will be sitting in the ash heap of what is left of our country. He will most certainly bankrupt it.


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