oops...cain is pro choice

Carby's claim ^ is simply Carby being dishonest, some more.

He doesn't "think" that at all. And it's not even remotely akin to anything said by Mr. Cain.

What is Cain's position on the life amendment plank the GOP party platform?

Tell us, quote it and link to verification.

Then feel free to try to pontificate some more.

(Then we can proceed to consider who gives a fuck about a political Party's "platform." Are you fucking WED to everything in the liberal Democrat Parody Platform? :cuckoo:)

You claimed you know Cain's position on abortion.
Well.. I also like Cain and I've always liked Bebe, But cheap shots seem to be the protocol for some here.

Since this is a Cain thread, I won't take that topic line.

But I don't see what Jillian said as a cheap shot, just a difference of opinion. It just threw me. Everyone has the right to their view.

I just wanted to be sure if Jillian thinks Gilad should still be in the hands of the Hamas so as to keep the thousand Muslim prisoners. The question is doubly so now that we have his live soul back. With her response I wonder? Would the trade back be a good thing in her mind?

A repeal of health care kind of thing I wonder? :eek:

I'll kind of stick around here to find her mind.

I think there are more soldiers. There are always more soldiers. And trading 1,000 terrorists for him was stupid. I'm shocked that Bibi did that. But phrasing it as if i *want* Gilad back in captivity is absurd. I'm thrilled he's out. I celebrate that. But again... he is ONE soldier. What happens when the 1,000 freed for him start blowing up babies in carriages. And what happens when they take the next soldier? Who did they protect? One man? At what cost?

Do you think it's such a good idea then?

And don't talk about me in the third person. While I really have no desire to be dragged into jroc's neo-con lunacy, i'm free to answer questions and can read.... if i CHOOSE to answer a question posed to me.

as for the health care part of your question... not worth responding to.

I will talk about you in any way I wish as long as I feel I am within discussing rights.

I disagree with you. That's fine. I asked to understand your mindset.

You are thrilled he is released and if it was up to you, that Jewish soul would be in the hands of Muslims. :doubt:

I am done with you. (for now)

That's different! Somehow.
Actually, it's a vile racist and I base that on several vile racist posts it makes. It is in the same league as USAR.

But, nice to see you and others defend that sort of racism.

You know what I find fascinating about USMB? That I see right wingers call out other right wingers on their racism almost daily. But I never see the left calling their own racists out. In fact, I see them positively encouraging it. Is that this 'white guilt' we hear so much about?

*Edit: Except Jillian. Jillian has, more than once, called it from the left. But she is a liberal, not a lefty. The rest of them, meh, just a bunch of borg.

Yeah aside from calling Cain and Clarance Thomas traitors to African Americans she's fine and dandy. She's a" lefty" in my book on all issues except israel.
Actually, it's a vile racist and I base that on several vile racist posts it makes. It is in the same league as USAR.

But, nice to see you and others defend that sort of racism.

You know what I find fascinating about USMB? That I see right wingers call out other right wingers on their racism almost daily. But I never see the left calling their own racists out. In fact, I see them positively encouraging it. Is that this 'white guilt' we hear so much about?

*Edit: Except Jillian. Jillian has, more than once, called it from the left. But she is a liberal, not a lefty. The rest of them, meh, just a bunch of borg.

Yeah aside from calling Cain and Clarance Thomas traitors to African Americans she's fine and dandy. She's a" lefty" in my book on all issues except israel.

And the Israel connection is (to my view) flimsy....

There's a line-up there Jroc.

I refuse line ups when it comes to my people and the country G-d gave us and which we now have recreated and strong.

Who knows what Bebe had in his decision making process?

To take this thought an extreme, "He might have irradiated the entire group (that had been complicit in the death of Jews prior to release".

They might be all taken care of within a few months. Who knows is what I am saying.

^ Now I'm not saying that's the case. I'm saying we do not know what Bebe had to decide on and that's why I like Cain even more, because he left the question open and simply said it depends on the information and yes, he could see ways that such a thing could happen.

I do know that Gilad is back and NOTHING will have me think it was not a good thing. Jillian is thrilled at what she considers as an end result a bad thing. :cuckoo:

Third party person indeed. Like someone can dictate to me how to discuss. Well, she can, but it won't do anything.

So, dictate away Jillian. :)
Personally I think most of Cain's answers to the media 'gotcha' questions are brilliant. How refreshing it is to see a candidate who isn't pandering to anybody but is up front and honest that you can't state policy decisions until you have all the facts and all possible information necessary to make the call.
Personally I think most of Cain's answers to the media 'gotcha' questions are brilliant. How refreshing it is to see a candidate who isn't pandering to anybody but is up front and honest that you can't state policy decisions until you have all the facts and all possible information necessary to make the call.

Regardless if the call is at 3:00am or 10:00am and I agree with you Foxfyre. To my eyes, he's a breath of fresh air. If he was saying what he is saying from the left, I would begin to gently nudge myself in that direction.

I believe that Romney is unknown due to his pandering. The tea party serves a good purpose. There's too many left of center...

Cain said both he thinks the Gov't has no part telling a woman....
Yet he'd make it illegal.

Jeebus he's dense

I am pro-life. To the core. But, like Cain, I believe that my personal beliefs are mine alone. I do not have the right to inflict my beliefs on you.... but you do not have the right to inflict yours on me either. Why is it that the left insist on doing that?

It is not a question of being either 'pro-life' or 'pro-choice', it is about sticking to the Constitution.... whatever the topic. Stop forcing me to live by your standards, and I won't expect you to live by mine.

What is so hard with that?

Some just don't get it.

...who will the rightwing nuts pull out of the anyone-but-Romney grab bag next?

Your mind (appears) is so closed that you think that term is applicable.
Once the mind is so closed, nothing can penetrate, not even common sense.
It says more about you than it does about those that you insult.
She said Cain knows nothing about foreign policy...i commented on how much obama had. I guess that does have something to do with it.....

actually, you're right *I* did... so i retract the last sentence. my prior sentences stand.

at least obama is smart enough to know you don't empty gitmo to get back a prisoner.

but what the heck.

And what reason did Mr Obama give for emptying GITMO?
Obama to order Guantanamo Bay prison closed - CNN
President-elect Barack Obama plans to order the closing of the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay as early as his first week in office to show a break from the Bush administration's approach to the war on terror, according to two officials close to the transition.
Oh, that's right, to show that he was 'different' than Mr Bush.
I guess he learned something new as soon as he took office, because he hasn't closed it yet.

gitmo should have been closed and the people in it tried.

but you don't release 1000 terrorists for one person.

thanks. :thup:
and that is a problem why?

Not a problem for me.

It is a problem for the religious right.

Well gee, it's a problem for the religious left also.
I don't understand why you would single out the "religious right" on this unless it's just you being a partisan hack.

honey, what group of "religious left" is anti-choice.

cause i've never heard of one. and we're talking about cain's "base".

but i'll wait.
Personally I think most of Cain's answers to the media 'gotcha' questions are brilliant. How refreshing it is to see a candidate who isn't pandering to anybody but is up front and honest that you can't state policy decisions until you have all the facts and all possible information necessary to make the call.

Regardless if the call is at 3:00am or 10:00am and I agree with you Foxfyre. To my eyes, he's a breath of fresh air. If he was saying what he is saying from the left, I would begin to gently nudge myself in that direction.

I believe that Romney is unknown due to his pandering. The tea party serves a good purpose. There's too many left of center...


a "breath of fresh air"... :rofl:

the guy sounds like a TV commercial.

What part of the religious left chooses numbers instead of lives?


This question follows to the religious right as well...
Last edited:
Personally I think most of Cain's answers to the media 'gotcha' questions are brilliant. How refreshing it is to see a candidate who isn't pandering to anybody but is up front and honest that you can't state policy decisions until you have all the facts and all possible information necessary to make the call.

Regardless if the call is at 3:00am or 10:00am and I agree with you Foxfyre. To my eyes, he's a breath of fresh air. If he was saying what he is saying from the left, I would begin to gently nudge myself in that direction.

I believe that Romney is unknown due to his pandering. The tea party serves a good purpose. There's too many left of center...


a "breath of fresh air"... :rofl:

the guy sounds like a TV commercial.


And President Obama reading the same old mantra from his teleprompter doesn't sound like a TV commercial?

What specifically have you seen Herman Cain do or heard him say that you think is pandering to a particular group? What specifically has he said that you think is just repeating a script and does not come from the heart?

I haven't picked him as a candidate yet. But when I pick my candidate, and if it isn't him, I won't need to trash him in order to pick somebody that I think would be better.

I suppose you will vote for Obama again? That's cool. I'm sure you have excellent reasons for doing so.

Are you so sure that those interested in Herman Cain don't have excellent reasons for that interest?
What part of the religious left chooses numbers instead of lives?


This question follows to the religious right as well...

that's kind of funny given the rabid religious right is pretty fine with the death penalty... even if a half dozen witnesses recanted their testimony.

so you were saying?
What part of the religious left chooses numbers instead of lives?


This question follows to the religious right as well...

that's kind of funny given the rabid religious right is pretty fine with the death penalty... even if a half dozen witnesses recanted their testimony.

so you were saying?

Answer the question.

Then I will say something... :razz:
Personally I think most of Cain's answers to the media 'gotcha' questions are brilliant. How refreshing it is to see a candidate who isn't pandering to anybody but is up front and honest that you can't state policy decisions until you have all the facts and all possible information necessary to make the call.

I think what is refreshing about Cain is that he is candid about his views.

But I think he is also unprepared and I'm not sure he'd be an effective president or even nominee.

Now, I do think nominating him would blunt Obama playing the race card pretty effectively. He can't go about whinging about how Republicans are racist when they nominate a black guy.

But can he go the distance? NOt sure. I'm not even sure if he wants to. He has no ground organization to speak of, and I think that if he won an early primary, the GOP establishment would go into pure panic mode like they did when Pat Buchanan won New Hampshire in 1996.
Personally I think most of Cain's answers to the media 'gotcha' questions are brilliant. How refreshing it is to see a candidate who isn't pandering to anybody but is up front and honest that you can't state policy decisions until you have all the facts and all possible information necessary to make the call.

I think what is refreshing about Cain is that he is candid about his views.

But I think he is also unprepared and I'm not sure he'd be an effective president or even nominee.

Now, I do think nominating him would blunt Obama playing the race card pretty effectively. He can't go about whinging about how Republicans are racist when they nominate a black guy.

But can he go the distance? NOt sure. I'm not even sure if he wants to. He has no ground organization to speak of, and I think that if he won an early primary, the GOP establishment would go into pure panic mode like they did when Pat Buchanan won New Hampshire in 1996.

Cabinet position imo.
Personally I think most of Cain's answers to the media 'gotcha' questions are brilliant. How refreshing it is to see a candidate who isn't pandering to anybody but is up front and honest that you can't state policy decisions until you have all the facts and all possible information necessary to make the call.

I think what is refreshing about Cain is that he is candid about his views.

But I think he is also unprepared and I'm not sure he'd be an effective president or even nominee.

Now, I do think nominating him would blunt Obama playing the race card pretty effectively. He can't go about whinging about how Republicans are racist when they nominate a black guy.

But can he go the distance? NOt sure. I'm not even sure if he wants to. He has no ground organization to speak of, and I think that if he won an early primary, the GOP establishment would go into pure panic mode like they did when Pat Buchanan won New Hampshire in 1996.

Cabinet position imo.

what position would that be? the 9-9-9 club? :rofl:

you really are in full troll mode. :thup:
I think what is refreshing about Cain is that he is candid about his views.

But I think he is also unprepared and I'm not sure he'd be an effective president or even nominee.

Now, I do think nominating him would blunt Obama playing the race card pretty effectively. He can't go about whinging about how Republicans are racist when they nominate a black guy.

But can he go the distance? NOt sure. I'm not even sure if he wants to. He has no ground organization to speak of, and I think that if he won an early primary, the GOP establishment would go into pure panic mode like they did when Pat Buchanan won New Hampshire in 1996.

Cabinet position imo.

what position would that be? the 9-9-9 club? :rofl:

All you do now is pretend to mock.


Just because you have a talking point and a rolfing icon does not mean the words before it are anything more than a talking point.

Google it. :)

You still have not answered the question that you quoted me from.

Are you going to descend?

Or answer...

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