oops...cain is pro choice

Cain said both he thinks the Gov't has no part telling a woman....
Yet he'd make it illegal.

Jeebus he's dense
No matter what, we have to be free from any accountability for our irresponsible choices.

We can't get a picture ID ........let alone condoms.

Callee Anthony without the duct tape.
He's obviously said and done enough to have you (and the rest of your party) concerned enough to try to diminish his viability..........


Not only diminish his viability but trash him, belittle him, destroy him. Already we are seeing thread after thread that sure look to me like they are intended to create distrust, animosity, and opposition to him.

He must have them reaaaaaallly worried. :)

My thoughts exactly. MSNBC is now painting him as "dumb".
On Friday, Martin Bashir asked one of his liberal guests, "Do you think Herman Cain can spell the word 'Iraq?'" (video follows with commentary):

For the record, Cain received a Masters degree in computer science from Purdue while working full-time for the Department of the Navy as a ballistics analyst. He went on to be CEO of Godfather's Pizza, CEO of the National Restaurants Association, chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve, and has served on the Board of Directors for major companies including Nabisco and Whirlpool.

Read more: Bashir Asks Liberal Guest 'Do You Think Herman Cain Can Spell the Word "Iraq?"' | NewsBusters.org
The Statists do this to everyone they are afraid of. It's SOP.
more than shrub...

and his foreign policy has worked out pretty well.

go figure.

(though your comment really had nothing to do with the post you were purportedly responding to)

She said Cain knows nothing about foreign policy...i commented on how much obama had. I guess that does have something to do with it.....

actually, you're right *I* did... so i retract the last sentence. my prior sentences stand.

at least obama is smart enough to know you don't empty gitmo to get back a prisoner.

but what the heck.

And what reason did Mr Obama give for emptying GITMO?
Obama to order Guantanamo Bay prison closed - CNN
President-elect Barack Obama plans to order the closing of the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay as early as his first week in office to show a break from the Bush administration's approach to the war on terror, according to two officials close to the transition.
Oh, that's right, to show that he was 'different' than Mr Bush.
I guess he learned something new as soon as he took office, because he hasn't closed it yet.
Candidate Cain is clear on the issue, from both sides of his mouth:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSGLBAinETc]Confused Cain Says Abortions Should Be Both Legal And Illegal - YouTube[/ame]
^------------Got nailed to a wall and is now desperately trying to sweep it under the rug.


You are an idiot!!!

You are free to explain how by Si's standards Cain isn't a racist.

Havent read the entire thread.

I only responded to what you had quoted. You do have something else I would hope Sido will call anyone out for racism, so that tells me you have a very weak case. What you quoted indicates exactly that.

But go ahead. explain how I am misguided. we all learn from errors.
Cain said both he thinks the Gov't has no part telling a woman....
Yet he'd make it illegal.

Jeebus he's dense

I am pro-life. To the core. But, like Cain, I believe that my personal beliefs are mine alone. I do not have the right to inflict my beliefs on you.... but you do not have the right to inflict yours on me either. Why is it that the left insist on doing that?

It is not a question of being either 'pro-life' or 'pro-choice', it is about sticking to the Constitution.... whatever the topic. Stop forcing me to live by your standards, and I won't expect you to live by mine.

What is so hard with that?
Cain said both he thinks the Gov't has no part telling a woman....
Yet he'd make it illegal.

Jeebus he's dense

I am pro-life. To the core. But, like Cain, I believe that my personal beliefs are mine alone. I do not have the right to inflict my beliefs on you.... but you do not have the right to inflict yours on me either. Why is it that the left insist on doing that?

It is not a question of being either 'pro-life' or 'pro-choice', it is about sticking to the Constitution.... whatever the topic. Stop forcing me to live by your standards, and I won't expect you to live by mine.

What is so hard with that?

You don't have the ability to inflict (especially from your keyboard); you do proselytize ad nauseam. Cain is two-faced, if his position on abortion is indicative.
Cain said both he thinks the Gov't has no part telling a woman....
Yet he'd make it illegal.

Jeebus he's dense

I am pro-life. To the core. But, like Cain, I believe that my personal beliefs are mine alone. I do not have the right to inflict my beliefs on you.... but you do not have the right to inflict yours on me either. Why is it that the left insist on doing that?

It is not a question of being either 'pro-life' or 'pro-choice', it is about sticking to the Constitution.... whatever the topic. Stop forcing me to live by your standards, and I won't expect you to live by mine.

What is so hard with that?

You don't have the ability to inflict (especially from your keyboard); you do proselytize ad nauseam. Cain is two-faced, if his position on abortion is indicative.

It is not two-faced to say that one believes both that abortion is wrong (and should be illegal in most cases) AND that it is not the province of the Federal Government to interject itself into the question which is properly either one for the States or the People.

It is perfectly coherent and consistent. This explains your unending confusion, Fly Catcher.
I think Herman Cain's position is:

"I think abortion should be illegal, but I support the right of a woman to choose to break the law to get one."
I think Herman Cain's position is:

"I think abortion should be illegal, but I support the right of a woman to choose to break the law to get one."

Carby's claim ^ is simply Carby being dishonest, some more.

He doesn't "think" that at all. And it's not even remotely akin to anything said by Mr. Cain.

What is Cain's position on the life amendment plank the GOP party platform?
I think Herman Cain's position is:

"I think abortion should be illegal, but I support the right of a woman to choose to break the law to get one."

Carby's claim ^ is simply Carby being dishonest, some more.

He doesn't "think" that at all. And it's not even remotely akin to anything said by Mr. Cain.

What is Cain's position on the life amendment plank the GOP party platform?

Tell us, quote it and link to verification.

Then feel free to try to pontificate some more.

(Then we can proceed to consider who gives a fuck about a political Party's "platform." Are you fucking WED to everything in the liberal Democrat Parody Platform? :cuckoo:)

You are an idiot!!!

You are free to explain how by Si's standards Cain isn't a racist.

Havent read the entire thread.

I only responded to what you had quoted. You do have something else I would hope Sido will call anyone out for racism, so that tells me you have a very weak case. What you quoted indicates exactly that.

But go ahead. explain how I am misguided. we all learn from errors.

I'm glad to see you have all the facts gathered and haven't let your underlying biases cloud your judgement before weighing in here.

Start at post 202 when I entered the thread.

It's not hard to follow at all.
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