oops...cain is pro choice

Well.. I also like Cain and I've always liked Bebe, But cheap shots seem to be the protocol for some here.

Since this is a Cain thread, I won't take that topic line.

But I don't see what Jillian said as a cheap shot, just a difference of opinion. It just threw me. Everyone has the right to their view.

I just wanted to be sure if Jillian thinks Gilad should still be in the hands of the Hamas so as to keep the thousand Muslim prisoners. The question is doubly so now that we have his live soul back. With her response I wonder? Would the trade back be a good thing in her mind?

A repeal of health care kind of thing I wonder? :eek:

I'll kind of stick around here to find her mind.

I think there are more soldiers. There are always more soldiers. And trading 1,000 terrorists for him was stupid. I'm shocked that Bibi did that. But phrasing it as if i *want* Gilad back in captivity is absurd. I'm thrilled he's out. I celebrate that. But again... he is ONE soldier. What happens when the 1,000 freed for him start blowing up babies in carriages. And what happens when they take the next soldier? Who did they protect? One man? At what cost?

Do you think it's such a good idea then?

And don't talk about me in the third person. While I really have no desire to be dragged into jroc's neo-con lunacy, i'm free to answer questions and can read.... if i CHOOSE to answer a question posed to me.

as for the health care part of your question... not worth responding to.

You're rational, that's why you see the inherent problem of trading one soldier for 1,000 terrorists.
Personally I think most of Cain's answers to the media 'gotcha' questions are brilliant. How refreshing it is to see a candidate who isn't pandering to anybody but is up front and honest that you can't state policy decisions until you have all the facts and all possible information necessary to make the call.

I think what is refreshing about Cain is that he is candid about his views.

But I think he is also unprepared and I'm not sure he'd be an effective president or even nominee.

Now, I do think nominating him would blunt Obama playing the race card pretty effectively. He can't go about whinging about how Republicans are racist when they nominate a black guy.

But can he go the distance? NOt sure. I'm not even sure if he wants to. He has no ground organization to speak of, and I think that if he won an early primary, the GOP establishment would go into pure panic mode like they did when Pat Buchanan won New Hampshire in 1996.

The funny thing is that the left shined on the points made regarding Candidate Obama about whether or not he was experienced enough to be President.

Not being a fan of Herman Cain, I have to say, it seems to me he is better Presidential material than Obama is even after Obama has been in office for almost three years.

Since this is a Cain thread, I won't take that topic line.

But I don't see what Jillian said as a cheap shot, just a difference of opinion. It just threw me. Everyone has the right to their view.

I just wanted to be sure if Jillian thinks Gilad should still be in the hands of the Hamas so as to keep the thousand Muslim prisoners. The question is doubly so now that we have his live soul back. With her response I wonder? Would the trade back be a good thing in her mind?

A repeal of health care kind of thing I wonder? :eek:

I'll kind of stick around here to find her mind.

I think there are more soldiers. There are always more soldiers. And trading 1,000 terrorists for him was stupid. I'm shocked that Bibi did that. But phrasing it as if i *want* Gilad back in captivity is absurd. I'm thrilled he's out. I celebrate that. But again... he is ONE soldier. What happens when the 1,000 freed for him start blowing up babies in carriages. And what happens when they take the next soldier? Who did they protect? One man? At what cost?

Do you think it's such a good idea then?

And don't talk about me in the third person. While I really have no desire to be dragged into jroc's neo-con lunacy, i'm free to answer questions and can read.... if i CHOOSE to answer a question posed to me.

as for the health care part of your question... not worth responding to.

You're rational, that's why you see the inherent problem of trading one soldier for 1,000 terrorists.

I do not see it as rational when one does not have all the necessary information to make a basis of a rational decision on.

Personally I think most of Cain's answers to the media 'gotcha' questions are brilliant. How refreshing it is to see a candidate who isn't pandering to anybody but is up front and honest that you can't state policy decisions until you have all the facts and all possible information necessary to make the call.

I think what is refreshing about Cain is that he is candid about his views.

But I think he is also unprepared and I'm not sure he'd be an effective president or even nominee.

Now, I do think nominating him would blunt Obama playing the race card pretty effectively. He can't go about whinging about how Republicans are racist when they nominate a black guy.

But can he go the distance? NOt sure. I'm not even sure if he wants to. He has no ground organization to speak of, and I think that if he won an early primary, the GOP establishment would go into pure panic mode like they did when Pat Buchanan won New Hampshire in 1996.

Pat Buchanan had the reputation of a rabid right religious wingnut, however, and Herman Cain brings no such baggage to the mix. The fact that he would choose somebody of the caliber of Gingrich as a VP says that he is thinking about what he needs to strengthen his hand, especially in his admitted weakness on foreign policy.

Nobody achieves what this man has achieved, however, without having a lot of ability, a lot of insight, a fast learning curve, and a lot of guts. I am not convinced at all that he isn't up to the job. I'm just not convinced yet that he is the best of the best for the job. But I sure do admire him and he is certainly in the top tier of my list right now.
What part of the religious left chooses numbers instead of lives?


This question follows to the religious right as well...

that's kind of funny given the rabid religious right is pretty fine with the death penalty... even if a half dozen witnesses recanted their testimony.

so you were saying?

The bible endorses the death penalty in dozens of places. For offenses a lot less serious than murder.

If you refer to the Troy Davis thing, the thing was, most of those witnesses didn't recant the major part of their testimony. This is why every appeal court that heard it didn't consider it worth it to order a new trial or overturn the death penalty.

Now on Abortion, here's the thing.

Nowhere in the bible does it say abortion is wrong or express an opinion on it one way or the other.

In fact, in Exodus 21:22-23, it states that if a man strikes a woman causing a miscarriage, he should pay a fine. that's it. Not a serious death penalty offense like gay sex or picking up sticks on the Sabbath. Fetuses weren't considered people in the bible and neither were infants. (The infant mortality rate was somethign like 50%, so I suspect that they didn't get that worked up about it.)

What I would like to see a Republican candidate say is, "Look, abortion is bad and most of the people who have them have them for the wrong reasons. That said, making them illegal is a practical impossibility. So if you really care about life, like I do, we need to find ways to encourage other choices, not follow a pipe dream of an impossible ban."
I think there are more soldiers. There are always more soldiers. And trading 1,000 terrorists for him was stupid. I'm shocked that Bibi did that. But phrasing it as if i *want* Gilad back in captivity is absurd. I'm thrilled he's out. I celebrate that. But again... he is ONE soldier. What happens when the 1,000 freed for him start blowing up babies in carriages. And what happens when they take the next soldier? Who did they protect? One man? At what cost?

Do you think it's such a good idea then?

And don't talk about me in the third person. While I really have no desire to be dragged into jroc's neo-con lunacy, i'm free to answer questions and can read.... if i CHOOSE to answer a question posed to me.

as for the health care part of your question... not worth responding to.

You're rational, that's why you see the inherent problem of trading one soldier for 1,000 terrorists.


:doubt: how clever
actually, you're right *I* did... so i retract the last sentence. my prior sentences stand.

at least obama is smart enough to know you don't empty gitmo to get back a prisoner.

but what the heck.

And what reason did Mr Obama give for emptying GITMO?
Obama to order Guantanamo Bay prison closed - CNN
President-elect Barack Obama plans to order the closing of the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay as early as his first week in office to show a break from the Bush administration's approach to the war on terror, according to two officials close to the transition.
Oh, that's right, to show that he was 'different' than Mr Bush.
I guess he learned something new as soon as he took office, because he hasn't closed it yet.

gitmo should have been closed and the people in it tried.

but you don't release 1000 terrorists for one person.

thanks. :thup:

What Shimon Peres did was foolish. I wouldn't call Mr Obama smart for not following in the footsteps.

We'd be better off if the folks in gitmo had been killed on the battlefield instead of captured.
Silly us for treating them humanely instead.
100% bitch...LMFAO...you mean...100% asshole....dumb bitch....go fu..k ur father again you whore.

:doubt: how clever

XXXXXXX....The Bitch From Hell has returned....where is that homo Gunny...stupid old goat....now Valerie...go f...k urself....

Just another wild and crazy Saturday night for you, huh? :rolleyes:

Personally I think most of Cain's answers to the media 'gotcha' questions are brilliant. How refreshing it is to see a candidate who isn't pandering to anybody but is up front and honest that you can't state policy decisions until you have all the facts and all possible information necessary to make the call.

I think what is refreshing about Cain is that he is candid about his views.

But I think he is also unprepared and I'm not sure he'd be an effective president or even nominee.

Now, I do think nominating him would blunt Obama playing the race card pretty effectively. He can't go about whinging about how Republicans are racist when they nominate a black guy.

But can he go the distance? NOt sure. I'm not even sure if he wants to. He has no ground organization to speak of, and I think that if he won an early primary, the GOP establishment would go into pure panic mode like they did when Pat Buchanan won New Hampshire in 1996.

The funny thing is that the left shined on the points made regarding Candidate Obama about whether or not he was experienced enough to be President.

Not being a fan of Herman Cain, I have to say, it seems to me he is better Presidential material than Obama is even after Obama has been in office for almost three years.


Oh, I think Obama is in over his head and has been for some time. I think that the Democrats could have nominated Hillary, and she would have won and knew what she was doing because she'd have brought back most of Bill's team.

But I think Democrats looked at, "Do we really want to go through the Clinton Drama again?" and said no.

I also think that Hillary made a bunch of unforced errors, such as sitting on her laurels after Super Tuesday (where she won most of the contests).

yes, the fact is Obama was not vetted by the media. But a criticism of Obama does not erase a criticism of Cain. Or Romney. He's already got the job, and the argument is whether the other guy will be an improvement.

What I see as Cain's main problem is that he's not disciplined. Personally, I like the guy, but I find myself holding my breathe, wondering if he's going to say something strange or off the reservation. I think he took some of the wrong lessons from being a talk radio host, where no one is really there to contradict you.
I am pro-life. To the core. But, like Cain, I believe that my personal beliefs are mine alone. I do not have the right to inflict my beliefs on you.... but you do not have the right to inflict yours on me either. Why is it that the left insist on doing that?

It is not a question of being either 'pro-life' or 'pro-choice', it is about sticking to the Constitution.... whatever the topic. Stop forcing me to live by your standards, and I won't expect you to live by mine.

What is so hard with that?

You don't have the ability to inflict (especially from your keyboard); you do proselytize ad nauseam. Cain is two-faced, if his position on abortion is indicative.

It is not two-faced to say that one believes both that abortion is wrong (and should be illegal in most cases) AND that it is not the province of the Federal Government to interject itself into the question which is properly either one for the States or the People.

It is perfectly coherent and consistent. This explains your unending confusion, Fly Catcher.

Umm, except he said, all in the same interview:

-it's wrong
-the government shouldn't be able to tell a woman she can't do it
-he'd make it illegal

How is that not a conflict of his own opinion?

Cain said both he thinks the Gov't has no part telling a woman....
Yet he'd make it illegal.

Jeebus he's dense

I am pro-life. To the core. But, like Cain, I believe that my personal beliefs are mine alone. I do not have the right to inflict my beliefs on you.... but you do not have the right to inflict yours on me either. Why is it that the left insist on doing that?

It is not a question of being either 'pro-life' or 'pro-choice', it is about sticking to the Constitution.... whatever the topic. Stop forcing me to live by your standards, and I won't expect you to live by mine.

What is so hard with that?

What's so hard with that, is that that's not what he said.

He said he's against abortion
He said he's against the government being able to tell the woman what to do
Yet.........................................here's the kicker............he said he'd make it illegal.

You let ME know what's so hard for *him* to understand, lol.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSGLBAinETc]Confused Cain Says Abortions Should Be Both Legal And Illegal - YouTube[/ame]
Cain is too close to the center imo. I see a possible cabinet position, but no more.

cain's a randian extremist. he also knows nothing about foreign policy...

i love when people are so far right they can't tell what center is. :rofl:

I'm not far right or far left. I'm Canadian. Sorry. If anything I'm closer to Canadian Liberality. I'm confused about the American far left.

But that being said, you just seem to feel thei need to pigeonhole anyone who you don't agree with and then mock them.

Sad that.
I think what is refreshing about Cain is that he is candid about his views.

But I think he is also unprepared and I'm not sure he'd be an effective president or even nominee.

Now, I do think nominating him would blunt Obama playing the race card pretty effectively. He can't go about whinging about how Republicans are racist when they nominate a black guy.

But can he go the distance? NOt sure. I'm not even sure if he wants to. He has no ground organization to speak of, and I think that if he won an early primary, the GOP establishment would go into pure panic mode like they did when Pat Buchanan won New Hampshire in 1996.

The funny thing is that the left shined on the points made regarding Candidate Obama about whether or not he was experienced enough to be President.

Not being a fan of Herman Cain, I have to say, it seems to me he is better Presidential material than Obama is even after Obama has been in office for almost three years.


Oh, I think Obama is in over his head and has been for some time. I think that the Democrats could have nominated Hillary, and she would have won and knew what she was doing because she'd have brought back most of Bill's team.

But I think Democrats looked at, "Do we really want to go through the Clinton Drama again?" and said no.

I also think that Hillary made a bunch of unforced errors, such as sitting on her laurels after Super Tuesday (where she won most of the contests).

yes, the fact is Obama was not vetted by the media. But a criticism of Obama does not erase a criticism of Cain. Or Romney. He's already got the job, and the argument is whether the other guy will be an improvement.

What I see as Cain's main problem is that he's not disciplined. Personally, I like the guy, but I find myself holding my breathe, wondering if he's going to say something strange or off the reservation. I think he took some of the wrong lessons from being a talk radio host, where no one is really there to contradict you.

And then there is the possibility that the Tea Party movement is for real, and we having a growing population of Americans who are sick to death of the PC crap, the scripted lines that everybody is required to dutifully repeat, who deplore the custom built candidate who is not allowed to speak from the heart lest the other side use it to massacre him or her, yadda yadda.

Maybe we are finally mature enough and educated enough to get away from the well groomed and scripted politician with the SOP well oiled machine pulling all the right strings to make their puppet look good??????

And THAT is what could propel Herman Cain to the top if enough people see him as the real deal instead of a sculpted image designed to appease and appeal to the masses.
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I think what is refreshing about Cain is that he is candid about his views.

But I think he is also unprepared and I'm not sure he'd be an effective president or even nominee.

Now, I do think nominating him would blunt Obama playing the race card pretty effectively. He can't go about whinging about how Republicans are racist when they nominate a black guy.

But can he go the distance? NOt sure. I'm not even sure if he wants to. He has no ground organization to speak of, and I think that if he won an early primary, the GOP establishment would go into pure panic mode like they did when Pat Buchanan won New Hampshire in 1996.

The funny thing is that the left shined on the points made regarding Candidate Obama about whether or not he was experienced enough to be President.

Not being a fan of Herman Cain, I have to say, it seems to me he is better Presidential material than Obama is even after Obama has been in office for almost three years.


Oh, I think Obama is in over his head and has been for some time. I think that the Democrats could have nominated Hillary, and she would have won and knew what she was doing because she'd have brought back most of Bill's team.

But I think Democrats looked at, "Do we really want to go through the Clinton Drama again?" and said no.

I also think that Hillary made a bunch of unforced errors, such as sitting on her laurels after Super Tuesday (where she won most of the contests).

yes, the fact is Obama was not vetted by the media. But a criticism of Obama does not erase a criticism of Cain. Or Romney. He's already got the job, and the argument is whether the other guy will be an improvement.

What I see as Cain's main problem is that he's not disciplined. Personally, I like the guy, but I find myself holding my breathe, wondering if he's going to say something strange or off the reservation. I think he took some of the wrong lessons from being a talk radio host, where no one is really there to contradict you.

I don't like or dislike Herman Cain. I don't think he fits the part of a President, but still I think he is more "Presidential" than Obama.

I like Obama as a person. I would love to invite him to my home and share a beer with him... but I think his politics suck. I think economically he is inept and I do not believe this nation will find its way out of its ills under his watch.

That being said, I don't think there is a single Republican running that can or will do any better except for maybe Newt Gingrich, but he has more baggage than (to borrow an old cliche) Carter has pills.

I really wish we the people would get together and teach these politicians what it is like to serve the country rather than oneself. But, alas, I don't foresee that happening in my lifetime.

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As a man abortion literally makes me want to cry - killing a child??

What the fuck is wrong with people?

This is heartbreaking....

Ron Paul Ad - Life - YouTube

Suicide is an individual choice...

Maybe if they had religion in their lives they would understand that killing yourself is murder..

Yes, If you kill yourself its murder.. One who kills themselves is no better then those who kill a bank teller for example..

I blame progressive liberals for all these "bully suicides" for making these kids weak..

You are lost in divisiveness imo. Lost in empathy as well which will carry through your life if you continue on in this vein.

Yes, the choices "are" ours. We can choose to support and care for our young or just toss them adrift to make their own choices in a world that is moving very quickly at the moment.

I disagree with you, but that's fine. I doubt if there's any use going any deeper. You have your view and I have mine.

I believe it takes a community to raise children.

It is one thing to be sympathetic and it is another to let empathy control your life and judgment.

Yeah it is sad - but at the same time those kids were individuals who made a choice - the wrong choice..

No one put the noose around their neck...

Anyone can commit suicide for any reason..

They were weak people that progressives programmed to be weak.

Life is hell presently but I don't eat a bullet...

Besides if those kids couldn't take it as kids they couldn't take it as adults - I'm sure there were other issues than just someone being mean to them....

Which is it? :doubt:
And then there is the possibility that the Tea Party movement is for real, and we having a growing population of Americans who are sick to death of the PC crap, the scripted lines that everybody is required to dutifully repeat, who deplore the custom built candidate who is not allowed to speak from the heart lest the other side use it to massacre him or her, yadda yadda.

Maybe we are finally mature enough and educated enough to get away from the well groomed and scripted politician with the SOP well oiled machine pulling all the right strings to make their puppet look good??????

And THAT is what could propel Herman Cain to the top if enough people see him as the real deal instead of a sculpted image designed to appease and appeal to the masses.

I think Cain represents a large crossection of the GOP and America. But I also think that six months ago, these same people thought Michelle Bachmann was the bee's knees. (Do bees actually have knees?) In January, they were all for Donald Trump and that unfortunate animal he wears on his head.

The TEA Party deserves kudos for changing the national conversation, absolutely. But changing the nature of a 150 year old political party in 2 years is a tall order.

I think at the moment, the only person who can really reconcile the TEA and Establishment positions is Rick Perry, if the guy can bounce back. But we'll see.

For the record, if the nomination comes down to Cain vs. Romney, I'll vote for Cain.
Personally I think most of Cain's answers to the media 'gotcha' questions are brilliant. How refreshing it is to see a candidate who isn't pandering to anybody but is up front and honest that you can't state policy decisions until you have all the facts and all possible information necessary to make the call.

Someone's stand on abortion is now a 'gotcha' question?

And then there is the possibility that the Tea Party movement is for real, and we having a growing population of Americans who are sick to death of the PC crap, the scripted lines that everybody is required to dutifully repeat, who deplore the custom built candidate who is not allowed to speak from the heart lest the other side use it to massacre him or her, yadda yadda.

Maybe we are finally mature enough and educated enough to get away from the well groomed and scripted politician with the SOP well oiled machine pulling all the right strings to make their puppet look good??????

And THAT is what could propel Herman Cain to the top if enough people see him as the real deal instead of a sculpted image designed to appease and appeal to the masses.

I think Cain represents a large crossection of the GOP and America. But I also think that six months ago, these same people thought Michelle Bachmann was the bee's knees. (Do bees actually have knees?) In January, they were all for Donald Trump and that unfortunate animal he wears on his head.

The TEA Party deserves kudos for changing the national conversation, absolutely. But changing the nature of a 150 year old political party in 2 years is a tall order.

I think at the moment, the only person who can really reconcile the TEA and Establishment positions is Rick Perry, if the guy can bounce back. But we'll see.

For the record, if the nomination comes down to Cain vs. Romney, I'll vote for Cain.

Really? Perry is the southern equivalent of Romney. most of your posts I have seen I agree with you and think you are dead on, you lost me on that point though...
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