oops...cain is pro choice

How much did obama know about foreign policy? Zilch
How much does obama know now about foreign policy? Zilch

more than shrub...

and his foreign policy has worked out pretty well.

go figure.

(though your comment really had nothing to do with the post you were purportedly responding to)

She said Cain knows nothing about foreign policy...i commented on how much obama had. I guess that does have something to do with it.....

actually, you're right *I* did... so i retract the last sentence. my prior sentences stand.

at least obama is smart enough to know you don't empty gitmo to get back a prisoner.

but what the heck.
Cain is too close to the center imo. I see a possible cabinet position, but no more.

cain's a randian extremist. he also knows nothing about foreign policy...

i love when people are so far right they can't tell what center is. :rofl:

How much did obama know about foreign policy? Zilch
How much does obama know now about foreign policy? Zilch

So if that was a reason not to vote for Obama, wouldn't it also be a reason not to vote for Cain?
I've missed this thread, but outside of Paul I like Cain the most as contradictory both of those supporters would like to say that is. However, I am pro-life but it is not something that makes or breaks candidates to me. As most people thought he was catering to s specific group of the right I actually like this. It shows he is independent minded, and all the white people who want to call him an Uncle Tom it just further illustrates you and many others hinting at that, black and white, who oppose him are just committing a character assassination of an individual.
I would like to see a debate between Obama and Cain. Of course, without any of the gotchya questions.

gotcha questions like "what newspapers do you read?"

You know me better than that Jillian. You are a smart woman and know exactly what I meant.
Not too long ago MSNBC did an interview with Cain, and instead of asking pertinant questions to his views on his politics, they went after him in a personal way.
So we can play sides or find out what the persons views with the issues really are.
Have I clarified myself?
I would like to see a debate between Obama and Cain. Of course, without any of the gotchya questions.

gotcha questions like "what newspapers do you read?"

You know me better than that Jillian. You are a smart woman and know exactly what I meant.
Not too long ago MSNBC did an interview with Cain, and instead of asking pertinant questions to his views on his politics, they went after him in a personal way.
So we can play sides or find out what the persons views with the issues really are.
Have I clarified myself?

i was being funny. it wasn't intended as personal.

or should i get all bent out of shape by intense's post (above)? i figure he was being a wisearse, too.

but so long as you mention it... what's a personal way? i figure calling someone a kenyansocialistunamericanmuslimnazi is pretty personal and that's all i've heard for three years.

i know what cain's views are. i agreed with one thing he said... and then he recanted. i hope the GOP hasn't sunk to where they think someone who said he'd consider emptying Gitmo in exchange for a single soldier is an appropriate candidate.
gotcha questions like "what newspapers do you read?"

You know me better than that Jillian. You are a smart woman and know exactly what I meant.
Not too long ago MSNBC did an interview with Cain, and instead of asking pertinant questions to his views on his politics, they went after him in a personal way.
So we can play sides or find out what the persons views with the issues really are.
Have I clarified myself?

i was being funny. it wasn't intended as personal.

or should i get all bent out of shape by intense's post (above)? i figure he was being a wisearse, too.

but so long as you mention it... what's a personal way? i figure calling someone a kenyansocialistunamericanmuslimnazi is pretty personal and that's all i've heard for three years.

i know what cain's views are. i agreed with one thing he said... and then he recanted. i hope the GOP hasn't sunk to where they think someone who said he'd consider emptying Gitmo in exchange for a single soldier is an appropriate candidate.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebCan5_y2nQ&feature=related]Herman Cain Blasts Lawrence O'Donnell in Interview on Civil Rights Movement Part1 Video RightFace.us - YouTube[/ame]
Giuliani has been pro choice since 1989, throughout all his elections, throughout his campaign, and still is.


he's also pro gay rights.

notice he isn't president.

Yes, he isn't. We have an incompetant, negligent, inexperienced, marxist instead.

yokie dokie... what were you saying about wingnuttiness? :eusa_whistle:

frankly, i lived with rudy as my mayor... he isn't any great shakes.

and whatever you say about the president, he kicks shrub's butt. so there ya go
Cain might set a record for publicly being a pro-choice conservative for the shortest amount of time.
Giuliani has been pro choice since 1989, throughout all his elections, throughout his campaign, and still is.


he's also pro gay rights.

notice he isn't president.


You're pathetic you are a slave to your party its disgusting. It isn't just you, it's an epidemic in this country on the left and right in overwhelming numbers.
Giuliani has been pro choice since 1989, throughout all his elections, throughout his campaign, and still is.


he's also pro gay rights.

notice he isn't president.


You're pathetic you are a slave to your party its disgusting. It isn't just you, it's an epidemic in this country on the left and right in overwhelming numbers.

i voted for him as mayor, nutbar.

so piss off. :thup:

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