Oops! Obama tells supporters to get medical help from ‘paralegals’


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
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Posted at 10:29 pm on July 13, 2012 by Twitchy Staff | View Comments

Mark Knoller✔

Pres Obama tells suppporters there are "para-legals if they feel weak from the heat. Catching his mistake he said "you dont need lawyers."

13 Jul 12 Reply

Roanoke Times LIVE@RkeTimesLIVE

Obama, meaning to say paramedics are available if anyone feels weak, says "paralegals" are around. Crowd laughs along with him. #ObamaRke

Retweeted by @Campusautos 13 Jul 12 Reply

Words are tricky things, especially when the smartest president EVAH butchers them. We doubt, however, that Barack Obama would say he acted stupidly when he made his latest gaffe during a campaign stop today in Virginia. After all, he was probably weary from trying to visit the 57 states again on his whirlwind poorhouse tour, so he can match the overflowing contents of Mitt Romney’s coffers.

Lucky for Obama, the crowd laughed with him, though some Twitter users are laughing at him:

the rest here
Oops! Obama tells supporters to get medical help from ‘paralegals’ | Twitchy
That is if there isn't a "corpse"man available in one of the 57 states.
Obama can't pronounce "corpsman"

Remember when Bush received tons of media flak for mispronouncing "nuclear?" Here, Obama mispronounces "corpsman" at the annual prayer breakfast. It's a good thing the teleprompter didn't feed him "impugn."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlkK65y_-T4]Obama can't pronounce "corpsman" - YouTube[/ame]
What's obama giving these people to make them pass out like this? A 29 year old campaign worker died.
A long time ago, before the age of faxes, voice mail, and answering machines, pharamacists had to contact doctors or their offices directly,on a personal level, for answers to prescription questions. There was this one, crusty old physician who maintained his inner city practice without seceretary or receptionist. He had been shot several times, but survived each time, by addicts pretending to be sick patients who responded angrily when the doctor refused to satisfy their demands.
One day the pharamacist called asking for a refill of one of his patients birth control prescriptions to which the doctor replied gruffly "Naaaw! Tell her to make an appointment! She's gotta see me! No! On second thought, you better give it to her! They don't have workmen's compensation in her line of work!"
How's Obama gonna get these docs down into the cities, at risk of being shot, day in and day out without compensating them? Tell them they either go or they themselves get shot by firing squad?
Of course

part of the reason the left does not push tort reform
in medical- they get a lot of money from these groups
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Posted at 10:29 pm on July 13, 2012 by Twitchy Staff | View Comments

Mark Knoller✔

Pres Obama tells suppporters there are "para-legals if they feel weak from the heat. Catching his mistake he said "you dont need lawyers."

13 Jul 12 Reply

Roanoke Times LIVE@RkeTimesLIVE

Obama, meaning to say paramedics are available if anyone feels weak, says "paralegals" are around. Crowd laughs along with him. #ObamaRke

Retweeted by @Campusautos 13 Jul 12 Reply

Words are tricky things, especially when the smartest president EVAH butchers them. We doubt, however, that Barack Obama would say he acted stupidly when he made his latest gaffe during a campaign stop today in Virginia. After all, he was probably weary from trying to visit the 57 states again on his whirlwind poorhouse tour, so he can match the overflowing contents of Mitt Romney’s coffers.

Lucky for Obama, the crowd laughed with him, though some Twitter users are laughing at him:

the rest here
Oops! Obama tells supporters to get medical help from ‘paralegals’ | Twitchy

At least he didn't tell them to use a breathalyzer for their asthma.
They said more than 20 people fainted.

It's ether a campaign trick or they're just falling asleep listening to him.
What's obama giving these people to make them pass out like this? A 29 year old campaign worker died.

think Jim Jones

I am thinking Jim Jones. He's giving people something that makes them pass out. Something in the water cups he's handing out. A few have something added, the rest do not.

In the previous campaign people were so overcome in his presence that they passed out. No other candidate had people passing out. In no appearance since that campaign did people pass out. Now, his presence is again enough to bring people to their knees.

It's Jim Jones all over again.

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