Open Borders Nonsense and Lie

Open borders mean unrestricted legal crossings of borders.

Please provide a link to your 'Liberal Encyclopedia'....

"An open border is a border that enables free movement of people between jurisdictions with few or no restrictions on movement, that is to say lacking substantive border control.

A border may be an open border due to a lack of legal controls or intentional legislation allowing free movement of people across the border (de jure), or a border may be an open border due to lack of adequate enforcement or adequate supervision of the border (de facto)."

Open border - Wikipedia
None of that applies to American borders.
And we are supposed to continuously take your unsubstantiated snowflake opinion over and over and over......?!

Open borders mean unrestricted legal crossings of borders.

Please provide a link to your 'Liberal Encyclopedia'....

"An open border is a border that enables free movement of people between jurisdictions with few or no restrictions on movement, that is to say lacking substantive border control.

A border may be an open border due to a lack of legal controls or intentional legislation allowing free movement of people across the border (de jure), or a border may be an open border due to lack of adequate enforcement or adequate supervision of the border (de facto)."

Open border - Wikipedia
45000 border Patrol and ICE agents, 700 miles of walls, the lord knows how many custom entry points that have to be passed through to come in legally, a visa program, a legal process for asylum seekers that denies them 95% of the time of being refugees etc. is hardly a situation of illegal entry being ignored or open borders...

Do we have a crisis right now with all of these Central Americans escape to USA....? Surely we do.... but the Trumpster actions have made it worse, instead of trying to solve the problem imo.
Thank you for that wonderful opinion....
Open Borders is a nonsense lie.
100,000 illegals coming across the US border per month in violation of existing US Law says 'YOU Lie'.

quit lying -

Arrests of families crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally in the past five months hit a record, prompting the chief of Customs and Border Protection to say the system is at “the breaking point.”

From October through February, border agents arrested 136,150 people traveling in families at the southern border. Those figures exceeded the record for a full, 12-month period; 107,212 people were arrested during the federal fiscal year that ended in September.

Nice LINK to support your li, er...claim, snowflake. :p

Here, try this one:

"The number of border-crossers taken into U.S. custody topped 100,000 for the second consecutive month in April...U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) detained 109,144 migrants along the boundary with Mexico last month, a 6 percent increase from March, as monthly arrests reached their highest point since 2007."

Even the media is abandoning the liberals' refusal to acknowledge reality, both the national security and humanitarian crisis.

Speaker of the House Pelosi and her fellow Democrats recently gave the finger to illegals / children in detention centers who were facing over-crowding, inadequate food, unsanitary conditions all because Pelosi and her fellow Democrats refused to adequately fund the USBPA - to provide the funding and resources to address the crisis.

The media coverage of the situation was brutal, and the resignation of the Director of the US BPA, specifically his pointing out how Pelosi and House Democrats - who control Spending - had failed to do their job resulting in this crisis, hit like a ton of bricks. Pelosi, in an attempt to prevent the Democrats looking any worse that they already did, quickly caved and agreed to pass the US Senate's emergency spending bill addressing the crisis.

Pelosi - and you - just proved the only way Democrats will acknowledge what is really going on is to publicly shame them by pointing out that the current crisis is a result of their inaction / refusal to accept what is going on IS a crisis.

At least half the problem isn't the numbers, it's the process. The Republicans just had a majority in the US Congress for eight years and couldn't fix the problems either, including the easy one--DACA. So let's not be pointing fingers here.
Beto said he would tear down the wall. The debaters all said as much...crossing the border illegally would not be a "crime".....

Again, a misleading post claiming O'Rourke called for "tearing down the wall" when he was talking about only the walls in his city of El Paso. Nowhere in the video does he speak of wanting "open borders".

What do you think tearing down the wall in El Paso is?

its a fence Dilbert-

Than why does he want to tear it down if it's just a fence?

Do you think Beto is a candidate that will be in the primary a couple of months from now, or has a chance of being the nominee? I don't!

That dude has a snowball's chance in hell.
Unfortunately you had ten of your other candidates raise their hands when they were asked if they'd give illegals free healthcare.
And dont forget beta is campaigning in mexico for the US presidency. You dont see that as a problem?
Open Borders is a nonsense lie. It's a misleading inaccurate misleading propaganda talking point. Supporters of Donald's lie are unable to articulate just what the heck it means in any kind of objective way.

America does not have open borders. There are many laws and rules restricting entering the USA and our detention facilities and prisons are full of people who thought America had open borders. Many immigrants have avoided legal repercussions for crossing our borders, but that is not the same as "Open Borders", whatever open borders mean.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”

^^^^^This! We do want all that including AMNESTY, but we are going to LIE and say we don't want Open Borders. That IS OPEN BORDERS! LOL!
Open Borders is a nonsense lie. It's a misleading inaccurate misleading propaganda talking point. Supporters of Donald's lie are unable to articulate just what the heck it means in any kind of objective way.

America does not have open borders. There are many laws and rules restricting entering the USA and our detention facilities and prisons are full of people who thought America had open borders. Many immigrants have avoided legal repercussions for crossing our borders, but that is not the same as "Open Borders", whatever open borders mean.

And no one advocates for open borders.

The notion is a ridiculous rightwing lie.

After the clowns presenting themselves on stage, it's not hard to see why this topic was created. The democrat position of open borders just isn't acceptable to any American. Now they try to back-pedal from (admitting) their positions, as the blindingly obvious results are in.
But you can't even define what open borders means. It's just a propaganda talking point lie you can not let go of.

Why would I need to define something that is COMPLETELY OBVIOUS? If you don't know what an open border is, you need to find some new forums. This is like going to a mathematics forum and asking "but what do you mean by that addition sign" in the mids of complicated theorems. Ridiculous, completely ridiculous.

Of course, let's be real, this is an extension of the "but define socialism" argument - a other completely idiotic failure. It didn't work then, it doesn't work now. Everyone knows what an open border is. You supporters of the thing especially.

Without Trump the border would be GAPING right now as third worlders would march in to pillage Americans so that democrats could have some votes.
Not having a wall does not make it an open border.
Open Borders is a nonsense lie. It's a misleading inaccurate misleading propaganda talking point. Supporters of Donald's lie are unable to articulate just what the heck it means in any kind of objective way.

America does not have open borders. There are many laws and rules restricting entering the USA and our detention facilities and prisons are full of people who thought America had open borders. Many immigrants have avoided legal repercussions for crossing our borders, but that is not the same as "Open Borders", whatever open borders mean.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”

^^^^^This! We do want all that including AMNESTY, but we are going to LIE and say we don't want Open Borders. That IS OPEN BORDERS! LOL!

A liberal literally admitted that on the first page of the thread. The reply started with:

"Open borders are a good thing..."
One person asked what the difference between it being a criminal act instead of how it always was only a misdemeanor. But trump is using this as a way to try and make the refugees seem like criminals. They are not. They are refugees. He makes them a criminal so he can take their kids away and stuff them in cages without proper nutrition or basic hygiene We go around the world starting wars and creating million of refugees in the middle east. Now we are doing that at home. The right yells they are taking their jobs. Get an education and you won't lose your job to an illegal migrant. We see that we have over 6 million jobs that are going unfilled which stops growth if we do not get more workers.
They are not refugees. They are not seeking refuge from any disaster or government oppression. They are here for the money. They are greedugees. They use children as entry tickets and either abandon them, recycle them or pass them along to their buyers. Democrat open borders has made this country number one in human trafficking. They like it that way.
Open borders mean unrestricted legal crossings of borders.

Please provide a link to your 'Liberal Encyclopedia'....

"An open border is a border that enables free movement of people between jurisdictions with few or no restrictions on movement, that is to say lacking substantive border control.

A border may be an open border due to a lack of legal controls or intentional legislation allowing free movement of people across the border (de jure), or a border may be an open border due to lack of adequate enforcement or adequate supervision of the border (de facto)."

Open border - Wikipedia
45000 border Patrol and ICE agents, 700 miles of walls, the lord knows how many custom entry points that have to be passed through to come in legally, a visa program, a legal process for asylum seekers that denies them 95% of the time of being refugees etc. is hardly a situation of illegal entry being ignored or open borders...

Do we have a crisis right now with all of these Central Americans escape to USA....? Surely we do.... but the Trumpster actions have made it worse, instead of trying to solve the problem imo.

Are you sure that you aren't mixing up what we have with Trump vs what the democrats are promising?

The democrats are fighting in every way they can to stop border security. But the God-Emperor is just too strong for their open border cabal.
He's causing a lot of it.... all of his bogus threats in tweets of shutting down the border completely, has caused these Central Americans to rush to our border before it closes... is just one example.... then closing down the legal entry points to s slow crawl has CAUSED the masses to cross over illegally, overwhelming our Border Patrol and Facilities, his not staffing the courts with Judges,purposely, is also causing the crisis to be worse....
His denial of the 25 billion offered to him by Pelosi and Schummer and later in a bipartisan immigration bill ALSO has exasperated the situation, especially after he had said to just come up with a plan and he would sign it.... but he didn't.

He loves the chaos he has intentionally done, because he can now claim Democrats are for open borders and this puts him in a position to tell his sheeple, I tried to get you the wall.... but no one will let me.... imo

Open borders mean unrestricted legal crossings of borders.

Please provide a link to your 'Liberal Encyclopedia'....

"An open border is a border that enables free movement of people between jurisdictions with few or no restrictions on movement, that is to say lacking substantive border control.

A border may be an open border due to a lack of legal controls or intentional legislation allowing free movement of people across the border (de jure), or a border may be an open border due to lack of adequate enforcement or adequate supervision of the border (de facto)."

Open border - Wikipedia
None of that applies to American borders.

It has a good definition.

Open Border = unrestricted movement

Controlled Border = Limitations. Visa's, permits.

Closed Border = No or little movement.
At least half the problem isn't the numbers, it's the process.
The ENTIRE problem is the Democratic party's commitment to allowing every single illegal wanting to come into the country, to forcing the middle class to bear the fiscal burden of paying for their health care, housing, education, bear the burden of salaries going down to the massive influx of unskilled illegal immigrants, etc... with the sole purpose of securing the VOTES of those illegals.

The ENTIRE problem is the Democrats refusal to enforce existing US Immigration law, refusal to acknowledge the on-going national security and humanitarian crisis, refusal to provide the necessary funding and resources for the USBPA to adequately address the crisis, continuing to aid and abet illegals, continuing to encourage and facilitate illegal immigration, continuing to operate federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities, etc....
Open Borders is a nonsense lie. It's a misleading inaccurate misleading propaganda talking point. Supporters of Donald's lie are unable to articulate just what the heck it means in any kind of objective way.

America does not have open borders. There are many laws and rules restricting entering the USA and our detention facilities and prisons are full of people who thought America had open borders. Many immigrants have avoided legal repercussions for crossing our borders, but that is not the same as "Open Borders", whatever open borders mean.
dude, nice joke. what's the punch line?
The punch line is you and your fellow dupes still believe Trump's lie about open borders and after 50 posts cannot define and articulate the meaning of open borders the way I have. Open borders mean unrestricted legal crossings of borders.
then where's the legislation to secure the border?
After the clowns presenting themselves on stage, it's not hard to see why this topic was created. The democrat position of open borders just isn't acceptable to any American. Now they try to back-pedal from (admitting) their positions, as the blindingly obvious results are in.
But you can't even define what open borders means. It's just a propaganda talking point lie you can not let go of.

Why would I need to define something that is COMPLETELY OBVIOUS? If you don't know what an open border is, you need to find some new forums. This is like going to a mathematics forum and asking "but what do you mean by that addition sign" in the mids of complicated theorems. Ridiculous, completely ridiculous.

Of course, let's be real, this is an extension of the "but define socialism" argument - a other completely idiotic failure. It didn't work then, it doesn't work now. Everyone knows what an open border is. You supporters of the thing especially.

Without Trump the border would be GAPING right now as third worlders would march in to pillage Americans so that democrats could have some votes.
Not having a wall does not make it an open border.
Open borders mean unrestricted legal crossings of borders.

Please provide a link to your 'Liberal Encyclopedia'....

"An open border is a border that enables free movement of people between jurisdictions with few or no restrictions on movement, that is to say lacking substantive border control.

A border may be an open border due to a lack of legal controls or intentional legislation allowing free movement of people across the border (de jure), or a border may be an open border due to lack of adequate enforcement or adequate supervision of the border (de facto)."

Open border - Wikipedia
45000 border Patrol and ICE agents, 700 miles of walls, the lord knows how many custom entry points that have to be passed through to come in legally, a visa program, a legal process for asylum seekers that denies them 95% of the time of being refugees etc. is hardly a situation of illegal entry being ignored or open borders...

Do we have a crisis right now with all of these Central Americans escape to USA....? Surely we do.... but the Trumpster actions have made it worse, instead of trying to solve the problem imo.

Are you sure that you aren't mixing up what we have with Trump vs what the democrats are promising?

The democrats are fighting in every way they can to stop border security. But the God-Emperor is just too strong for their open border cabal.
He's causing a lot of it.... all of his bogus threats in tweets of shutting down the border completely, has caused these Central Americans to rush to our border before it closes... is just one example.... then closing down the legal entry points to s slow crawl has CAUSED the masses to cross over illegally, overwhelming our Border Patrol and Facilities, his not staffing the courts with Judges,purposely, is also causing the crisis to be worse....
His denial of the 25 billion offered to him by Pelosi and Schummer and later in a bipartisan immigration bill ALSO has exasperated the situation, especially after he had said to just come up with a plan and he would sign it.... but he didn't.

He loves the chaos he has intentionally done, because he can now claim Democrats are for open borders and this puts him in a position to tell his sheeple, I tried to get you the wall.... but no one will let me.... imo


Yeah, it's the Trump's tweets that are at fault here. Not the democrats who are preventing any and all border security by any means possible.

Care4all, if you care for yourself you shut off the CNN that is poisoning your mind.

The democrats are for open borders as the thread has proven again, and again.
QUOTE="BrokeLoser, post: 22636068, member: 59273"]
Open Borders is a nonsense lie. It's a misleading inaccurate misleading propaganda talking point. Supporters of Donald's lie are unable to articulate just what the heck it means in any kind of objective way.

America does not have open borders. There are many laws and rules restricting entering the USA and our detention facilities and prisons are full of people who thought America had open borders. Many immigrants have avoided legal repercussions for crossing our borders, but that is not the same as "Open Borders", whatever open borders mean.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”[/QUOTE]

Open Borders is a nonsense lie. It's a misleading inaccurate misleading propaganda talking point. Supporters of Donald's lie are unable to articulate just what the heck it means in any kind of objective way.

America does not have open borders. There are many laws and rules restricting entering the USA and our detention facilities and prisons are full of people who thought America had open borders. Many immigrants have avoided legal repercussions for crossing our borders, but that is not the same as "Open Borders", whatever open borders mean.

“We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just don’t want a wall, we want to provide wetbacks with safe havens, we want to give wetbacks the right to drive, we want to provide them with free education and healthcare, we want to abolish iCE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million illegal wetbacks here now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want wetbacks to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”

They know we have open borders. They try to be cute will their little word games but it makes them look like the fools that they are.
they don't want open borders and they don't want the illegals stopped at the border. I ask any leftist in this forum to explain what this means?
Beto said he would tear down the wall. The debaters all said as much...crossing the border illegally would not be a "crime".....

It was a Civil Offense before 2007, which is not a Criminal Offense... it was not a crime, though still illegal. It became a crime, a misdemeanor, after Immigration reform passed.

Our problems right now is with all of these Asylum Seekers from Central America, not illegal Mexicans...

We need to figure out how to help keep these people in their own Countries, instead of selling everything that they own to make the long ass, excruciating trip here, only to be denied refugee status 95% of the time when they finally make it to immigration court, separating their kids from them, and keeping these kids, at $780 a day for each one of them, at the tax payers expense, in one facility alone housing 700 children and only 4 showers, with no soap or toothpaste/ tooth brushes....

Being CRUEL is not the answer to stopping this flow...

I think one of the solutions would be to allow the Border entry points to process them instead of essentially shutting them down to refugees and forcing them to cross outside of the border, overwhelming Border Patrol Agents,

And stack the courts from here to high heaven with Immigration Judges, so anyone that is seeking asylum has his or her court date within 2 to 3 weeks, keeping them together with their kids in detention until that court date, and using the $780 a day, per child that is separated, using that money to pay for all the courts and judges to handle the over flow.

What is happening now, is a 6 month to a year wait for their court hearing... they are having to be released, and then do not show up for their Court hearings in a lot of cases.

this makes their whole arduous trip worth it to them.... that chance.

If we stacked the courts with immigration judges and their cases were heard in 1 to 3 weeks, and then turned around and sent home immediately afterwards when they fail to meet refugee status in Court.... the flow here, will end up dwindling, because the 95% chance of denial, is real, and quick, with no chance to slip under the radar!

After the clowns presenting themselves on stage, it's not hard to see why this topic was created. The democrat position of open borders just isn't acceptable to any American. Now they try to back-pedal from (admitting) their positions, as the blindingly obvious results are in.
But you can't even define what open borders means. It's just a propaganda talking point lie you can not let go of.

Why would I need to define something that is COMPLETELY OBVIOUS? If you don't know what an open border is, you need to find some new forums. This is like going to a mathematics forum and asking "but what do you mean by that addition sign" in the mids of complicated theorems. Ridiculous, completely ridiculous.

Of course, let's be real, this is an extension of the "but define socialism" argument - a other completely idiotic failure. It didn't work then, it doesn't work now. Everyone knows what an open border is. You supporters of the thing especially.
I understand you are frustrated that an important propaganda nonsense talking point lie is being exposed in this thread. If as you claim the definition of the term open borders is so obvious, you should be able to define it.

For me, open borders mean unrestricted legal travel across borders.

Open border means... open border, for those with more than 60 IQ points. Perhaps a dictionary can help you?

a situation in which goods and people can enter and leave a country easily:
OPEN BORDER | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

Which is the democrat position.
That actually was Bush2's position, let the Mexicans and others come and go to work here on Temporary work visas.... while never becoming citizens in the USA.

work visas correct. not walk in unabated.
Democrats want to give ILLEGAL ALIENS:

Amnesty + Free Healthcare + Free College + whatever else = OPEN BORDERS
they want to control them forever. I heard today, Dennis Prager show, latino called in, said he founded LExit, Latino exit the demolosers.

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