Open Minded Agnostic Atheist

But the religious are so put upon.
Not what I am saying. I had my politics bonnet on, and politically I have quite a few Libertarian leanings. My motto in regards to government is Less is Best. Also, I think the Federal government should be focused only on what is best for the country: Protection, Trade, Transportation. States can be the hub for what towns and counties need from a Federal government. Towns can handle local matters (especially schools), and people can help people. Religion is on its own.

Anyway, sorry to have gotten you into this. I'll never be a fan of big government no matter how much anyone favors it, and that is nothing I care to be reasonable about--and I won't be.
Anyway, sorry to have gotten you into this. I'll never be a fan of big government no matter how much anyone favors it, and that is nothing I care to be reasonable about--and I won't be.
can't get enough big religion though, funny that.

clue, secularism is universal one size fits all.
Secular humanism is evil in sheep’s clothing.
Secular humanism is evil in sheep’s clothing.
gee, why be specific when you can drop an anvil ...

the religion of antiquity is secular, pertaining to all beings necessary for their spiritual admission to the Everlasting.
Actually, socialism (aka secular humanism) tries to mimic Christianity except socialism replaces God with the deification of man. It is no accident that all of communism's rhetorical vows revolve around Man (with a capital M) and his earthly happiness.
Actually, socialism (aka secular humanism) tries to mimic Christianity ...
you are a very confused person - no one tries to mimic a need for a fairytale messiah or to live their lives guided by a script of forgeries and fallacies purposefully written to please their personal world view - bing.

your deliberate association of secular with socialism is nothing more than an unwarranted fear for both.

the 1st century was in fact more a secular statement by the religious itinerant than a religious one only to be dragged through religious muck that occurred during the 4th century - christianity.
He does expose himself as a right wing conservative when he shows his fear of socialism and secularism. Now we’re starting to see why dings got such a hard on for god. He may be like trump. A fake. It’s obvious both ding and trump are fake christians
Says the guy who said he hates ugly fat women.
Atheism and socialism go hand in hand and are existential threats to freedom and liberty.

If me speaking that truth makes me a conservative and a fake Christian, so be it.
Say you work or perhaps own a business and must pay taxes (real estate, income, SS, Medicare, etc) like the vast majority do. Now explain how you aren't paying more to support those getting tax breaks? And how that's supposed to be funny? Say some super rich asshole starts a foundation, sticks their money in there along with other rich people's, then spends it building new wings on some Ivy League college dorms, helping the local symphony orchestra, and buying new uniforms for some baseball teams. Supposedly due to "charity" they avoid paying taxes coming and going, plus get to spend the money that would normally have gone to state coffers pretty much as they please including self-advertising like crazy. Yeah, having our billionaires and major religious establishments making tons of big decisions for us on our dime every day is hilarious. Democracy at its finest.
The Church doesn't receive tax payer funds. You are trying very hard to make it seem like they do. I find it funny that you feel the need to do so. Where's your sense of humor?
Try inspecting foot before inserting so directly in mouth next time:
May 8, 2020 at 1:27 p.m. EDT
About 13,000 of the country’s 17,000 Catholic parishes applied for the government’s small-business stimulus program, and about half have so far received the requested funds, according to the church’s group for diocesan fiscal managers.
remember that thousands of faith-based organizations, from small daycare centers to homeless shelters, have taken Federal money and delivered services without a hitch. They have been able to comply with these principles " without sacrificing their faith identity.
Say you work or perhaps own a business and must pay taxes (real estate, income, SS, Medicare, etc) like the vast majority do. Now explain how you aren't paying more to support those getting tax breaks? And how that's supposed to be funny? Say some super rich asshole starts a foundation, sticks their money in there along with other rich people's, then spends it building new wings on some Ivy League college dorms, helping the local symphony orchestra, and buying new uniforms for some baseball teams. Supposedly due to "charity" they avoid paying taxes coming and going, plus get to spend the money that would normally have gone to state coffers pretty much as they please including self-advertising like crazy. Yeah, having our billionaires and major religious establishments making tons of big decisions for us on our dime every day is hilarious. Democracy at its finest.
The Church doesn't receive tax payer funds. You are trying very hard to make it seem like they do. I find it funny that you feel the need to do so. Where's your sense of humor?
Try inspecting foot before inserting so directly in mouth next time:
May 8, 2020 at 1:27 p.m. EDT
About 13,000 of the country’s 17,000 Catholic parishes applied for the government’s small-business stimulus program, and about half have so far received the requested funds, according to the church’s group for diocesan fiscal managers.
remember that thousands of faith-based organizations, from small daycare centers to homeless shelters, have taken Federal money and delivered services without a hitch. They have been able to comply with these principles " without sacrificing their faith identity.
Private schools. Not churches. The Church doesn't receive tax payer funds.

Maybe you should check their hospitals too.
You don’t find it strange that so many people have so many different takes on one book? So much disagreement. So much contradiction. Confusion. Distortion, spin, versions, interpretation, corruption through the dark ages....
No. First, people focus on different parts of the book. Second, people have a habit of seeing what they want to see. Third, people find ways of interpreting that agrees with what they already think, even if they have to find something out of context. Fourth, your own conclusions are what really matter. Finally, recognition that one's own conclusions--no matter how many agree with them--may be wrong.

I have done a lot of Bible study prompted by an experience that God absolutely IS love. did the authors of the Bible get it so wrong? I was a journalism student, and in journalism, like our court system, you don't go with hearsay, you go back to the source. Going back to the source entailed going back to original languages, as much first hand history as possible, and the oldest commentaries that could be found. Then it was about understanding what kind of Bible book I was reading. There were law books, history books, poetry, psalms, adages, biographies, science, just so stories, literature, etc. There was recognizing edits and that the history was mainly written by the winner.

People don't have the time to do this, and partly, they don't have the inclination either--not when it all boils down to faith that God is love, and loving God and one's fellow man is the ideal for which to strive. All my studying of the Bible boils down to something I learned as a mere toddler, listening to my slightly older brother learn his catechism: We were made to know, love, and serve God. The end. That is why I will never make a good novelist. My rendition of Tolkien's classics is, "An evil ring was found, so a wizard had an eagle drop into a volcano. The end."

Ask people to sum up the Bible. In ancient times a Rabbi said, "Love God, love your neighbor. The rest is just commentary."
1. If god is love I’m all about god. Ding thinks im a mean angry evil person but I’m not. I’m all about making other people happy and being good to the people and environment around me.

what would people say about me at my funeral? They’d say how good I was to dogs. Especially my own. But then I deer hunt. Deer are just as lovable as dogs yet I hunt and eat them.

2. Yes my conclusions are all that matter. And I realize I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I am Right

Hope you’re having a great Sunday. I just found out my 15 year old nephew is bringing out 7 buddies on Friday. Gonna be so much fun. I don’t have kids so I live for these moments.
You don’t find it strange that so many people have so many different takes on one book? So much disagreement. So much contradiction. Confusion. Distortion, spin, versions, interpretation, corruption through the dark ages....
No. First, people focus on different parts of the book. Second, people have a habit of seeing what they want to see. Third, people find ways of interpreting that agrees with what they already think, even if they have to find something out of context. Fourth, your own conclusions are what really matter. Finally, recognition that one's own conclusions--no matter how many agree with them--may be wrong.

I have done a lot of Bible study prompted by an experience that God absolutely IS love. did the authors of the Bible get it so wrong? I was a journalism student, and in journalism, like our court system, you don't go with hearsay, you go back to the source. Going back to the source entailed going back to original languages, as much first hand history as possible, and the oldest commentaries that could be found. Then it was about understanding what kind of Bible book I was reading. There were law books, history books, poetry, psalms, adages, biographies, science, just so stories, literature, etc. There was recognizing edits and that the history was mainly written by the winner.

People don't have the time to do this, and partly, they don't have the inclination either--not when it all boils down to faith that God is love, and loving God and one's fellow man is the ideal for which to strive. All my studying of the Bible boils down to something I learned as a mere toddler, listening to my slightly older brother learn his catechism: We were made to know, love, and serve God. The end. That is why I will never make a good novelist. My rendition of Tolkien's classics is, "An evil ring was found, so a wizard had an eagle drop into a volcano. The end."

Ask people to sum up the Bible. In ancient times a Rabbi said, "Love God, love your neighbor. The rest is just commentary."
1. If god is love I’m all about god. Ding thinks im a mean angry evil person but I’m not. I’m all about making other people happy and being good to the people and environment around me.

what would people say about me at my funeral? They’d say how good I was to dogs. Especially my own. But then I deer hunt. Deer are just as lovable as dogs yet I hunt and eat them.

2. Yes my conclusions are all that matter. And I realize I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I am Right

Hope you’re having a great Sunday. I just found out my 15 year old nephew is bringing out 7 buddies on Friday. Gonna be so much fun. I don’t have kids so I live for these moments.
I think you are an ideologue. Are ideologues mean angry evil people? Deceitful for sure. Subversive? Yes.

Please try and get it straight for the future when you tell others what I observe about you.
Say you work or perhaps own a business and must pay taxes (real estate, income, SS, Medicare, etc) like the vast majority do. Now explain how you aren't paying more to support those getting tax breaks? And how that's supposed to be funny? Say some super rich asshole starts a foundation, sticks their money in there along with other rich people's, then spends it building new wings on some Ivy League college dorms, helping the local symphony orchestra, and buying new uniforms for some baseball teams. Supposedly due to "charity" they avoid paying taxes coming and going, plus get to spend the money that would normally have gone to state coffers pretty much as they please including self-advertising like crazy. Yeah, having our billionaires and major religious establishments making tons of big decisions for us on our dime every day is hilarious. Democracy at its finest.
The Church doesn't receive tax payer funds. You are trying very hard to make it seem like they do. I find it funny that you feel the need to do so. Where's your sense of humor?
You don’t think churches got money when everyone else got money?

i thought I made too much but even I got $950. I’m just gonna put mine in the stock market.
You don’t find it strange that so many people have so many different takes on one book? So much disagreement. So much contradiction. Confusion. Distortion, spin, versions, interpretation, corruption through the dark ages....
No. First, people focus on different parts of the book. Second, people have a habit of seeing what they want to see. Third, people find ways of interpreting that agrees with what they already think, even if they have to find something out of context. Fourth, your own conclusions are what really matter. Finally, recognition that one's own conclusions--no matter how many agree with them--may be wrong.

I have done a lot of Bible study prompted by an experience that God absolutely IS love. did the authors of the Bible get it so wrong? I was a journalism student, and in journalism, like our court system, you don't go with hearsay, you go back to the source. Going back to the source entailed going back to original languages, as much first hand history as possible, and the oldest commentaries that could be found. Then it was about understanding what kind of Bible book I was reading. There were law books, history books, poetry, psalms, adages, biographies, science, just so stories, literature, etc. There was recognizing edits and that the history was mainly written by the winner.

People don't have the time to do this, and partly, they don't have the inclination either--not when it all boils down to faith that God is love, and loving God and one's fellow man is the ideal for which to strive. All my studying of the Bible boils down to something I learned as a mere toddler, listening to my slightly older brother learn his catechism: We were made to know, love, and serve God. The end. That is why I will never make a good novelist. My rendition of Tolkien's classics is, "An evil ring was found, so a wizard had an eagle drop into a volcano. The end."

Ask people to sum up the Bible. In ancient times a Rabbi said, "Love God, love your neighbor. The rest is just commentary."
1. If god is love I’m all about god. Ding thinks im a mean angry evil person but I’m not. I’m all about making other people happy and being good to the people and environment around me.

what would people say about me at my funeral? They’d say how good I was to dogs. Especially my own. But then I deer hunt. Deer are just as lovable as dogs yet I hunt and eat them.

2. Yes my conclusions are all that matter. And I realize I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I am Right

Hope you’re having a great Sunday. I just found out my 15 year old nephew is bringing out 7 buddies on Friday. Gonna be so much fun. I don’t have kids so I live for these moments.
I think you are an ideologue. Are ideologues mean angry evil people? Deceitful for sure.
I’m not deceitful if anything I’m too honest. No filter
You don’t find it strange that so many people have so many different takes on one book? So much disagreement. So much contradiction. Confusion. Distortion, spin, versions, interpretation, corruption through the dark ages....
No. First, people focus on different parts of the book. Second, people have a habit of seeing what they want to see. Third, people find ways of interpreting that agrees with what they already think, even if they have to find something out of context. Fourth, your own conclusions are what really matter. Finally, recognition that one's own conclusions--no matter how many agree with them--may be wrong.

I have done a lot of Bible study prompted by an experience that God absolutely IS love. did the authors of the Bible get it so wrong? I was a journalism student, and in journalism, like our court system, you don't go with hearsay, you go back to the source. Going back to the source entailed going back to original languages, as much first hand history as possible, and the oldest commentaries that could be found. Then it was about understanding what kind of Bible book I was reading. There were law books, history books, poetry, psalms, adages, biographies, science, just so stories, literature, etc. There was recognizing edits and that the history was mainly written by the winner.

People don't have the time to do this, and partly, they don't have the inclination either--not when it all boils down to faith that God is love, and loving God and one's fellow man is the ideal for which to strive. All my studying of the Bible boils down to something I learned as a mere toddler, listening to my slightly older brother learn his catechism: We were made to know, love, and serve God. The end. That is why I will never make a good novelist. My rendition of Tolkien's classics is, "An evil ring was found, so a wizard had an eagle drop into a volcano. The end."

Ask people to sum up the Bible. In ancient times a Rabbi said, "Love God, love your neighbor. The rest is just commentary."
1. If god is love I’m all about god. Ding thinks im a mean angry evil person but I’m not. I’m all about making other people happy and being good to the people and environment around me.

what would people say about me at my funeral? They’d say how good I was to dogs. Especially my own. But then I deer hunt. Deer are just as lovable as dogs yet I hunt and eat them.

2. Yes my conclusions are all that matter. And I realize I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I am Right

Hope you’re having a great Sunday. I just found out my 15 year old nephew is bringing out 7 buddies on Friday. Gonna be so much fun. I don’t have kids so I live for these moments.
I think you are an ideologue. Are ideologues mean angry evil people? Deceitful for sure.
I’m not deceitful if anything I’m too honest. No filter
uh huh.
You don’t find it strange that so many people have so many different takes on one book? So much disagreement. So much contradiction. Confusion. Distortion, spin, versions, interpretation, corruption through the dark ages....
No. First, people focus on different parts of the book. Second, people have a habit of seeing what they want to see. Third, people find ways of interpreting that agrees with what they already think, even if they have to find something out of context. Fourth, your own conclusions are what really matter. Finally, recognition that one's own conclusions--no matter how many agree with them--may be wrong.

I have done a lot of Bible study prompted by an experience that God absolutely IS love. did the authors of the Bible get it so wrong? I was a journalism student, and in journalism, like our court system, you don't go with hearsay, you go back to the source. Going back to the source entailed going back to original languages, as much first hand history as possible, and the oldest commentaries that could be found. Then it was about understanding what kind of Bible book I was reading. There were law books, history books, poetry, psalms, adages, biographies, science, just so stories, literature, etc. There was recognizing edits and that the history was mainly written by the winner.

People don't have the time to do this, and partly, they don't have the inclination either--not when it all boils down to faith that God is love, and loving God and one's fellow man is the ideal for which to strive. All my studying of the Bible boils down to something I learned as a mere toddler, listening to my slightly older brother learn his catechism: We were made to know, love, and serve God. The end. That is why I will never make a good novelist. My rendition of Tolkien's classics is, "An evil ring was found, so a wizard had an eagle drop into a volcano. The end."

Ask people to sum up the Bible. In ancient times a Rabbi said, "Love God, love your neighbor. The rest is just commentary."
1. If god is love I’m all about god. Ding thinks im a mean angry evil person but I’m not. I’m all about making other people happy and being good to the people and environment around me.

what would people say about me at my funeral? They’d say how good I was to dogs. Especially my own. But then I deer hunt. Deer are just as lovable as dogs yet I hunt and eat them.

2. Yes my conclusions are all that matter. And I realize I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I am Right

Hope you’re having a great Sunday. I just found out my 15 year old nephew is bringing out 7 buddies on Friday. Gonna be so much fun. I don’t have kids so I live for these moments.
I think you are an ideologue. Are ideologues mean angry evil people? Deceitful for sure. Subversive? Yes.

Please try and get it straight for the future when you tell others what I observe about you.
What denomination are you? It’s ok if you say non denominational
Say you work or perhaps own a business and must pay taxes (real estate, income, SS, Medicare, etc) like the vast majority do. Now explain how you aren't paying more to support those getting tax breaks? And how that's supposed to be funny? Say some super rich asshole starts a foundation, sticks their money in there along with other rich people's, then spends it building new wings on some Ivy League college dorms, helping the local symphony orchestra, and buying new uniforms for some baseball teams. Supposedly due to "charity" they avoid paying taxes coming and going, plus get to spend the money that would normally have gone to state coffers pretty much as they please including self-advertising like crazy. Yeah, having our billionaires and major religious establishments making tons of big decisions for us on our dime every day is hilarious. Democracy at its finest.
The Church doesn't receive tax payer funds. You are trying very hard to make it seem like they do. I find it funny that you feel the need to do so. Where's your sense of humor?
You don’t think churches got money when everyone else got money?

i thought I made too much but even I got $950. I’m just gonna put mine in the stock market.
No. I think the schools did.
You don’t find it strange that so many people have so many different takes on one book? So much disagreement. So much contradiction. Confusion. Distortion, spin, versions, interpretation, corruption through the dark ages....
No. First, people focus on different parts of the book. Second, people have a habit of seeing what they want to see. Third, people find ways of interpreting that agrees with what they already think, even if they have to find something out of context. Fourth, your own conclusions are what really matter. Finally, recognition that one's own conclusions--no matter how many agree with them--may be wrong.

I have done a lot of Bible study prompted by an experience that God absolutely IS love. did the authors of the Bible get it so wrong? I was a journalism student, and in journalism, like our court system, you don't go with hearsay, you go back to the source. Going back to the source entailed going back to original languages, as much first hand history as possible, and the oldest commentaries that could be found. Then it was about understanding what kind of Bible book I was reading. There were law books, history books, poetry, psalms, adages, biographies, science, just so stories, literature, etc. There was recognizing edits and that the history was mainly written by the winner.

People don't have the time to do this, and partly, they don't have the inclination either--not when it all boils down to faith that God is love, and loving God and one's fellow man is the ideal for which to strive. All my studying of the Bible boils down to something I learned as a mere toddler, listening to my slightly older brother learn his catechism: We were made to know, love, and serve God. The end. That is why I will never make a good novelist. My rendition of Tolkien's classics is, "An evil ring was found, so a wizard had an eagle drop into a volcano. The end."

Ask people to sum up the Bible. In ancient times a Rabbi said, "Love God, love your neighbor. The rest is just commentary."
1. If god is love I’m all about god. Ding thinks im a mean angry evil person but I’m not. I’m all about making other people happy and being good to the people and environment around me.

what would people say about me at my funeral? They’d say how good I was to dogs. Especially my own. But then I deer hunt. Deer are just as lovable as dogs yet I hunt and eat them.

2. Yes my conclusions are all that matter. And I realize I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I am Right

Hope you’re having a great Sunday. I just found out my 15 year old nephew is bringing out 7 buddies on Friday. Gonna be so much fun. I don’t have kids so I live for these moments.
I think you are an ideologue. Are ideologues mean angry evil people? Deceitful for sure. Subversive? Yes.

Please try and get it straight for the future when you tell others what I observe about you.
What denomination are you? It’s ok if you say non denominational
I already answered this.
ding's been eating too many bags of dicks. He thought it might help him grow some brain cells but just made him even more of a humorless dick.

You don’t find it strange that so many people have so many different takes on one book? So much disagreement. So much contradiction. Confusion. Distortion, spin, versions, interpretation, corruption through the dark ages....
No. First, people focus on different parts of the book. Second, people have a habit of seeing what they want to see. Third, people find ways of interpreting that agrees with what they already think, even if they have to find something out of context. Fourth, your own conclusions are what really matter. Finally, recognition that one's own conclusions--no matter how many agree with them--may be wrong.

I have done a lot of Bible study prompted by an experience that God absolutely IS love. did the authors of the Bible get it so wrong? I was a journalism student, and in journalism, like our court system, you don't go with hearsay, you go back to the source. Going back to the source entailed going back to original languages, as much first hand history as possible, and the oldest commentaries that could be found. Then it was about understanding what kind of Bible book I was reading. There were law books, history books, poetry, psalms, adages, biographies, science, just so stories, literature, etc. There was recognizing edits and that the history was mainly written by the winner.

People don't have the time to do this, and partly, they don't have the inclination either--not when it all boils down to faith that God is love, and loving God and one's fellow man is the ideal for which to strive. All my studying of the Bible boils down to something I learned as a mere toddler, listening to my slightly older brother learn his catechism: We were made to know, love, and serve God. The end. That is why I will never make a good novelist. My rendition of Tolkien's classics is, "An evil ring was found, so a wizard had an eagle drop into a volcano. The end."

Ask people to sum up the Bible. In ancient times a Rabbi said, "Love God, love your neighbor. The rest is just commentary."
1. If god is love I’m all about god. Ding thinks im a mean angry evil person but I’m not. I’m all about making other people happy and being good to the people and environment around me.

what would people say about me at my funeral? They’d say how good I was to dogs. Especially my own. But then I deer hunt. Deer are just as lovable as dogs yet I hunt and eat them.

2. Yes my conclusions are all that matter. And I realize I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I am Right

Hope you’re having a great Sunday. I just found out my 15 year old nephew is bringing out 7 buddies on Friday. Gonna be so much fun. I don’t have kids so I live for these moments.
I think you are an ideologue. Are ideologues mean angry evil people? Deceitful for sure. Subversive? Yes.

Please try and get it straight for the future when you tell others what I observe about you.
What denomination are you? It’s ok if you say non denominational
I already answered this.
One more time and I won’t forget
ding's been eating too many bags of dicks. He thought it might help him grow some brain cells but just made him even more of a humorless dick.

That didn't take very long for you to make it about politics. Thanks for proving my point about the connection between socialism and atheism.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.
You don’t find it strange that so many people have so many different takes on one book? So much disagreement. So much contradiction. Confusion. Distortion, spin, versions, interpretation, corruption through the dark ages....
No. First, people focus on different parts of the book. Second, people have a habit of seeing what they want to see. Third, people find ways of interpreting that agrees with what they already think, even if they have to find something out of context. Fourth, your own conclusions are what really matter. Finally, recognition that one's own conclusions--no matter how many agree with them--may be wrong.

I have done a lot of Bible study prompted by an experience that God absolutely IS love. did the authors of the Bible get it so wrong? I was a journalism student, and in journalism, like our court system, you don't go with hearsay, you go back to the source. Going back to the source entailed going back to original languages, as much first hand history as possible, and the oldest commentaries that could be found. Then it was about understanding what kind of Bible book I was reading. There were law books, history books, poetry, psalms, adages, biographies, science, just so stories, literature, etc. There was recognizing edits and that the history was mainly written by the winner.

People don't have the time to do this, and partly, they don't have the inclination either--not when it all boils down to faith that God is love, and loving God and one's fellow man is the ideal for which to strive. All my studying of the Bible boils down to something I learned as a mere toddler, listening to my slightly older brother learn his catechism: We were made to know, love, and serve God. The end. That is why I will never make a good novelist. My rendition of Tolkien's classics is, "An evil ring was found, so a wizard had an eagle drop into a volcano. The end."

Ask people to sum up the Bible. In ancient times a Rabbi said, "Love God, love your neighbor. The rest is just commentary."
1. If god is love I’m all about god. Ding thinks im a mean angry evil person but I’m not. I’m all about making other people happy and being good to the people and environment around me.

what would people say about me at my funeral? They’d say how good I was to dogs. Especially my own. But then I deer hunt. Deer are just as lovable as dogs yet I hunt and eat them.

2. Yes my conclusions are all that matter. And I realize I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I am Right

Hope you’re having a great Sunday. I just found out my 15 year old nephew is bringing out 7 buddies on Friday. Gonna be so much fun. I don’t have kids so I live for these moments.
I think you are an ideologue. Are ideologues mean angry evil people? Deceitful for sure. Subversive? Yes.

Please try and get it straight for the future when you tell others what I observe about you.
What denomination are you? It’s ok if you say non denominational
I already answered this.
One more time and I won’t forget
It's only a couple of pages back or so. I'm sure it won't take you very long to find it.
But the religious are so put upon.
Not what I am saying. I had my politics bonnet on, and politically I have quite a few Libertarian leanings. My motto in regards to government is Less is Best. Also, I think the Federal government should be focused only on what is best for the country: Protection, Trade, Transportation. States can be the hub for what towns and counties need from a Federal government. Towns can handle local matters (especially schools), and people can help people. Religion is on its own.

Anyway, sorry to have gotten you into this. I'll never be a fan of big government no matter how much anyone favors it, and that is nothing I care to be reasonable about--and I won't be.
Anyway, sorry to have gotten you into this. I'll never be a fan of big government no matter how much anyone favors it, and that is nothing I care to be reasonable about--and I won't be.
can't get enough big religion though, funny that.

clue, secularism is universal one size fits all.
Secular humanism is evil in sheep’s clothing.
Secular humanism is evil in sheep’s clothing.
gee, why be specific when you can drop an anvil ...

the religion of antiquity is secular, pertaining to all beings necessary for their spiritual admission to the Everlasting.
Actually, socialism (aka secular humanism) tries to mimic Christianity except socialism replaces God with the deification of man. It is no accident that all of communism's rhetorical vows revolve around Man (with a capital M) and his earthly happiness.
Actually, socialism (aka secular humanism) tries to mimic Christianity ...
you are a very confused person - no one tries to mimic a need for a fairytale messiah or to live their lives guided by a script of forgeries and fallacies purposefully written to please their personal world view - bing.

your deliberate association of secular with socialism is nothing more than an unwarranted fear for both.

the 1st century was in fact more a secular statement by the religious itinerant than a religious one only to be dragged through religious muck that occurred during the 4th century - christianity.
He does expose himself as a right wing conservative when he shows his fear of socialism and secularism. Now we’re starting to see why dings got such a hard on for god. He may be like trump. A fake. It’s obvious both ding and trump are fake christians
Says the guy who said he hates ugly fat women.
I just had dinner with my neighbor. She’s 300 lbs and 5’2. I just wouldn’t have sex with her. Omg I feel bad my neighbor my age has a wife our age. I show up on the beach with a third girl in her 20s or 30s he hi 5s me and says wtf and I said “I hate older women”. I hope he didn’t take offense. His wife is a pretty 50 year old but I wouldn’t do her anymore
Say you work or perhaps own a business and must pay taxes (real estate, income, SS, Medicare, etc) like the vast majority do. Now explain how you aren't paying more to support those getting tax breaks? And how that's supposed to be funny? Say some super rich asshole starts a foundation, sticks their money in there along with other rich people's, then spends it building new wings on some Ivy League college dorms, helping the local symphony orchestra, and buying new uniforms for some baseball teams. Supposedly due to "charity" they avoid paying taxes coming and going, plus get to spend the money that would normally have gone to state coffers pretty much as they please including self-advertising like crazy. Yeah, having our billionaires and major religious establishments making tons of big decisions for us on our dime every day is hilarious. Democracy at its finest.
The Church doesn't receive tax payer funds. You are trying very hard to make it seem like they do. I find it funny that you feel the need to do so. Where's your sense of humor?
You don’t think churches got money when everyone else got money?

i thought I made too much but even I got $950. I’m just gonna put mine in the stock market.
No. I think the schools did.
I know my church took out a loan. They sent out a letter asking the members of it was ok. $150k and they have a year to pay it back. So basically they asked the suckers if they would pay off his $15k a month low interest loan. Of course the suckers said yes.

So besides what everyone mailed in when church wasn’t open, he’s finding a way to get more money.

im sure the priest and you will justify but all I say is what a racket.
I am totally open to the idea that god is real I just don’t believe any religions are real
I am concerned about too much Bible thumping. If the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the real God, then why did Abraham and his nephew Lot remain in spiritual bondage to Sodom in the manner of fruit that never ripened or an unfulfilled testament or promise of what kings and prophets desired to see but did not see?

Some people preach religion and practice vice, and then there's a devil, but no true God can come into being or exist in that religion.

Those hypocrites only preach right what gains them money and costs us money, and what they preach as so rightful to themselves they deny to us as sinful in the name of their religion.

If there is a God, then (by definition) God is good and right, but when that which is good and right fails to exist, then we are left without God.
Everything works for good.
Not here
ding's been eating too many bags of dicks. He thought it might help him grow some brain cells but just made him even more of a humorless dick.

That didn't take very long for you to make it about politics. Thanks for proving my point about the connection between socialism and atheism.

Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.
That didn't take very long for you to make it about your politics. Thanks for proving my point about the connection between eating too many bags of dicks and just becoming a bigger one as the predictable result.

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