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Operation in Gaza starts NOW! Ahmed Jahbri dead!

Rockets being launched right now are in response to these 20 airstrikes on gaza. Now its getting higher, about 26 to 30.

The rockets being fired into Israel are the same this week as they were last week, last month, last year, etc. They are not defensive weapons and not only do they not defend or protect Gazans, they put Gazans at risk. Like you they are just plain stupid.
Once more for the terminally stupid among us:
Rockets are not defensive weapons.
Any rockets determined to be offensive in nature, shall immediately be re-classified as a "missle" and it's back to being a defensive weapon again. See how easy that is?

It's the same as saying every innocent civilian killed by the IOF, shall be re-classified as an insurgent or terrorist. If they live, then it's collateral damage.
He was the kidnapper of Shalit. That doesn't sound really "peaceful".

I heard your point of view, today. I understand it, but disagree. I believe, personally, that Israel wanted to shoe Hamas that ones cannot kidnapp a soldier and stay safe for long (which was said by Arab experts this evening).

I don't know why he was chosen and not someone else, probably because the importance.

Israel says he ordered the operation. He probably did, but it was necessary at that time.

They didn't choose him, they went for any.

And these strikes can be said for a number of reasons, and needs more in depth talk.

All of the people here say pretty much the same now. This operation has started in order to bring safety to southerners.

I know there is also populism behind it. elections and all. But the reason doesn't matter as long as it's done (hurting hamas, i mean)

Is it going to work better than that Cast Lead flop?
10 killed, 45 wounded in Gaza.

And people somehow feel bad for the terrorist state of Israel.

Israel is committing crimes against a defenseless population.

And they get away with it.

Quit firing rockets and mortars into Israel, Fool.
Rockets being launched right now are in response to these 20 airstrikes on gaza. Now its getting higher, about 26 to 30.

The rockets being fired into Israel are the same this week as they were last week, last month, last year, etc. They are not defensive weapons and not only do they not defend or protect Gazans, they put Gazans at risk. Like you they are just plain stupid.
Dude, this dog don't hunt!

They stopped firing rockets at Israel for 4 months and the Israeli's still conducted air strikes, demolishing homes and would not ease restrictions on movement or the blockade.

They did what you asked them to do and got nothing in return. Yet, you continue to push this lame ass rap. Fuck you, liar!
I do know who is going to be our next President.

Unfortunately, she's more on your side than mine.
who do you mean, hell-ary clinton

you mean you are a republican??

what an idiot you are, to be sure

Indeed but you aren't much brighter today, Princess.
Loincloth infers that Clinton would be another in a long line of pro-Israel Presidents as, most likely, would any Repub.
Idiots like LoinBoy measure potential candidates that way. His misery will continue. :D

Clinton is for Clinton. Nothing else matters.

BTW, she has not been the same since her broom hit that tree.
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During the second intifada, when Sharon isolated Arafat in his headquarters and

What worked with Abbas was the punishment of Arafat, but since Israel ended targeted assassinations a decade ago, as you yourself have pointed out, the leadership in Gaza has not suffered from the violence as the other people in Gaza or the people in Israel have.
Violence at the hands of the IOF.

–Number of UN resolutions targeting Israel – 65 Number of UN resolutions targeting the Palestinians – 0

Amazing, eh? Once the premier international agency for peace has become a shrill voice for Arab propaganda. Pathetic. :D
Actually, no. Israel declaired an OPERATION to harm Hamas, throught Jahbri. The ones who said this is war, where the Hamas people.

Lipush a operation is a war, 30 airstrikes almost, is a war.

Hamas won't respond hard, it's impossible. This is a world power attacking a militia.

If anything, people should be worried about Gaza.

Israel is the aggressor here.

People should be worried about Gaza because despite its continued provocations, Hamas has not built any bomb shelters or installed any air raid alarms. If the people in Gaza were protected from the leaderships of the terrorist gangs there, they would not need to be protected from Israeli attacks.

Gazans are but cannon fodder in the Arab/Muslim World's war against the Jews.
Israeli and Palestinian Children Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

Its very sad that a single one of those children died. Its also very sad to see people attempting to use their tragic deaths as statistical ammunition for point scoring when the reasons for the disparity in mortality rates is multifaceted.
It is incredibly vulgar to engage in shroud waving of this kind when most of those children would be alive and well today if the adults responsible for their well- being could just stop attacking their neighbours and then hiding behind the skirts of women and children once they've provoked the response they desired.You are supporting child murderers and engaging in their despicable habit of shroud waving and trampling all over this tragedy. Shame on you.
BTW, haven't you forgotten to neg rep me today? The 48 hour period is safely past now, Jos. Lol

Well you asked, I posted, now you want to blame the parents for the deaths of their children by American supplied weapons, that your Tax Dollars paid for
You are supporting child murderers yet deny it, Shame on you and your Chutzpah!

You should pay more attention and then you wouldn't embarass yourself so frequently. One Clue: I don't pay tax dollars.
Israeli and Palestinian Children Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

Its very sad that a single one of those children died. Its also very sad to see people attempting to use their tragic deaths as statistical ammunition for point scoring when the reasons for the disparity in mortality rates is multifaceted.
It is incredibly vulgar to engage in shroud waving of this kind when most of those children would be alive and well today if the adults responsible for their well- being could just stop attacking their neighbours and then hiding behind the skirts of women and children once they've provoked the response they desired.You are supporting child murderers and engaging in their despicable habit of shroud waving and trampling all over this tragedy. Shame on you.
BTW, haven't you forgotten to neg rep me today? The 48 hour period is safely past now, Jos. Lol

well, that is about the most hypocritical post i have seen in a long time.

you deplore shroud waving to make political points and all the while you wave the shroud to make political points.

mu compliments.

oh, and go ahead and neg rep me if you want.

OK imbecille, show me where I rather than Jos is shroud waving. You will never see me do that for a great many reasons, oh, and i don't and won't ever neg rep anyone either, its incredibly childish and stupidly mean, so sorry to dissapoint you :doubt:
People should be worried about Gaza because despite its continued provocations, Hamas has not built any bomb shelters or installed any air raid alarms. If the people in Gaza were protected from the leaderships of the terrorist gangs there, they would not need to be protected from Israeli attacks.
That's because the Israeli's will not allow cement to be imported into Gaza, you fuckin' dolt!

Really? How do those poor poor Gazans get rocket building materials, Fucktard? :D
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Explosions in my town, no alarm.
Who the fuck do you think you are? You're glorifying war crimes as though you were Al Michaels doing the play-by-play on Monday Night Football.

Once again, Israel acts like it is above the law. And if I was President, I'd have the USS Ronald Reagan off their shores and marines on the beach so fast , they'd be shut down and back in their own country before sunset.

Why are you so thick??????
Seriously, Loinie - 'Global Research' now????? Pandering to Holocaust deniers and revisionist 'historians',
Ad hominem's are not valid rebuttals. And I challenge you to present one Holocaust denying article from that website. Just one.

why not just use Stormfront ???
I went over there once to fuck with the red-necks. My user name was Rob Whitey. But they got some wierd rules over there and I lost interest.

Maybe I'll go over to Little Green Footballs, and fuck with the righties.

Who would have guessed that you would spend your time at Stormfront or that you would be a troll. :D

Thanks, Hossfly. From you link:

...'The Israel Defense Forces said in a statement that Mr. Jabari had been targeted because he “served in the upper echelon of the Hamas command and was directly responsible for executing terror attacks against the state of Israel in the past number of years.”
The statement said the purpose of the attack was to “severely impair the command and control chain of the Hamas leadership as well as its terrorist infrastructure.”
....'Shin Bet, the Israeli security agency, considered Mr. Jabari responsible for what it called “all anti-Israeli terror activity” emanating from Gaza. Israel had made at least one previous attempt to kill him....'

Seems fairy nuff.
I'm sure tinny et al will recognise this as 'defence' of Israel.
No innocent bystanders hurt, as far as I can see, thank goodness.


I found myself imagining a targeted assassination of Netanyahu had occurred , imagining such an event actually occurring!

I simply could not help myself, I simply could not stop the urge to contemplate Hamas or another carrying out such an act, imagining it in my mind!

I could not help but think there would be some Justice in such an incident happening.

Certainly, the world would be a safer place without a terror launcher, a murderer of Gentiles of Palestine, like Netanyahu in it!

Then, I ended my thoughts over this by accepting God's Justice is how this will all come out.

I am so impatient for God's Justice to fully descend on Palestine!

But, once again, it is all in God's timing!


Ever consider the possiblity that you really don't undderstand God's Ways? That what is happening right now in Gaza is God's Justice? :D
Israel is only protecting itself.
Bulldozing down entire neighborhoods; constantly shooting at Palestinian's fisherman and farmers; murdering Palestinian children at the rate of 8/per day, are not defensive moves.

Rocket attacks are always in response to an Israeli air strike, extra-judicial killing (like we have today) or the occupation and blockade itself.

If Israel wants to protect itself, they should stop initiating all the violence.

you've been asked about 5 times now to provide evidence for your 5 a day bs, just as you were asked several times to provide evidence for your nonsense about street lights the other day. Still no evidence.
Do you think if you just make an allegation frequently enough we are all going to buy the crap you are peddling?
Lipush a operation is a war, 30 airstrikes almost, is a war.

Hamas won't respond hard, it's impossible. This is a world power attacking a militia.

If anything, people should be worried about Gaza.

Israel is the aggressor here.

People should be worried about Gaza because despite its continued provocations, Hamas has not built any bomb shelters or installed any air raid alarms. If the people in Gaza were protected from the leaderships of the terrorist gangs there, they would not need to be protected from Israeli attacks.

Gazans are but cannon fodder in the Arab/Muslim World's war against the Jews.


I think you mean the Israeli War against the Gentiles of the Middle East!

Just keeping you, honest, now!

I wonder what israeli leaders hoped for, by Killing Al-Jabari after 24 hours of relative calm, when an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire seemed to be holding.?
All these "ceasefires" and hudnas are wasting valuable time. Time to clean the barn.

I do enjoy when they start openly calling for genocide.

I do enjoy when they think they know who they are. :D

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