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Operation in Gaza starts NOW! Ahmed Jahbri dead!

Who would have guessed that you would spend your time at Stormfront or that you would be a troll. :D
I was only there for a couple of posts, until I found out they have this stupid rule that you have to pass a moderator's review for the first 50 posts before you're allowed to upload immediately.

So I just said, "fuck it!", you guys are pussy's, if you have to have your mommy look at the posts of others before you read them.
sherri actually believes the murdering pig is going to jannah for eternal orgasm in the sky ------how sweet
Once more for the terminally stupid among us:
Rockets are not defensive weapons.
Any rockets determined to be offensive in nature, shall immediately be re-classified as a "missle" and it's back to being a defensive weapon again. See how easy that is?

It's the same as saying every innocent civilian killed by the IOF, shall be re-classified as an insurgent or terrorist. If they live, then it's collateral damage.

Playing silly games with words will not stop the IDF from opening a can of whup-ass on your boys nor from "martyring" as many Hamas terror-rats as available ... not that you care. :D
well, that is about the most hypocritical post i have seen in a long time.

you deplore shroud waving to make political points and all the while you wave the shroud to make political points.

mu compliments.

oh, and go ahead and neg rep me if you want.

OK imbecille, show me where I rather than Jos is shroud waving. You will never see me do that for a great many reasons, oh, and i don't and won't ever neg rep anyone either, its incredibly childish and stupidly mean, so sorry to dissapoint you :doubt:

"most of those children would be alive and well today if the adults responsible for their well- being could just stop attacking their neighbours and then hiding behind the skirts of women and children once they've provoked the response they desired.You are supporting child murderers and engaging in their despicable habit of shroud waving and trampling all over this tragedy. Shame on you."

sounds like shroud waving to me...

on another note...

"oh, and i don't and won't ever neg rep anyone either, its incredibly childish and stupidly mean, so sorry to dissapoint you"

wake up maggie, i think anj's got somthing to say to you...

you clearly don't understand what shroud waving means, even though there was a graph to help you. Duhhhhh.
sherri does not actually LIE----she parrots standard islamo nazi pig propaganda a bird brain does not actually KNOWINGLY LIE
Rockets being launched right now are in response to these 20 airstrikes on gaza. Now its getting higher, about 26 to 30.

The rockets being fired into Israel are the same this week as they were last week, last month, last year, etc. They are not defensive weapons and not only do they not defend or protect Gazans, they put Gazans at risk. Like you they are just plain stupid.
Dude, this dog don't hunt!

They stopped firing rockets at Israel for 4 months and the Israeli's still conducted air strikes, demolishing homes and would not ease restrictions on movement or the blockade.

They did what you asked them to do and got nothing in return. Yet, you continue to push this lame ass rap. Fuck you, liar!

And what, exactly, do those rockets and mortars get them, Fucktard? :D
Thanks, Hossfly. From you link:

...'The Israel Defense Forces said in a statement that Mr. Jabari had been targeted because he “served in the upper echelon of the Hamas command and was directly responsible for executing terror attacks against the state of Israel in the past number of years.”
The statement said the purpose of the attack was to “severely impair the command and control chain of the Hamas leadership as well as its terrorist infrastructure.”
....'Shin Bet, the Israeli security agency, considered Mr. Jabari responsible for what it called “all anti-Israeli terror activity” emanating from Gaza. Israel had made at least one previous attempt to kill him....'

Seems fairy nuff.
I'm sure tinny et al will recognise this as 'defence' of Israel.
No innocent bystanders hurt, as far as I can see, thank goodness.


I found myself imagining a targeted assassination of Netanyahu had occurred , imagining such an event actually occurring!

I simply could not help myself, I simply could not stop the urge to contemplate Hamas or another carrying out such an act, imagining it in my mind!

I could not help but think there would be some Justice in such an incident happening.

Certainly, the world would be a safer place without a terror launcher, a murderer of Gentiles of Palestine, like Netanyahu in it!

Then, I ended my thoughts over this by accepting God's Justice is how this will all come out.

I am so impatient for God's Justice to fully descend on Palestine!

But, once again, it is all in God's timing!


Ever consider the possiblity that you really don't undderstand God's Ways? That what is happening right now in Gaza is God's Justice? :D


I will refer you to words Jesus spoke in Matthew 7, about judging a person's relationship with God, to respond to your suggestion I do not know God.

Your second point, to the extent this can be seen as Judgment on a people choosing violence, we have people on both sides doing that, choosing violence, and I acknowledge there are consequences to choosing violence.

But the bigger picture of what is happening in Palestine is an Unjust Occupation, that dehumnizes and enslaves and commits human rights abuses on a people, approaching 6 million Palestinians living in the land of Palestine.

And I am certain that some day God's Justice will fully descend on Palestine and end this unjust Occupation of Palestine.

And what a day of celebration that will be!

God is great!

God is good!


I think you mean the Israeli War against the Gentiles of the Middle East!

Just keeping you, honest, now!




I guess you need that word defined for you, a Gentile is a person who is not Jewish.


Interesting that you divide the world in Jewish and 'not Jewish'. Sure sign of an obsessive anti-semite.
Bulldozing down entire neighborhoods; constantly shooting at Palestinian's fisherman and farmers; murdering Palestinian children at the rate of 8/per day, are not defensive moves.

Rocket attacks are always in response to an Israeli air strike, extra-judicial killing (like we have today) or the occupation and blockade itself.

If Israel wants to protect itself, they should stop initiating all the violence.

you've been asked about 5 times now to provide evidence for your 5 a day bs, just as you were asked several times to provide evidence for your nonsense about street lights the other day. Still no evidence.
Do you think if you just make an allegation frequently enough we are all going to buy the crap you are peddling?

Sherri: Anjelica,

Christ hater,
Its quite clear that I have been asking the OP to provide specific details for a specific allegation he made, you silly old biddy. Can't you read?
Ane why are referring to me as 'Christ hater'?
10 killed, 45 wounded in Gaza.

And people somehow feel bad for the terrorist state of Israel.
Israel is committing crimes against a defenseless population.
And they get away with it.

Quit firing rockets and mortars into Israel, Fool.

...gosh...do you think the "firing of rockets" has any tenuous connection to an illegal blockade of Gaza??? Progressive land theft? Hundreds of illegal Jewish settlements on stolen land? decades of collective punishment? illegal curfews? beatings? House demolitions? Property confiscation?....Resource restrictions? assassinations? Mass-murder? Just wondering rube....

The fact remains the rockets and mortars are not defensive weapons, do nothing to enhance Gaza security, and spark the occasional IDF response, Princess. :D
Israel is only protecting itself.
Bulldozing down entire neighborhoods; constantly shooting at Palestinian's fisherman and farmers; murdering Palestinian children at the rate of 8/per day, are not defensive moves.

Rocket attacks are always in response to an Israeli air strike, extra-judicial killing (like we have today) or the occupation and blockade itself.

If Israel wants to protect itself, they should stop initiating all the violence.

you've been asked about 5 times now to provide evidence for your 5 a day bs, just as you were asked several times to provide evidence for your nonsense about street lights the other day. Still no evidence.
Do you think if you just make an allegation frequently enough we are all going to buy the crap you are peddling?

Indeed he's just another Nazi lightweight. :D
Sherri---"PALESTINE" is an alternate name of the land of Israel/Judea conferred upon it by the IMPERIALISTIC OCCUPYING ROMAN empire---some 2000 years and ago and for many many centuries part of the filth which was called the "holy roman empire" ---which was the actual founder of your all time favorite INQUISITION and -from first to second to THIRD REICH -----you all time favorite genocides in the name of christianity. The really impressive fact is that the vile filth of SHARIAH derives most of its vile filth from the legal code of the "holy" roman empires first, second and third reichs ---------and together-----are responsible for almost all of the genocidal murders comitted by man in all of history
.......Well, that *and* to try to distract attention from the fact that she craps all over Christ every single time she so sanctimoniously quotes Bible verses!
They blowed up real good!


He died well, that is something to think about!

Dying the victim of a terror attack, that is certainly a better way to die than while carrying out a terror attack!

And He died a Martyr, for resisting the Occupation of Palestine, for resisting the Occupation of his people!

It cannot get much better than that!

Long live Palestine!

God is great!

God is good!


Like her terror-rat cousins, Sherri worships death.
I wonder how Jarabi's kids feel about their father's death?
I wonder if they are celebrating as Sherri is? :D

She gets spookier by the day.
Lieberman has said on several occasions that he wants to forcibly "evict" the Palestinians.

I notice you've truncated the conversation. Could that be because you ignorantly claimed that the "current Israeli gov't calls for genocide" but couldn't back it up with facts, Princess? :D

Pokey evidently mistakes 'Lieberman' for 'official written Israeli policy' - it's got to be more than a spelling error.

Has lieberman ever called for genocide?

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