Opinion: In U.S., right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

You are the brown shirt equivalent on the far right.

Any who rise up, either on the left or on the right, will go into the system or into the ground.

"Stop expressing yourself, or we the government will institutionalize or kill you."


Seriously, I stand for the constitution and the law.

Violence is not acceptable expression, and you know it.

NO...YOU DON'T. YOU are a LIAR.:eusa_hand:
Are right-wingers so fucking stupid that they don't understand which states fought for slavery?

At the time of the civil war those were Democrat states since then there has been a big shift with the South now mostly Republican and the North being mostly Democrat.

And now they are Republican states. The same racist hick redneck southern Confederate hilljack families are still there, now voting Republican instead of Democrat.

Southern racist Democrats became Southern racist Republicans. The key term is "SOUTHERN RACISTS". The Confederacy. Slaveowners. Southern states. Get it?

Sorry I don't speak idiot or gibberish if a coherent thought ever enters your mind grab it and get back to me until then waste someone else's time.
The author compares right wingers to Frazier Glenn Cross, a white supremacist who hated jews. I stopped reading right there. The author should be ashamed of himself, as should you for posting that article and giving the author any credence.

You might be missing something. While you are not antisemitic or racist, your party speaks almost directly to the White Supremacist when the say that liberal tolerance and multiculturalism are weakening our borders, language and culture. The White Supremacists deeply opposes Liberal affirmative action, and the Liberal destruction of the Jim Crowe South (through LBJ's passage of the Civil Right's Act). This is why White Supremacists started moving from the Dems to the GOP starting in the 60's and continuing through the 80s.

You are encouraged to look at David Duke, whose deep racism and antisemitism eventually found a home squarely in the modern Republican Party. (He was a Dixiecrat, but failed to get electoral support electorally as a Democrat, which had finally drained their party of racists by the late 80s)

As a Republican, Duke won a race for the House and served from 1989 to 1992. He is also Neo-Nazi. Here are his beliefs:

1. He opposes Jewish control over global banking, the Federal Reserve and Media (-two common myths propagated by the Right. Surely you remember Nixon's famous quip about the "Liberal Jew run media"...?)

2. He wants to abolish the IRS

3. Supports the preservation of Western Culture and Christian Values which he thinks are being destroyed by liberal tolerance and multiculturalism.

4. Deeply opposed to welfare and believes welfare recipients be tested for narcotics.

5. Believes that the higher proportion of blacks in prison is explained by poor genes, whereas the Left believe that it has partly to do with inescapable cycles poverty and institutional racism.

6. Deeply opposes gay marriage. Believes that white Christian family values are the moral glue of our nation.

7. Believes that the historical success of white people is based on their natural superiority and the fact that they are more evolved morally/intellectually.

8. Believes that the Left had no right to use government to lift up African Americans.

Duke's beliefs are typical of the anti-semitic, racist, white supremacist movement. His beliefs overlap with many of the Right's core beliefs. [Again, this is not to say that all Republicans are anti-semtic or racist, rather that the Right's belief system shares many important elements with these bastards]

But it gets worse. The Right has long cultivated these hate-filled terrorist groups by telling them that the Left is destroying their great nation with tolerance for other people and other languages and other traditions. They have turned these bastards into a ticking time bomb. If our nation endures another tragedy or prolonged/severe economic privation, these people will rise up to take their country back from the Leftist demons who, they believe, have stolen it. Listen carefully to men like Michael Savage. He speaks almost directly to these people.

God help us.
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Actually distorted left wing propaganda editorialized by Media Matters, Huff and CNN are becoming dangerous and hate filled and the public is beginning to realize it. CNN allegedly has access to investigative reporters and yet they tried to to turn a KKK anti-semite former democrat politician into a freaking right wing extremist. It's a lie and they know it but they are stuck with a dwindling hate filled left wing base that demands lies instead of truth.

What evidence do you have to prove that the piece of shit who killed three innocents because of their faith is not a right wing extremist? Do you think his activities are those of a bleeding heart liberal? Democrats before 1964 who resided in the former Confederate states were Dixiecrats, likely the piece of shit was from that era, given his age and place of residence he likely hates anyone of color, Catholic, Jewish or from the north.

What evidence do you have that he is not a left wing extremist? Think about it, he hates Israel, shot Christians, loves socialism, and even ran for office as a Democrat.
Actually distorted left wing propaganda editorialized by Media Matters, Huff and CNN are becoming dangerous and hate filled and the public is beginning to realize it. CNN allegedly has access to investigative reporters and yet they tried to to turn a KKK anti-semite former democrat politician into a freaking right wing extremist. It's a lie and they know it but they are stuck with a dwindling hate filled left wing base that demands lies instead of truth.

What evidence do you have to prove that the piece of shit who killed three innocents because of their faith is not a right wing extremist? Do you think his activities are those of a bleeding heart liberal? Democrats before 1964 who resided in the former Confederate states were Dixiecrats, likely the piece of shit was from that era, given his age and place of residence he likely hates anyone of color, Catholic, Jewish or from the north.

What evidence do you have that he is not a left wing extremist? Think about it, he hates Israel, shot Christians, loves socialism, and even ran for office as a Democrat.
He also ran for office as a Republican.
Duke believes that Liberal tolerance - in its acceptance of other cultures and races - has deeply wounded America.

He was also encouraged to run for office by a huge number of Tea Party'ers.
Why we passed our Tea Party resolution - CNN.com

The Tea Party shares many - not all but many - of David Duke's core beliefs

1. He opposes Jewish control over global banking, the Federal Reserve and Media (-two common myths propagated by the Right. Surely you remember Nixon's famous quip about the "Liberal Jew run media"...?)

2. He wants to abolish the IRS

3. Supports the preservation of Western Culture and Christian Values which he thinks are being destroyed by liberal tolerance and multiculturalism.

4. Deeply opposed to welfare. Believes welfare recipients should be tested for narcotics.

5. Believes that the higher proportion of blacks in prison is explained by poor genes, whereas the Left believe that it has partly to do with inescapable cycles poverty and institutional racism.

6. Deeply opposes gay marriage. Believes that white Christian family values are the moral glue of our nation.

7. Believes that the historical success of white people is based on their natural superiority and the fact that they are more evolved morally/intellectually.

8. Believes that the Left had no right to use government to lift up African Americans.

White Supremacist Neo-Nazis like Duke are ultra Conservative because they believe that the American tradition is exclusively white and christian - and they want to restore that tradition (which the left has destroyed w/tolerance and multiculturalism)

Many folks from the Tea Party and Rightwing base support Duke's beliefs, if not his radicalism when it comes to jews and blacks.

God Help Us.
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Yea, those on the right are dangerous...

Have you guys been to your precious staunchly left voting inner city ghettos recently?

Good luck with that.
You are the brown shirt equivalent on the far right.

Any who rise up, either on the left or on the right, will go into the system or into the ground.

"Stop expressing yourself, or we the government will institutionalize or kill you."


Seriously, I stand for the constitution and the law.

Violence is not acceptable expression, and you know it.

So explain why the government brought armed agents to the Bundy ranch then? If violence wasn't the answer, why bring them? Apparently, violence is only acceptable if government itself is doing it.
The author compares right wingers to Frazier Glenn Cross, a white supremacist who hated jews. I stopped reading right there. The author should be ashamed of himself, as should you for posting that article and giving the author any credence.

You might be missing something. While you are not antisemitic or racist, your party speaks almost directly to the White Supremacist when the say that liberal tolerance and multiculturalism are weakening our borders, language and culture. The White Supremacists deeply opposes Liberal affirmative action, and the Liberal destruction of the Jim Crowe South (through LBJ's passage of the Civil Right's Act). This is why White Supremacists started moving from the Dems to the GOP starting in the 60's and continuing through the 80s.

You are encouraged to look at David Duke, whose deep racism and antisemitism eventually found a home squarely in the modern Republican Party. (He was a Dixiecrat, but failed to get electoral support electorally as a Democrat, which had finally drained their party of racists by the late 80s)

As a Republican, Duke won a race for the House and served from 1989 to 1992. He is also Neo-Nazi. Here are his beliefs:

1. He opposes Jewish control over global banking, the Federal Reserve and Media (-two common myths propagated by the Right. Surely you remember Nixon's famous quip about the "Liberal Jew run media"...?)

2. He wants to abolish the IRS

3. Supports the preservation of Western Culture and Christian Values which he thinks are being destroyed by liberal tolerance and multiculturalism.

4. Deeply opposed to welfare and believes welfare recipients be tested for narcotics.

5. Believes that the higher proportion of blacks in prison is explained by poor genes, whereas the Left believe that it has partly to do with inescapable cycles poverty and institutional racism.

6. Deeply opposes gay marriage. Believes that white Christian family values are the moral glue of our nation.

7. Believes that the historical success of white people is based on their natural superiority and the fact that they are more evolved morally/intellectually.

8. Believes that the Left had no right to use government to lift up African Americans.

Duke's beliefs are typical of the anti-semitic, racist, white supremacist movement. His beliefs overlap with many of the Right's core beliefs. [Again, this is not to say that all Republicans are anti-semtic or racist, rather that the Right's belief system shares many important elements with these bastards]

But it gets worse. The Right has long cultivated these hate-filled terrorist groups by telling them that the Left is destroying their great nation with tolerance for other people and other languages and other traditions. They have turned these bastards into a ticking time bomb. If our nation endures another tragedy or prolonged/severe economic privation, these people will rise up to take their country back from the Leftist demons who, they believe, have stolen it. Listen carefully to men like Michael Savage. He speaks almost directly to these people.

God help us.

The whole sentiment behind your post can be summed up with one word - hypocrisy.

La Raza - Race based organisation that is hell bent on destroying white people, by any means necessary.

Black Caucus - A group of black politicians that are apparently invulnerable to criticism because they have the right skin color. They use their pedistool to deride white people on almost a weekly basis.

SPLC - A Jewish run law firm, that for some reason gets to label any group of people, for any reason they don't agree with a "hate group".

The list could go on, and on.

Of course white people are supposed to feel like they are the source of every spasm of angst in this country. That we are the storm clouds that feed every tributary of hate. That we are in fact the devil...

Does that about sum up your thoughts?
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Yea, those on the right are dangerous...

Have you guys been to your precious staunchly left voting inner city ghettos recently?

Good luck with that.

David Duke is well known for fomenting a moral panic over blacks in the inner city, who he claimed were destroying the fabric of our great urban environments with their atavistic behavior, drug use, crime and sexual debauchery. Reagan used a version of this to point out the failures of Liberal Welfare programs, which he said turned our great cities into ghettos. He vowed to put more police on the streets. Many think his war on drugs - by targeting the urban poor - was practically designed to move blacks from the welfare rolls to prison cells. Others think that it was more a reflex of the fact that as our great cities became deindustrialized (as manufacturing was shifted to cheaper labor markets in places like China), there was a large superfluous population concentrated in cities. These people, with no means to support themselves, threatened the status quo and needed to be put in cages. Or so the story of why we have the world's largest prison population goes.
I disagree. I don't think that Right Wing extremists are really dangerous at all. I think that they are a modest group of blowhards who love to dress up in camouflage clothes, and play with guns, and drink a lot of beer while bragging to their friends about how they are going to fill up a sock with plastic explosives and throw it into a tank tread when the revolution breaks out. At the end of the day, they go home to their wife and kids to show them their latest tattoo and bulletproof vest, then they spend the rest of the evening in the garage with their best friend, Bud Light, while recycling ammo.

in order to know that much about them you must hang with these guys.....just sayin......hey got any new "tats"?.........
Easy answer: No.

Everyone knows how I feel about the modern right wing of America.

But, there are NOT members of the American right wing beheading innocent people, blowing up parades and airplanes, committing "honor killings" of their daughters, stoning women for being raped, etc, etc.

We disagree; often and strongly. But the American right are fellow Americans, and they don't do that shit that Al Qaida does.
The whole sentiment behind your post can be summed up with one word - hypocrisy.

La Raza - Race based organisation that is hell bent on destroying white people, by any means necessary.

Black Caucus - A group of black politicians that are apparently invulnerable to criticism because they have the right skin color. They use their pedistool to deride white people on almost a weekly basis.

SPLC - A Jewish run law firm, that for some reason gets to label any group of people, for any reason they don't agree with a "hate group".

The list could go on, and on.

Of course white people are supposed to feel like they are the source of every spasm of angst in this country. That we are the storm clouds that feed every tributary of hate. That we are in fact the devil...

Does that about sum up your thoughts?

This is fair. I don't think the "other" side is blameless, and I'm more than willing to consider things on a case by case basis. (I'm not promising that I can be objective, because I tend to think that race, gender and religion - e.g., black, jew, woman - are social constructs filled with meanings that serve those in power.)

Do you agree with any of Duke's worries RE the "Jewish influence" over banking and/or the Fed? Do you think Jews have a right to Israel?

How about his trepidation over African Americans, and his belief that they are atavistic, lazy, morally/intellectually inferior?

Do you sympathize with Duke on any level?
Yea, those on the right are dangerous...

Have you guys been to your precious staunchly left voting inner city ghettos recently?

Good luck with that.

David Duke is well known for fomenting a moral panic over blacks in the inner city, who he claimed were destroying the fabric of our great urban environments with their atavistic behavior, drug use, crime and sexual debauchery. Reagan used a version of this to point out the failures of Liberal Welfare programs, which he said turned our great cities into ghettos. He vowed to put more police on the streets. Many think his war on drugs - by targeting the urban poor - was practically designed to move blacks from the welfare rolls to prison cells. Others think that it was more a reflex of the fact that as our great cities became deindustrialized (as manufacturing was shifted to cheaper labor markets in places like China), there was a large superfluous population concentrated in cities. These people, with no means to support themselves, threatened the status quo and needed to be put in cages. Or so the story of why we have the world's largest prison population goes.

You are not going to get any argument from me about the war on drugs. It is an abomination, pure and simple.

My question is this - why hasn't a left controlled congress, or a left president done anything to fix it?

You can rightly say that Reagan supported the war on drugs, and he should be put to task for that. However, do not act like the only people that have carried that banner have been on the right. If that is the case, the war on drugs should have ended approximately 4 years ago, when the left pretty much had total control of the federal government. Or at any point in time when that has been the case.
In the US crossing the sidewalk is more dangerous than jihad so what's your fucking point. Should we outlaw crossing the street
You are not going to get any argument from me about the war on drugs. It is an abomination, pure and simple.

My question is this - why hasn't a left controlled congress, or a left president done anything to fix it?

You can rightly say that Reagan supported the war on drugs, and he should be put to task for that. However, do not act like the only people that have carried that banner have been on the right. If that is the case, the war on drugs should have ended approximately 4 years ago, when the left pretty much had total control of the federal government. Or at any point in time when that has been the case.

Clinton and the Left supported the war on drugs. I used to think they did it because they didn't want to be accused of being "soft on crime", but now I just think they were/are weasels, and I would never count on them to remove power from government once it exists. Worse: the Left fully capitulated w/ the Patriot Act and Homeland Security, two of the most Soviet-style power grabs in my lifetime. Despite my deep disagreement w/Ron Paul over many things, I think if he were elected in 2000, the whole nightmare of "The War on Terrorism" and the 2008 meltdown would have been avoided. He would not have used 15 guys w/box-cutters as an excuse to shred the Constitution, nor would have given Greenspan the wiggle room to dump fiat money on a bubble. But that is a different conversation. I just wanted our Rightwing posters to proudly take ownership of Duke. Many of his positions are not only solidly on the Right, they have been elegantly argued by smart men.
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This is fair. I don't think the "other" side is blameless, and I'm more than willing to consider things on a case by case basis. (I'm not promising that I can be objective, because I tend to think that race, gender and religion - e.g., black, jew, woman - are social constructs filled with meanings that serve those in power.)

Do you agree with any of Duke's worries RE the "Jewish influence" over banking and/or the Fed? Do you think Jews have a right to Israel?

How about his trepidation over African Americans, and his belief that they are atavistic, lazy, morally/intellectually inferior?

Do you sympathize with Duke on any level?

I do not agree with you that biological differences are simply a construct. That is fine with me if that is what you believe, but when you can identify traits like the aforementioned by using the realm of hard science (DNA), I do not consider it a "social construct". Religion, and culture, maybe, but not racial. These have proven to be apart of the evolution of the human species. Again, it is fine if you disagree. Just like I won't bash people who subscribe to a religious belief, I won't bash those that follow a sociological belief.

As far as David Duke is concerned, I do share some of his opinions. Not all, but some.

I do not care about the existence of Israel, other that the fact that I shouldn't be forced to support it, and if necessary die for it. If it exists it is fine with me, but I am not simply another G.I Goyim ready to vanquish its foes.

I do not think that White people are absolutely superior. We have our distinctive trait advantages, but if we were truly superior the western world would not be in as dire straights as it is.

As far as any group having undo influence, yes, there are instances where I think that is definitely the case. I would use a more apparent example of institutional influence, such as affirmative action. If AA's are so down trodden, than why do they have the advantage of having a quota within the professional and academic realm that only positively benefits them, and why is this advantage sanctioned by the U.S government?
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In the US crossing the sidewalk is more dangerous than jihad so what's your fucking point. Should we outlaw crossing the street

This is actually a good point, one that I will twist slightly.

The risk of dying in a terrorist attack (domestic or foreign) is less than the risk of getting struck by lightning. So why did we let the government scare us into building a surveillance state? It seems like every time something happens, people on both sides of the aisle think that the answer is to give government more power. Sure, it would be great to get rid of evil - and it would be great to feel totally safe in every skyscraper and on every airplane, but I don't think giving government more power is going to make things better.

Government access to our private communications and data make Orwell's worries seem optimistic. All it took was a few years of color coded terror alerts. A surveillance state is far more dangerous to the lives of Americans than the extremely small threat of terrorism. I thought people understood this.

What's going to happen in the event of another domestic attack? Biometric ID cards? Will we see tanks driving down every main street? By acting so hysterically and giving Al Qaeda so much press - and filing so many political commercials with mushroom clouds and images of Bin Laden - we gave our enemies the blueprint for destroying our freedom. Meaning: they know that if they attack us, our leaders will destroy the Constitution along with our freedom. This is the point of terrorism - to use fear to destroy the fabric of your enemy's nation. How did we fall for it?

"Hi, I'm from government and I'm here to protect you"
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