Opinion: In U.S., right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

The author compares right wingers to Frazier Glenn Cross, a white supremacist who hated jews. I stopped reading right there. The author should be ashamed of himself, as should you for posting that article and giving the author any credence.

If not a right winger, how would you classify him? And the others pointed out in the article you choose not to read, such as:

"A similar attack to the one that Frazier Glenn Cross is accused of in Kansas occurred in August 2012 when Wade Michael Page killed six people in a shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Page was a member of a white supremacist band and associated with the Hammerskins, a white supremacist group. Page committed suicide during the attack.

"Page is not, of course, the only right wing extremist to have used lethal violence to achieve political ends. In 2009, for instance, Shawna Forde, Albert Gaxiola, and Jason Bush raided a house in Arizona, killing Raul Flores and his daughter Brisenia. The three attackers sought to use the burglary to finance their anti-immigration vigilante group, Minutemen American Defense. Forde and Bush were convicted and sentenced to death. Gaxiola was sentenced to life in prison."

Let me guess, all white supremacists are right wing, even if they happen to believe in the far left position of anarchy. I am not sure how you fit Brandon Darby and the groups he hung out with into that theory, but you never let facts bother you before, why start now?

By the way, have you noticed the wave of anti antisemitism pouring out of elite liberal universities lately?

anarchy isnt leftwing
The book proceeds chronologically to outline the stages of Nazi stigmatization of Jews as criminals and the legacy that this stigmatization left in the early postwar years. The first chapter takes this grim story up to the National Socialist takeover of power (minor quibble: Berkowitz confuses Karl Friedrich von Savigny with his father, Friedrich Karl, the founder of the historical school of jurisprudence).

Once the Nazis were in power, but before they "simply took the position that all Jews were outside the law," they made a point of charging Jews with the kind of offenses that would play to the Weimar stereotypes of Jews as racketeers and con men (p. xviii). Berkowitz relies here in large part on diaries from survivors like Victor Klemperer. Even in 1944, by which time very few Jews were left in Germany, the regime was still coming up with statistics on "Jewish crime" in an effort at retrospective justification of mass murder.

Berkowitz then turns to the ghettos of Łódź, Warsaw, and other communities to show how central to Nazi policy the
stigmatization of Jews as criminals was. The sanitary conditions and scarcity of food in the ghettos were so terrible that survival could only come at the price of smuggling and living in squalor. The Nazis then claimed that this activity revealed the Jewish essence. This section has some of the best material in the book: Berkowitz sensitively shows how the Nazi effort to tarnish Jews with the ghetto was as vital for the perpetrators' own consciousness as it was for propaganda. To commit the deeds that they did, German SS guards, Gestapo, and Kriminalpolizei officers needed to convince themselves that they were only upholding law and order.

Much the same logic applied to the concentration and death camps. Berkowitz argues that three dimensions of the camps--the "criminal-bureaucratic," the "photographic," and the "ceremonial"--underscored the message that all Jews were inherently criminal and thus deserved to be in the camps. The Nazis could then tell themselves, and others, that the camps were merely penal institutions in a more or less traditional form. These policies led to the kind of bizarre contradictions with which Nazi rule was replete. On at least one occasion guards snatched a prisoner from the gas chamber literally at the point of death because the authorities had sent her to Auschwitz to serve a penal sentence, and not for "special handling."

By 1944, when the Nazis had already murdered most of the Jews under their control but the war had clearly turned against them, they started thinking harder about justification. Berkowitz thus devotes a chapter to a campaign in the summer of 1944 to emphasize Zionism as the latest and most insidious form of Jewish criminal conspiracy. Before 1944 the Nazis had paid little attention to Zionism, so this new campaign represented an important and revealing shift in their propagandistic priorities.

The last two chapters and the epilogue carry the story into the early postwar years. The stereotypes of Jews as criminals haunted the survivors in Displaced Person (DP) camps after the war; Germans could not soon shake off twelve years of intense propaganda. "

Because the far right and the far left are wannabee terrorists, some of them, and their philosophy is not worth violence

Violence is Always the last resort and I do NOT advocate violence against anyone. I have killed enough for two lifetimes. I want nothing more of killing.

However, the right in this country has sat by and watched this country being torn apart from within, by a party of people (the Nazi Liberals) who want it destroyed; want it torn to the ground, and Americans have allowed these spoiled rotten, secular humanists to spew their Nazi crap long enough.

There is a storm coming. You Nazis had better realize this now.Conservative America (which is 90% of this country) has had enough of your bullshit. There is a spanking coming to you Nazis. I'd advise you to get ready.

You jerks actually believe that you are affecting some big "change" like your savior Obama claimed. You have accomplished nothing. Your "hope and change" turned out to be "destruction". That makes you EVIL. There WILL be a price to pay. Get ready. November will be here soon.

Now run along Brownshirt.

Get counseling Randall, I'm serious.

Fuck you Nazi. We'll see come November.
” … The Nazis exploited their racist agenda while making it seem as if the Nazi state was simply zealous in applying the letter of the law … This claim, along with the idea that Jews were united in a conspiracy against the Nazis, was a significant weapon in the Nazi arsenal. … “

Sound familiar?

The Myth of Jewish Criminality & Conspiracy in Nazi Propaganda » The Constantine Report

The whole cnn piece is a bit of propaganda, the type the progressives like because they think it will give them license to imprison and kill those who speak out against them.
” … The Nazis exploited their racist agenda while making it seem as if the Nazi state was simply zealous in applying the letter of the law … This claim, along with the idea that Jews were united in a conspiracy against the Nazis, was a significant weapon in the Nazi arsenal. … “

Sound familiar?

The Myth of Jewish Criminality & Conspiracy in Nazi Propaganda » The Constantine Report

The whole cnn piece is a bit of propaganda, the type the progressives like because they think it will give them license to imprison and kill those who speak out against them.
sounds like you...
"Daluege's press conference in July 1935 was a blatant propaganda exercise, designed to justify the brutal Nazi persecution of the German Jews. Daluege complained that while the 'Jew-subservient' (judenhörigen) sections of the world press reported the 'alleged' persecution of Jews in Germany, none of these journalists went to the trouble to discover the reasons
that compel the German people to take up its defensive struggle against Jewish arrogance and against Jewish criminality. I am in a position to supply to all those who out there in the world make themselves out to be so concerned about the allegedly endangered position of the German Jews material which will make their mood more reflective.

9. Daluege went on to present figures detailing the alleged participation of Jews in criminal activities in Germany which proved the 'danger of Jewry for the German people'. Daluege's implication was clear: it was not Nazi Germany which posed a danger for the Jews, but it was the Jews who threatened Germany. "

HDOT : Irving v. Lipstadt : Defense Documents : David Irving, Hitler and Holocaust Denial : (b) Jewish criminality in Berlin

Substitute *right winger* for Jews, and *progressive" for Nazi and see how that reads.

I'll tell you how it reads. Like a post from rtard, rightwinger, luddly, dc or wrycatcher.
So what's you solution then Wry Catcher to all of these right-wingers ban guns which is totally impossible to do for one thing the US can't even stop a plant from getting across the border. Ban web sites like Info wars? Look I know Alex Jones is a nut case but he has 1st amendment right's here in the us and if you do censor him all you'll do is make him more popular and you might get more crazy white right wingers doing more horrible things oh no.

Or you can judge an individual on what he does not on what he listens to or reads. but I don't think that's your aim here I think its the 1st 2 options you would like but hey I could be wrong let me know if I am Wry or anyone else
” … The Nazis exploited their racist agenda while making it seem as if the Nazi state was simply zealous in applying the letter of the law … This claim, along with the idea that Jews were united in a conspiracy against the Nazis, was a significant weapon in the Nazi arsenal. … “

Sound familiar?

The Myth of Jewish Criminality & Conspiracy in Nazi Propaganda » The Constantine Report

The whole cnn piece is a bit of propaganda, the type the progressives like because they think it will give them license to imprison and kill those who speak out against them.
Yep and Constitutionalist Coservatives are their latest targets.

History doesn't change. The Cast of characters purveying evil on mankind just change their label. Evil never changes, nor those In pursuit of it and control over others.
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So what's you solution then Wry Catcher to all of these right-wingers ban guns which is totally impossible to do for one thing the US can't even stop a plant from getting across the border. Ban web sites like Info wars? Look I know Alex Jones is a nut case but he has 1st amendment right's here in the us and if you do censor him all you'll do is make him more popular and you might get more crazy white right wingers doing more horrible things oh no.

Or you can judge an individual on what he does not on what he listens to or reads. but I don't think that's your aim here I think its the 1st 2 options you would like but hey I could be wrong let me know if I am Wry or anyone else

Wry Catcher is doing his master's work. He sees violence in the future, and he's helping to pave the way.
The article sources for it's far right extremist information on Frazier Glenn Cross and others it calls far right wing is the Southern Poverty Law Center which does not even acknowledge there is such a thing as far left extremist that raises questions about the story the New America Foundation which the writers are members claim right wing extremist have killed 34 for political reasons since 9-11 and terrorists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology have killed 21 people in the United States since 9/11. First what standard are they using to decide if a person or group is right wing, left wing or no wing second there is not a huge number difference between what they call right wing and jihadists motivated killings since 9-11 despite that the article gives the impression that killing by so called right wing extremist are happening all over the country every day at it's best the article is highly misleading.
Assume for the moment that the hypothetical is that half the country wants to go all jihad on the other half. Aside from watching the country fall apart in little warring tribes what can you do. You can sit around waiting for the glorious day when whites become a minority and hope the plan doesn't go awry before the goal of white genocide is reached. That's about all.

You are basically depending on the right ' s ability of self restraint. Half the country can't be jailed. If you do want a full scale war that's pretty much giving the right what they want and are prepared for.

You are pretty screwed aren't you?
" "[a]mong the most effective and prominent reasons the Nazis put forth for persecuting, torturing, murdering and having murdered Jews was the stigmatization of the Jew as criminal"

Michael Berkowitz. The Crime of My Very Existence: Nazism and the Myth of Jewish Criminality. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007. xxix + 321 pp. $60.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-520-25112-0; $24.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-520-25114-4.

Dems are sounding more and more like their Progressive Founding Fathers: Stalin, Hitler and Mao. They all had their scapegoats; they each said the scapegoat was the reason things were so bad. Then each proceeded to eliminate their scapegoats and make things a billion times worse
I disagree. I don't think that Right Wing extremists are really dangerous at all. I think that they are a modest group of blowhards who love to dress up in camouflage clothes, and play with guns, and drink a lot of beer while bragging to their friends about how they are going to fill up a sock with plastic explosives and throw it into a tank tread when the revolution breaks out. At the end of the day, they go home to their wife and kids to show them their latest tattoo and bulletproof vest, then they spend the rest of the evening in the garage with their best friend, Bud Light, while recycling ammo.
It isn't a fact that right wingers are more violent.

It's hogwash. Like I said, they're seeking to criminalize people for their beliefs, so they can be justified in killing them.

So you've said; however, many others disagree and many of them have posted evidence. Now, you may not find the evidence posted to be probative, but unless and until you offer something to militate that evidence as untrue, why should anyone take your opinion seriously?
So what's you solution then Wry Catcher to all of these right-wingers ban guns which is totally impossible to do for one thing the US can't even stop a plant from getting across the border. Ban web sites like Info wars? Look I know Alex Jones is a nut case but he has 1st amendment right's here in the us and if you do censor him all you'll do is make him more popular and you might get more crazy white right wingers doing more horrible things oh no.

Or you can judge an individual on what he does not on what he listens to or reads. but I don't think that's your aim here I think its the 1st 2 options you would like but hey I could be wrong let me know if I am Wry or anyone else

My answer is pretty basic. The right to bear arms is a freedom that needs to be discussed calmly in the public arena. I support the right of any sober, sane and law abiding citizen to own, possess and have in his or her custody and control a firearm in his/her own home or business. Beyond that, each state should have the right to enforce regulations to ensure public safety.

I don't support censorship in any situation though calumny, pornography, and other forms of exploitation and mendacity by an actor should be open to civil and/or criminal penalties, as established by each state legislature.

I hope that answers your question.
I don't believe you ever heard even the most out there right winger try to paint all leftwingers as druggies who should be imprisoned. So the comparison is moot.
It isn't a fact that right wingers are more violent.

It's hogwash. Like I said, they're seeking to criminalize people for their beliefs, so they can be justified in killing them.

So you've said; however, many others disagree and many of them have posted evidence. Now, you may not find the evidence posted to be probative, but unless and until you offer something to militate that evidence as untrue, why should anyone take your opinion seriously?

You haven't posted any evidence to support your theory.

Meanwhile, I have shown the identical nature of your propaganda, and that of the third reich.

Anything else you want spanked on?
So what's you solution then Wry Catcher to all of these right-wingers ban guns which is totally impossible to do for one thing the US can't even stop a plant from getting across the border. Ban web sites like Info wars? Look I know Alex Jones is a nut case but he has 1st amendment right's here in the us and if you do censor him all you'll do is make him more popular and you might get more crazy white right wingers doing more horrible things oh no.

Or you can judge an individual on what he does not on what he listens to or reads. but I don't think that's your aim here I think its the 1st 2 options you would like but hey I could be wrong let me know if I am Wry or anyone else

My answer is pretty basic. The right to bear arms is a freedom that needs to be discussed calmly in the public arena. I support the right of any sober, sane and law abiding citizen to own, possess and have in his or her custody and control a firearm in his/her own home or business. Beyond that, each state should have the right to enforce regulations to ensure public safety.

I don't support censorship in any situation though calumny, pornography, and other forms of exploitation and mendacity by an actor should be open to civil and/or criminal penalties, as established by each state legislature.

I hope that answers your question.

Classic. He portray right wingers as murdering insane terrorists...then claims he's willing to allow the arms discussion to take place...sans all crazy folk.


No crazy people or criminals.....and he'll continue to pretend that all right wingers are crazy criminals.

It's beautiful.

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