Opinion: In U.S., right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists

I saw your idiotic list, what the southern bullshit squad calls terrorism I call people committing crimes.

but you're a moron, so reason is not something you can do, you can only regurgitate what you are told.

Anything, and I mean ANYTHING that comes from the SPLC is bullshit. Always has been. They are like the ACLU - America haters of the highest order.

Yes since they fight the klan I can see why you feel the way you do :eusa_whistle:

The Klan has about 5 members these days. They are about as scary as the Goofy character at Disneyland.
God Damned correct we are. When a government steals our liberty, our way of life, USURPS the Constitution for their control over us? WE ARE FIERCE. Don't forget it.

I guess the best way to put the left into perspective today is to consider the revolutionary war. The liberals would still be sucking on the teat of King George and informing on their neighbors, their brothers and sisters, and their parents for DARING to go against England to form a free nation.

These pussies would do the same thing today. They are NOT to be trusted.
AND I don't by ANY measure. THEY have to be defeated, squashed...by ANY MEANS.
You stupid fucker. You really should check the profiles of those you hate. I can't remember the KKK EVER having a black member you moron nazi. :cuckoo:

Randall, you really need to stop calling people stupid; we've read your posts and it's hard to believe you've ever taken and passed a course in the History of the United States. IMO, everything you post has been a product of Fox News and AM Radio; there is no other explanation as to how you can be so misinformed and angry. I suggest you read a couple of books and get some mental health treatment.

It will only get worse as the demographic shift speeds up and the righting white christian becomes a minority, they will lash out and will become more dangerous, like a rabid animal cornered

get your guns cleaned and loaded.....
Left wing wackos like to pretend that every lunatic that has killed a few people in the US is a *right wing extremist*.

They take the events of crazy loons killing and stack them up against jihadist terrorism, and because there have only been a few jihadist terrorist attacks on us soil, they claim right wingers are a bigger threat.

It's a disgusting game they play. They're trying to criminalize the right, so they can feel justified when they kill them.
You stupid fucker. You really should check the profiles of those you hate. I can't remember the KKK EVER having a black member you moron nazi. :cuckoo:

Randall, you really need to stop calling people stupid; we've read your posts and it's hard to believe you've ever taken and passed a course in the History of the United States. IMO, everything you post has been a product of Fox News and AM Radio; there is no other explanation as to how you can be so misinformed and angry. I suggest you read a couple of books and get some mental health treatment.

It will only get worse as the demographic shift speeds up and the righting white christian becomes a minority, they will lash out and will become more dangerous, like a rabid animal cornered
Randall, you really need to stop calling people stupid; we've read your posts and it's hard to believe you've ever taken and passed a course in the History of the United States. IMO, everything you post has been a product of Fox News and AM Radio; there is no other explanation as to how you can be so misinformed and angry. I suggest you read a couple of books and get some mental health treatment.

It will only get worse as the demographic shift speeds up and the righting white christian becomes a minority, they will lash out and will become more dangerous, like a rabid animal cornered
^ Drunk Fuck ^
Randall, you really need to stop calling people stupid; we've read your posts and it's hard to believe you've ever taken and passed a course in the History of the United States. IMO, everything you post has been a product of Fox News and AM Radio; there is no other explanation as to how you can be so misinformed and angry. I suggest you read a couple of books and get some mental health treatment.

It will only get worse as the demographic shift speeds up and the righting white christian becomes a minority, they will lash out and will become more dangerous, like a rabid animal cornered

The "demographic shift speeds up" - What exactly does that mean, Nazi? You "liberal white Nazis" will be a thing of the past when us blacks and Latinos take your country from you. stupid Nazi

You actually believe that the coming "America" will include your dumb ass?

In 50 years, the America that I grew up in will be gone, replaced by Latinos and blacks. Now, I love my black heritage (which is AMERICAN) but Nazis like YOU, are destroying it. Why not go ahead and get your worthless ass out? I hear that Russia is looking for "patriots" just like you.

wait a second.....there are still pockets of white folks left?.....all i have seen for quite a while is a sea of Brown with a Black spot here and there and a speck of white once in a while....
all this fear of an armed white man must be why liberals want to remove the 2nd.

fear makes people do stupid things

In the U.S., 56 percent of terrorist attacks and plots have been perpetrated by right-wing extremists, 30 percent by eco-terrorists and 12 percent by Islamic extremists. The Southern Poverty Law Center recently reported the highest number of extremist hate groups ever recorded in U.S. history, with the sharp rise attributed to massive growths in white supremacist, anti-immigrant and radical anti-government groups. Anti-Muslim hate groups have also increased by 300 percent.

Why is this not something we’re likely to see from any news outlet the average American is likely to encounter on a daily basis? Because the conservatives will do anything to keep this news suppressed:

… Daryl Johnson, a former counterterrorism expert for the government, submitted a study on the rise and danger of right-wing extremists and white supremacists only to be pressured, criticized, repudiated and ultimately sidelined by conservative members of Congress and the Department of Homeland Security.

Right-Wing Terror Is More Common than Any Other Kind in America | MyFDL

The Southern Poverty Law Center defines the Boy Scouts as a hate group.

Enough said.
all this fear of an armed white man must be why liberals want to remove the 2nd.

fear makes people do stupid things

In the U.S., 56 percent of terrorist attacks and plots have been perpetrated by right-wing extremists, 30 percent by eco-terrorists and 12 percent by Islamic extremists. The Southern Poverty Law Center recently reported the highest number of extremist hate groups ever recorded in U.S. history, with the sharp rise attributed to massive growths in white supremacist, anti-immigrant and radical anti-government groups. Anti-Muslim hate groups have also increased by 300 percent.

Why is this not something we’re likely to see from any news outlet the average American is likely to encounter on a daily basis? Because the conservatives will do anything to keep this news suppressed:

… Daryl Johnson, a former counterterrorism expert for the government, submitted a study on the rise and danger of right-wing extremists and white supremacists only to be pressured, criticized, repudiated and ultimately sidelined by conservative members of Congress and the Department of Homeland Security.

Right-Wing Terror Is More Common than Any Other Kind in America | MyFDL

The Southern Poverty Law Center defines the Boy Scouts as a hate group.

Enough said.
You lie like you breath.

Your post criticizing me for not posting evidence of malicious attacks by far left wing fanatics was a deflection and warranted nothing more than a "whatever".

If you believe it has never happened, I will not attempt to prove you wrong for either you are a liar or you will simply punch fake holes in what I produce.

I would say a third possibility is that you are misinformed....but you are not. I have read your posts.

SO "whatever" was the best response.

I never said "the left" had never engaged in "malicious attacks" nor committed murder. I said allegations were made suggesting the left today is as lethal as the right, and that seems untrue. If I'm wrong, "whatever" won't ever convince me. I'm old enough to remember "cin qui (sic?) and the SLA, for they robbed a bank in my neighborhood and killed a patron, murdered a Berkeley School Board President and kidnapped Patty Hurst.

At least they didn't pretend to be patriots, today's far right is both lethal and hypocritical.

I said allegations were made suggesting the left today is as lethal as the right, and that seems untrue.

i dont know Wry.....the left does all their dirty work behind our backs.....the right tells you "get out of our way....or we are going to fuck you up"......the left pats you on the shoulder and says "dont worry about it ...your ok....really your ok"........when you walk away they giggle and say how easy it is going to be to screw this guy over.....

Well, you're entitled to your opinion but an opinion sans facts is trumped by opinions with facts. It seems this thread is weighted most heavily on the fact that the right wing in America is more violent then the left at least in this second decade of the 21st Century. Of course left and right are poor descriptions for a person who willfully kills other human beings because of the color of their skin, their faith or ethnicity. We might easily characterize them as evil and leave the taxonomy out of it.

It's not likely the piece of shit who killed the three innocents the other day is liberal or conservative, both are basically descriptions of moderates, i.e. those who believe in the rule of law and government. Once someone moves left or right of these basic beliefs they become members of a fringe element, and therein lie the far left and the far right. Today, the vast majority of those on the fringe are on the right and claim the conservative label. I don't believe the piece of shit is either; he's evil and that sums it up.
It isn't a fact that right wingers are more violent.

It's hogwash. Like I said, they're seeking to criminalize people for their beliefs, so they can be justified in killing them.
Also notice the timing of this article shortly after the Bundy Ranch War.

I suppose in your deranged mind the piece of shit who shot and killed three innocents because of their faith was acting under orders of the Obama Administration.

Is it OK, in your derange mind , to terrorize the Davidians for 2 months then incinerate them alive?


Of course not. But why simplify Waco? Tell us the history, both the official version and the conspiratorial one.
" "[a]mong the most effective and prominent reasons the Nazis put forth for persecuting, torturing, murdering and having murdered Jews was the stigmatization of the Jew as criminal"

Michael Berkowitz. [ame="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0520251148"]The Crime of My Very Existence: Nazism and the Myth of Jewish Criminality.[/ame] Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007. xxix + 321 pp. $60.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-520-25112-0; $24.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-520-25114-4.
It isn't a fact that right wingers are more violent.

It's hogwash. Like I said, they're seeking to criminalize people for their beliefs, so they can be justified in killing them.

You don't read about too many violent tree huggers, do you?
God Damned correct we are. When a government steals our liberty, our way of life, USURPS the Constitution for their control over us? WE ARE FIERCE. Don't forget it.

you are a rabbit in a cage waiting to be fed.
The latter is correct. Like I said earlier, beware the left. They are nothing more than modern Brownshirt Nazis. They would live nothing more than "camps" for those they disagree with.

N A Z I s.

Because the far right and the far left are wannabee terrorists, some of them, and their philosophy is not worth violence

Violence is Always the last resort and I do NOT advocate violence against anyone. I have killed enough for two lifetimes. I want nothing more of killing.

However, the right in this country has sat by and watched this country being torn apart from within, by a party of people (the Nazi Liberals) who want it destroyed; want it torn to the ground, and Americans have allowed these spoiled rotten, secular humanists to spew their Nazi crap long enough.

There is a storm coming. You Nazis had better realize this now.Conservative America (which is 90% of this country) has had enough of your bullshit. There is a spanking coming to you Nazis. I'd advise you to get ready.

You jerks actually believe that you are affecting some big "change" like your savior Obama claimed. You have accomplished nothing. Your "hope and change" turned out to be "destruction". That makes you EVIL. There WILL be a price to pay. Get ready. November will be here soon.

Now run along Brownshirt.

Get counseling Randall, I'm serious.
It isn't a fact that right wingers are more violent.

It's hogwash. Like I said, they're seeking to criminalize people for their beliefs, so they can be justified in killing them.

You don't read about too many violent tree huggers, do you?

Only if you consider arson violent.

Most do. Environmentalists are our worst home-grown terrorists, who have affected the most damage, after jihadists.

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