Oprah Plays the Race Card


I guess Oprah only LIKES Obama because he's black then.



She has a right to her own opinion even if she is Black and she is Oprah. I never say anything about Rs in general being perceived as racist but they are. Obama does a lot that is right and good and Rs hate him anyway. One even said he can't stand to look at him.

If Rs are going to be racist, they should have the courage of their convictions and just own it. People think that about them anyway, just let out. I seems more courageous.

I can't stand to look at him, and it's his smug demeanor, not his race.; so call me a racist....I really don't care.
By the way, I'm not caucasian, hispanic or asian. Let's just say, I'd like my land back. Thank you!!!

I guess Oprah only LIKES Obama because he's black then.



She has a right to her own opinion even if she is Black and she is Oprah. I never say anything about Rs in general being perceived as racist but they are. Obama does a lot that is right and good and Rs hate him anyway. One even said he can't stand to look at him.

If Rs are going to be racist, they should have the courage of their convictions and just own it. People think that about them anyway, just let out. I seems more courageous.

I can't stand to look at him, and it's his smug demeanor, not his race.; so call me a racist....I really don't care.
By the way, I'm not caucasian, hispanic or asian. Let's just say, I'd like my land back. Thank you!!!
Actually, you shouldn't even be allowed to have the reservations or those fat government checks. Indians shouldn't be treated any different than the rest of us.
She has a right to her own opinion even if she is Black and she is Oprah. I never say anything about Rs in general being perceived as racist but they are. Obama does a lot that is right and good and Rs hate him anyway. One even said he can't stand to look at him.

If Rs are going to be racist, they should have the courage of their convictions and just own it. People think that about them anyway, just let out. I seems more courageous.

I can't stand to look at him, and it's his smug demeanor, not his race.; so call me a racist....I really don't care.
By the way, I'm not caucasian, hispanic or asian. Let's just say, I'd like my land back. Thank you!!!
Actually, you shouldn't even be allowed to have the reservations or those fat government checks. Indians shouldn't be treated any different than the rest of us.

What an intriguing thought.
No sure if anyone actually knows what Oprah said to BBC, so I'll give you the quote:

“There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

Oprah can read minds?

Black leaders need to grow-the-fuck up, and begin to examine the reality: Obama is not disrespected because he is black, but rather because his performance as President of the USA is simply so mediocre.
No sure if anyone actually knows what Oprah said to BBC, so I'll give you the quote:

“There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

Oprah can read minds?

Black leaders need to grow-the-fuck up, and begin to examine the reality: Obama is not disrespected because he is black, but rather because his performance as President of the USA is simply so mediocre.
He's 100% better then "lil boosh",thats for sure.:mad:
No sure if anyone actually knows what Oprah said to BBC, so I'll give you the quote:

“There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

Oprah can read minds?

Black leaders need to grow-the-fuck up, and begin to examine the reality: Obama is not disrespected because he is black, but rather because his performance as President of the USA is simply so mediocre.
He's 100% better then "lil boosh",thats for sure.:mad:

Still beating the BOOOOOOOSH drum. Terrific fall back position whenever the race card is overused.


"Better Than Bush".... that will make a great inscription on his monument.
No sure if anyone actually knows what Oprah said to BBC, so I'll give you the quote:

“There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

Oprah can read minds?

Black leaders need to grow-the-fuck up, and begin to examine the reality: Obama is not disrespected because he is black, but rather because his performance as President of the USA is simply so mediocre.

Really? Then why is it that a white man (Mitch McConnell) got a bunch of his GOP buddies together shortly after Obama was elected, and asked them to help him make Obama a one term president?

Sorry................the GOP is racist.

And.................the more racist they become, the more they lose the support of the people of the U.S. (who are turning more brown and black all the time).

The GOP even said what their problem was in alienating various groups, but the problem is, the very groups they alienated and stated that they needed their support are the same groups that they continue to alienate.

Looks like the GOP is going the way of the Whigs...................
No sure if anyone actually knows what Oprah said to BBC, so I'll give you the quote:

“There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

Oprah can read minds?

Black leaders need to grow-the-fuck up, and begin to examine the reality: Obama is not disrespected because he is black, but rather because his performance as President of the USA is simply so mediocre.

Really? Then why is it that a white man (Mitch McConnell) got a bunch of his GOP buddies together shortly after Obama was elected, and asked them to help him make Obama a one term president?

Sorry................the GOP is racist.

And.................the more racist they become, the more they lose the support of the people of the U.S. (who are turning more brown and black all the time).

The GOP even said what their problem was in alienating various groups, but the problem is, the very groups they alienated and stated that they needed their support are the same groups that they continue to alienate.

Looks like the GOP is going the way of the Whigs...................

Obama had the opportunity to really do a lot for Black people in this country, instead he allowed conditions for them to become far worse. I can't think of one positive he's accomplished for them. I believe it's his shame of shames.
No sure if anyone actually knows what Oprah said to BBC, so I'll give you the quote:

Oprah can read minds?

Black leaders need to grow-the-fuck up, and begin to examine the reality: Obama is not disrespected because he is black, but rather because his performance as President of the USA is simply so mediocre.

Really? Then why is it that a white man (Mitch McConnell) got a bunch of his GOP buddies together shortly after Obama was elected, and asked them to help him make Obama a one term president?

Sorry................the GOP is racist.

And.................the more racist they become, the more they lose the support of the people of the U.S. (who are turning more brown and black all the time).

The GOP even said what their problem was in alienating various groups, but the problem is, the very groups they alienated and stated that they needed their support are the same groups that they continue to alienate.

Looks like the GOP is going the way of the Whigs...................

Obama had the opportunity to really do a lot for Black people in this country, instead he allowed conditions for them to become far worse. I can't think of one positive he's accomplished for them. I believe it's his shame of shames.

He could have done a lot more a lot quicker for EVERYONE if it wasn't for the idiots like Boehner and McConnell and the rest of the tea baggers like Cantor and Cruz.

Sorry.................but if we got rid of the tea bagging idiots who were recently elected, we could get a lot more done. Compromise is not a dirty word, it's how things were done up until the mid 90's.

Too bad the corporate lobbyists, the corporations and the tea baggers who sold their soul for money (remember, in the Bible it states that you cannot worship Mammon (money) and God at the same time) decided to sell out because they hated the fact there was a 2 term President who is black.

Everything Obama has wanted to do in government was supported by the GOP at one time or another. The only problem is for those white folks is that a black man agreed with them, and they didn't want to lose their base.

Sorry, but Obama is better than Jr. ever could have thought about being. At least Obama was willing to open up the books and show where the money was spent, rather than doing like Jr. did and put it on the credit card.

I'm still wondering how the war in Iraq would only last 6 months (it's been over 12 years) as well as wondering how we would be able to pay for it from the oil we'd get (even though we didn't get any, and we're still paying for the war 12 years later).

Jr. left Obama with a mess, and hate to tell you, but even in spite of the Republican resistance, he's done a pretty decent job of trying to get us out of the mess that Jr. put us in.
No sure if anyone actually knows what Oprah said to BBC, so I'll give you the quote:

“There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

Oprah can read minds?

Black leaders need to grow-the-fuck up, and begin to examine the reality: Obama is not disrespected because he is black, but rather because his performance as President of the USA is simply so mediocre.

Really? Then why is it that a white man (Mitch McConnell) got a bunch of his GOP buddies together shortly after Obama was elected, and asked them to help him make Obama a one term president?

Sorry................the GOP is racist.

And.................the more racist they become, the more they lose the support of the people of the U.S. (who are turning more brown and black all the time).

The GOP even said what their problem was in alienating various groups, but the problem is, the very groups they alienated and stated that they needed their support are the same groups that they continue to alienate.

Looks like the GOP is going the way of the Whigs...................
Horse shit the party of racist are democrats. That party uses them to push their agenda like they used pack horse when the klan was their military arm. If democrats aren't racist why do they think black people can't make it on their own? the only time you give to people is because you think they can't make it on their own and that is racist.
No sure if anyone actually knows what Oprah said to BBC, so I'll give you the quote:

Oprah can read minds?

Black leaders need to grow-the-fuck up, and begin to examine the reality: Obama is not disrespected because he is black, but rather because his performance as President of the USA is simply so mediocre.

Really? Then why is it that a white man (Mitch McConnell) got a bunch of his GOP buddies together shortly after Obama was elected, and asked them to help him make Obama a one term president?

Sorry................the GOP is racist.

And.................the more racist they become, the more they lose the support of the people of the U.S. (who are turning more brown and black all the time).

The GOP even said what their problem was in alienating various groups, but the problem is, the very groups they alienated and stated that they needed their support are the same groups that they continue to alienate.

Looks like the GOP is going the way of the Whigs...................
Horse shit the party of racist are democrats. That party uses them to push their agenda like they used pack horse when the klan was their military arm. If democrats aren't racist why do they think black people can't make it on their own? the only time you give to people is because you think they can't make it on their own and that is racist.

You might wish to brush up on history since the 1960's. Google "southern strategy" sometime and tell me how the Dems are the party of the klan.

Sorry, but the party which has decided to embrace racism is the Republicans.

But.................keep spewing your bullshit without any kind of understanding if it makes you feel better.
Really? Then why is it that a white man (Mitch McConnell) got a bunch of his GOP buddies together shortly after Obama was elected, and asked them to help him make Obama a one term president?

Sorry................the GOP is racist.

And.................the more racist they become, the more they lose the support of the people of the U.S. (who are turning more brown and black all the time).

The GOP even said what their problem was in alienating various groups, but the problem is, the very groups they alienated and stated that they needed their support are the same groups that they continue to alienate.

Looks like the GOP is going the way of the Whigs...................
Horse shit the party of racist are democrats. That party uses them to push their agenda like they used pack horse when the klan was their military arm. If democrats aren't racist why do they think black people can't make it on their own? the only time you give to people is because you think they can't make it on their own and that is racist.

You might wish to brush up on history since the 1960's. Google "southern strategy" sometime and tell me how the Dems are the party of the klan.

Sorry, but the party which has decided to embrace racism is the Republicans.

But.................keep spewing your bullshit without any kind of understanding if it makes you feel better.

LBJ i'll have those ******* voting democrat for 200 years. sure know your history.
Really? Then why is it that a white man (Mitch McConnell) got a bunch of his GOP buddies together shortly after Obama was elected, and asked them to help him make Obama a one term president?

Sorry................the GOP is racist.

And.................the more racist they become, the more they lose the support of the people of the U.S. (who are turning more brown and black all the time).

The GOP even said what their problem was in alienating various groups, but the problem is, the very groups they alienated and stated that they needed their support are the same groups that they continue to alienate.

Looks like the GOP is going the way of the Whigs...................

Obama had the opportunity to really do a lot for Black people in this country, instead he allowed conditions for them to become far worse. I can't think of one positive he's accomplished for them. I believe it's his shame of shames.

He could have done a lot more a lot quicker for EVERYONE if it wasn't for the idiots like Boehner and McConnell and the rest of the tea baggers like Cantor and Cruz.

Sorry.................but if we got rid of the tea bagging idiots who were recently elected, we could get a lot more done. Compromise is not a dirty word, it's how things were done up until the mid 90's.

Too bad the corporate lobbyists, the corporations and the tea baggers who sold their soul for money (remember, in the Bible it states that you cannot worship Mammon (money) and God at the same time) decided to sell out because they hated the fact there was a 2 term President who is black.

Everything Obama has wanted to do in government was supported by the GOP at one time or another. The only problem is for those white folks is that a black man agreed with them, and they didn't want to lose their base.

Sorry, but Obama is better than Jr. ever could have thought about being. At least Obama was willing to open up the books and show where the money was spent, rather than doing like Jr. did and put it on the credit card.

I'm still wondering how the war in Iraq would only last 6 months (it's been over 12 years) as well as wondering how we would be able to pay for it from the oil we'd get (even though we didn't get any, and we're still paying for the war 12 years later).

Jr. left Obama with a mess, and hate to tell you, but even in spite of the Republican resistance, he's done a pretty decent job of trying to get us out of the mess that Jr. put us in.

I believe if you read this link and checked the sources, you would be introduced to reality. I highly suspect though, you'd rather stick with your now... standard excuses and deflections.

Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.
She has a right to her own opinion even if she is Black and she is Oprah. I never say anything about Rs in general being perceived as racist but they are. Obama does a lot that is right and good and Rs hate him anyway. One even said he can't stand to look at him.

If Rs are going to be racist, they should have the courage of their convictions and just own it. People think that about them anyway, just let out. I seems more courageous.

I can't stand to look at him, and it's his smug demeanor, not his race.; so call me a racist....I really don't care.
By the way, I'm not caucasian, hispanic or asian. Let's just say, I'd like my land back. Thank you!!!
Actually, you shouldn't even be allowed to have the reservations or those fat government checks. Indians shouldn't be treated any different than the rest of us.

I've never gotten a red cent from the Government, and I didn't grow up on the res. Not every tribe gets money, as you mistakenly presume. I've earned every dollar I have.
Most native Americans didn't survive to be treated like 'the rest of us.' Also, I'm not from India.
But thank you for your kind thoughts.
No sure if anyone actually knows what Oprah said to BBC, so I'll give you the quote:

“There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

Oprah can read minds?

Black leaders need to grow-the-fuck up, and begin to examine the reality: Obama is not disrespected because he is black, but rather because his performance as President of the USA is simply so mediocre.
He's 100% better then "lil boosh",thats for sure.:mad:

If not having a job makes someone better off, you are right.

When Obama entered the White House in January 2009, black unemployment was 12.7 percent. The highest black unemployment rate during Obama’s time in office was 16.7 percent in August 2011. During the eight years of Bush black unemployment didn’t rise above 13 percent. The rate reached its highest point of the Bush presidency, 12.1 percent, in December 2008.
No sure if anyone actually knows what Oprah said to BBC, so I'll give you the quote:

Oprah can read minds?

Black leaders need to grow-the-fuck up, and begin to examine the reality: Obama is not disrespected because he is black, but rather because his performance as President of the USA is simply so mediocre.
He's 100% better then "lil boosh",thats for sure.:mad:

If not having a job makes someone better off, you are right.

When Obama entered the White House in January 2009, black unemployment was 12.7 percent. The highest black unemployment rate during Obama’s time in office was 16.7 percent in August 2011. During the eight years of Bush black unemployment didn’t rise above 13 percent. The rate reached its highest point of the Bush presidency, 12.1 percent, in December 2008.

Another 'Inconvenient Truth'. Where's Al Gore when you need him?

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