Oprah Plays the Race Card

No sure if anyone actually knows what Oprah said to BBC, so I'll give you the quote:

Oprah can read minds?

Black leaders need to grow-the-fuck up, and begin to examine the reality: Obama is not disrespected because he is black, but rather because his performance as President of the USA is simply so mediocre.

Really? Then why is it that a white man (Mitch McConnell) got a bunch of his GOP buddies together shortly after Obama was elected, and asked them to help him make Obama a one term president?

Sorry................the GOP is racist.

And.................the more racist they become, the more they lose the support of the people of the U.S. (who are turning more brown and black all the time).

The GOP even said what their problem was in alienating various groups, but the problem is, the very groups they alienated and stated that they needed their support are the same groups that they continue to alienate.

Looks like the GOP is going the way of the Whigs...................

Obama had the opportunity to really do a lot for Black people in this country, instead he allowed conditions for them to become far worse. I can't think of one positive he's accomplished for them. I believe it's his shame of shames.

Had Obama during his first term or even now in his second term remotely had any kind of "help the blacks" agenda, there would be anarchy in the streets and there would be a multi million dollar bounty paid to anyone who could deliver his severed head on a stick.

As it is now he is considered "racially divisive", and a "racist of the worst kind".

And for what reason?

Maybe because He tried to bridge a gap between police and Louis Gates with a beer party?

Maybe Because he made the statement "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin"?

Or maybe because he has pushed for immigration reform as opposed to granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens like Reagan?

Or maybe because of the urban legend that he promised "free cell phones" to what the far right believes are welfare cases?

Or maybe because he promised all of this ubiquitous "free stuff", to minorities that no one can seem to identify exactly what it consists of?

As a 60 year old black citizen who has never taken a dime of welfare, unemployment, or any of this mythical "free stuff" that is supposedly out there for anyone black who shows up and presents a so called "race card", I for one am ecstatic that he has not gone public with any kind of programs specifically intended for assisting black citizens who need it.

Simply because of the fact that when he leaves the job of POTUS, he will still have a wife and children who will need him, and spearheading any programs designed to specifically help the black population would probably cost him his life, and make his wife a widow and leave his children fatherless.

Community based self help and self reliance is the only help that will help the segment of the black population that needs help.
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Just an observation, but have you noticed that some people type and post things they wouldn't dare say to your face?

Yep. There are quite few internet "Rocky's and "Rambos" in this forum.As well as a fair share of escapees from a few mental wards.
No sure if anyone actually knows what Oprah said to BBC, so I'll give you the quote:

“There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

Oprah can read minds?

Black leaders need to grow-the-fuck up, and begin to examine the reality: Obama is not disrespected because he is black, but rather because his performance as President of the USA is simply so mediocre.

Really? Then why is it that a white man (Mitch McConnell) got a bunch of his GOP buddies together shortly after Obama was elected, and asked them to help him make Obama a one term president?

Sorry................the GOP is racist.

And.................the more racist they become, the more they lose the support of the people of the U.S. (who are turning more brown and black all the time).

The GOP even said what their problem was in alienating various groups, but the problem is, the very groups they alienated and stated that they needed their support are the same groups that they continue to alienate.

Looks like the GOP is going the way of the Whigs...................

Racism | GOP Quotes
Yanno.....................myself personally, I have no use for Doper Windbag (aka Oprah Winfrey).

However...................I do think that the reason that so many of the GOP are against Obama is because they don't like having a black man in the White House.

I mean.......................if the Republicans come up with an idea and say it's good, and Obama decides that it's good as well and supports it, the GOP then switches positions and goes against the very thing they'd proposed in the first place.

You're confusing the GOP with Obama.

Obama announced a proposal to allow people who lost their insurance to keep their insurance. The House passes a bill that does exactly that and Obama says he'll veto it.

He doesn't want the GOP to get any credit.
No sure if anyone actually knows what Oprah said to BBC, so I'll give you the quote:

“There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs. And that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he’s African American. There’s no question about that and it’s the kind of thing nobody ever says but everybody’s thinking it.”

Oprah can read minds?

Black leaders need to grow-the-fuck up, and begin to examine the reality: Obama is not disrespected because he is black, but rather because his performance as President of the USA is simply so mediocre.

Really? Then why is it that a white man (Mitch McConnell) got a bunch of his GOP buddies together shortly after Obama was elected, and asked them to help him make Obama a one term president?

Sorry................the GOP is racist.

And.................the more racist they become, the more they lose the support of the people of the U.S. (who are turning more brown and black all the time).

The GOP even said what their problem was in alienating various groups, but the problem is, the very groups they alienated and stated that they needed their support are the same groups that they continue to alienate.

Looks like the GOP is going the way of the Whigs...................

Yep, its been all downhill since Lincoln.

Obama is a racist.

He is purposely trying to screw over whites or the invisible rich. "The Rich" is his code word for whites.

I suppose whites are supposed to take it without a fight.

Democrats think that supporting Obama makes them non-racist.

Far from the truth. Most racist blacks wouldn't give you the time of day.
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There is a tremendous amount of disrespect for obama which has led to the entire presidential office being disrespected. obama is disrespected all over the world. The poor black man, victim of world wide racisim.

It is possible to find a black person's decisions poorly made or are they just assumed to be incapable of poor performance based on skin color? If black skin provides infallibility, say so. Don't look for racists under the bed just say that because obama is black he has a divine right to rule and cannot have catastrophic policies.
Obama was an unfortunate choice for the first black president. In their rush to break racial ground, Democrats fast-tracked an mediocre affirmative action product to the presidency. His legacy will be one of mediocrity at best and will do little to serve African Americans. There were several much more competent, but they were mostly Republicans.
There is a tremendous amount of disrespect for obama which has led to the entire presidential office being disrespected. obama is disrespected all over the world. The poor black man, victim of world wide racisim.

It is possible to find a black person's decisions poorly made or are they just assumed to be incapable of poor performance based on skin color? If black skin provides infallibility, say so. Don't look for racists under the bed just say that because obama is black he has a divine right to rule and cannot have catastrophic policies.

Even students at black universities are beginning to criticize Obama:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPuFt6g_0a8]Students at Bowie state decry Obamacare after canceled plans - YouTube[/ame]
Really? Then why is it that a white man (Mitch McConnell) got a bunch of his GOP buddies together shortly after Obama was elected, and asked them to help him make Obama a one term president?

Sorry................the GOP is racist.

And.................the more racist they become, the more they lose the support of the people of the U.S. (who are turning more brown and black all the time).

The GOP even said what their problem was in alienating various groups, but the problem is, the very groups they alienated and stated that they needed their support are the same groups that they continue to alienate.

Looks like the GOP is going the way of the Whigs...................

Obama had the opportunity to really do a lot for Black people in this country, instead he allowed conditions for them to become far worse. I can't think of one positive he's accomplished for them. I believe it's his shame of shames.

Had Obama during his first term or even now in his second term remotely had any kind of "help the blacks" agenda, there would be anarchy in the streets and there would be a multi million dollar bounty paid to anyone who could deliver his severed head on a stick.

As it is now he is considered "racially divisive", and a "racist of the worst kind".

And for what reason?

Maybe because He tried to bridge a gap between police and Louis Gates with a beer party?

Maybe Because he made the statement "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin"?

Or maybe because he has pushed for immigration reform as opposed to granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens like Reagan?

Or maybe because of the urban legend that he promised "free cell phones" to what the far right believes are welfare cases?

Or maybe because he promised all of this ubiquitous "free stuff", to minorities that no one can seem to identify exactly what it consists of?

As a 60 year old black citizen who has never taken a dime of welfare, unemployment, or any of this mythical "free stuff" that is supposedly out there for anyone black who shows up and presents a so called "race card", I for one am ecstatic that he has not gone public with any kind of programs specifically intended for assisting black citizens who need it.

Simply because of the fact that when he leaves the job of POTUS, he will still have a wife and children who will need him, and spearheading any programs designed to specifically help the black population would probably cost him his life, and make his wife a widow and leave his children fatherless.

Community based self help and self reliance is the only help that will help the segment of the black population that needs help.

Well said, indeed.
Obama is a racist.

He is purposely trying to screw over whites or the invisible rich. "The Rich" is his code word for whites.

I suppose whites are supposed to take it without a fight.

Democrats think that supporting Obama makes them non-racist.

Far from the truth. Most racist blacks wouldn't give you the time of day.

So, you're doing the same thing to Obama that you get so angry at people for doing to the tea party? Seems that racist card is awful easy to drop from the other side of the table.
Obama is a racist.

He is purposely trying to screw over whites or the invisible rich. "The Rich" is his code word for whites.

I suppose whites are supposed to take it without a fight.

Democrats think that supporting Obama makes them non-racist.

Far from the truth. Most racist blacks wouldn't give you the time of day.

So, you're doing the same thing to Obama that you get so angry at people for doing to the tea party? Seems that racist card is awful easy to drop from the other side of the table.
For someone who drops the racist card as much as you, that is hardly surprising.
Just an observation, but have you noticed that some people type and post things they wouldn't dare say to your face?

Yes but then again some of us would say what we type.

I suppose you're right.
Let's say you were off the clock and enjoying a beveridge in the lounge of The Grand Aleutian, when you suddenly uttered a provocative statement. I've witnessed a few occasions where the offending party was obliged to 'put their money where their mouth is'.

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