Oregon imposes gag order on Christian bakers in gay wedding case

No it wasn't.You can bleat all day about your imaginary law but no law was broken. We have a politically correct politician deciding to make a political point to boost himself to higher office soon off the backs of these 2 people who DID NOT base their decision on these carpet muncher's sexual preference but their idea of a wedding which is perfectly fine. NOW he is trying to muzzle them which like I already stated is unconstitutional and illegal and they won't follow it. :)
A law was broken:


Notice that discrimination will be made in place of public accommodation prohibited

    • • age exceptions

"Except as provided by laws governing the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors and the frequenting by minors of places of public accommodation where alcoholic beverages are served, and except for special rates or services offered to persons 50 years of age or older, it is an unlawful practice for any person acting on behalf of any place of public accommodation as defined in ORS 659A.400 (Place of public accommodation defined) to publish, circulate, issue or display, or cause to be published, circulated, issued or displayed, any communication, notice, advertisement or sign of any kind to the effect that any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities, services or privileges of the place of public accommodation will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination will be made against, any person on account of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status or age if the individual is 18 years of age or older. [Formerly 659.037; 2003 c.521 §3; 2005 c.131 §2; 2007 c.100 §7]"
The law is the law, like it or not...

That's not what you said about DOMA. See how full of shit you are ?
DOMA was dumped the legal American way. :clap:

oh please--- anyone told you " sorry but it's the law " you would have flatly rejected that idea. WTF is wrong with you people ?

WTF is wrong with you people?

Why are you suddenly opposed to State laws?

Why do you believe that Christians have some magical exemption from the law?

The bakers have the same recourse here as gays did in the case of DOMA- they can go to court and say their rights are violated.

Of course you people bitched and moaned about Gays going to court fighting for their rights- will you bitch and moan when Christiians go to court arguing their rights have been violated?

Of course not.

You want to try to overturn State public accommodation laws- arguing that they are unconstitutional- go for it- it is the right of Americans to seek redress through the courts.

I just look forward to the hypocrisy of all the Cons who suddenly won't have a problem with Courts overturning the 'will of the people'- when it comes to refusing business to gays.
And now I will pull a stephanie:

Is it your state? why do you care , its none of your business

Whaddya mean, "None of your business?" It's everybody's business. How does a Commisioner of Labor impose a gag order on someone? The bakery owner needs to confront that socialist son of a bitch with a baseball bat and break some knees.

I'm of the belief that should happen to all liberals....and if they keep pushing it may very well happen
Oh look...some violent RWrs. What a surprise.

Sassy is the kind of Christian that believes that anyone who disagrees with her should be assaulted and maimed.

And hopes it will happen soon.
I grew up in the deep South. There was a reason that the KKK used a burning cross as their symbol. They believed that they were on the side of God, in their terrorizing African -Americans. In fact, churches in the South taught that segregation was God's plan, which was why Blacks were put on another continent. I heard it preached, myself, in the 1950's.

Discrimination in the name of religion does not make it legally acceptable.

Titus 3:10
Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them.

2 John 1:10
If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them.

Romans 16:17
And now I make one more appeal, my dear brothers and sisters. Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people's faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them.

You have removed my ability to practice my faith. You have no right to do that in a free America.

There really is nothing in the Bible that says, "Thou shall not use electric". Amish shun electricity in their businesses. You are for electric. What gives you the right to insist that the Amish use electric just because you visit their stores?

Stop forcing your agenda on others. This is America. I have the right to bake or not bake cakes, and you have the right to buy or not buy cakes.

How has he removed your ability to practice your faith?

the agenda has superceded my right to practice my faith, and insists that I remove parts of my faith. I would have to change the three verses above to include, welcome, do whatever they want, and gravitate to them.
That is just 3 out of many verses.

Both groups are in America. Both have rights. One has the right to bake or not bake a cake. The other has the right to buy or not buy a cake. It should not infringe upon either any further than that.
No one in this country can force you to bake a gay wedding cake and you are free to practice your religion. It looks like those passages you are quoting are warning us against you.
There is no gag order. The couple can discuss this all they want. And in fact they went on a talk show and discussed it. They also lied about it, which is a sin. Making a cake for a gay couple is not a sin.
Be whatever you want. Don't expect me to agree with everything you say and do. I don't have to. We live in America.
You do what you want and I'll do what I want. If there was only one bakery in the country and they refused to make your cake, then bitch. If you have the pick of all most all of the bakeries in the country, don't target the ones who have an issue of faith with what you want.

Or- if you run a bakery- plan on following the law- and don't target your customers for discrimination.

Just make up a different reason for turning them down.
I grew up in the deep South. There was a reason that the KKK used a burning cross as their symbol. They believed that they were on the side of God, in their terrorizing African -Americans. In fact, churches in the South taught that segregation was God's plan, which was why Blacks were put on another continent. I heard it preached, myself, in the 1950's.

Discrimination in the name of religion does not make it legally acceptable.
"in the name of" does not make it religion........
And now I will pull a stephanie:

Is it your state? why do you care , its none of your business

Whaddya mean, "None of your business?" It's everybody's business. How does a Commisioner of Labor impose a gag order on someone? The bakery owner needs to confront that socialist son of a bitch with a baseball bat and break some knees.

I'm of the belief that should happen to all liberals....and if they keep pushing it may very well happen
Oh look...some violent RWrs. What a surprise.

Sassy is the kind of Christian that believes that anyone who disagrees with her should be assaulted and maimed.

And hopes it will happen soon.
But she would never do it herself...too risky.
No it wasn't.You can bleat all day about your imaginary law but no law was broken. We have a politically correct politician deciding to make a political point to boost himself to higher office soon off the backs of these 2 people who DID NOT base their decision on these carpet muncher's sexual preference but their idea of a wedding which is perfectly fine. NOW he is trying to muzzle them which like I already stated is unconstitutional and illegal and they won't follow it. :)
Don't break the law...
No law was broken my little tyrant libturd but suppressing speech IS a violation of the first amendment and not allowed. Try to follow along now.
A law was broken:


Notice that discrimination will be made in place of public accommodation prohibited

    • • age exceptions

"Except as provided by laws governing the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors and the frequenting by minors of places of public accommodation where alcoholic beverages are served, and except for special rates or services offered to persons 50 years of age or older, it is an unlawful practice for any person acting on behalf of any place of public accommodation as defined in ORS 659A.400 (Place of public accommodation defined) to publish, circulate, issue or display, or cause to be published, circulated, issued or displayed, any communication, notice, advertisement or sign of any kind to the effect that any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities, services or privileges of the place of public accommodation will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination will be made against, any person on account of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status or age if the individual is 18 years of age or older. [Formerly 659.037; 2003 c.521 §3; 2005 c.131 §2; 2007 c.100 §7]"
The law is the law, like it or not...

That's not what you said about DOMA. See how full of shit you are ?

Really? 'Cause I keep saying that if you don't like Public Accommodation laws, you need to get them all repealed. All of them, not just the local laws that protect gays, but the Federal Law that protects race, religion, country of origin, disability status, etc.

Have you called your congresscritters to get Title II of the Civil Rights Act repealed? How'd that call go?
There is no gag order. The couple can discuss this all they want. And in fact they went on a talk show and discussed it. They also lied about it, which is a sin. Making a cake for a gay couple is not a sin.

According to the article posted there is.
There is no gag order. The couple can discuss this all they want. And in fact they went on a talk show and discussed it. They also lied about it, which is a sin. Making a cake for a gay couple is not a sin.

According to the article posted there is.

According to the actual order there isn't.

Which is more authoritative, the actual order or what someone tells you about the order?

There is no gag order. The couple can discuss this all they want. And in fact they went on a talk show and discussed it. They also lied about it, which is a sin. Making a cake for a gay couple is not a sin.

According to the article posted there is.

According to the actual order there isn't.

Which is more authoritative, the actual order or what someone tells you about the order?

You have the link?
The homos are too cowardly to target a Muslim bakery. They know the Christians will simply refuse, but the Muslims will hang 'em or toss 'em off the roof.
There is no gag order. The couple can discuss this all they want. And in fact they went on a talk show and discussed it. They also lied about it, which is a sin. Making a cake for a gay couple is not a sin.

According to the article posted there is.

According to the actual order there isn't.

Which is more authoritative, the actual order or what someone tells you about the order?

You have the link?
Posted in the thread by Paperview. Apparently state law forbids a business from putting up a sign saying "we hate xxxxx" or something to that order. Which is silly, IMO, but it most certainly isn't a gag order forbidding these two bakers from discussing the case.
The judge needs to be removed. I think his address should be published and demonstrations held in the street in front of his house. Oh, and the corrupt little fat maggot commissioner is a democrat. Not surprised.
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There is no gag order. The couple can discuss this all they want. And in fact they went on a talk show and discussed it. They also lied about it, which is a sin. Making a cake for a gay couple is not a sin.

According to the article posted there is.

According to the actual order there isn't.

Which is more authoritative, the actual order or what someone tells you about the order?

You have the link?

http://www.oregon.gov/boli/SiteAssets/pages/press/Sweet Cakes FO.pdf
ORS 659A.409 - Notice that discrimination will be made in place of public accommodation prohibited - 2013 Oregon Revised Statutes

The first link is to the actual order.

The second link is to the Oregon State law that deals with businesses (places of Public Accommodations) posting or communicating that the business will not serve customers based on PA law limitations. In other words a businesses can't post a sign that says "No Jews Allows", "No *******s allowed", or "Weddings cakes to straight couples only".

Note on PDF Page 30 (last paragraph) shows that the order references the limitations placed on the business and it's communications as they apply to Oregon Revised Statute 659A.409.

The actual limitation is laid out on PDF page 42 as part of the actual orders and note that it complies with business limitations about communicating an intent to discriminate. (A) it DOES NOT gag the Klein's from commenting on the case or the law, and (B) it's irrelevant now since the storefront for Sweetcakes by Melissa is closed to the public and they now operate as a home-based business.

The lezbos sure did a good job of playing the victim. Their list of hurts and suffering is well done.

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