Oregon terrorist say they will leave community if asked.

It's a building, not a complex, and it doesn't have power now. It is an empty building....
Little bit more than "a building" chubbiecheeks.



Google Maps <---CLICK

and not a one of them on fire
Not yet.

Slow right ? Ferguson would have them all looted and flattened by now.
Yep, some food. Won't last for long. Hope the authorities have cordoned off this area. Nothing in, nothing out, unconditioned surrender the only acceptable terms to end this insanity. And then prosecution for sedition.
Oh brother. You should head down there and hang out in burns a while, old fag.
It's a building, not a complex, and it doesn't have power now. It is an empty building....
Little bit more than "a building" chubbiecheeks.



Google Maps <---Click
Ol' Kosher is a lying bitch. She claims to be an Eastern Oregon girl. No way, because she fucks up regularly about areas in Eastern Oregon. I doubt she has been South of I-84.

Lolol.....says the flap handed city punk who thinks he should tell the people who actually live there what to do. Yes, I'm an Eastern Oregon girl. Everything I've read says the guys have broken into and are occupying only one building. I don't know what you have an aerial of.
Every thing you have read. In other words, you have never been there. I've been all over Harney county, in weather 100+ to -20. From the Silvies Valley to the Neveda border through Funnel Canyon and Long Draw. Drewsey, the Rincon Valley, Alvord Desert, Steens Mountain, Diamond, Fields, and many other interesting areas.
Yep, some food. Won't last for long. Hope the authorities have cordoned off this area. Nothing in, nothing out, unconditioned surrender the only acceptable terms to end this insanity. And then prosecution for sedition.
Oh brother. You should head down there and hang out in burns a while, old fag.
Burns isn't the issue. But go ahead and pretend you know the area. BTW, Allie, have you told us yet who the owner was to that land before the Feds "stole" it? I've asked a few times already.
It's a building, not a complex, and it doesn't have power now. It is an empty building....
Little bit more than "a building" chubbiecheeks.



Google Maps <---CLICK

and not a one of them on fire
Not yet.

Slow right ? Ferguson would have them all looted and flattened by now.
Stupid ass, this is not Ferguson, or any other place. This is Eastern Oregon, and a lot of armed outsider troublemakers have invaded the area. They need to be removed.
It's a building, not a complex, and it doesn't have power now. It is an empty building in the middle of mismanaged, stolen blm land. The community is fine with them.
Stolen from whom? You have been asked and still have not told us who owned this land before the Feds did. Why can't you answer?
Ranchers owned the land before the feds did. When they wouldn't sell, the feds took their water and flooded their property.

I don't answer you and the other trolls because I have you on ignore. You have never brought anything to any discussion, and you will bring nothing to this one.
What were those ranchers' names? Property has to be owned by someone with a name with a deed....not just some vague "ranchers" like you want to try to fool us with.
It's a building, not a complex, and it doesn't have power now. It is an empty building in the middle of mismanaged, stolen blm land. The community is fine with them.
Stolen from whom? You have been asked and still have not told us who owned this land before the Feds did. Why can't you answer?
Ranchers owned the land before the feds did. When they wouldn't sell, the feds took their water and flooded their property.

I don't answer you and the other trolls because I have you on ignore. You have never brought anything to any discussion, and you will bring nothing to this one.
Again, more wild ass lies. There is plenty on the history of the Malhuer Game Refuge on the internet.
She can't even tell the truth about her own nic.
It's a building, not a complex, and it doesn't have power now. It is an empty building....
Little bit more than "a building" chubbiecheeks.



Google Maps <---CLICK

and not a one of them on fire
Not yet.

Slow right ? Ferguson would have them all looted and flattened by now.
Stupid ass, this is not Ferguson, or any other place. This is Eastern Oregon, and a lot of armed outsider troublemakers have invaded the area. They need to be removed.

Whats the rush ? Are they hurting anyone or damaging any property ?
Little bit more than "a building" chubbiecheeks.



Google Maps <---CLICK

and not a one of them on fire
Not yet.

Slow right ? Ferguson would have them all looted and flattened by now.
Stupid ass, this is not Ferguson, or any other place. This is Eastern Oregon, and a lot of armed outsider troublemakers have invaded the area. They need to be removed.

Whats the rush ? Are they hurting anyone or damaging any property ?
I agree...no rush. Fence them in, cut off water and power.....jam wi-fi and phone signals...........and wait.
It's a building, not a complex, and it doesn't have power now. It is an empty building....
Little bit more than "a building" chubbiecheeks.



Google Maps <---Click
Ol' Kosher is a lying bitch. She claims to be an Eastern Oregon girl. No way, because she fucks up regularly about areas in Eastern Oregon. I doubt she has been South of I-84.

Lolol.....says the flap handed city punk who thinks he should tell the people who actually live there what to do. Yes, I'm an Eastern Oregon girl. Everything I've read says the guys have broken into and are occupying only one building. I don't know what you have an aerial of.
Every thing you have read. In other words, you have never been there. I've been all over Harney county, in weather 100+ to -20. From the Silvies Valley to the Neveda border through Funnel Canyon and Long Draw. Drewsey, the Rincon Valley, Alvord Desert, Steens Mountain, Diamond, Fields, and many other interesting areas.

Meh, that's what you always say. I bet you have "relatives" there, too.

I've been there as well, meh. I could also look at a map and recite all the landmarks. Do you have a point? Besides making yourself look like a twit? I know you like to crawl around property that you have never managed or lived on. So what?
Little bit more than "a building" chubbiecheeks.



Google Maps <---CLICK

and not a one of them on fire
Not yet.

Slow right ? Ferguson would have them all looted and flattened by now.
Stupid ass, this is not Ferguson, or any other place. This is Eastern Oregon, and a lot of armed outsider troublemakers have invaded the area. They need to be removed.

Whats the rush ? Are they hurting anyone or damaging any property ?

Old Fag believes if the gubmint will just kill all the pesky locals, they'll let him set up house there. He's too cowardly to just steal the land himself.
It's a building, not a complex, and it doesn't have power now. It is an empty building....
Little bit more than "a building" chubbiecheeks.



Google Maps <---CLICK

and not a one of them on fire
Not yet.

Slow right ? Ferguson would have them all looted and flattened by now.
Stupid ass, this is not Ferguson, or any other place. This is Eastern Oregon, and a lot of armed outsider troublemakers have invaded the area. They need to be removed.

If the locals wanted them removed, they'd be gone.
We sure as Hell can't allow right wingers protesting the government.

It is okay when left wingers do it though.

It's a little different when they come in threatening to kill or be killed, dontcha think?

That's not exactly an everyday protest.
How is this different from Baltimore or Ferguson?

Agree- Call me when buildings start to burn

This whole thing started because of arson, dummy.
We sure as Hell can't allow right wingers protesting the government.

It is okay when left wingers do it though.

It's a little different when they come in threatening to kill or be killed, dontcha think?

That's not exactly an everyday protest.
How is this different from Baltimore or Ferguson?

Agree- Call me when buildings start to burn

This whole thing started because of arson, dummy.

Disagreements with the BLM go back decades.
Two Orbillies were convicted of arson. They were handing out matches and giving instruction to people to start fires with the intent to "light up the whole country on fire".

If they had Middle Eastern names, you know damn well Trump and every tard on this forum would be calling them terrorists, at the very least.

They succeeded in starting a forest fire, which is very serious in the West. These assholes received the mandatory minimum for such a crime: five years.

Then this other asshole, racist Cliven Bundy's son, comes from out of state to stir up trouble. He's an outsider, and has brought other outsiders with him.

The two men who started the fire turned themselves in. They are disassociating themselves from this asshole Bundy. He has absolutely no business or justification for being in Oregon.

He's a self-aggrandizing dickhead who didn't fall far from his father's tree.
Last edited:
Two Orbillies were convicted of arson. They were handing out matches to people labeled "Strike Anywhere" and giving instruction to people to start fires with the intent to "light up the whole country on fire".

They succeeded in starting a forest fire, which is very serious in the West. These assholes received the mandatory minimum for such a crime: five years.

Then this other asshole, racist Cliven Bundy's son, comes from out of state to stir up trouble. He's an outsider, and has brought other outsiders with him.

The two men who started the fire turned themselves in. They are disassociating themselves from this asshole Bundy. He has absolutely no business or justification for being in Oregon.

He's a prick.

Nonsense. The only "person" they supposedly gave the matches/instructions to was their mentally challenged, 13 y.o. at the time, who is diagnosed with mental illness and not a reliable witness.
We sure as Hell can't allow right wingers protesting the government.

It is okay when left wingers do it though.

It's a little different when they come in threatening to kill or be killed, dontcha think?

That's not exactly an everyday protest.
How is this different from Baltimore or Ferguson?

Agree- Call me when buildings start to burn

This whole thing started because of arson, dummy.
Eastern Oregon Ranchers Convicted of Arson Resentenced to Five Years in Prison | USAO-OR | Department of Justice
The arsons were done to cover up the poaching of several deer.
You guys want fires like the negroes? Okay, then.

Dwight Lincoln Hammond, Jr., 73, and his son, Steven Dwight Hammond, 46, both residents of Diamond, Oregon in Harney County, were sentenced to five years in prison by Chief U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken for arsons they committed on federal lands.

A jury sitting in Pendleton, Oregon found the Hammonds guilty of the arsons after a two-week trial in June 2012. The trial involved allegations that the Hammonds, owners of Hammond Ranches, Inc., ignited a series of fires on lands managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), on which the Hammonds had grazing rights leased to them for their cattle operation.


Jurors were told that Steven Hammond handed out “Strike Anywhere” matches with instructions that they be lit and dropped on the ground because they were going to “light up the whole country on fire.” One witness testified that he barely escaped the eight to ten foot high flames caused by the arson.

Eastern Oregon Ranchers Convicted of Arson Resentenced to Five Years in Prison | USAO-OR | Department of Justice

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