Orthodox Christianity, False Teachers, Faith, and Reason

Pastor Benny Hinn Confronts False Teacher Joel Osteen Publicly. This is how you expose a false teacher! Watch this!


Benny Hinn in his own words. Perhaps the Bible scholars here might find some really REALLY strange interpretations of the scriptures. :)

Just remember your words:

God uses people as HE chooses, both the great, powerful, and wealthy and the humble, poor, and presumably poorly equipped for his purposes. I am taking nothing away from Geisler, who may indeed be a true servant of the Lord, and who the Lord may be using to the fullest of his spiritual gifts, when I say that he may not be the last word as to what any of us are called to believe or do in the service of the Lord.


I believe some people are put there for a reason. Some people are an aid to faith.
Question and comment for Chuck and Jeri

Here is the question - I feel as if I have totally missed something here. Why are people lopping Foxfyre's head off? Will someone tell me succinctly what makes you think he/she/they is a false teacher? I'm not seeing it. This is not an idle question - this whole posting series has me scratching my head wondering how it got derailed.

Comment for Chuck:

Chuck, you said a few things to me and I'd like to reply:

You said:

Love someone? Yes. Recognition for someone? No.

When I read that, I thought of the prodigal son story.

The terms of friendship is that relationships are reciprocol or complimentary.

I see. Is that how you found God? You established a reciprocal relationship with Him? Or did he reach for you before you ever even thought about Him? I have always believed that God reached for me and since he did, I open and reach to others - He is my example.

Is it reciprocal or complimentary for someone to change what we believe? No.

Who is asking you to change what you believe? I didn't see that happen here.

Nobody cares more about me than me or my parents. My parents clothed me, fed me, took care of me when I was sick. Did you put any time in when I was growing up and care for me more than other people? No. That means that not all relationships are equal and the truths you will bring are not equal.

Well, LOL - that's true, I've never fed or clothed you. But what does that have to do with Christian love extended in the same manner the Lord extended it to you personally?

Not all truth is equal. God is the source of truth. The Apostles and Prophets died for that truth. I don't see you or other people suffering for the truth.

I agree that all truth is not equal. I also agree that God is the ONLY absolute source of truth. And as for the other, you have no idea what I have or have not suffered, do you? You may want to think twice before you say something like that to people - it makes you appear arrogant and I don't think that is your intention at all.

Ideas have consequences and I'm not your sheep. If I wanted to be a Jehovah's Witness then I would go to a kingdom hall. If I wanted to be Unitarian then I would go to a Unitarian Church.

I agree all ideas have consequences. I haven't asked you to 'be my sheep' or become a JW or Unitarian. Does speaking to someone dissimilar to yourself make you feel this way? I trust the Lord to guard my heart and I also think if people don't talk, nothing moves forward.

The world can have Rob Bell but you can't have me because love ceases to be love when love doesn't protect others or me and when the door is allowed open for experimentation then you have more in

I have absolutely no clue what I said to make you say this.

Now, Jeri - this comment is for you:
You said:
Loa, I found Chucks reponse to the false teachings presented on this thread by Foxfyr to be very useful for the exhortation of the body of Christ to contend for the Faith, to expose false teachings and defend the Word of God.

What exactly and concisely are FoxFyre's false teachings? I'm missing it.

...There is only one way. Not many, Loa. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man comes to the Father except through the Son.

If we are speaking about Christianity, I agree with you there is only one way. And that way is a dichotomy - it is the simplest thing and the most difficult thing there is. The person and work of Jesus Christ. And I only saw Foxfyre attest to his/her/their belief in that about 3 times within the thread. What else are you looking for?

... When someones teachings do not line up with the Word of God? We know we are looking at false teaching.

I'll hold on this for the explanation of what is not lining up.

We do not extend grace and mercy to false teachers, Loa. We expose them with the Light of God's Word.
Hasn't God himself given the offer of grace and mercy to every single person on the planet, Jeri? Isn't it His spirit that moves? Why are you withholding what God freely offers? I am not saying you must change your own view on the faith to offer love, mercy and grace to others. Rather, it's a mindset of how you view the world. Do you need me to explain this more? I'm asking because I am not sure I am explaining what I think well enough to be understood. (Saying, if there is a communication failure here, it may very well be my inability to express the idea well)

This is what it means to "Contend" for the Faith....

Yes, I think we should contend. Strive. Work. Not give up. A good example of contending was Paul on Mars Hill. He contended well by laying his ideas alongside everyone else who was speaking. There are all sorts of folks in the Book who contended - all kinds of examples.

Folks, I am not trying to argue and would genuinely like to understand the issue.

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Question and comment for Chuck and Jeri

Here is the question - I feel as if I have totally missed something here. Why are people lopping Foxfyre's head off? Will someone tell me succinctly what makes you think he/she/they is a false teacher? I'm not seeing it. This is not an idle question - this whole posting series has me scratching my head wondering how it got derailed.

Comment for Chuck:

Chuck, you said a few things to me and I'd like to reply:

You said:

Love someone? Yes. Recognition for someone? No.

When I read that, I thought of the prodigal son story.

The terms of friendship is that relationships are reciprocol or complimentary.

I see. Is that how you found God? You established a reciprocal relationship with Him? Or did he reach for you before you ever even thought about Him? I have always believed that God reached for me and since he did, I open and reach to others - He is my example.


I can understand why God let me go through certain situations. I tried to witness to people who were monsters and some people will get mad at me for sounding mean and using the word "monster". The fact that I tried to do it should be something admirable.

Shouldn't we give grace to prodigals? I see. It isn't as simple as you might understand.

I remember calling my church for counselling after getting hurt and the counsellor said that my friend was wreckless and he made me go through some of these verses:

Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

Galatians 5:20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

These are works of the flesh. Heresies is on the list.

Galatians 5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

The phrase "they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God" shows up twice in the Bible and my church said these are not little sins. These are grievous sins. The counsellor also said the person was wreckless.

I said I was doing what pastor so and so told me to do which was witness to them and the Church told me that I'm not pastor so and so. I can't do what pastor so and so can do. Another seminary brother asked me if all I do is pick up sick pups.

Only God can make someone repent. I can't manufacture that. I can't do that.

One of my friends almost died. It took that friend 20 years or more to repent.

I really believe you've bought into this seeker sensitve / Rick Warren / Emergent baloney. The reason why the Church is turning from the Bible to these systems is because they can't make people repent and these systems just sound easy because they're making promises that can't be made.

2 Timothy 2:25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

I have other people to help with the Bible. I have other people to witness to. I have other learning going on. I have other people who need the gospel. The people who oppose the Christian message are not going to listen until they come to the end of themselves. The same happened to Nebuchadnezzar who spent years eating grass until he was willing to look up to heaven and acknowledge God.

I heard this story about how monkeys are caught. I don't know if it is true or not but it is sort of like real life. Someone drills holes in a coconut and puts rice in them. The monkey puts his hand in the coconut, makes a fist to grab the rice and won't let go. That is the story of man with sin. The person caught in sin won't let go. The devil catches him. It is until that someone wants to let go that God can't work with them. They are sort of like a Pharaoh. He that is often reproved hardeneth his heart so the more I try to work with them, the worse it gets.

The other thing you don't understand is that satan gets involved. He tries to steal the word. Satan is very good at that.

Ephesians 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

The word "worketh" is g1754 ἐνεργέω energeō and it is where we get the word "energy" from. Satan energizes the children of disobedience. I've been in doctrinal fights where I have won but because Satan energizes the children of disobedience, I can't win.

You're looking at the Bible the wrong way because when Jesus walked this earth, He had exousia power of the Holy Spirit which is translated "God's Holy Right" and we were left with "dunamous" which is the power of the Holy Spirit but it isn't God's Holy Right to get things accomplished.

Luke 16:30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.

Luke 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Except one did rise from the dead so who should I believe? Should I believe Loa or Abraham?

The children of Israel saw the miracles and God swore in His wrath that they wouldn't enter in. Seeing isn't enough.

What was that Patty Smyth lyric? "Sometimes love just isn't enough."

You can love people to death. It doesn't matter what you do which is why the Rick Warrens of the world are wrong. Jesus said:

John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Do you know what the word "except" is? It is also translated "but". Do you know what "but" means? It is a word that comes after an excuse. "I would like to hear your gospel BUT I'm too busy taking care of someone." The excuse for God is unless you are born again, you ***NOT*** going to heaven.

It doesn't matter what you do because:

John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

That means "facts" won't change a person. "Proof" won't change a person.

That person is going to hell no matter what less they change on their own or God finds a way to move them.

I already put my life on hold to get this far, to teach, to buy expensive commentaries and put myself at risk. I wanted to be a programmer but I put learning the Bible first. I gave up my life for people who don't respect Jesus.

Sorry but the miracles of people repenting in the Bible are because of God and not human effort. You're in a dream world if I can do everything.

John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

I want to hear about the church you started with 100 new believers in it that came from you. Until then, you prove you can do better.

I think John was smarter because he said:

Luke 3:7 ¶ Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

John wasn't fooled.

Titus 3:10 A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;

I'm only told to put up with admonishing someone once or twice.

I'm busy fishing for the others who haven't heard the gospel because they have more of a right than the rejects who have heard the gospel and the Christian message many times.

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Well, thanks for the passionate reply, Chuck. I sincerely appreciate it. It sounds as if you have worked very hard to achieve what you have achieved and you also sound totally sincere in your commitment to it.

I only have one comment.

Your statement above about you 'can't believe I bought into baloney'? I don't really know anything about Rick Warren, etc. Never read his books; never heard him preach. I would just like you to know that the only thing I am bought into? Is God and His son, Jesus Christ. That's it - he reached for me - a very undeserving person - and has renewed my mind and soul with his light and love. I don't really want to do anything but live in a way that shares that with others. I agree that repentance is a part of that package, but I believe the transformation caused by the Holy Spirit - which does not happen over night - creates the drive for the repentance. "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind...."

I'm sorry that stance has created a source of tension for you - but I don't have much else to give people.
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I can say absolutely with strong conviction that the Son is God because he said that he was. So if he is not, then Jesus of Nazareth was delusional and a false prophet himself and faith in him would be of no value to anybody.

Who gets to determine who are the false teachers, the false witnesses, and/or the false prophets? Where do those doing the determining get their authority?

I suppose it would be to much to ask, if JC had rather been Chosen by God as an example - for his being a sinless man than the Biblical interpretation, would he still not have been a Prophet by his own right irregardless his delusions and by the sacrifice he willingly made on the Cross on behalf of the wishes of the Almighty ?
Well, thanks for the passionate reply, Chuck. I sincerely appreciate it. It sounds as if you have worked very hard to achieve what you have achieved and you also sound totally sincere in your commitment to it.

I only have one comment.

Your statement above about you 'can't believe I bought into baloney'? I don't really know anything about Rick Warren, etc. Never read his books; never heard him preach. I would just like you to know that the only thing I am bought into? Is God and His son, Jesus Christ. That's it - he reached for me - a very undeserving person - and has renewed my mind and soul with his light and love. I don't really want to do anything but live in a way that shares that with others. I agree that repentance is a part of that package, but I believe the transformation caused by the Holy Spirit - which does not happen over night - creates the drive for the repentance. "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind...."

I'm sorry that stance has created a source of tension for you - but I don't have much else to give people.

Luke 12:48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

I have been given much so much more is required of me. I only have so much time on this earth.

Take a notebook or a piece of paper. Divide it into twenty four parts representing each hour of the day. Write down how you spent your time. Write down how you spent your time for the Lord.

I have only so much time. I know people who want to spend time with me on non-Christian issues. If I do that, my time for the Lord is wasted.

Your heavenly 401K plan is based on rewards or what is done for God.

1 Corinthians 3:12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;

1 Corinthians 3:13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.

1 Corinthians 3:14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.

1 Corinthians 3:15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

How many or how much of a reward should God give you for all eternity? What is in your 401K?

You do what you have to do to get people saved.

Jude 1:23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
I'm willing to address it Fox, if that's ok.. We believe that we get our authority from our Father, and our Savior, Christ. Not to accuse or condemn, but to let others know what we believe will change their life both here and for eternity, and the possibilities the future holds.
We are not to judge or curse those who teach or preach or witness falsely, That is not our job. We are to discern through God's Holy Spirit what is true and what is not, address the false doctrine that leads away from Christ, and expose the person doing it. It makes the teacher/preacher aware of his error (for his sake) and prevents his flock from being lead astray. Rick Warren is a perfect example. He built up a following based on Christ and is now leading them to a new new direction of a concocted "Chrislam." Christians have an obligation to point chrislam out as a corruption and an apostasy.
In other words, we are to scream at the top of our lungs when we see you in danger. It is our obligation to our family, and our service to our Father, through Christ.

Pace, you are leaning on your own understanding. It isn't an individual determining what false prophets may be. God clearly establishes the criteria, for preaching, teaching, and witnessing, and the results of relying on self to try to rewrite what He already knows and has shared.
Do you reinterpret Bach, or Plato, or the Constitution?

As a student of music, yes, Bach MUST be interpreted or it will be played badly. I have taught college level classes on the teachings of Plato and he too absolutely must be interpreted or he will be more misunderstood than he usually is anyway. And my goodness gracious, are you seriously suggesting that the Constitution must not be interpreted?

It is HOW such interpretation is done--the integrity to understand original intent--that is the issue.

Is Bach interpreted in a way to be faithful to HIS intention of how his music should be played? Not as how we might prefer it sound?

Is Plato interpreted as he most likely intended within his culture and experience? Not as what we might think he meant through our eyes?

Is the Constitution interpreted as the Founders intended it as we are informed by the extensive writings and documents they left for us? Not as we might wish it said.

For me the Bible must be approached in the same way. For me, true Bible study is to see through the eyes of those who wrote it. Not what we wish the Bible said but what they actually intended.

But you did not answer my question please. What did I specifically say that compels you to think I am in danger?

Regardless of how it's done what you end up with is Bach according to Foxfyre, Plato according to Foxfyre, and a Constitution according to Foxfyre. Then there's what Plato meant according to teacher Bob, and Frank, and Connie..... Your credentials are nice, but I'd kind of like to hear what Plato thought. Did Bach know how badly he sounded before you and other critics were born? What if Connie's a little tone deaf? Is her interpretation valid just because she studied Bach? Would Bach think so?

Why would you look to a creation of God's for insight when you have the Creator? If you are looking through their eyes, you aren't looking through the Holy Spirit's eyes, and He was the one guiding their steps, and the one that guided the formation of the Bible. If the author's eyes were on Christ, why would yours be on Timothy's? And not even on what Timothy said, but what you think Timothy meant when he said............

God said not to add to or take away from what the Bible says. Eve interpreted what God said while chatting with Satan. By adding 6 little words, her interpretation of what God meant regarding the tree, got us all kicked out of Eden. Her interpretation was wrong, and costly.

This is much safer:
Deuteronomy 12:32 “Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.”

Here He tells us why. Our opinions may not be correct:
Proverbs 30:5-6 “Every word of God is pure; he is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.”

Here is a man you have your eyes on telling us flat out:

1 Cor. 4:6 “that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other.”
The era, the conditions under which it was said are irrelevant. <That's a history lesson. God's word is the same yesterday and today and tomorrow.

It is our difference of opinions that pits us against one another, not God's word, and differences of opinions that have fractured the Christian church. Dogma is the result.

I missed you asking that question about what danger I think you might be in. I was speaking in general of any sister or brother that a Christian might be worried about. We are our brother's keeper. :eusa_angel:
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I can say absolutely with strong conviction that the Son is God because he said that he was. So if he is not, then Jesus of Nazareth was delusional and a false prophet himself and faith in him would be of no value to anybody.

Who gets to determine who are the false teachers, the false witnesses, and/or the false prophets? Where do those doing the determining get their authority?

I suppose it would be to much to ask, if JC had rather been Chosen by God as an example - for his being a sinless man than the Biblical interpretation, would he still not have been a Prophet by his own right irregardless his delusions and by the sacrifice he willingly made on the Cross on behalf of the wishes of the Almighty ?

You know, I don't know BW. I long ago chose not to dictate to God how he is required to do anything and believe whatever He chooses to do is possible. But if we stick to what the prophecies inform us, the scriptural eye witness testimonies and what Jesus said about himself, he was God, he was fulfillment of prophecy and the Law. As the man Jesus, he was teacher/rabbi and prophet, he was the perfect Lamb of God who gave his life to cover our sins, he was crucified, died, was buried, he rose again, and he is with us as counselor, in spirit form, forever. So 'chosen by God' is not really an option in my belief.
I don't really know anything about Rick Warren, etc. Never read his books; never heard him preach. I would just like you to know that the only thing I am bought into? Is God and His son, Jesus Christ.

I believe his books have too many theological problems to count.

The problem today is pastors have started buying sermons from people in think tanks. Do you know if the person in the think tank is a fornicator, adulterer, a drunk or what not?

They might put out this information based on marketing instead of the Bible.

I'm swimming against the tide here because so many people have bought into it and one can get verbally attacked for speaking against this because there are so many churches that have bought into it.

Try going to a church where they never open their Bible.
Pastor Benny Hinn Confronts False Teacher Joel Osteen Publicly. This is how you expose a false teacher! Watch this!


Benny Hinn in his own words. Perhaps the Bible scholars here might find some really REALLY strange interpretations of the scriptures. :)

Just remember your words:

God uses people as HE chooses, both the great, powerful, and wealthy and the humble, poor, and presumably poorly equipped for his purposes. I am taking nothing away from Geisler, who may indeed be a true servant of the Lord, and who the Lord may be using to the fullest of his spiritual gifts, when I say that he may not be the last word as to what any of us are called to believe or do in the service of the Lord.


I believe some people are put there for a reason. Some people are an aid to faith.

Chuck, Pastor Benny Hinn was the first Pastor I ever studied under at Orlando Christian Center in 1989 when I first became a Christian. He is a true man of God and I find no fault with anything he says in his confronting Joel Osteen regarding his interview with Larry King. Anyone who is ashamed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ has no business behind a pulpit. I do believe the Apostle Paul would have gone further in his confrontation as he was quite clear about naming Demas and telling of his going back to the world. He was also very bold about confronting those who opposed the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It does appear that this video brought about a reaction from some and now they accuse Pastor Benny Hinn of being a false prophet. Nothing could be further from the truth. He is a man of prayer and a man that has a great love for Israel and has done many good things in his lifetime. I have not seen him in many years but the Lord brings him up every so often to pray for as I know he is a target of those who are the enemies of Christ. They do not understand the scripture that warns, "Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm.

It is a very dangerous thing to touch Gods anointed and as I know Pastor Benny Hinn I can vouch for the fact that he is indeed one of Gods anointed. I pray the Lords blessing upon Pastor Benny Hinn for not being ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I want to share one story about Pastor Hinn. He was at a dinner with guests and the waiter brought the food to the table. They prayed a blessing over the food and when he was about to take a bite of his food, he suddenly stopped and put the fork down on the plate. He said, excuse me I have to go. He left and went back to his hotel room and prayed. His prayer life is so disciplined that if the Lord says, I need you right now.. he will leave everything and go to a room to pray right then! He will pray all night long and never get off the floor if that is what the Lord requires of him.

That is something that is seriously lacking in the lives of many Pastors today. If only they understood that ministry is the fruit of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ - the greater their relationship - their prayer life? The greater their ministry will be! ......if they understood this perhaps they would not neglect their prayer lives so much of the time. Benny Hinn is a man of prayer. How many men can honestly say that?

- Karen
Now, Jeri - this comment is for you:
You said:
Loa, I found Chucks reponse to the false teachings presented on this thread by Foxfyr to be very useful for the exhortation of the body of Christ to contend for the Faith, to expose false teachings and defend the Word of God.

What exactly and concisely are FoxFyre's false teachings? I'm missing it.

...There is only one way. Not many, Loa. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man comes to the Father except through the Son.

If we are speaking about Christianity, I agree with you there is only one way. And that way is a dichotomy - it is the simplest thing and the most difficult thing there is. The person and work of Jesus Christ. And I only saw Foxfyre attest to his/her/their belief in that about 3 times within the thread. What else are you looking for?

... When someones teachings do not line up with the Word of God? We know we are looking at false teaching.

I'll hold on this for the explanation of what is not lining up.

We do not extend grace and mercy to false teachers, Loa. We expose them with the Light of God's Word.
Hasn't God himself given the offer of grace and mercy to every single person on the planet, Jeri? Isn't it His spirit that moves? Why are you withholding what God freely offers? I am not saying you must change your own view on the faith to offer love, mercy and grace to others. Rather, it's a mindset of how you view the world. Do you need me to explain this more? I'm asking because I am not sure I am explaining what I think well enough to be understood. (Saying, if there is a communication failure here, it may very well be my inability to express the idea well)

This is what it means to "Contend" for the Faith....

Yes, I think we should contend. Strive. Work. Not give up. A good example of contending was Paul on Mars Hill. He contended well by laying his ideas alongside everyone else who was speaking. There are all sorts of folks in the Book who contended - all kinds of examples.

Folks, I am not trying to argue and would genuinely like to understand the issue.



I think perhaps it would be more honest to say you are genuinely still trying to be liked by the world while coming to terms with the truth that you won't be if you ever decide to get off the fence, Loa.

Jesus said, that a servant is not above his master. If they hated Jesus? They are going to hate you too. God is comfortable when you are uncomfortable, Loa, so get used to it.

As to the error you claim you cannot see...... I believe you already see where the error is but you prefer to discuss it and mull it over rather than to make a decision. That is not unusual for fence sitters, Loa. They simply cannot make up their mind because doing so will cost them something. I will pray for you about that. As for the false teachers we confronted today... you ask for evidence?

It is written:

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God - HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS BUT DENYING THE POWER. HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM.
They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over "weak - willed " women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 7

Sound familiar, Loa? It should.

And it is written:

Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth - men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. But they will not get very far because, as is the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.
-2 Timothy 3: 8,9

These are the types you are right now defending, Loa.

NOTE* I have always erred on this board for the side of mercy and grace when it comes to preaching the Gospel, Loa. Ask any who know me and they will tell you I lean very heavily upon the love of God for the lost and even for the backslider and the hardened rebel / atheist. Even for occultists and such I feel tremendous mercy and love, great compassion.... God knows my heart and that I speak the truth about this!
Some claim I am far too easy on them but for the grace of God I would still be one of them... so I understand what they are going through and know that prayer and Christ's Love will heal them and draw them when it is their time.

But there are two types I will not tolerate because the Lord won't tolerate them, Loa.

Those who are false teachers and are determined to seduce the vulnerable sheep ( both lost and found ) with their damnable heresies, and those who defend them with lame excuses and present themselves as being more compassionate than Jesus Christ himself!

What a lie that is!

Be forewarned. I'm not going to deal with either of you lightly. Better to hear it from me than the Lord later on. Because there is no altar at the Great White Throne Judgment.

There are altars to repent at today but at the Great White Throne Judgment? NONE.

Goodnight! - Jeri
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I'm willing to address it Fox, if that's ok.. We believe that we get our authority from our Father, and our Savior, Christ. Not to accuse or condemn, but to let others know what we believe will change their life both here and for eternity, and the possibilities the future holds.
We are not to judge or curse those who teach or preach or witness falsely, That is not our job. We are to discern through God's Holy Spirit what is true and what is not, address the false doctrine that leads away from Christ, and expose the person doing it. It makes the teacher/preacher aware of his error (for his sake) and prevents his flock from being lead astray. Rick Warren is a perfect example. He built up a following based on Christ and is now leading them to a new new direction of a concocted "Chrislam." Christians have an obligation to point chrislam out as a corruption and an apostasy.
In other words, we are to scream at the top of our lungs when we see you in danger. It is our obligation to our family, and our service to our Father, through Christ.

Pace, you are leaning on your own understanding. It isn't an individual determining what false prophets may be. God clearly establishes the criteria, for preaching, teaching, and witnessing, and the results of relying on self to try to rewrite what He already knows and has shared.
Do you reinterpret Bach, or Plato, or the Constitution?

As a student of music, yes, Bach MUST be interpreted or it will be played badly. I have taught college level classes on the teachings of Plato and he too absolutely must be interpreted or he will be more misunderstood than he usually is anyway. And my goodness gracious, are you seriously suggesting that the Constitution must not be interpreted?

It is HOW such interpretation is done--the integrity to understand original intent--that is the issue.

Is Bach interpreted in a way to be faithful to HIS intention of how his music should be played? Not as how we might prefer it sound?

Is Plato interpreted as he most likely intended within his culture and experience? Not as what we might think he meant through our eyes?

Is the Constitution interpreted as the Founders intended it as we are informed by the extensive writings and documents they left for us? Not as we might wish it said.

For me the Bible must be approached in the same way. For me, true Bible study is to see through the eyes of those who wrote it. Not what we wish the Bible said but what they actually intended.

But you did not answer my question please. What did I specifically say that compels you to think I am in danger?

Regardless of how it's done what you end up with is Bach according to Foxfyre, Plato according to Foxfyre, and a Constitution according to Foxfyre. Then there's what Plato meant according to teacher Bob, and Frank, and Connie..... Your credentials are nice, but I'd kind of like to hear what Plato thought. Did Bach know how badly he sounded before you and other critics were born? What if Connie's a little tone deaf? Is her interpretation valid just because she studied Bach? Would Bach think so?

Why would you look to a creation of God's for insight when you have the Creator? If you are looking through their eyes, you aren't looking through the Holy Spirit's eyes, and He was the one guiding their steps, and the one that guided the formation of the Bible. If the author's eyes were on Christ, why would yours be on Timothy's? And not even on what Timothy said, but what you think Timothy meant when he said............

God said not to add to or take away from what the Bible says. Eve interpreted what God said while chatting with Satan. By adding 6 little words, her interpretation of what God meant regarding the tree, got us all kicked out of Eden. Her interpretation was wrong, and costly.

This is much safer:

Here He tells us why. Our opinions may not be correct:
Proverbs 30:5-6 “Every word of God is pure; he is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar.”

Here is a man you have your eyes on telling us flat out:

1 Cor. 4:6 “that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other.”
The era, the conditions under which it was said are irrelevant. <That's a history lesson. God's word is the same yesterday and today and tomorrow.

It is our difference of opinions that pits us against one another, not God's word, and differences of opinions that have fractured the Christian church. Dogma is the result.

I missed you asking that question about what danger I think you might be in. I was speaking in general of any sister or brother that a Christian might be worried about. We are our brother's keeper. :eusa_angel:

Hey you're the one who brought up Bach, Plato, and the Constitution. You asked the question and I answered it to the best of my ability. And my interpretations are NOT interpretations by Foxfyre but rather what Foxfyre has learned studying at the figurative feet of many learned and dedicated teachers over the years.

If there is any difference of opinion between you and me or anybody else re how a scripture is interpreted or Bach or Plato or the Constitution etc., it does not pit me against you or anybody else in the least. In fact my motive for this thread to begin with was an invitation to reason together, to discuss a concept that we can disagree and neither of us necessarily be wrong. We can see things differently and both be tuned to the Holy Spirit and be obedient and used by God. If our mutual goal is to know the will of God and to do it, does it matter that we take different roads to get there?

For instance you say we are our brother's keeper. If you mean that we are intended to support each other, encourage each other, strengthen and nurture each other, then I would agree. And I will fault you not in the least for holding that point of view within the context of 'being our brother's keeper.'

But I also trust those who look at the ancient Hebrew and the translation of the word 'keeper' which was the one who owned, and tended, and protected--i.e. controlled the flocks of sheep and goats. Therefore in the ancient story:

And Jehovah said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: am I my brother's keeper?​

Cain was saying literally that Abel was his own person and was not owned or tended by Cain and it was not Cain's prerogative to control him.

Now those who have been taught a different interpretation strongly resist such an interpretation. And yet the interpretation makes perfect sense and doesn't change anything other than we can no longer use it as God's command that we are supposed to be responsible for and take care of everybody else that so often becomes a case of controlling everybody else.

Or is it possible that God could use the same scripture to speak a different emphasis to two different hearts?

And who among us is given authority to demand that everybody else must agree with us in order to be 'orthodox' and/or acceptable to the Lord?
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Loa, something I have found useful is to pray for wisdom and discernment. Ask Him to teach you in your sleep. He will. He did it for Solomon, and He is no respecter of persons. We are every bit as important to Him as Solomon was. Ask Him to confer with the Holy Spirit within you. He will. And study.
You'll be able to discern false doctrine in a heartbeat. It jumps up and waves a red flag at me.
But that doesn't mean that good teachers and preachers don't make mistakes. They do from time to time.
And then there's teachers of a completely false doctrine:
Warren started out preaching the gospel. He was thrust into the limelight with his book, A Purpose Driven Life And "he" became important to him. Important enough to devise a whole new religion that replaces God with Allah and takes Christ out of the picture completely. He is a false teacher/preacher.

Fox, we'll have to talk more tomorrow, I have to hit the hay. I'm bushed. Peace.
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The terms of friendship is that relationships are reciprocol or complimentary.
God commanded, “love thy neighbor as thyself”. He did not put any stipulations on it. It would be a selfish God who would command we love only those who reciprocate their love. I interpret the commandment to mean love thy fellow man in the sense we value and appreciate our fellow beings.

I would appreciate your input, FoxFire. Count me in as one who very much enjoys reading your thoughts on these subjects.

You are correct. God didn't put any stipulations on it. In fact, He went even further:

¶Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?

And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? (Matthew 5:43-47)

This commandments is very difficult. But I think love grows when we pray for the other person. So If anyone wants to live this commandment think of the person who is your enemy and you dislike the most in the world. And pray to the Lord that you might feel His love for them.

My humble advice.
The terms of friendship is that relationships are reciprocol or complimentary.
God commanded, “love thy neighbor as thyself”. He did not put any stipulations on it. It would be a selfish God who would command we love only those who reciprocate their love. I interpret the commandment to mean love thy fellow man in the sense we value and appreciate our fellow beings.

I would appreciate your input, FoxFire. Count me in as one who very much enjoys reading your thoughts on these subjects.

You are correct. God didn't put any stipulations on it. In fact, He went even further:

¶Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?

And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? (Matthew 5:43-47)

This commandments is very difficult. But I think love grows when we pray for the other person. So If anyone wants to live this commandment think of the person who is your enemy and you dislike the most in the world. And pray to the Lord that you might feel His love for them.

My humble advice.

And I will join my Christian heart with yours on this--when two are three are gathered. . . . . :)

The ancient Greeks used at least four different words, with various emphasis and meaning, that have been translated as 'love' in the English New Testament. "Love" in the passage you quoted is the 'agape love' or the love that God has for all of us, including those undeserving of love. And it is the love we are to extend to the stranger, to the unworthy, to sinners, and to our enemies.

In my understanding, agape love proceeds from the changed nature of a person rather than being earned by another. It is the love that seeks and wishes the best for another person. It is a commitment of the will to cherish and uphold another as a child of God despite their actions toward us. It allows us to love and see the best of the joy and inspiration and hope the scriptures teach and not just wrath and punishment and judgment.
While I was reading the posts in this thread a thought occured to me concerning authority. It seems to me that if you have to appeal to the Bible for authority, then by default you are admitting you have no authority from God.

Now this may sound extremely controversial, but as the thought occured to me I knew immediately that it was true. Because those who have been given authority from God have it independent of the scriptures. They will cite the scriptures because the testimony of previously authorized servants of the Lord is sacred and will help in persuading others to a life of edification and discipleship with Jesus Christ. But their authority doesn't come from the scriptures. Quite the opposite, the authority of the scriptures comes from those who have been authorized to teach the word.

Why do we revere the teachings of Moses? Because He told us what the scriptures say? No. It's because the Lord authorized Moses to speak on His behalf. His teachings then became scriptures.

The same with all the Apostles and Prophets. Their writings became scriptures because they were given authority from God. They did not derive their authority from the scriptures.

We are told that the Pharisees strictly followed the scriptures. They would quote their authority for much of what they did. And yet they missed the Lord who called those Prophets they claimed to follow when He was right in front of them. And we are told in the scriptures that what made Jesus unique is "He taught as one having authority not like the scribes and pharisees." And we know the Pharisees appealed to the scriptures.

I fear that many have a danger of making the scriptures a false idol. The Bible is their god instead of the God who inspired the Bible.

Search your hearts and make sure you are true with the Lord.
While I was reading the posts in this thread a thought occured to me concerning authority. It seems to me that if you have to appeal to the Bible for authority, then by default you are admitting you have no authority from God.

Now this may sound extremely controversial, but as the thought occured to me I knew immediately that it was true. Because those who have been given authority from God have it independent of the scriptures. They will cite the scriptures because the testimony of previously authorized servants of the Lord is sacred and will help in persuading others to a life of edification and discipleship with Jesus Christ. But their authority doesn't come from the scriptures. Quite the opposite, the authority of the scriptures comes from those who have been authorized to teach the word.

Why do we revere the teachings of Moses? Because He told us what the scriptures say? No. It's because the Lord authorized Moses to speak on His behalf. His teachings then became scriptures.

The same with all the Apostles and Prophets. Their writings became scriptures because they were given authority from God. They did not derive their authority from the scriptures.

We are told that the Pharisees strictly followed the scriptures. They would quote their authority for much of what they did. And yet they missed the Lord who called those Prophets they claimed to follow when He was right in front of them. And we are told in the scriptures that what made Jesus unique is "He taught as one having authority not like the scribes and pharisees." And we know the Pharisees appealed to the scriptures.

I fear that many have a danger of making the scriptures a false idol. The Bible is their god instead of the God who inspired the Bible.

Search your hearts and make sure you are true with the Lord.

Well said, Avatar. This is what I mean when I suggested early on that faith does not require us to put logic and reason on a high shelf somewhere and then ignore it. I am pretty confident that no scribe penning the words onto a fresh scroll had any clue that he was writing down scripture. In fact the Torah (first five books of our Old Testament) was likely not put together in the form we have it until the reign of Cyrus in the Sixth Century BC, with the remainder of the books we call "The Old Testament" added after that.

The ancient texts were compiled to be the authority to maintain orthodoxy among first the Jews and then later the Christians, but they did not become 'scripture' until after considerable use in the synogogues and early churches.

Does that take anything away from them as being inspired by or being the Word of God? Absolutely not. But it's pretty difficult too to find God saying anywhere: "This is my book to be obeyed." We have to allow for some human involvement in all that.

And for those like me, who believe God endowed us with intelligence, logic, and reason, I see that as a very good thing because it allows God to speak to us directly. He is the authority above any writing and above any servant he calls into his service.

I love the Bible and all that is in it, and have spent most of my life learning what it has to teach me. I am no less drawn to it and no less fascinated by it now. But I agree we should be careful not to make of it an idol nor to inappropriately exalt any person who would presume to tell us that the Bible may never be questioned or challenged or be subject to close scrutiny. God's word is tough enough to take it, and I think in my heart he encourages us to ask question and hear his counsel.
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I can say absolutely with strong conviction that the Son is God because he said that he was. So if he is not, then Jesus of Nazareth was delusional and a false prophet himself and faith in him would be of no value to anybody.

I suppose it would be to much to ask, if JC had rather been Chosen by God as an example - for his being a sinless man than the Biblical interpretation, would he still not have been a Prophet by his own right irregardless his delusions and by the sacrifice he willingly made on the Cross on behalf of the wishes of the Almighty ?

You know, I don't know BW. I long ago chose not to dictate to God how he is required to do anything and believe whatever He chooses to do is possible. But if we stick to what the prophecies inform us, the scriptural eye witness testimonies and what Jesus said about himself, he was God, he was fulfillment of prophecy and the Law. As the man Jesus, he was teacher/rabbi and prophet, he was the perfect Lamb of God who gave his life to cover our sins, he was crucified, died, was buried, he rose again, and he is with us as counselor, in spirit form, forever. So 'chosen by God' is not really an option in my belief.

Jeremiah: ...There is only one way. Not many, Loa. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man comes to the Father except through the Son.

There is only one way. Not many ... and no man comes to the Father except through the Son.

Remittance is accomplished by each individual and may have but one path to follow - but that path has nothing to do with an individual of a previous existence JC - nor does a Spirit necessarily ever need a presence with God as being only a foolish connotation of indulgent worshiping.

Foxfyre: So 'chosen by God' is not really an option in my belief.

let that be so - but likewise let there be the truth in the Bible that is not the same and that when revealed will lead to a truer meaning as sought and not yet revealed.

the Bible unlike Latin is not meant to be a dead language.

Remittance is accomplished by each individual and may have but one path to follow - but that path has nothing to do with an individual of a previous existence JC - nor does a Spirit necessarily ever need a presence with God as being only a foolish connotation of indulgent worshiping.


My question to you is, "If you can remit your sins, then why does everyone have to die at the end of their life?"

Man sinned. The wages of sin is death. God sent the curse and man died. If you could remit your sin then why will your life end like everyone else has at the end of their life? If you can't repay God so you can live forever now and never die on earth then what makes you think you can pay your way out of hell?

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