“Our diversity is our strength”....why do Dems say this without offering data to prove it?

the great reset, rich elite white men, far left dont like whites period. pop. control coming to western nations.
In biology the more diverse the pool the more likely the odds of survival.

Inbreeding. Or limiting genetic lines tends to create genetic weakness. A problem recognized and demonstrated in history.

So diversity creates a stronger genetic line. Basic biology. Need links or did you attend any schooling?

By examining a problem with many different viewpoints the solution can be found. Often looking outside of the limited initial view.

Take the tanks for the Saturn Rockets. These tanks would hold the cryogenic fuels to power the rockets. One of the problems that they ran into was getting the insulation to adhere to the tank satisfactorily. The Engineers were having a lot of trouble. They ended up hiring surfers who had a lot of experience working with the foam insulation and shaping it. That was the core of their surfboards after all.

Diversity allowed the Rockets to get us to the moon. Not rejecting someone because he wore his hair too long or smoked some funny stuff. Of course there was an absentee problem when the surf was up.

But we can prove it in international business too. Tata Motors owns companies that were founded. Operated. And run into the ground by Whites. Tata is Indian. From India. Not Native American.

Jaguar and Land Rover are turning profits. Because India bought them and made them profitable again. Something Ford couldn’t do.

Kia manages to operate American Factories for profit. Something Ford and GM had to go to Mexico to do.

Then again. You could argue that Ford and GM became profitable after diversification of their manufacturing. To Mexico.

Now none of this will matter to you. You will insist white people are better.
Not necessarily true, Einstein. And this is where badger gets to do a favorite imitation: Punch and Judy. In its search for Truth, the Peanut Gallery again forgets to include Theo, a prime pathology. This particular example from the evolution of protection rackets, is a particular image standing at the pulpit addressing the diversity represented by the prisoners of the congregation: “Look at me when I’m talking to you.” From Chu Hsi, the neo-Confucian, the “diversity of particularizations” likely arose first in the East, not West.

’In the environment of our early ancestors Late Pleistocene Africa), the selective advantage went to hominids whose cognitive capacities enabled them to quickly detect relevant agents in the natural environment, and whose groups were adequately protected from the dissolution that could result from too many defectors and cheaters in the social environment....their survival was enhanced by the integration of theogonic forces.’
(Shults, Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism)

’If the moral measure of legislation is the greatest good for the greatest number, it follows that the good of the minority, even a minority of one, is immoral. That would hardly accord with the basic tenet of individualism that man is endowed with rights which the majority may not tamper with. The contradiction bothered Mill (whose essay On Liberty is high dogma in the individual’s creed) no end; his doctrine of freedom of thought and expression was hardly consistent with the majoritarianism of Bentham. In this philosophic conflict, his loyalty to his father (Bentham’s closest associate) and to Bentham won out, and in the event he was logically driven to a qualified endorsement of socialism.
(Chodorov, Fugitive Essays: What Individualism Is Not)

More lesbionic than Lesbos, gayer than gay, blm baboonage swiftly moved from the particular of the fentanyl eater, Floyd, to identify with the diversity of the crowd: the black race, in ‘black lives matter,’ which is a racist statement that reifies one race at the expense of all other American races. In this essay, Chodorov shows the difference between the selfishness of blm baboonage and the individualism that the baboons were destroying, the American individualism that they had built, represented by the infrastructure. And this selfish opportunism occurred (while [italics]) the communist virus was eating this individualism.
Diversity is not good, it is the heart of the problem, we need unity not diversity
Oh the country isn't slipping away. It's dying for all of us, you included.

I believe that you believe that. I have no problem with you people thinking that way about your country.

Personally, I like our diversity and I like seeing you guys upset about our diversity.
Polly want a cracker?
We know you like heroin...we get it...but tell us how heroin is good for American society.
Don’t be scared, try to find the data...you won’t because you can’t.
Yea, we have something like 300 years of evidence to prove it, you racist inbred moron.

We are a nation of immigrants from all around the world, you'd know that diversity is what made it this country what it is. The underlying thread that wove it all together was a belief that anyone can achieve the American Dream, and now we have a movement of conservative white fragility and unmasked resurgent racism trying to disenfranchise anyone who is not a white, evangelical conservative, or otherwise a member of the Trump Cult.

Got some good life advice for you: Fuck Off.
More often than not, diversity for diversity's sake merely diminishes a superior product.
There is no question that some cultures in the US are doing all the work, while awful subcultures are just tearing shit down. I see no benefit from black culture for any nation.
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

I say diversity does more harm than good honestly.

Here we have a country full of people of different colors from all over the world each being told they are special and unique. So we have a society of people who all want society to be what they want, they want to be special, they don't want to conform, they want american culture to adopt their culture. So all we have is a bunch of people arguing and fighting wanting what they want and hating others who don't want it.

Look at Switzerland. They are almost all white people, they are all swiss people, they all conform to the same society and they all agree to follow their rules. And Switzerland is peaceful, well educated, country has a lot of money, good healthcare, happier people, mandatory gun ownership for citizens and insanely low gun related crime, and high employment rates.

I say Switzerland has the advantage because they aren't as diverse. Hell it's a rule of nature, you don't see many species of animals hanging out and living other species of animals on the whole. We are programmed by nature to want to be with others like us.

I fucking hate diversity honestly.
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

I say diversity does more harm than good honestly.

Here we have a country full of people of different colors from all over the world each being told they are special and unique. So we have a society of people who all want society to be what they want, they want to be special, they don't want to conform, they want american culture to adopt their culture. So all we have is a bunch of people arguing and fighting wanting what they want and hating others who don't want it.

Look at Switzerland. They are almost all white people, they are all swiss people, they all conform to the same society and they all agree to follow their rules. And Switzerland is peaceful, well educated, country has a lot of money, good healthcare, happier people, mandatory gun ownership for citizens and insanely low gun related crime, and high employment rates.

I say Switzerland has the advantage because they aren't as diverse. Hell it's a rule of nature, you don't see many species of animals hanging out and living other species of animals on the whole. We are programmed by nature to want to be with others like us.

I fucking hate diversity honestly.

Nowhere has it ever been shown that "diversity" is of any benefit to a society. In fact, the evidence is all in the other direction.
We’ve heard this over and over again...Pelosi, Sanders, the Kenyan, Kameltoe Hairyass...they’ve all parroted this...Does it feel good to say such a thing or is there data to prove it?

I say diversity does more harm than good honestly.

Here we have a country full of people of different colors from all over the world each being told they are special and unique. So we have a society of people who all want society to be what they want, they want to be special, they don't want to conform, they want american culture to adopt their culture. So all we have is a bunch of people arguing and fighting wanting what they want and hating others who don't want it.

Look at Switzerland. They are almost all white people, they are all swiss people, they all conform to the same society and they all agree to follow their rules. And Switzerland is peaceful, well educated, country has a lot of money, good healthcare, happier people, mandatory gun ownership for citizens and insanely low gun related crime, and high employment rates.

I say Switzerland has the advantage because they aren't as diverse. Hell it's a rule of nature, you don't see many species of animals hanging out and living other species of animals on the whole. We are programmed by nature to want to be with others like us.

I fucking hate diversity honestly.

Nowhere has it ever been shown that "diversity" is of any benefit to a society. In fact, the evidence is all in the other direction.

Well like the examples I gave, I think diversity as an idea is a nice one but the stark reality of it is that it doesn't work on a mass scale. I honestly believe there is no benefit to it and I think if we had less diversity socities as a whole would be much better off for everyone.
Oh the country isn't slipping away. It's dying for all of us, you included.

I believe that you believe that. I have no problem with you people thinking that way about your country.

Personally, I like our diversity and I like seeing you guys upset about our diversity.
Polly want a cracker?
We know you like heroin...we get it...but tell us how heroin is good for American society.
Don’t be scared, try to find the data...you won’t because you can’t.

“Polly want a cracker”

How ironic. Every single one of your posts is a different flavor of “I don’t like black and brown people.”

We get it. You don’t like them. And that’s your problem, not mine. There’s no data that I could provide that would change your mind. You’re obsessed with this and we simply disagree on it. I’m not going to change your mind on your racist beliefs.

I’m just going to remind you that you can sit there and whine all you like but this country isn’t going to become less diverse. So you’re just going to have to deal with it.

Sucks for you.
Why should I move when we can simply enforce the border?

Wasn’t your stupid wall supposed to fix that? Apparently it didn’t work, like we told you it wouldn’t.

Maybe the guy you voted for should have done something about fixing what you’re so angry about.

Better yet, maybe you should have voted for someone with a good idea to address that issue.
bripat9643 there‘s no convincing Gustavo here that his kind are bad for America...he is a first generation ‘legal’, he’s here by way of stolen citizenship.
How do you "steal" citizenship?
Why should I move when we can simply enforce the border?

Wasn’t your stupid wall supposed to fix that? Apparently it didn’t work, like we told you it wouldn’t.

Maybe the guy you voted for should have done something about fixing what you’re so angry about.

Better yet, maybe you should have voted for someone with a good idea to address that issue.
bripat9643 there‘s no convincing Gustavo here that his kind are bad for America...he is a first generation ‘legal’, he’s here by way of stolen citizenship.
How do you "steal" citizenship?
You break into a nation that fucks it's citizens over by forcing their taxpayers to pay foreigners to run baby factories on their soil.
Simple shit.
Oh the country isn't slipping away. It's dying for all of us, you included.

I believe that you believe that. I have no problem with you people thinking that way about your country.

Personally, I like our diversity and I like seeing you guys upset about our diversity.
Translation: You like seeing our country flooded by foreigners until it's unrecognizable if that's what it takes to keep your filthy party in power.
Translation: You like seeing our country flooded by foreigners until it's unrecognizable if that's what it takes to keep your filthy party in power.

Neither party has done much about illegal immigration. It’s an issue but not one of my top concerns.

It’s clearly an issue to you, and yet you don’t realize that you were conned into thinking that a stupid wall was going to fix it. You retards clapped your hands at the thought of Mexico paying for it. Despite having all three branches of government, you didn’t even finish it! What a bunch of morons you are.

I keep telling you guys, if you really want to stop illegal immigration, then you need to make e-verify mandatory for all employers and then severely punish anyone who hires an illegal immigrant. They’re not going to come here if they can’t find work. It’s that simple.

Democrats aren’t particularly concerned with this issue, and Republicans aren’t smart enough to actually deal with the issue. Either that or they don’t actually want to fix it as they need the cheap labor. It was Trump’s main campaign issue and he still failed to deal with it. And yet you retards still worship Trump and wonder why the issue you are concerned about hasn’t been fixed.
"Diversity is our strength"

Two Spring Breakers are pictured roaming Miami streets hours after 'drugging, raping and robbing 24-year-old woman and leaving her to die in her hotel room'

  • Christine Englehardt was found dead in the Albion Hotel on Thursday March 18
  • On Sunday March 21, Evoire Collier and Dorian Taylor were arrested
  • They have been charged with drugging and raping her; if toxicology reports prove she died from drugs, they will also be charged with her death
  • Police say the trio were filmed entering the Albion Hotel at 1am on March 18
  • Englehardt looked intoxicated and was being held up by the two men
  • Half an hour later, cops say they emerged from the hotel again
  • They were phographed by De'Asia Skillern on Ocean Drive the next day
  • The men were taken into custody on Sunday and have been charged


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