Our Kennedy.

What's the matter, Sallow? Don't want to play history anymore?

Play what?

US involvement with the Khmer Rouge is pretty well known.

And it's not like the US is going to fess up about it..because of what happened after they came into power.

It's sort of like "Operation Ajax".

There's no point in really discussing spook shit with someone who's going to play dumb about it.
Can't believe you gave me a neg rep and then tucked tail and RAN from this string because you were showing yourself to absolutely ignorant about the Khmer Rouge. "The Big Bad Wolf"? You're more like a little lap dog that piddles on itself when it gets scared.



You negged rep me over something stupid..and I returned the favor.

Dude..if you don't like negs..don't give them.

I gave you neg rep because you stated that Lon Nol was part of the Khmer Rouge.

"The first priority of the Khmer Rouge after conquering Cambodia and overthrowing the Khmer Republic was to execute all its leaders and high officials without delay,[17] a fate that Lon Nol escaped. Marshal Lon Nol fled from Cambodia to Indonesia and then to the United States; first settling in Hawaii and in 1979 in Fullerton, California. He died on 17 November 1985."

So what did you give me neg rep for, you flaming idiot! Oh, that's right...you gave me neg rep because I gave it to you...once again proving what a petty little whiny bitch you are when you're shown up on this board. The truth is that you're too stupid to know that the Khmer Republic is not the same thing as the Khmer Rouge
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Can't believe you gave me a neg rep and then tucked tail and RAN from this string because you were showing yourself to absolutely ignorant about the Khmer Rouge. "The Big Bad Wolf"? You're more like a little lap dog that piddles on itself when it gets scared.



You negged rep me over something stupid..and I returned the favor.

Dude..if you don't like negs..don't give them.

I gave you neg rep because you stated that Lon Nol was part of the Khmer Rouge.

"The first priority of the Khmer Rouge after conquering Cambodia and overthrowing the Khmer Republic was to execute all its leaders and high officials without delay,[17] a fate that Lon Nol escaped. Marshal Lon Nol fled from Cambodia to Indonesia and then to the United States; first settling in Hawaii and in 1979 in Fullerton, California. He died on 17 November 1985."

So what did you give me neg rep for, you flaming idiot! Oh, that's right...you gave me neg rep because I gave it to you...once again proving what a petty little whiny bitch you are when you're shown up on this board. The truth is that you're too stupid to know that the Khmer Republic is not the same thing as the Khmer Rouge

He was part of the Khmer Rouge/Republic whatever the fuck you want to call it. It was the same folks.

Trotsky was a part of the Soviet Union too..and after he fled he was killed. None of you folks deny that he was a Soviet..do yas?

And trust me on this..I ain't little and I ain't a bitch.

Idiot is debatable.


You negged rep me over something stupid..and I returned the favor.

Dude..if you don't like negs..don't give them.

I gave you neg rep because you stated that Lon Nol was part of the Khmer Rouge.

"The first priority of the Khmer Rouge after conquering Cambodia and overthrowing the Khmer Republic was to execute all its leaders and high officials without delay,[17] a fate that Lon Nol escaped. Marshal Lon Nol fled from Cambodia to Indonesia and then to the United States; first settling in Hawaii and in 1979 in Fullerton, California. He died on 17 November 1985."

So what did you give me neg rep for, you flaming idiot! Oh, that's right...you gave me neg rep because I gave it to you...once again proving what a petty little whiny bitch you are when you're shown up on this board. The truth is that you're too stupid to know that the Khmer Republic is not the same thing as the Khmer Rouge

He was part of the Khmer Rouge/Republic whatever the fuck you want to call it. It was the same folks.

Trotsky was a part of the Soviet Union too..and after he fled he was killed. None of you folks deny that he was a Soviet..do yas?

And trust me on this..I ain't little and I ain't a bitch.

Idiot is debatable.

God, but you are pitiful! The Khmer Republic and the Khmer Rouge were two totally different political entities. Yes...they share the word Khmer in their titles but if you weren't so clueless you'd know that Khmer is simply another way of saying Cambodia and it's used in many of the titles of political parties in Cambodia.

Lon Nol was not in the Khmer Rouge! He fled Cambodia to escape from them.

Idiot is NOT debatable! You are one and you've proved it in this string.
Once again the radical left seems to depend on the comedy channel for history analysis. "Our Kennedy" is a myth created by the media. Old Joe Kennedy was protected by organized crime thugs and any American who thought he could stray on to "our Kennedy" compound on Cape Cod would probably be shot on sight before JFK ever thought of a political career. It's ironic that the Kennedy people were the elite of society and everything the radical left wing "occupy Wall Street" hates about America today.
Once again the radical left seems to depend on the comedy channel for history analysis. "Our Kennedy" is a myth created by the media. Old Joe Kennedy was protected by organized crime thugs and any American who thought he could stray on to "our Kennedy" compound on Cape Cod would probably be shot on sight before JFK ever thought of a political career. It's ironic that the Kennedy people were the elite of society and everything the radical left wing "occupy Wall Street" hates about America today.

Really? The same Kennedy family that has been the champion of the little guy, the poor, the disabled, the elderly and the disenfranchised?
Once again the radical left seems to depend on the comedy channel for history analysis. "Our Kennedy" is a myth created by the media. Old Joe Kennedy was protected by organized crime thugs and any American who thought he could stray on to "our Kennedy" compound on Cape Cod would probably be shot on sight before JFK ever thought of a political career. It's ironic that the Kennedy people were the elite of society and everything the radical left wing "occupy Wall Street" hates about America today.

Really? The same Kennedy family that has been the champion of the little guy, the poor, the disabled, the elderly and the disenfranchised?

The same Kennedy's that have killed at least two young women and have bought justice. The same Kennedy's that want wind turbines but not off their coast line. The same Kennedy's that have boozed it up for decades off the working backs of middle America. The Kennedy's that bootlegged, made friends with mobsters. The illegal activity of the rich and what it will buy. Sad people get sucked into the propaganda.
What is this bullshit with comparing Kennedy to Reagan? Why is this happening in spades now? Why are Progressives saying that things are happening that aren't really happening? I haven't heard anyone compare Reagan to Kennedy...why are Progs saying it's happening? You're losing...just go away.
I gave you neg rep because you stated that Lon Nol was part of the Khmer Rouge.

"The first priority of the Khmer Rouge after conquering Cambodia and overthrowing the Khmer Republic was to execute all its leaders and high officials without delay,[17] a fate that Lon Nol escaped. Marshal Lon Nol fled from Cambodia to Indonesia and then to the United States; first settling in Hawaii and in 1979 in Fullerton, California. He died on 17 November 1985."

So what did you give me neg rep for, you flaming idiot! Oh, that's right...you gave me neg rep because I gave it to you...once again proving what a petty little whiny bitch you are when you're shown up on this board. The truth is that you're too stupid to know that the Khmer Republic is not the same thing as the Khmer Rouge

He was part of the Khmer Rouge/Republic whatever the fuck you want to call it. It was the same folks.

Trotsky was a part of the Soviet Union too..and after he fled he was killed. None of you folks deny that he was a Soviet..do yas?

And trust me on this..I ain't little and I ain't a bitch.

Idiot is debatable.

God, but you are pitiful! The Khmer Republic and the Khmer Rouge were two totally different political entities. Yes...they share the word Khmer in their titles but if you weren't so clueless you'd know that Khmer is simply another way of saying Cambodia and it's used in many of the titles of political parties in Cambodia.

Lon Nol was not in the Khmer Rouge! He fled Cambodia to escape from them.

Idiot is NOT debatable! You are one and you've proved it in this string.

The support of the Khmer Republic and the overthrow of Prince Sihanouk led directly to the massacres by the Khmer Rouge.

No matter how you slice it, Nixon had a hand in that.

So go fuck yourself. Asswipe.
Once again the radical left seems to depend on the comedy channel for history analysis. "Our Kennedy" is a myth created by the media. Old Joe Kennedy was protected by organized crime thugs and any American who thought he could stray on to "our Kennedy" compound on Cape Cod would probably be shot on sight before JFK ever thought of a political career. It's ironic that the Kennedy people were the elite of society and everything the radical left wing "occupy Wall Street" hates about America today.

Really? The same Kennedy family that has been the champion of the little guy, the poor, the disabled, the elderly and the disenfranchised?

The same Kennedy's that have killed at least two young women and have bought justice. The same Kennedy's that want wind turbines but not off their coast line. The same Kennedy's that have boozed it up for decades off the working backs of middle America. The Kennedy's that bootlegged, made friends with mobsters. The illegal activity of the rich and what it will buy. Sad people get sucked into the propaganda.

The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived and dishonest – but the myth – persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
President John F. Kennedy


The same Kennedy administration that doubled the number of prosecutions of organized crime?


The Biggest Kennedy Myth

Three times during the 1930s, Kennedy was appointed to federal positions requiring Senate confirmation (chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman of the U.S. Maritime Commission, Ambassador to Great Britain). At a time when the memory of Prohibition was vivid and the passions it inflamed still smoldered, no one seemed to think Joe Kennedy had been a bootlegger—not the Republicans, not the anti-Roosevelt Democrats, not remnant Klansmen or anti-Irish Boston Brahmins or cynical newsmen or resentful Dry leaders still seething from the humiliation of Repeal. There’s nothing in the Senate record that suggests anyone brought up the bootlegging charge; there’s nothing about it in the press coverage that appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, or The Boston Globe. There was nothing asserting, suggesting, or hinting at bootlegging in the Roosevelt-hating Chicago Tribune, or in the long-dry Los Angeles Times. Around the time of his three Senate confirmations, the last of them concluding barely four years after Repeal, there was some murmuring about Kennedy’s involvement in possible stock-manipulation schemes, and a possible conflict of interest. But about involvement in the illegal liquor trade, there was nothing at all. With Prohibition fresh in the national mind, when a hint of illegal behavior would have been dearly prized by the president’s enemies or Kennedy’s own, there wasn’t even a whisper.

He was part of the Khmer Rouge/Republic whatever the fuck you want to call it. It was the same folks.

Trotsky was a part of the Soviet Union too..and after he fled he was killed. None of you folks deny that he was a Soviet..do yas?

And trust me on this..I ain't little and I ain't a bitch.

Idiot is debatable.

God, but you are pitiful! The Khmer Republic and the Khmer Rouge were two totally different political entities. Yes...they share the word Khmer in their titles but if you weren't so clueless you'd know that Khmer is simply another way of saying Cambodia and it's used in many of the titles of political parties in Cambodia.

Lon Nol was not in the Khmer Rouge! He fled Cambodia to escape from them.

Idiot is NOT debatable! You are one and you've proved it in this string.

The support of the Khmer Republic and the overthrow of Prince Sihanouk led directly to the massacres by the Khmer Rouge.

No matter how you slice it, Nixon had a hand in that.

So go fuck yourself. Asswipe.

Supporting the Khmer Republic is NOT the same as supporting the Khmer Rouge you buffoon! The Khmer Rouge translates to "The Cambodian Red"...it's the Cambodian communists. The Khmer Republic WAS NOT communist.

Give up trying to argue history, Sallow...you don't have the knowledge to pull it off.
Once again the radical left seems to depend on the comedy channel for history analysis. "Our Kennedy" is a myth created by the media. Old Joe Kennedy was protected by organized crime thugs and any American who thought he could stray on to "our Kennedy" compound on Cape Cod would probably be shot on sight before JFK ever thought of a political career. It's ironic that the Kennedy people were the elite of society and everything the radical left wing "occupy Wall Street" hates about America today.

Really? The same Kennedy family that has been the champion of the little guy, the poor, the disabled, the elderly and the disenfranchised?

Yes, that same Kennedy family that has made championing those folks into quite the lucrative "career". They've been living high off the hog with Citizen's Oil for decades...putting themselves into high paying positions at the non-profit that require little in the way of work.

Don't mistake the Kennedy clan for a band of Mother Theresa's...they get compensated very well for their "championing of the little guy"!
God, but you are pitiful! The Khmer Republic and the Khmer Rouge were two totally different political entities. Yes...they share the word Khmer in their titles but if you weren't so clueless you'd know that Khmer is simply another way of saying Cambodia and it's used in many of the titles of political parties in Cambodia.

Lon Nol was not in the Khmer Rouge! He fled Cambodia to escape from them.

Idiot is NOT debatable! You are one and you've proved it in this string.

The support of the Khmer Republic and the overthrow of Prince Sihanouk led directly to the massacres by the Khmer Rouge.

No matter how you slice it, Nixon had a hand in that.

So go fuck yourself. Asswipe.

Supporting the Khmer Republic is NOT the same as supporting the Khmer Rouge you buffoon! The Khmer Rouge translates to "The Cambodian Red"...it's the Cambodian communists. The Khmer Republic WAS NOT communist.

Give up trying to argue history, Sallow...you don't have the knowledge to pull it off.

There is no argument.

The bombing led to the rise of the Khmer Rouge.

Initially Nixon did think the Khmer Rouge would be a good way of keeping the North Vietnamese out of Cambodia and depose a sympathetic government.

Additionally it's the same binary argument you used to say "Nixon stopped the war".

The support of the Khmer Republic and the overthrow of Prince Sihanouk led directly to the massacres by the Khmer Rouge.

No matter how you slice it, Nixon had a hand in that.

So go fuck yourself. Asswipe.

Supporting the Khmer Republic is NOT the same as supporting the Khmer Rouge you buffoon! The Khmer Rouge translates to "The Cambodian Red"...it's the Cambodian communists. The Khmer Republic WAS NOT communist.

Give up trying to argue history, Sallow...you don't have the knowledge to pull it off.

There is no argument.

The bombing led to the rise of the Khmer Rouge.

Initially Nixon did think the Khmer Rouge would be a good way of keeping the North Vietnamese out of Cambodia and depose a sympathetic government.

Additionally it's the same binary argument you used to say "Nixon stopped the war".


Once again, idiot boy...the Khmer Republic (which Nixon supported as a way to keep the North Vietnamese out of Cambodia) is NOT the same thing as the Khmer Rouge (which was about as hardcore communist as you can possibly get) who were an offshoot of the North Vietnamese Army.

Why do you even keep coming back trying to argue this? Seriously...tuck your tail and run from this string. You don't know the first thing about Southeast Asia's history and you've embarrassed yourself with your ignorance. It there was a "mercy rule" on this board, a moderator would have stepped in and put you out of your misery long ago.:eusa_hand:
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Supporting the Khmer Republic is NOT the same as supporting the Khmer Rouge you buffoon! The Khmer Rouge translates to "The Cambodian Red"...it's the Cambodian communists. The Khmer Republic WAS NOT communist.

Give up trying to argue history, Sallow...you don't have the knowledge to pull it off.

There is no argument.

The bombing led to the rise of the Khmer Rouge.

Initially Nixon did think the Khmer Rouge would be a good way of keeping the North Vietnamese out of Cambodia and depose a sympathetic government.

Additionally it's the same binary argument you used to say "Nixon stopped the war".


Once again, idiot boy...the Khmer Republic (which Nixon supported as a way to keep the North Vietnamese out of Cambodia) is NOT the same thing as the Khmer Rouge (which was about as hardcore communist as you can possibly get) and were an offshoot of the North Vietnamese Army.

Why do you even keep coming back trying to argue this? Seriously...tuck your tail and run from this string. You don't know the first thing about Southeast Asia's history and you've embarrassed yourself with your ignorance. It there was a "mercy rule" on this board, a moderator would have stepped in and put you out of your misery long ago.:eusa_hand:


Because the man you are defending was a sociopath responsible for the deaths of millions.

That's why.

You are disgusting turd. You are defending a man that exonerated William Calley.

Another fuck that you probably think is a hero.

Who over saw the mass killings of a village and the gang rapes of little girls.

You folks aren't human.

You folks are reptiles.
Once again the radical left seems to depend on the comedy channel for history analysis. "Our Kennedy" is a myth created by the media. Old Joe Kennedy was protected by organized crime thugs and any American who thought he could stray on to "our Kennedy" compound on Cape Cod would probably be shot on sight before JFK ever thought of a political career. It's ironic that the Kennedy people were the elite of society and everything the radical left wing "occupy Wall Street" hates about America today.

Really? The same Kennedy family that has been the champion of the little guy, the poor, the disabled, the elderly and the disenfranchised?

Yes, that same Kennedy family that has made championing those folks into quite the lucrative "career". They've been living high off the hog with Citizen's Oil for decades...putting themselves into high paying positions at the non-profit that require little in the way of work.

Don't mistake the Kennedy clan for a band of Mother Theresa's...they get compensated very well for their "championing of the little guy"!

Your comments give us zero insight into the Kennedys, but they speak volumes about YOU...

Liberals believe people are basically good, conservatives believe people are basically evil.
Liberals believe in raising people up, conservatives believe in pushing people down.
Liberals believe in encouragement, conservatives believe in scorn.
Liberals always stand up for the little guy, conservatives always stand up for the big guy.


Three wise men explain who you are...

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus

"One that confounds good and evil is an enemy to good"
Edmund Burke

"A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing"
Oscar Wilde

Hey old fart, what did Eunice and Sarge "get compensated" for starting Special Olympics in their back yard?


"The simplest description of the War on Poverty is that it is a means of making life available for any and all pursuers. It does not try to make men good -- because that is moralizing. It does not try to give men what they want -- because that is catering. It does not try to give men false hopes -- because that is deception. Instead, the War on Poverty tries only to create the conditions by which the good life can be lived -- and that is humanism."
Robert Sargent "Sarge" Shriver, Jr.
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"Privilege is here, and with privilege goes responsibility. There is inherited wealth in this country and also inherited poverty. And unless the graduates of this college and other colleges like it who are given a running start in life--unless they are willing to put back into our society, those talents, the broad sympathy, the understanding, the compassion--unless they are willing to put those qualities back into the service of the Great Republic, then obviously the presuppositions upon which our democracy are based are bound to be fallible."

President John F. Kennedy: Remarks at Amherst College, October 26, 1963
You want to hear something that sums up the Kennedy clan in a nutshell? I used to be a property manager in Aspen Colorado. When I started there I was told that under no circumstances was I allowed to rent houses or condos to the Kennedy family. Why, you might ask? The answer was quite simple. They had a long history of trashing where ever they stayed and then refusing to pay for the damages. And why did they feel they were entitled to act that way you might ask? Because they were the Kennedy's and the rules didn't apply to them.

When Michael Kennedy was killed on Aspen Mountain? The reason he died was that he was playing touch football on skis going down Copper Gulch and ran into a tree. That's a part of the mountain that's always crowded with skiers and what he and his buddies were doing endangered every other person on that trail. Why did he not concern himself with the safety of others? Because he was a Kennedy and the rules don't apply to them.

Please don't preach to me about the Kennedy's. I think I might know them a bit better than you.
And just so you know? Quoting flowery rhetoric from JFK means about as much as the flowery rhetoric that Barack Obama has graced us with for the past five years. It doesn't matter what you SAY...what counts is how you live your life.
And just so you know? Quoting flowery rhetoric from JFK means about as much as the flowery rhetoric that Barack Obama has graced us with for the past five years. It doesn't matter what you SAY...what counts is how you live your life.

The accomplishments of the Kennedy family speak for themselves. You are septic inside. A true conservative.
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