Our Level of "Fucked"


Liability Reincarnate!
Feb 18, 2013
undisclosed bunker
What do you believe to be our present level of FUCKED?

I mean, I see the news. The Imperial Dictatorial Obumbler. The vacillating, weak-willed almost utterly ineffective Republican House "Leadership." The resulting unwillingness to fight ObumblerCare. The SCOTUS abandoning the law in favor of cheap seat political pandering in permitting that clearly un-Constitutional mess to continue. The rising threat of left wing socialist policies. Their unseemly unGodly agenda to further their cause. The fact that no matter how scummy they may be, they have proved a determination and willingness to stay their course. Their measure of "success" is hard to deny. Look how they use Saul Alinsky divide and conquer tactics so often and so effectively. They DO change the tone of the debate. They control the message itself with their hand maiden propagandist house organ, the laughably liberal main stream media. Class warfare. Race consciousness -- even outright racist talking points (like the entire message of filthy organizations like La Raza). And other highly charged divisive and dishonest talking points (such as "Income inequality" )are taken seriously despite how utterly ridiculous they actually are. And now, without even putting up resistance, the RINO led House "leadership" is completely caving-in on the matter of illegal immigration.

How do we BEGIN to measure the level of just how FUCKED we are?

Normally, I may not be a full fledged optimist, but I mostly tend to harbor hope. I like to imagine hope and maybe even believe that, over time, logic and reason will WORK to refute the propaganda of the lying lefties.

But, upon further reflection, I am now feeling most decidedly pessimistic. It occurs to me that within a few years, a decade or two at best, we will probably live in an unquestionably one Party Republic. And I am asking:

is there any realistic chance that this disaster, already well along the way to fruition, might yet be averted?

I KNOW that the usual lolberal suspects will relish the notion that the USA will soon be run by just ONE Party (their Party, the liberal Democrat Party) unless something dramatic happens -- soon.

But for rational people, that prospect isn't "good" news to be hoped-for. It is a true disaster. To them -- you -- I ask: is it already too late? Can it be avoided? If there is still a way out, what is the path?
Yes, it's too late, Ilar.

Republicans are not giving into the recent push to communism pushing aside the Constitutional protections citizens have, or at least, had; and the communists just feed lies into the gatlin-gun press.

I'm sorry.

Communists found the weakness in the laws protecting our freedoms and are in the finishing stages of getting rid of the Founder's America.
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I think we're done for our lifetimes at least. Unless guys like Paul, Cruz and Lee can get massive support we are fucked like Madonna's worn out cooch.
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You are well on your way to feeling half as fucked as I did during the Bush administration. Keep it up you'll get there :thup:

This illustrates better than anything Obama is doing, just how fucked we are. Bush being touted as some radical conservative, you don't know whether to laugh or cry.

You are well on your way to feeling half as fucked as I did during the Bush administration. Keep it up you'll get there :thup:

This illustrates better than anything Obama is doing, just how fucked we are. Bush being touted as some radical conservative, you don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I just thought he was a dangerously incompetent moron. Not really all that radical.
You are well on your way to feeling half as fucked as I did during the Bush administration. Keep it up you'll get there :thup:

This illustrates better than anything Obama is doing, just how fucked we are. Bush being touted as some radical conservative, you don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I just thought he was a dangerously incompetent moron. Not really all that radical.

Compared to the man-child we have now, Bush was George Washington.
You are well on your way to feeling half as fucked as I did during the Bush administration. Keep it up you'll get there :thup:

This illustrates better than anything Obama is doing, just how fucked we are. Bush being touted as some radical conservative, you don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I just thought he was a dangerously incompetent moron. Not really all that radical.
Incompetent morons don't have master's degrees from Harvard, OldSchool. It apparently passed your notice that everything he did was lied about in the press, but only the most damaging liars were punished. Lying in the press is the major source of all incompetence from before 2001 to after 2009, while the lies were still in front of the American public.

Politics seem to be kind of like sports. People believe the good about the home team and the bad about the other team.

There is no getting around the push to Obama's Marxist policy of "spreading the wealth around," and the press is encouraging him to behave in a lawless manner that punishes the other side without full endorsement of the law, since he insists on breaking it by announcing he is breaking it, as if that would somehow diminish those trying to contain his damages to the Constitution and the rule of law.
It's all fucked. If you think the other team is the only one that is totalitarian or dictatorial or power mad or out to fuck us all in the ass, then you clearly have a serious vision problem.

If everyone in America woke up to the fact both Republicans and Democrats are batshit crazy maniacs, the country would instantly right itself. Just like that. But everyone is so goddam obsessed with finding the fault in the other team, and thinking their team's shit doesn't stink, that right now we are all fucked. And fucked hard.
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This illustrates better than anything Obama is doing, just how fucked we are. Bush being touted as some radical conservative, you don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I just thought he was a dangerously incompetent moron. Not really all that radical.

Compared to the man-child we have now, Bush was George Washington.

Nope. Bush was just as much an incompetent as Obama. His IQ was certainly lower. How do you think Obama got all these totalitarian powers? Bush handed them off to him!

Obama is actually a watered down version of Bush. It's not like he is waterboarding prisoners or detaining U.S. citizens indefinitely without habaes corpus like Bush did.

Obama is Bush Lite.

Stop deluding yourself one team is better than the other.
I just thought he was a dangerously incompetent moron. Not really all that radical.

Compared to the man-child we have now, Bush was George Washington.

Nope. Bush was just as much an incompetent as Obama. His IQ was certainly lower. How do you think Obama got all these totalitarian powers? Bush handed them off to him!

Obama is actually a watered down version of Bush. It's not like he is waterboarding prisoners or detaining U.S. citizens indefinitely without habaes corpus like Bush did.

Obama is Bush Lite.

Stop deluding yourself one team is better than the other.

Really. You have some proof of this? Certainly not by comparing their job performances. Barry is an educated buffoon, a cleaned up half-wit who stammers every bit as much as Bush did when not on prompter.

You and Chris Matthews have a strange fetish for Barry's alleged (but never witnessed) grand intellect. Let us know when this astonishing display of brilliance will be on display and we'll tune in.
We aren't at all. The singular problem are the catastrophizing paranoid delusionals who have to blame someone because they are oblivious to how the national and global economies work.

The singular problem that has occured was the rise of China as a global competitor. Beyond that, the housing bubble, accompanying MBS and CDS instruments were a complete fiasco.

But that is how the free market works.
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You are well on your way to feeling half as fucked as I did during the Bush administration. Keep it up you'll get there :thup:

A poorly thought out reply by you.

Did you TRULY feel that the lolberal Democratics couldn't make a comeback just because you found the W Administration unpalatable?

Damn. You are weak.
It's all fucked. If you think the other team is the only one that is totalitarian or dictatorial or power mad or out to fuck us all in the ass, then you clearly have a serious vision problem.

If everyone in America woke up to the fact both Republicans and Democrats are batshit crazy maniacs, the country would instantly right itself. Just like that. But everyone is so goddam obsessed with finding the fault in the other team, and thinking their team's shit doesn't stink, that right now we are all fucked. And fucked hard.

Interesting. YOiu are wrong on at least two separate levels.

First (and more minor) you are flatly wrong that the GOP is as bad as (even close to being as bad as) the extreme left wing liberal Democrat Parody in terms of any tendency toward being "totalitarian or dictatorial or power mad or out to fuck us all in the ass".

Secondly and more significantly, you are wrong that the KIND and SCOPE of the danger this Republic is now confronting is similar to any "threat" posed by the GOP. The GOP is a weak-willed leadership clusterfuck. But the damn Democrat Parody is hell bent on acquiring and using power and making DAMN sure that they impose it on all of us DESPITE and CONTRARY TO the Constitutional prohibitions.
"the recent push to communism pushing aside the Constitutional protections citizens have"

absolute nonsense, and the other 90% of the country knows it's nonsense
"the recent push to communism pushing aside the Constitutional protections citizens have"

absolute nonsense, and the other 90% of the country knows it's nonsense

No they don't. They are trying to keep their heads above water. But it has become undeniable. They are seeing how truly invasive the government has become

You have to overlook the dishonest nonsense spewed by liberal propagandist Democrats like Fakey. THEY and he would NEVER want to admit the truth about Obumbler's ineptitude OR about how massive is the clusterfuck fail of modern American "liberalism." And anything the hack propagandist, Fakey, would not care to admit, he is always willing to lie his ass off about.

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