Out of the mouths of Babes........

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
God has raised up children throughout the world who pray from their hearts and who are filled with the Holy Spirit. This has been happening for many years but we do not see it often reported or spoken about here in America. This young girl is from Romania and she was persecuted by the Romanian Communist police when she was a very small child about the age of five. She is not much older in this video. Her and her family were invited on a ministry show called 700 club to tell their story. Please try to set aside who it is who is interviewing them and pay attention to her story and then listen to her as she prays. This child is so full of the Holy Spirit that towards the end of her praying you see that she is clearly interceding for America, for President Reagan (this is an old video) for her home country and those suffering communist persecution and she also prays for Israel. Truly her prayer is a great blessing to hear. Listen to this:

Click the center link that says watch on youtube and you can view it.
She is the most anointed prayer warrior, you have got to see this.
This 9 year old speaks to his church and shares what he learned from his study of the bible for the year. He recaps the bible studies he has done - all of this is from memory - no one in these videos is using a teleprompter screen to read from. They are speaking from their heart and from their memory.

Meet Bryan Wilson - a Worshiper of God - singing His Eye is on the Sparrow -

This young Brazilian boy has a very anointed voice - listen to this:

It looks like his parents have permitted to perform for an audience - it isn't a church setting. He is singing Worthy is the Lamb. Agnus Dei.
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This 9 year old speaks to his church and shares what he learned from his study of the bible for the year. He recaps the bible studies he has done - all of this is from memory - no one in these videos is using a teleprompter screen to read from. They are speaking from their heart and from their memory.

Mental Child abuse

These children are enjoying the LORD. My granddaughter loves attending church and lifts her hands and prays and worships the LORD. She is only 19 months old. We are to raise up our children in the LORD. As for me and my house? We will serve the LORD!

I'm sorry to hear to you do not feel it is important to share your faith, Guno.
It is written:

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
5 year old prays and then preaches a sermon on Job. This was his first sermon that he preached on the radio.

Samuel turns 6 yrs old and preaches on Jonah to the audience. He opens with prayer first.


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