Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Clear as water with tons of sediment. Depends on if his retirement pay is based on his standing when he was fired.

A good Attorney will get him career pay plus damages. Millions.
The attorney would have to be more than good for this to occur. He would have to be god on steroids.

Not really. He just needs to get Sheriff Lott on the stand with his shiny cop costume and get him to start stuttering when asked what policy Fields actually violated.

I'm sure the sheriff was very comfortable with his decision while announcing it on national television. The idea that he made that decision without considering he may have to answer for it is ridiculous.
Whats amusing is that JC even posted a link where it says the video was used by IA in a investigation. Seems like since they are brothers in stupidity they would at least agree with each other.
The best part is the LEO has already been offered a settlement around 700K. Police union lawyers are literally the very best in the country.
The LEO has a team of three lawyers being paid 100% by the Police union.
The LEO just won the fucking lottery and EVERYONE knows it.
Another silver lining is the fucking negro bitch is now on the National LE/DHS/CIA/FBI data base for the rest of her stinking life.
She better pray she never needs a LEO to come running to her aid.
That ain't ever going to happen in quite the same way as when some old granny calls 911.

Rich fantasy life ^^

Must come in handy jerking off.

No. He's right. This cop...unless he's arrested....will win a hefty lawsuit. Cops are rarely fired for "policy violation". Usually takes a dozen or so....as long as NO LAW is broken.

Lawyer will easily show this officer was fired to appease vocal groups. He'll settle for 500-700k. JACKPOT. I'm a little jealous actually.
Yup. A politician firing a cop for doing his duty is an instant lottery win for the cop.
As long as the cop isn't charged and convicted for a crime. Which in this case isn't even a possibility legally.
The police union lawyers have already sent out a dozen notices of pending lawsuits to everyone remotely involved. NEVER ever get on the bad side of the police union lawyers.
That negro bitch Pros. in Baltimore has been seen sending out job applications to various fast food chains in Arizona looking for a job flipping burgers. When the City of Baltimore has to settle with the cops in the millions of dollars the negro bitch will disappear faster than a popcorn fart in the wind.
Little nutter, he was fired by the man he works for, for a very valid reason. His career, is over.
The best part is the LEO has already been offered a settlement around 700K. Police union lawyers are literally the very best in the country.
The LEO has a team of three lawyers being paid 100% by the Police union.
The LEO just won the fucking lottery and EVERYONE knows it.
Another silver lining is the fucking negro bitch is now on the National LE/DHS/CIA/FBI data base for the rest of her stinking life.
She better pray she never needs a LEO to come running to her aid.
That ain't ever going to happen in quite the same way as when some old granny calls 911.

Rich fantasy life ^^

Must come in handy jerking off.

No. He's right. This cop...unless he's arrested....will win a hefty lawsuit. Cops are rarely fired for "policy violation". Usually takes a dozen or so....as long as NO LAW is broken.

Lawyer will easily show this officer was fired to appease vocal groups. He'll settle for 500-700k. JACKPOT. I'm a little jealous actually.
Yup. A politician firing a cop for doing his duty is an instant lottery win for the cop.
As long as the cop isn't charged and convicted for a crime. Which in this case isn't even a possibility legally.
The police union lawyers have already sent out a dozen notices of pending lawsuits to everyone remotely involved. NEVER ever get on the bad side of the police union lawyers.
That negro bitch Pros. in Baltimore has been seen sending out job applications to various fast food chains in Arizona looking for a job flipping burgers. When the City of Baltimore has to settle with the cops in the millions of dollars the negro bitch will disappear faster than a popcorn fart in the wind.
Little nutter, he was fired by the man he works for, for a very valid reason. His career, is over.
Sheriff Lott is an elected official AKA politician.
The LEO did NOT "work for" Lott. The LEO worked for the Richland County.
But nice try lying about it.

Sheriffs ain't "politicians" Dumbass.
If only black teenage girls were old white men who grazed their herds on government land and refused to pay their rent, then they'd be able to mouth off to the cops or actually aim weapons at them with no problem.
Fired. Not proper.

Through excess force, the officer broke the social contract here. While we have the first amendment right to dissent in this contract.. against agents of the government, there's prohibition against your definition of proper in the 8th amendment, even for criminals.

A forcible arrest of somebody not following lawful directions does not break the social contract.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Excessive force does. Procedures help guys like this to do their jobs without their issues creating situations like this. This cop didn't follow procedures... ended up screwing up public trust in an excess use of force.
Excess use of force is a judgment call, in fact it's nothing more than an opinion, one you're stupid enough to take for fact. The only time it becomes clear excessive use of force is once the suspect is immobilized and force continues to be used, such as on Rodney King. Kicking, punching, nightsticking a suspect repeatedly is excessive force. This is important because in the lawsuit, the City of Columbia is going to be asked to demonstrate why they deemed excessive force and they will not be able to defend their reasoning. So he will end up getting $1.5 million because Sheriff Lott was a pussy who wanted to fire one of his own deputies to stave off having the city burned down by feral chimpanzees rioting and looting.

What the frick brand of glue do you sniff?

You don't pick up a desk with a person in it, flip it backward nearly impaling an innocent bysitter, then pick her up and throw her against the wall. You simply DON'T do that. Not on this or any other planet. Not even in South Freaking Carolina.

Your desperate denialist attempts to slob the knob of Daddy Authority Figure no matter how far you have to reach to do it are downright embarrassing. Get a fuckin' GRIP dood.
I'm not responding to anymore of your posts as long as you keep lying. I've been patient with you, but when you keep saying "he picked up the desk with a person in it and flipped it" it ends the conversation because I'm discussing this issue based on what happened and you're lying. Good bye.

Have a nice swim in the River DeNial. Watch out for those self-propelled desks.
I read where the cop was fired today. He was determined to have violated police policy. That pretty much seals it for me. Yes the police have been getting blamed unfairly, but the police do have to be watched and controlled.

Hopefully the thug student is also expelled from school.

What for?

I mean what do we even know about her? A report that she was using a cellphone, refused to stop, was asked to leave, and refused to leave. That's it. Everything else AFAIK has been speculation by posters in this thread. We don't even know her name.

She does have a name, right? Maybe even a face? A story? Do you know it?
No. He's right. This cop...unless he's arrested....will win a hefty lawsuit. Cops are rarely fired for "policy violation". Usually takes a dozen or so....as long as NO LAW is broken.

Lawyer will easily show this officer was fired to appease vocal groups. He'll settle for 500-700k. JACKPOT. I'm a little jealous actually.
Yup. A politician firing a cop for doing his duty is an instant lottery win for the cop.
As long as the cop isn't charged and convicted for a crime. Which in this case isn't even a possibility legally.
The police union lawyers have already sent out a dozen notices of pending lawsuits to everyone remotely involved. NEVER ever get on the bad side of the police union lawyers.
That negro bitch Pros. in Baltimore has been seen sending out job applications to various fast food chains in Arizona looking for a job flipping burgers. When the City of Baltimore has to settle with the cops in the millions of dollars the negro bitch will disappear faster than a popcorn fart in the wind.
Little nutter, he was fired by the man he works for, for a very valid reason. His career, is over.
No. He's right. This cop...unless he's arrested....will win a hefty lawsuit. Cops are rarely fired for "policy violation". Usually takes a dozen or so....as long as NO LAW is broken.

Lawyer will easily show this officer was fired to appease vocal groups. He'll settle for 500-700k. JACKPOT. I'm a little jealous actually.
Yup. A politician firing a cop for doing his duty is an instant lottery win for the cop.
As long as the cop isn't charged and convicted for a crime. Which in this case isn't even a possibility legally.
The police union lawyers have already sent out a dozen notices of pending lawsuits to everyone remotely involved. NEVER ever get on the bad side of the police union lawyers.
That negro bitch Pros. in Baltimore has been seen sending out job applications to various fast food chains in Arizona looking for a job flipping burgers. When the City of Baltimore has to settle with the cops in the millions of dollars the negro bitch will disappear faster than a popcorn fart in the wind.
Little nutter, he was fired by the man he works for, for a very valid reason. His career, is over.
Sheriff Lott is an elected official AKA politician.
The LEO did NOT "work for" Lott. The LEO worked for the Richland County.
But nice try lying about it.

That's right. Sheriff Lott is NOT a cop, he's a politician. He admits his findings are at odds with other witnesses, teachers, and administrators who support Fields. He admits not factoring in that the thug was beating on him, and while he says Fields violated department procedure, he refused to define what procedure he violated. He's a pussy throwing one of his own deputies under the bus to prevent the city from being burned down by rioting apes.

My guess is as a Democrat Sheriff in SCs most violent county....his department policy manual likely includes "Deputies shall take NO action which results in angering the NAACP or other minority activists groups."

Deputy violated that procedure.

You never did answer my question about why you keep harping on political parties and sheriffs.

Wassup with my sheriff? First he runs as a Democrat (wins) then he runs as a Republican (wins). Same guy, works the same way. And if it wasn't listed on the ballot I wouldn't have even known that.

How does a "right wing sheriff" operate exactly?

You may now run away again and pretend you never saw this, o brave poster.
Sheriffs ain't "politicians" Dumbass.

If all Sheriffs were appointed you'd be correct. Most are elected, which makes them politicians.

Uh..... nnnno, not in the sense the partisan hacks in this thread try to toss it around. They don't "campaign" as such, they don't "debate" as such, they all do their job the same way. As I mentioned my own sheriff bounces back and forth between Democrat and Republican depending on who gives him money. That's all it is. He's the same guy and gets re-"elected" either way. It ain't like a D and R sheriff are gonna have different foreign policies or economic agendas.
How does a "right wing sheriff" operate exactly?

Question answered:

I read where the cop was fired today. He was determined to have violated police policy. That pretty much seals it for me. Yes the police have been getting blamed unfairly, but the police do have to be watched and controlled.

Hopefully the thug student is also expelled from school.

What for?

I mean what do we even know about her? A report that she was using a cellphone, refused to stop, was asked to leave, and refused to leave. That's it. Everything else AFAIK has been speculation by posters in this thread. We don't even know her name.

She does have a name, right? Maybe even a face? A story? Do you know it?

After she gets out of prison for assaulting a police officer, she can pursue a GED. I wish her well.
I read where the cop was fired today. He was determined to have violated police policy. That pretty much seals it for me. Yes the police have been getting blamed unfairly, but the police do have to be watched and controlled.

Hopefully the thug student is also expelled from school.

What for?

I mean what do we even know about her? A report that she was using a cellphone, refused to stop, was asked to leave, and refused to leave. That's it. Everything else AFAIK has been speculation by posters in this thread. We don't even know her name.

She does have a name, right? Maybe even a face? A story? Do you know it?

After she gets out of prison for assaulting a police officer, she can pursue a GED. I wish her well.
Too bad she wasnt charged with assaulting an officer. However, you've made a fool of yourself this entire thread. Whats one more fuck up eh?
I read where the cop was fired today. He was determined to have violated police policy. That pretty much seals it for me. Yes the police have been getting blamed unfairly, but the police do have to be watched and controlled.

Hopefully the thug student is also expelled from school.

What for?

I mean what do we even know about her? A report that she was using a cellphone, refused to stop, was asked to leave, and refused to leave. That's it. Everything else AFAIK has been speculation by posters in this thread. We don't even know her name.

She does have a name, right? Maybe even a face? A story? Do you know it?

After she gets out of prison for assaulting a police officer, she can pursue a GED. I wish her well.
Too bad she wasnt charged with assaulting an officer. However, you've made a fool of yourself this entire thread. Whats one more fuck up eh?
It just happened, re-re. There's plenty of time to press charges, and because even toy sheriff himself remarked on her illegal actions, it's not going to be ignored.

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