Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

Uh..... nnnno, not in the sense the partisan hacks in this thread try to toss it around. They don't "campaign" as such, they don't "debate" as such, they all do their job the same way. As I mentioned my own sheriff bounces back and forth between Democrat and Republican depending on who gives him money. That's all it is. He's the same guy and gets re-"elected" either way. It ain't like a D and R sheriff are gonna have different foreign policies or economic agendas.

They're elected. Which makes them politicians.

I wouldn't mind if that was made illegal. A Sheriff, like a Police Chief should be hired.

I agree they should be hired. But the anomaly that they run for election doesn't make them somehow involved in "politics".

1. (used with a sing. verb)
a. The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.
b. Political science.
2. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
a. The activities or affairs engaged in by a government, politician, or political party: "Our politics has been corrupted by money and suffused with meanness" (Peter Edelman). "Politics have appealed to me since I was at Oxford because they are exciting morning, noon, and night" (Jeffrey Archer).
b. The methods or tactics involved in managing a state or government: The politics of the former regime were rejected by the new government leadership. If the politics of the conservative government now borders on the repressive, what can be expected when the economy falters?

There ain't no politics in sheriffing. You don't get to apply "liberal" or "conservative" or "libertarian" or "socialist" philosophies to it. You have a job description -- enforce the law -- and you do it. It's not a place for wiggle room.

Hahaha!!!! Wow....you couldn't be more wrong. A sheriff is the most powerful person in a county. He can shape things based on his political beliefs very much so.

Yuh huh, because you say so yet can't essplain it huh Spunky?

What an elucidating post. My head swims.

You continue to run away -- why does my sheriff run alternately as a Democrat or Republican, yet he's the same guy running the same office in the same way? When he runs as a Republican, is he angling to do less work?
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Uh..... nnnno, not in the sense the partisan hacks in this thread try to toss it around. They don't "campaign" as such, they don't "debate" as such, they all do their job the same way. As I mentioned my own sheriff bounces back and forth between Democrat and Republican depending on who gives him money. That's all it is. He's the same guy and gets re-"elected" either way. It ain't like a D and R sheriff are gonna have different foreign policies or economic agendas.

They're elected. Which makes them politicians.

I wouldn't mind if that was made illegal. A Sheriff, like a Police Chief should be hired.

I agree they should be hired. But the anomaly that they run for election doesn't make them somehow involved in "politics".

1. (used with a sing. verb)
a. The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.
b. Political science.
2. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
a. The activities or affairs engaged in by a government, politician, or political party: "Our politics has been corrupted by money and suffused with meanness" (Peter Edelman). "Politics have appealed to me since I was at Oxford because they are exciting morning, noon, and night" (Jeffrey Archer).
b. The methods or tactics involved in managing a state or government: The politics of the former regime were rejected by the new government leadership. If the politics of the conservative government now borders on the repressive, what can be expected when the economy falters?

There ain't no politics in sheriffing. You don't get to apply "liberal" or "conservative" or "libertarian" or "socialist" philosophies to it. You have a job description -- enforce the law -- and you do it. It's not a place for wiggle room.

Hahaha!!!! Wow....you couldn't be more wrong. A sheriff is the most powerful person in a county. He can shape things based on his political beliefs very much so.

Yuh huh, because you say so yet can't essplain it huh Spunky?

What an elucidating post. My head swims.

You continue to run away -- why does my sheriff run alternately as a Democrat or Republican, yet he's the same guy running the same office in the same way?

You ever been a cop? Then you probably would never get it.

Let me ask you this...is your county a purple county?
Uh..... nnnno, not in the sense the partisan hacks in this thread try to toss it around. They don't "campaign" as such, they don't "debate" as such, they all do their job the same way. As I mentioned my own sheriff bounces back and forth between Democrat and Republican depending on who gives him money. That's all it is. He's the same guy and gets re-"elected" either way. It ain't like a D and R sheriff are gonna have different foreign policies or economic agendas.

They're elected. Which makes them politicians.

I wouldn't mind if that was made illegal. A Sheriff, like a Police Chief should be hired.

I agree they should be hired. But the anomaly that they run for election doesn't make them somehow involved in "politics".

1. (used with a sing. verb)
a. The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.
b. Political science.
2. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
a. The activities or affairs engaged in by a government, politician, or political party: "Our politics has been corrupted by money and suffused with meanness" (Peter Edelman). "Politics have appealed to me since I was at Oxford because they are exciting morning, noon, and night" (Jeffrey Archer).
b. The methods or tactics involved in managing a state or government: The politics of the former regime were rejected by the new government leadership. If the politics of the conservative government now borders on the repressive, what can be expected when the economy falters?

There ain't no politics in sheriffing. You don't get to apply "liberal" or "conservative" or "libertarian" or "socialist" philosophies to it. You have a job description -- enforce the law -- and you do it. It's not a place for wiggle room.

Hahaha!!!! Wow....you couldn't be more wrong. A sheriff is the most powerful person in a county. He can shape things based on his political beliefs very much so.

Yuh huh, because you say so yet can't essplain it huh Spunky?

What an elucidating post. My head swims.

You continue to run away -- why does my sheriff run alternately as a Democrat or Republican, yet he's the same guy running the same office in the same way?

You ever been a cop? Then you probably would never get it.

Let me ask you this...is your county a purple county?

You're suggesting sheriffs will either enforce or let you off depending on whether you're a with "his" party or "the other" party huh? Informative.

I have no idea how my county vote ends up. I only know what my vote is.
They're elected. Which makes them politicians.

I wouldn't mind if that was made illegal. A Sheriff, like a Police Chief should be hired.

I agree they should be hired. But the anomaly that they run for election doesn't make them somehow involved in "politics".

1. (used with a sing. verb)
a. The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.
b. Political science.
2. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
a. The activities or affairs engaged in by a government, politician, or political party: "Our politics has been corrupted by money and suffused with meanness" (Peter Edelman). "Politics have appealed to me since I was at Oxford because they are exciting morning, noon, and night" (Jeffrey Archer).
b. The methods or tactics involved in managing a state or government: The politics of the former regime were rejected by the new government leadership. If the politics of the conservative government now borders on the repressive, what can be expected when the economy falters?

There ain't no politics in sheriffing. You don't get to apply "liberal" or "conservative" or "libertarian" or "socialist" philosophies to it. You have a job description -- enforce the law -- and you do it. It's not a place for wiggle room.

Hahaha!!!! Wow....you couldn't be more wrong. A sheriff is the most powerful person in a county. He can shape things based on his political beliefs very much so.

Yuh huh, because you say so yet can't essplain it huh Spunky?

What an elucidating post. My head swims.

You continue to run away -- why does my sheriff run alternately as a Democrat or Republican, yet he's the same guy running the same office in the same way?

You ever been a cop? Then you probably would never get it.

Let me ask you this...is your county a purple county?

You're suggesting sheriffs will either enforce or let you off depending on whether you're a with "his" party or "the other" party huh? Informative.

I have no idea how my county vote ends up. I only know what my vote is.

Well....not exactly. But they dictate stuff like how strict they are on weed enforcement or stop/frisk. How aggressively or passively they patrol high crime neighborhoods (usually black ones). How much they care or not about lowering standards for diversity purposes.

A sheriffs political leanings strongly affect his deoartment.

A police chief, however, is subordinate to a mayor and city council and is not elected...and therefore...can be fired immediately. A sheriff cant...he's elected.

So...sheriffs are very powerful....and their ideology can greatly affect how things are done.

Richland County...for example....will now be VERY VERY hands-off in schools. Their Democrat Sheriff has set precedent there.
Eric Holder couldn't even get civil rights charges brought against Darren Wilson for shooting poor Michael Brown in cold blood who was standing at a distance with his hands up trying to surrender. Maybe the Justice Department more inept than we imagine.
That Michael Brown was standing with his hands up waiting to surrender is one description of what happened. But another perception holds that Brown was bent over with arms extended while aggressively charging Ptl. Wilson.

Because Michael Brown was a low-life, bullying thug, and because there is adequate forensic evidence as well as eye-witness testimony that supports the latter description, I believe the Brown shooting was defensive and proper.

I'm sure you do. That's why my post was addressed somewhat sarcastically to a Left wingnut.
Sheriffs ain't "politicians" Dumbass.

You're an idiot if you believe that.

No -- an "idiot" is an asshat who signs off because he can't face reality, says "goodbye" and then keeps on posting.

Of course I can't blame you for not taking your own post seriously. No one else does.

Sheriff's run for office. Idiot.

Doesn't make it "politics", moron.

How's that ignore function working out for ya? Seems like a lotta work.

Oh, you're way too much fun.
Didn't you noticed these pussies talked tough and shit? And yet they cannot even handle a light weight girl the easy way.
I recently watched an episode of COPS in which an average size cop on a domestic violence call confronted a very large, very pissed-off woman who had bloodied her husband and was seated on an armchair. She refused to stand up to be handcuffed and vigorously resisted the cop who skillfully pulled her out of the chair by twisting her arm, brought her face-down on the floor and cuffed her. All by himself and with a minimum of violence.

I have no doubt a fellow of Fields massive size and muscular condition could easily have taken control of and removed that comparatively tiny girl but he chose to put on a completely unnecessary King-Kong performance.

Fields is an opportunistic bully and a predictable liability to the agency he works for.
I read where the cop was fired today. He was determined to have violated police policy. That pretty much seals it for me. Yes the police have been getting blamed unfairly, but the police do have to be watched and controlled.

Hopefully the thug student is also expelled from school.

You should reconsider blindly swallowing the verdict. Sheriff Lott admitted his findings were at odds with other cops, witnesses, teachers and administrators who all supported Fields. He also admitted to not factoring in the girl's assault and the simple fact that there's no non violent way to deal with a feral negro thug who is determined to fight. Also in the background is the clear motive of protecting the city from rioting, uncontrolled hordes of rioting chimps who will threaten to burn the city down. Sheriff Lott is a pussy and a politician who has no problem sacrificing his deputies for the greater peace and tranquility.

Well, if further investigation shows differently, I will accept that as well. My point is that I wasn't there, and I'm not a cop. I'll leave the final verdict to the experts.
I read where the cop was fired today. He was determined to have violated police policy. That pretty much seals it for me. Yes the police have been getting blamed unfairly, but the police do have to be watched and controlled.

Hopefully the thug student is also expelled from school.

What for?

I mean what do we even know about her? A report that she was using a cellphone, refused to stop, was asked to leave, and refused to leave. That's it. Everything else AFAIK has been speculation by posters in this thread. We don't even know her name.

She does have a name, right? Maybe even a face? A story? Do you know it?

No, and it's irrelevant.
Fields is an opportunistic bully and a predictable liability to the agency he works for.
Well he ain't even working for Jose's Lawn-care at the moment, and a damn good thing.

When crime takes over America and some wonderful migrants are kicking in your front door to come face rape you and your family and then bleach & burn your bodies...be sure to remember how you idiots ran off all the A-type cops mmmkay?
Fields is an opportunistic bully and a predictable liability to the agency he works for.
Well he ain't even working for Jose's Lawn-care at the moment, and a damn good thing.

When crime takes over America and some wonderful migrants are kicking in your front door to come face rape you and your family and then bleach & burn your bodies...be sure to remember how you idiots ran off all the A-type cops mmmkay?
Spare us the drama, copophile.
When crime takes over America and some wonderful migrants are kicking in your front door to come face rape you and your family and then bleach & burn your bodies...be sure to remember how you idiots ran off all the A-type cops mmmkay?

Guy, frankly, i worry more about cops like you who think that a badge and a gun make up for your tiny dick than i do about some "migrant' or any of the other scary dark people you think are hiding under the bed and in the closet.

Here's the new reality your ex-profession has to deal with. The world isn't going to take your word for it anymore. Not with everyone holding a cell phone ready to record you when you do shit like THIS-


and THIS

I still haven't seen one lib on here explain how to remove the student. So all you sharp minded folks, what was proper procedure? He got fired because he didn't follow procedure. What is it?
I'm a lib. Drag the desk with the girl in it out of the room.

From some teachers of other students.

Video Shows Cop Rip Female Student Out of Desk in South Carolina Classroom | VICE News

  • Nathan Sanford3 days ago
    Why not just drag the desk into the hallway? That's what I've done in the past for students disrupting a class then refusing to leave.

    Apparently I didn't get the proper training of "smash their head into the ground".
  • Joe Manzella Nathan Sanford3 days ago
    I know, right? I was a substitute teacher while in grad school. Not gonna lie, I definitely thought about this once... or twice. But there are WAAAYYYY better ways at besting a mouthy middle schooler.

    I once pulled the push-the-desk-not-the-kid into the hallway move too. Made sure to make putter-putter sounds like a tug boat while scooting him along. Ended up finishing the whole lesson that day, and then caught the troublemaker up over his next 5 lunches. Nothing worse than eating with teachers and doing times tables.

    Probably should've been fired for that, but it was an $8/hr job so... yeah.

Teach your people to do what they're told by a police officer having the authority to tell them. It's that easy.
I still haven't seen one lib on here explain how to remove the student. So all you sharp minded folks, what was proper procedure? He got fired because he didn't follow procedure. What is it?
I'm a lib. Drag the desk with the girl in it out of the room.

From some teachers of other students.

Video Shows Cop Rip Female Student Out of Desk in South Carolina Classroom | VICE News

  • Nathan Sanford3 days ago
    Why not just drag the desk into the hallway? That's what I've done in the past for students disrupting a class then refusing to leave.

    Apparently I didn't get the proper training of "smash their head into the ground".
  • Joe Manzella Nathan Sanford3 days ago
    I know, right? I was a substitute teacher while in grad school. Not gonna lie, I definitely thought about this once... or twice. But there are WAAAYYYY better ways at besting a mouthy middle schooler.

    I once pulled the push-the-desk-not-the-kid into the hallway move too. Made sure to make putter-putter sounds like a tug boat while scooting him along. Ended up finishing the whole lesson that day, and then caught the troublemaker up over his next 5 lunches. Nothing worse than eating with teachers and doing times tables.

    Probably should've been fired for that, but it was an $8/hr job so... yeah.

Teach your people to do what they're told by a police officer having the authority to tell them. It's that easy.
Con's world...
Clear as water with tons of sediment. Depends on if his retirement pay is based on his standing when he was fired.

A good Attorney will get him career pay plus damages. Millions.
Fields has the best lawyers in the country working on his behalf.........'pro-bono'.
They are 100% reimbursed from Police Union funds set aside for just such a case as this one.
Fields is going to settle with the county for close to one million dollars.
The negro bitch can look forward to a lifetime, however short it will be, of praying she never needs to call LE. She'll have a list of felony crimes which will mean she won't even be able to get a job at a fucking FF take-out.
Welfare and food stamps. What a lovely way to spend the rest of one's pathetic loser life.
I still haven't seen one lib on here explain how to remove the student. So all you sharp minded folks, what was proper procedure? He got fired because he didn't follow procedure. What is it?
I'm a lib. Drag the desk with the girl in it out of the room.

From some teachers of other students.

Video Shows Cop Rip Female Student Out of Desk in South Carolina Classroom | VICE News

  • Nathan Sanford3 days ago
    Why not just drag the desk into the hallway? That's what I've done in the past for students disrupting a class then refusing to leave.

    Apparently I didn't get the proper training of "smash their head into the ground".
  • Joe Manzella Nathan Sanford3 days ago
    I know, right? I was a substitute teacher while in grad school. Not gonna lie, I definitely thought about this once... or twice. But there are WAAAYYYY better ways at besting a mouthy middle schooler.

    I once pulled the push-the-desk-not-the-kid into the hallway move too. Made sure to make putter-putter sounds like a tug boat while scooting him along. Ended up finishing the whole lesson that day, and then caught the troublemaker up over his next 5 lunches. Nothing worse than eating with teachers and doing times tables.

    Probably should've been fired for that, but it was an $8/hr job so... yeah.

Teach your people to do what they're told by a police officer having the authority to tell them. It's that easy.
Con's world...

Lib's world. Everything is based on race despite the black girl's ACTIONS being the cause.

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