Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in classroom

I read where the cop was fired today. He was determined to have violated police policy. That pretty much seals it for me. Yes the police have been getting blamed unfairly, but the police do have to be watched and controlled.

Hopefully the thug student is also expelled from school.

What for?

I mean what do we even know about her? A report that she was using a cellphone, refused to stop, was asked to leave, and refused to leave. That's it. Everything else AFAIK has been speculation by posters in this thread. We don't even know her name.

She does have a name, right? Maybe even a face? A story? Do you know it?

After she gets out of prison for assaulting a police officer, she can pursue a GED. I wish her well.
Too bad she wasnt charged with assaulting an officer. However, you've made a fool of yourself this entire thread. Whats one more fuck up eh?
It just happened, re-re. There's plenty of time to press charges, and because even toy sheriff himself remarked on her illegal actions, it's not going to be ignored.
He remarked on her actions before he fired the feral chimp. Later, after IA investigated, the chimp was fired and the girl was not charged with hitting the chimp.
I read where the cop was fired today. He was determined to have violated police policy. That pretty much seals it for me. Yes the police have been getting blamed unfairly, but the police do have to be watched and controlled.

Hopefully the thug student is also expelled from school.

What for?

I mean what do we even know about her? A report that she was using a cellphone, refused to stop, was asked to leave, and refused to leave. That's it. Everything else AFAIK has been speculation by posters in this thread. We don't even know her name.

She does have a name, right? Maybe even a face? A story? Do you know it?

After she gets out of prison for assaulting a police officer, she can pursue a GED. I wish her well.
Too bad she wasnt charged with assaulting an officer. However, you've made a fool of yourself this entire thread. Whats one more fuck up eh?
It just happened, re-re. There's plenty of time to press charges, and because even toy sheriff himself remarked on her illegal actions, it's not going to be ignored.
He remarked on her actions before he fired the feral chimp. Later after IA investigated the chimp was fired.
Which was....3 days ago? You know it usually takes a few weeks for the DA to work up an indictment for a felony charge...sometimes longer.
Actually I have as a 7th grader. Using physics there is nothing the person in the desk can do about.
wrong, sorry friend, you're just wrong. See I've seen it.
No. I'm not wrong. If at the age of 12 I can drag another student (around the same weight as I am) out of the class then the fully grown feral chimp could have done the same to the 16 year old girl.
ever put your feet on the floor to keep yourself from moving when being pulled? oh my gawd, the lack of intelligence is unbelievable by you and your friends. She also has hands which can grab doors, and then she could spread her arms and keep herself in the room at the door frame. you are truly uninformed. And it doesn't matter the weight friend.
He doesn't get this no matter how many times it's explained.

No one gets why you think a cartoon car and a desk have anything in common.

Didn't you noticed these pussies talked tough and shit? And yet they cannot even handle a light weight girl the easy way.
Uh..... nnnno, not in the sense the partisan hacks in this thread try to toss it around. They don't "campaign" as such, they don't "debate" as such, they all do their job the same way. As I mentioned my own sheriff bounces back and forth between Democrat and Republican depending on who gives him money. That's all it is. He's the same guy and gets re-"elected" either way. It ain't like a D and R sheriff are gonna have different foreign policies or economic agendas.

They're elected. Which makes them politicians.

I wouldn't mind if that was made illegal. A Sheriff, like a Police Chief should be hired.
What for?

I mean what do we even know about her? A report that she was using a cellphone, refused to stop, was asked to leave, and refused to leave. That's it. Everything else AFAIK has been speculation by posters in this thread. We don't even know her name.

She does have a name, right? Maybe even a face? A story? Do you know it?

After she gets out of prison for assaulting a police officer, she can pursue a GED. I wish her well.
Too bad she wasnt charged with assaulting an officer. However, you've made a fool of yourself this entire thread. Whats one more fuck up eh?
It just happened, re-re. There's plenty of time to press charges, and because even toy sheriff himself remarked on her illegal actions, it's not going to be ignored.
He remarked on her actions before he fired the feral chimp. Later after IA investigated the chimp was fired.
Which was....3 days ago? You know it usually takes a few weeks for the DA to work up an indictment for a felony charge...sometimes longer.
Dont worry. Hopefully they charge the feral chimp with assault and for violating the young girls civil rights in the next month or so.
After she gets out of prison for assaulting a police officer, she can pursue a GED. I wish her well.
Too bad she wasnt charged with assaulting an officer. However, you've made a fool of yourself this entire thread. Whats one more fuck up eh?
It just happened, re-re. There's plenty of time to press charges, and because even toy sheriff himself remarked on her illegal actions, it's not going to be ignored.
He remarked on her actions before he fired the feral chimp. Later after IA investigated the chimp was fired.
Which was....3 days ago? You know it usually takes a few weeks for the DA to work up an indictment for a felony charge...sometimes longer.
Dont worry. Hopefully they charge the feral chimp with assault and for violating the young girls civil rights in the next month or so.
Eric Holder couldn't even get civil rights charges brought against Darren Wilson for shooting poor Michael Brown in cold blood who was standing at a distance with his hands up trying to surrender. Maybe the Justice Department more inept than we imagine.
Is there a standard of what distance to throw somebody when putting them down to the ground to arrest them? How many feet? Gimme a number.
During a landmark case in which an issue of pornography was being argued before the Supreme Court, Justice Potter Stewart was asked what in his opinion constitutes pornography. His now famous response was, "While I can't describe pornography -- I know it when I see it."

I believe the same indefinable criterion applies to certain forms of violence. In the topic example, any legal decisions occurring with regard to Fields' use of force will be based on the opinion of civil jurors who have watched the video. If Fields or his union files a lawsuit against the agency that fired him, whether or not a settlement will be offered to avoid a trial remains to be seen.

In this example I doubt that a settlement will be offered. Because while an exact measure of when the level of physical force becomes excessive is difficult if not impossible to describe, the members of a civil jury will know it when they see it.

Just as Fields' commanding officer knew it when he saw it.
I am not a cop

Exactly. A pithy explanation of all your posts.
But a cop fired the feral cop which proves I am correct. Sorry. :laugh:
You mean Sheriff Lott? That's not a cop.

What gives the authority to determine that Sheriff Lott is not a cop?

Cops defend their deputies. Politicians throw them under the bus when pressured by the city because they don't want hordes of dark primates rioting, looting, and burning the city down. Get it now?

Probably not.
I am not a cop

Exactly. A pithy explanation of all your posts.
But a cop fired the feral cop which proves I am correct. Sorry. :laugh:
You mean Sheriff Lott? That's not a cop.

What gives the authority to determine that Sheriff Lott is not a cop?

Cops defend their deputies. Politicians throw them under the bus when pressured by the city because they don't want hordes of dark primates rioting, looting, and burning the city down. Get it now?

Probably not.
Good cops don't defend bad ones, like officer He-Man the Enforcer (AKA "Would you like fries with that, sir?).
Eric Holder couldn't even get civil rights charges brought against Darren Wilson for shooting poor Michael Brown in cold blood who was standing at a distance with his hands up trying to surrender. Maybe the Justice Department more inept than we imagine.
That Michael Brown was standing with his hands up waiting to surrender is one description of what happened. But another perception holds that Brown was bent over with arms extended while aggressively charging Ptl. Wilson.

Because Michael Brown was a low-life, bullying thug, and because there is adequate forensic evidence as well as eye-witness testimony that supports the latter description, I believe the Brown shooting was defensive and proper.
Need a mint cock sucker?

Next time you're fucking garbage can has been stolen by your neighbor handle it yourself.

I've been long ago out of the LE business. Back in my day you and yours would be living with a fucking tube up your nose for a month if you tried any of your bullshit on me or my fellow officers.

I take heart knowing this sickening period in our history will be brief and soon normal decent honest law abiding citizens will be once again free to walk the streets safe from human scum like you.
If you already are on medication it appears your prescription needs to be adjusted. You should see to that. It will help you to sleep and you'll feel better through the day.

Sorry Mike your wrong. He doesn't need his medication. He need his METH. I thought we already baptized him as the Meth Boy. He is talking about decency but talk pure garbage because he doesn't have money to buy his meth today.
Too bad she wasnt charged with assaulting an officer. However, you've made a fool of yourself this entire thread. Whats one more fuck up eh?
It just happened, re-re. There's plenty of time to press charges, and because even toy sheriff himself remarked on her illegal actions, it's not going to be ignored.
He remarked on her actions before he fired the feral chimp. Later after IA investigated the chimp was fired.
Which was....3 days ago? You know it usually takes a few weeks for the DA to work up an indictment for a felony charge...sometimes longer.
Dont worry. Hopefully they charge the feral chimp with assault and for violating the young girls civil rights in the next month or so.
Eric Holder couldn't even get civil rights charges brought against Darren Wilson for shooting poor Michael Brown in cold blood who was standing at a distance with his hands up trying to surrender. Maybe the Justice Department more inept than we imagine.
Has nothing to do with the videotaped evidence in this case. The feral chimp is clearly seen doing what he got canned for. Its not after the fact like the Brown murder where there was no actual footage of the actual murder.
I used to know a woman who was married to a wife beater. If his dinner wasn't hot within 15 minutes of his arriving home, he would slap her around for a while. The next day, she would have a black eye, and he would be telling her, "Do you see what you made me do?" She bought into to it for about 6 years before she finally wised up.
What you've described is just one of many, many similar situations which are known to behaviorists as sado/masochistic relationships. As rhetorically referred to in de Sade's classic novel, Justine, such relationships are examples of profoundly compelling love. (Six years is a long time -- isn't it?)

I doubt the woman in your example "wised up." More likely she found someone who hit her a little harder or more often. And as funny as that may sound, it's no joke.
Sheriffs ain't "politicians" Dumbass.

You're an idiot if you believe that.

No -- an "idiot" is an asshat who signs off because he can't face reality, says "goodbye" and then keeps on posting.

Of course I can't blame you for not taking your own post seriously. No one else does.

Sheriff's run for office. Idiot.

Doesn't make it "politics", moron.

How's that ignore function working out for ya? Seems like a lotta work.
Uh..... nnnno, not in the sense the partisan hacks in this thread try to toss it around. They don't "campaign" as such, they don't "debate" as such, they all do their job the same way. As I mentioned my own sheriff bounces back and forth between Democrat and Republican depending on who gives him money. That's all it is. He's the same guy and gets re-"elected" either way. It ain't like a D and R sheriff are gonna have different foreign policies or economic agendas.

They're elected. Which makes them politicians.

I wouldn't mind if that was made illegal. A Sheriff, like a Police Chief should be hired.

I agree they should be hired. But the anomaly that they run for election doesn't make them somehow involved in "politics".

1. (used with a sing. verb)
a. The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.
b. Political science.
2. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
a. The activities or affairs engaged in by a government, politician, or political party: "Our politics has been corrupted by money and suffused with meanness" (Peter Edelman). "Politics have appealed to me since I was at Oxford because they are exciting morning, noon, and night" (Jeffrey Archer).
b. The methods or tactics involved in managing a state or government: The politics of the former regime were rejected by the new government leadership. If the politics of the conservative government now borders on the repressive, what can be expected when the economy falters?

There ain't no politics in sheriffing. You don't get to apply "liberal" or "conservative" or "libertarian" or "socialist" philosophies to it. You have a job description -- enforce the law -- and you do it. It's not a place for wiggle room.
Uh..... nnnno, not in the sense the partisan hacks in this thread try to toss it around. They don't "campaign" as such, they don't "debate" as such, they all do their job the same way. As I mentioned my own sheriff bounces back and forth between Democrat and Republican depending on who gives him money. That's all it is. He's the same guy and gets re-"elected" either way. It ain't like a D and R sheriff are gonna have different foreign policies or economic agendas.

They're elected. Which makes them politicians.

I wouldn't mind if that was made illegal. A Sheriff, like a Police Chief should be hired.

I agree they should be hired. But the anomaly that they run for election doesn't make them somehow involved in "politics".

1. (used with a sing. verb)
a. The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.
b. Political science.
2. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
a. The activities or affairs engaged in by a government, politician, or political party: "Our politics has been corrupted by money and suffused with meanness" (Peter Edelman). "Politics have appealed to me since I was at Oxford because they are exciting morning, noon, and night" (Jeffrey Archer).
b. The methods or tactics involved in managing a state or government: The politics of the former regime were rejected by the new government leadership. If the politics of the conservative government now borders on the repressive, what can be expected when the economy falters?

There ain't no politics in sheriffing. You don't get to apply "liberal" or "conservative" or "libertarian" or "socialist" philosophies to it. You have a job description -- enforce the law -- and you do it. It's not a place for wiggle room.

Hahaha!!!! Wow....you couldn't be more wrong. A sheriff is the most powerful person in a county. He can shape things based on his political beliefs very much so.

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