Over 170 people with Jeffrey Epstein links likely to be named in court docs set to be unsealed in coming weeks


U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska ruled earlier this month there was no legal justification for continuing to conceal the ex-president's name and more than 150 names other "John and Jane Does" mentioned in the records. Preska ordered the unsealing to begin after Jan. 1.

Most of the prominent names that appear in the documents are already associated in some way with Epstein; for allegations of wrongdoing, for having worked for Epstein, flown on his planes, or visited his homes ( not criminal). Some were mentioned during Maxwell's criminal trial in 2021. In some instances, the only appearances of the names are in potential witness lists or in proposed terms for searches of electronic records.


Giuffre made no allegations of wrongdoing by Clinton, and there is no indication the sealed records contain evidence of illegal conduct by Clinton. But Giuffre's claim that she met the ex-president on Epstein's private Caribbean island emerged as a contentious issue in the litigation, which was settled in 2017. Maxwell contended Clinton had never been to Little St. James -- as Epstein's island was known -- and assailed Giuffre's claim as a fabrication that shattered her credibility.
I know that many people want to know this kind of hubris, but I don't think broadcasting peoples' worst mistakes is good for the children of the nation. This could trigger family-destroying divorces, separations, broken hearts, and even suicides, not to mention a collossal invasion of people's privacy. Publicizing peoples' purchased sex escapades makes me sick about what can come of such impropriety, especially since it's impact will be like when they uncovered Bill Clinton's escapades and made it such a big deal, a lot of people were triggered to do what the former President did in their own lives. I don't want to or need to know this human error expose, and neither do the nation's children. Good grief. :cranky:

I looked it up. There are at least 200 names on Epstein's list. Nearly 200 names linked to Jeffrey Epstein expected to be made public

Epstein's death in prison relieves him of having to account for his entrapments of both men and women, from what the grapevine has already been squeezed out in print all over the net. it's egregious for all concerned to pursue this outing. This is going on my prayer list tonight because of the damage that is 100% sure to drop a bomb on the children of this nation and some puerile adults as well and it is not in their favor.
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I know that many people want to know this kind of hubris, but I don't think broadcasting peoples' worst mistakes is good for the children of the nation. This could trigger family-destroying divorces, separations, broken hearts, and even suicides, not to mention a collossal invasion of people's privacy. Publicizing peoples' purchased sex escapades makes me sick about what can come of such impropriety, especially since it's impact will be like when they uncovered Bill Clinton's escapades and made it such a big deal, a lot of people were triggered to do what the former President did in their own lives. I don't want to or need to know this human error expose, and neither do the nation's children. Good grief. :cranky:
You’re missing the forest for the trees.

Epstein was an intelligence asset of the CIA, Mossad, or both. He was blackmailing elite individuals, using underaged girls. We need to know why Epstein was doing these things and what these blackmailed elites did for Epstein. Who benefitted from this terrible effort?

Plus if these elites had sex with children they broke the law. Do you think they are above the law?
You’re missing the forest for the trees.

Epstein was an intelligence asset of the CIA, Mossad, or both. He was blackmailing elite individuals, using underaged girls. We need to know why Epstein was doing these things and what these blackmailed elites did for Epstein. Who benefitted from this terrible effort?

Plus if these elites had sex with children they broke the law. Do you think they are above the law?

Epstein was smart enough to keep these elites on check.

There has to be video footage of those entering and exiting the mansion. No way his mansion was without surveillance.

You’re missing the forest for the trees.

Epstein was an intelligence asset of the CIA, Mossad, or both. He was blackmailing elite individuals, using underaged girls. We need to know why Epstein was doing these things and what these blackmailed elites did for Epstein. Who benefitted from this terrible effort?

Plus if these elites had sex with children they broke the law. Do you think they are above the law?

So glad this photo was outed as a fake:

Epstein was smart enough to keep these elites on check.

There has to be video footage of those entering and exiting the mansion. No way his mansion was without surveillance.
I believe the FBI admitted they confiscated all his surveillance tapes, then claimed they lost them.

It seems we’ve heard this before.
Yeah, well, there goes that.

Yeah, well, there goes that.

I wonder who Doe 107 could be. It's a female and other websites are speculating it's a royal.
If the list had "popular" Republicans on it like Trump, it would have been leaked.

Democrats like pelosi cover for pedophiles and democrats in general don't ask what she knows.

Democrats = party of pedophiles

There's none. Democrats dug really deep and even the media said Trump was not involved.

The very fact that it's taken so long and been so difficult to get the names on that list is solid evidence that there are no prominent Republicans on it. If there were, we would have seen it years ago.

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