Over charging the parents of the Michigan shooter to attack normal gun owners.....

I look at the parents being Civilly liable in not securing their weapon and ignoring the schools claim that their son was a threat.
Be difficult for a criminal charge to hold up unless they intentionally procured him a weapon knowing his intent

How did they ignore the school....they were apparently at a meeting with the principal the day of the attack...how do you know what they did or didn't do in response to any problem their child had.....?

There is a lot of ASSuming here........

And what about the school's responsibilty....we know from the Parkland shooting that they refused to press charges, numerous times, for serious felony behavior due to the obama policy, the Promise Program, of not prosecuting offenders......what did the school do or not do in the weeks leading up to the shooting....

This isn't as simple as people think.....and when idiots tell us we should believe what the D.A. says, after Rittenhouse and Jan. 6, that isn't going to work anymore....
Should have aborted that kid when he was a fetus....but now it's too late.
You can't charge people for something that someone else does. At worst you can fine them. But if you're sending Jackbooted Thugs after them.....you're the one who's wrong.

We had this discussion about a DA who released somebody who drove his SUV into a Christmas Parade.
You folks think the DA isn't responsible.
No....he is partly responsible if he knew the guy had a record of violence and criminal activity.....and chose to set bail at $1000.00.
The parents of this kid are much less liable than that DA is because their kid never murdered anyone before, yet you numbnuts think they should be buried under City Hall because they couldn't keep their kid from stealing a gun.

This is yet another case of the two-tiered justice system in this country....and the constant double-standards of the left.

Yep....exactly, thank you......

And the majority of gun crime in this country is a direct result of democrat party actions and policies...can we sue the party?
BTW, you are not a normal gun owner.
He's like a kit of gun owners I know, he feels powerless without his guns. Imagine asking a dictator to give up power, it's the same way when discussing sensible gun legislation with these gun humpers, their entire sense of identity and masculinity is dependent on their gun collection.
These aren't normal gun owners, nor are they good parents. They KNEW what he was capable of, but didn't do anything to stop it.

What did they know exactly?

As Styx points out.......15 year old boys do a lot of things and they don't shoot people........
I watched the arrainment video.

Both the DA and the Judge are textbook Karens. No justice will be served. The parents are fucked.
He's like a lot of gun owners I've known, he feels powerless without his guns. Imagine asking a dictator to give up power, it's the same way when discussing sensible gun legislation with these gun humpers, their entire sense of identity and masculinity depends on their gun collection.

No...dumb ass....

The democrat party is releasing criminals on a revolving door schedule, they are releasing known, violent offenders with long histories of crime and violence, and they are also hobbling the police in the cities they control..

Violent crime in some of their cities is up 20% or more....because of their policies...rapes, robberies and murders......that is a fact....

Meanwhile, throughout history, shitheads like you told citizens...."give up your guns, what are you afraid of, you are just paranoid...." then their governments murdered 25 million people in Russia, 70 million in China, 1/3 of the population of Cambodia, 12 million in Europe....

You dumb asses have no understanding of human nature or human history......

Sell your bullshit to joe biden voters...
He's like a kit of gun owners I know, he feels powerless without his guns. Imagine asking a dictator to give up power, it's the same way when discussing sensible gun legislation with these gun humpers, their entire sense of identity and masculinity is dependent on their gun collection.

You don't know jackshit about the parents or the kid. You only know what the Karen DA is telling you.

There is no such thing as Libtard defined "sensible gun legislation". Just the destruction of Constitutional rights.

Liberal Prosecutors in Democrat controlled big city shitholes won't enforce existing gun laws among the minority population where most of the gun crime in the US takes place so we sure as hell don't need more infringement.
Watch as this story runs for many days in the corporate media. The same media that dropped the Waukesha Christmas parade mass murderer story rather quickly.
The democrats want to punish normal gun owners.........and they will exploit any tragedy to do it...

Styx talks cars, knives and the problem with going after the parents......

Maybe. If they enabled the little shit I have no problem with them being charged as they are.

With Rights come responsibilities. If they ignored their basic responsibilities they should be fried with rheir little shit off spring.
Maybe. If they enabled the little shit I have no problem with them being charged as they are.

With Rights come responsibilities. If they ignored their basic responsibilities they should be fried with rheir little shit off spring.

Remember the black teenage gang member who shot 3 people at a school..in Texas, I think? Were his parents arrested.....you know, after they released him on bail?

This is why I am not taking this attack on the parents quite the same as others..........the anti-gunners see this as a way to go after all gun owners....not buying into it....
What did they know exactly?

As Styx points out.......15 year old boys do a lot of things and they don't shoot people........

They live with the kid, you mean to tell me that they have no idea that he is warped? They were called to the school that morning he killed those kids, and were shown a drawing made by him that showed a gun, the words, "The thoughts won't stop, the world is dead, my life is useless. Help Me!" and a bloody body, and they did NOTHING? Bull. They also let a 15 have a pistol as a Christmas present, WHICH is illegal.
Why can't we be more like Australia, North Korea or China where only the government good guys have all the guns?
Remember the black teenage gang member who shot 3 people at a school..in Texas, I think? Were his parents arrested.....you know, after they released him on bail?

This is why I am not taking this attack on the parents quite the same as others..........the anti-gunners see this as a way to go after all gun owners....not buying into it....

Nope, there is not equal application of the law. That is a given. But I am tired of asshole parents providing their asshole kids the means to kill good kids.

If it can be shown that these brainless assholes aided and abetted, they should fry with him.
Maybe. If they enabled the little shit I have no problem with them being charged as they are.

With Rights come responsibilities. If they ignored their basic responsibilities they should be fried with rheir little shit off spring.
If two guys who never fired a gun can get life in prison (Arbery Case), the state must have attained the power to imprison parents of an underage serial killer.
They live with the kid, you mean to tell me that they have no idea that he is warped? They were called to the school that morning he killed those kids, and were shown a drawing made by him that showed a gun, the words, "The thoughts won't stop, the world is dead, my life is useless. Help Me!" and a bloody body, and they did NOTHING? Bull. They also let a 15 have a pistol as a Christmas present, WHICH is illegal.


Do you know what they were doing before this? Do you know what the school was doing before this?

Do you know how many homes let their kids shoot guns? What is the difference between a pistol and a deer rifle? Or a shotgun?

You really need to think about this before you post......they are running a game on your emotions..
These aren't normal gun owners, nor are they good parents. They KNEW what he was capable of, but didn't do anything to stop it.
That will be the key

The school showed the parents his violent thoughts. To not secure or dispose of the weapon shows negligence.

It will come down to what did they know and when did they know it.
Nope, there is not equal application of the law. That is a given. But I am tired of asshole parents providing their asshole kids the means to kill good kids.

If it can be shown that these brainless assholes aided and abetted, they should fry with him.

If they were negilgent, sure....but I am not just going to accept what the prosecutor says anymore...or the media...are you?

If you just listened to the prosecution and charges against Rittenhouse, or the democrat party media coverage, would you think he was a racist murderer?
That will be the key

The school showed the parents his violent thoughts. To not secure or dispose of the weapon shows negligence.

It will come down to what did they know and when did they know it.

When did the school show him that photo? How long had the school been informing the parents of this behavior? What actions did the school take with this information before this event?

Things that need to be known long before judgement is made.....

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