Pacifism and the Left

Pacifism and the Left

Republicans start wars, Democrats win them.

Ask the 11+ al Qaeda leaders killed by Obama whether Lefties are pacifists.

Dumbass. :lol:

Another remedial for a Liberal???

I should get paid to do this....

a. In late 1962, Kennedy was still fully committed to supporting the Diem regime,
though he had some doubts even then. When Senator Mike Mansfield advised
withdrawal at that early date:

The President was too disturbed by the Senator's unexpected argument to reply to
it. He said to me later when we talked about the discussion, "I got angry with
Mike for disagreeing with our policy so completely, and I got angry with myself
because I found myself agreeing with him (Kenneth O'Donnell and Dave Powers,
Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye, Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1970, p. 15).

b. Lyndon Johnson succeeded John F Kennedy as president. Like many ‘hawks’ in the White House, Johnson was a fervent supporter of the ‘Domino Theory’ and he was keen to support South Vietnam against the NLF:

“If we quit Vietnam tomorrow we’ll be fighting in Hawaii and next week we’ll have to be fighting in San Francisco.”
Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam

c. BTW...right up until his last day in office, the rapist, Clinton, was touting WMD's in Iraq. on your civility.
Eisenhower first sent advisers to Vietnam.

BTW - work on your wingnuttery.
Republicans start wars, Democrats win them.

Ask the 11+ al Qaeda leaders killed by Obama whether Lefties are pacifists.

Dumbass. :lol:

Another remedial for a Liberal???

I should get paid to do this....

a. In late 1962, Kennedy was still fully committed to supporting the Diem regime,
though he had some doubts even then. When Senator Mike Mansfield advised
withdrawal at that early date:

The President was too disturbed by the Senator's unexpected argument to reply to
it. He said to me later when we talked about the discussion, "I got angry with
Mike for disagreeing with our policy so completely, and I got angry with myself
because I found myself agreeing with him (Kenneth O'Donnell and Dave Powers,
Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye, Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1970, p. 15).

b. Lyndon Johnson succeeded John F Kennedy as president. Like many ‘hawks’ in the White House, Johnson was a fervent supporter of the ‘Domino Theory’ and he was keen to support South Vietnam against the NLF:

“If we quit Vietnam tomorrow we’ll be fighting in Hawaii and next week we’ll have to be fighting in San Francisco.”
Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam

c. BTW...right up until his last day in office, the rapist, Clinton, was touting WMD's in Iraq. on your civility.

What does any of that have to do with his statement that Obama killed 11 Al Qaeda members?
Thank you - she momentarily distracted me with her wingnuttery.
Yes, because we know there has never been a spy craft shot down when a Republican is in office. Are you really that stupid? Also, it's pretty absurd to believe that the enemy attempting to reverse engineer something from current technology is going to really shrink that funding gap. Do you really think we don't spy on what other countries are doing as well?

While we're at it, does this mean you support withdrawing military aid to Israel, since it's well-known they take large portions of what they buy and then sell it to China.

Actually, I'm not stupid at all.

But your comment reveals that you have no real answer to the post.
Are you ready to argue that Clinton didn't give the Chinese the OK with a wink and a nod, for the financial aid in his reelection?
Or that the drone technology will move China, and Iran far ahead of where they would be?
Or that Stalin didn't now about the Manhattan Projcet and the technology before President Truman did?
Or that FDR was duped by 'Uncle Joe'?

'Cause that would pretty much define 'stupid.'

So....why do we need an expensive military program? Because Democrats give so much of it to our enemies.

I make quick replies to your posts because there's no point getting down in the weeds. You have this crazy belief that half the population of the country is a fifth column trying to destroy it, and no amount of evidence or reason is going to convince you otherwise.

1. Actually, I believe you respond to the best of your ability....this is the marketplace of ideas.

2. "...half the population of the country is a fifth column trying to destroy it,..."
Half would be 50%.
"... 20% calling themselves liberal or very liberal."
In 2010, Conservatives Still Outnumber Moderates, Liberals

As for the 20%....I'd guess that over half of them are Liberals because they either don't fully understand the position, or because the are afraid of folks like you calling them 'stupid.'

3. " amount of evidence or reason..."
That is amusing, as I have often said inveterate Liberals have long ago achieved, even perfected, the willing suspension of disbelief, and the refusal to use experience and judgment....

My aim is simply to express the conservative position as best as possible, and allow the 85% of readers on the message board to make up their own minds.
So, we can leave it at that.
What does any of that have to do with his statement that Obama killed 11 Al Qaeda members?

C'mon.... I know you're Erroneous Joe...but I believe you know how to read.

Case in point: "Republicans start wars, Democrats win them."
Did you miss that in his post?

Would you like to agree with pre-schooler on that?

C'mon, Erroneous, take a shot at Republicans every time you how about it:
"Republicans start wars, Democrats win them.?

True or false?

Again, not sure what your lame answers had anything to do with that statement, either. Vietnam started with Eisenhower going along with propping up the Saigon Government even after being told that the Vietnamese would elect Ho Chi Mihn if a national election occurred.

And, yeah, Clinton stated that Saddam had WMD's, but he didn't invade in violation of world opinion to find out he was wrong.

The last war "won" by a republican was maybe the Spanish American War. Sorry, I don't count Gulf War I as a "win" as we had to go back and do it again 12 years later.

Actually, what my parents used to say back in the 1970's was that "Democrats brought us wars, Republicans brought us Recessions".

now Republicans bring us both.

Which is what happens when you let your party get hijacked by Plutocrats and Theocrats.

July 26, 1950 - United States military involvement in Vietnam begins as President Harry Truman authorizes $15 million in military aid to the French.
American military advisors will accompany the flow of U.S. tanks, planes, artillery and other supplies to Vietnam. Over the next four years, the U.S. will spend $3 Billion on the French war and by 1954 will provide 80 percent of all war supplies used by the French.
The History Place - Vietnam War 1945-1960

Did you guys know that President Truman was a Democrat?
See what you can learn around here?

Joe? Joe?

im westen nicht neues
Last edited by a moderator:
Another remedial for a Liberal???

I should get paid to do this....

a. In late 1962, Kennedy was still fully committed to supporting the Diem regime,
though he had some doubts even then. When Senator Mike Mansfield advised
withdrawal at that early date:

The President was too disturbed by the Senator's unexpected argument to reply to
it. He said to me later when we talked about the discussion, "I got angry with
Mike for disagreeing with our policy so completely, and I got angry with myself
because I found myself agreeing with him (Kenneth O'Donnell and Dave Powers,
Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye, Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1970, p. 15).

b. Lyndon Johnson succeeded John F Kennedy as president. Like many ‘hawks’ in the White House, Johnson was a fervent supporter of the ‘Domino Theory’ and he was keen to support South Vietnam against the NLF:

“If we quit Vietnam tomorrow we’ll be fighting in Hawaii and next week we’ll have to be fighting in San Francisco.”
Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam

c. BTW...right up until his last day in office, the rapist, Clinton, was touting WMD's in Iraq. on your civility.

What does any of that have to do with his statement that Obama killed 11 Al Qaeda members?
Thank you - she momentarily distracted me with her wingnuttery.

July 26, 1950 - United States military involvement in Vietnam begins as President Harry Truman authorizes $15 million in military aid to the French.
American military advisors will accompany the flow of U.S. tanks, planes, artillery and other supplies to Vietnam. Over the next four years, the U.S. will spend $3 Billion on the French war and by 1954 will provide 80 percent of all war supplies used by the French.
The History Place - Vietnam War 1945-1960

Did you guys know that President Truman was a Democrat?
See what you can learn around here?

im westen nicht neues
Last edited by a moderator:
There are some worthwhile wars and military engagements, others a waste, and we pay people to know the difference and often we don't get our money's worth.
Actually, I'm not stupid at all.

But your comment reveals that you have no real answer to the post.
Are you ready to argue that Clinton didn't give the Chinese the OK with a wink and a nod, for the financial aid in his reelection?
Or that the drone technology will move China, and Iran far ahead of where they would be?
Or that Stalin didn't now about the Manhattan Projcet and the technology before President Truman did?
Or that FDR was duped by 'Uncle Joe'?

'Cause that would pretty much define 'stupid.'

So....why do we need an expensive military program? Because Democrats give so much of it to our enemies.

I make quick replies to your posts because there's no point getting down in the weeds. You have this crazy belief that half the population of the country is a fifth column trying to destroy it, and no amount of evidence or reason is going to convince you otherwise.

1. Actually, I believe you respond to the best of your ability....this is the marketplace of ideas.

2. "...half the population of the country is a fifth column trying to destroy it,..."
Half would be 50%.
"... 20% calling themselves liberal or very liberal."
In 2010, Conservatives Still Outnumber Moderates, Liberals

As for the 20%....I'd guess that over half of them are Liberals because they either don't fully understand the position, or because the are afraid of folks like you calling them 'stupid.'

3. " amount of evidence or reason..."
That is amusing, as I have often said inveterate Liberals have long ago achieved, even perfected, the willing suspension of disbelief, and the refusal to use experience and judgment....

My aim is simply to express the conservative position as best as possible, and allow the 85% of readers on the message board to make up their own minds.
So, we can leave it at that.

There really isn't much to respond to in your post. They're mostly just series of wild-eyed claims with no evidence to back them up. And yes, half the population because you'd apply your analysis of "liberals" to Democrats more broadly as well (so we're up to a third of the population) and to the population of independents who generally support Democrats as well.
I make quick replies to your posts because there's no point getting down in the weeds. You have this crazy belief that half the population of the country is a fifth column trying to destroy it, and no amount of evidence or reason is going to convince you otherwise.

1. Actually, I believe you respond to the best of your ability....this is the marketplace of ideas.

2. "...half the population of the country is a fifth column trying to destroy it,..."
Half would be 50%.
"... 20% calling themselves liberal or very liberal."
In 2010, Conservatives Still Outnumber Moderates, Liberals

As for the 20%....I'd guess that over half of them are Liberals because they either don't fully understand the position, or because the are afraid of folks like you calling them 'stupid.'

3. " amount of evidence or reason..."
That is amusing, as I have often said inveterate Liberals have long ago achieved, even perfected, the willing suspension of disbelief, and the refusal to use experience and judgment....

My aim is simply to express the conservative position as best as possible, and allow the 85% of readers on the message board to make up their own minds.
So, we can leave it at that.

There really isn't much to respond to in your post. They're mostly just series of wild-eyed claims with no evidence to back them up. And yes, half the population because you'd apply your analysis of "liberals" to Democrats more broadly as well (so we're up to a third of the population) and to the population of independents who generally support Democrats as well.

We'll see in November, won't we.
There are some worthwhile wars and military engagements, others a waste, and we pay people to know the difference and often we don't get our money's worth.

Can't argue with that, reggie....

You certainly can, since your argument throughout this thread has been that any opposition to constant war is treasonous.

When you begin to fabricate entire theses, I know you've realized that you have no defensible position.

"...throughout this thread has been that any opposition to constant war is treasonous."

Unless you can show that to be the case, you've revealed yourself to be the kind of prevaricator frequently found among those of your political persuasion.

Unless you'd care to apologize forthwith.

I certainly hope that those reading the thread pay attention to your shameful lack of repute.
Why should I apologize? That's been your MO throughout this thread,

Try to read more carefully...I didn't say you 'should'...
...I'm more than pleased that you have shown the level to which your side will sink.

I have never stated what you claim that I have.

Unless you can show that I espouse the fabrication you have designed to distort my informed position, you've revealed yourself to be the kind of prevaricator frequently found among those of your political persuasion.

Another difference between us: I am never less than honest.

I am perfectly happy to leave everything each of us has said as stated.
What does any of that have to do with his statement that Obama killed 11 Al Qaeda members?

C'mon.... I know you're Erroneous Joe...but I believe you know how to read.

Case in point: "Republicans start wars, Democrats win them."
Did you miss that in his post?

Would you like to agree with pre-schooler on that?

C'mon, Erroneous, take a shot at Republicans every time you how about it:
"Republicans start wars, Democrats win them.?

True or false?

Again, not sure what your lame answers had anything to do with that statement, either. Vietnam started with Eisenhower going along with propping up the Saigon Government even after being told that the Vietnamese would elect Ho Chi Mihn if a national election occurred.

And, yeah, Clinton stated that Saddam had WMD's, but he didn't invade in violation of world opinion to find out he was wrong.

The last war "won" by a republican was maybe the Spanish American War. Sorry, I don't count Gulf War I as a "win" as we had to go back and do it again 12 years later.

Actually, what my parents used to say back in the 1970's was that "Democrats brought us wars, Republicans brought us Recessions".

now Republicans bring us both.

Which is what happens when you let your party get hijacked by Plutocrats and Theocrats.

"Vietnam started with Eisenhower...."

Eisenhower presidency....January 20, 1953 – January 20, 1961

September 27, 1950 - The U.S. establishes a Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) in Saigon to aid the French Army.

So....when you said you studied actually mean you learned how to spell it...

Oh, man.....I'm having an entirely too good a time here....
...I'll regret it in the morning.
And we should continue to do so.

You seem to suggest that we know how much said enemies are spending...and how to calculate the amounts we are transferring to these enemies via:

1. "Bat-winged, high-flying and hard to detect, America's RQ-170 Sentinel plane is the perfect stealth drone for peering into another country's secret sites without being caught.

One was used in May to feed back live footage of the US Navy Seal raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan.

So probably not the sort of hardware the CIA would ever like to fall into the hands of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps? Oops."
BBC News - Why Iran's capture of US drone will shake CIA

Of course, a different President might have blown it up....


2. "A newly released document from the U.S. State Department reveals that the most successful Chinese espionage operation in recent history occurred during the Clinton administration.

The document accuses Hughes Space and Communications Company of violating U.S. national security 123 times by knowingly sending detailed missile and space technology directly to the Chinese army."
Clinton and Chinese Missiles

Did you subtract the values of above from defense spending, and add it to the phantom-defense-spending of the above nations?

Atomic bomb experimentation and research didn't cost Soviet Union much, either...

And all three under Democrat administrations.....

Yes, because we know there has never been a spy craft shot down when a Republican is in office. Are you really that stupid? Also, it's pretty absurd to believe that the enemy attempting to reverse engineer something from current technology is going to really shrink that funding gap. Do you really think we don't spy on what other countries are doing as well?

While we're at it, does this mean you support withdrawing military aid to Israel, since it's well-known they take large portions of what they buy and then sell it to China.

Actually, I'm not stupid at all.

But your comment reveals that you have no real answer to the post.
Are you ready to argue that Clinton didn't give the Chinese the OK with a wink and a nod, for the financial aid in his reelection?

Yes. Now offer your proof that he did.

Or that the drone technology will move China, and Iran far ahead of where they would be?

Drone technology? Special frequencies with which to communicate with it, GPS, and advanced photography and radar. There really is nothing secret about a souped up radio-controlled flyer.

Or that Stalin didn't now about the Manhattan Projcet and the technology before President Truman did?

Please tell us what he was able to do with this knowledge, if he actually did have it?
1. Actually, I believe you respond to the best of your ability....this is the marketplace of ideas.

2. "...half the population of the country is a fifth column trying to destroy it,..."
Half would be 50%.
"... 20% calling themselves liberal or very liberal."
In 2010, Conservatives Still Outnumber Moderates, Liberals

As for the 20%....I'd guess that over half of them are Liberals because they either don't fully understand the position, or because the are afraid of folks like you calling them 'stupid.'

3. " amount of evidence or reason..."
That is amusing, as I have often said inveterate Liberals have long ago achieved, even perfected, the willing suspension of disbelief, and the refusal to use experience and judgment....

My aim is simply to express the conservative position as best as possible, and allow the 85% of readers on the message board to make up their own minds.
So, we can leave it at that.

There really isn't much to respond to in your post. They're mostly just series of wild-eyed claims with no evidence to back them up. And yes, half the population because you'd apply your analysis of "liberals" to Democrats more broadly as well (so we're up to a third of the population) and to the population of independents who generally support Democrats as well.

We'll see in November, won't we.
What will we see in November?

Be specific.
Yes, because we know there has never been a spy craft shot down when a Republican is in office. Are you really that stupid? Also, it's pretty absurd to believe that the enemy attempting to reverse engineer something from current technology is going to really shrink that funding gap. Do you really think we don't spy on what other countries are doing as well?

While we're at it, does this mean you support withdrawing military aid to Israel, since it's well-known they take large portions of what they buy and then sell it to China.

Actually, I'm not stupid at all.

But your comment reveals that you have no real answer to the post.
Are you ready to argue that Clinton didn't give the Chinese the OK with a wink and a nod, for the financial aid in his reelection?

Yes. Now offer your proof that he did.

Or that the drone technology will move China, and Iran far ahead of where they would be?

Drone technology? Special frequencies with which to communicate with it, GPS, and advanced photography and radar. There really is nothing secret about a souped up radio-controlled flyer.

Or that Stalin didn't now about the Manhattan Projcet and the technology before President Truman did?

Please tell us what he was able to do with this knowledge, if he actually did have it?

What happened to 'Vietnam started with a Republican President, Eisenhower'???

In the words of the Brown Bomber...You can run, but you can't hide.

So...when did our involvement with Vietnam begin?

Was the President Democrat or Republican?

Who was the dope who said
"Eisenhower first sent advisers to Vietnam.

BTW - work on your wingnuttery."

Did you want to retract any of that?
Do you want to come to me with requests for knowledge?
Want to bite your tongue?

And were is your buddy, Erroneous Joe hiding?
You two were sure high-fivin' it a few posts back....

Now, he's joined the Federal Wit-less Relocation Program,
and you want to change the subject.

Wait...I just found the vid of Erroneous Joe and his girlfriend, Sindy.....

[ame=]fonzie wrong desktop - YouTube[/ame]
Actually, I'm not stupid at all.

But your comment reveals that you have no real answer to the post.
Are you ready to argue that Clinton didn't give the Chinese the OK with a wink and a nod, for the financial aid in his reelection?

Yes. Now offer your proof that he did.

Drone technology? Special frequencies with which to communicate with it, GPS, and advanced photography and radar. There really is nothing secret about a souped up radio-controlled flyer.

Or that Stalin didn't now about the Manhattan Projcet and the technology before President Truman did?

Please tell us what he was able to do with this knowledge, if he actually did have it?

What happened to 'Vietnam started with a Republican President, Eisenhower'???

In the words of the Brown Bomber...You can run, but you can't hide.

So...when did our involvement with Vietnam begin?

Was the President Democrat or Republican?

Who was the dope who said
"Eisenhower first sent advisers to Vietnam.

BTW - work on your wingnuttery."

Did you want to retract any of that?
Do you want to come to me with requests for knowledge?
Want to bite your tongue?

And were is your buddy, Erroneous Joe hiding?
You two were sure high-fivin' it a few posts back....

Now, he's joined the Federal Wit-less Relocation Program,
and you want to change the subject.

Answering 3 questions that you asked is changing the subject?
Yes. Now offer your proof that he did.

Drone technology? Special frequencies with which to communicate with it, GPS, and advanced photography and radar. There really is nothing secret about a souped up radio-controlled flyer.

Please tell us what he was able to do with this knowledge, if he actually did have it?

What happened to 'Vietnam started with a Republican President, Eisenhower'???

In the words of the Brown Bomber...You can run, but you can't hide.

So...when did our involvement with Vietnam begin?

Was the President Democrat or Republican?

Who was the dope who said
"Eisenhower first sent advisers to Vietnam.

BTW - work on your wingnuttery."

Did you want to retract any of that?
Do you want to come to me with requests for knowledge?
Want to bite your tongue?

And were is your buddy, Erroneous Joe hiding?
You two were sure high-fivin' it a few posts back....

Now, he's joined the Federal Wit-less Relocation Program,
and you want to change the subject.

Answering 3 questions that you asked is changing the subject?

Don't you have something you want to say about

""Eisenhower first sent advisers to Vietnam.

BTW - work on your wingnuttery." ???

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