Palestine as Kosovo?

Clueless Georgie, Israel is a $200 billion economy. Seek psychiatric help...:cuckoo:

Bill Gates...

Warren Buffett...


"Brand Israel" is a PR campaign to make Israel look legitimate.

Microsoft CEO: Microsoft Almost As Israeli As American...
Microsoft's Chief Executive Steve Ballmer, on a visit to Israel, said Wednesday that Microsoft is an Israeli company almost as much as it is American.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the American software giant's new research and development center in Herzliya, Ballmer said that the proportion of Microsoft employees per capita in Israel is almost similar to that in the United States.

Ballmer also noted that the IT sector in Israel is very advanced, and that Tel Aviv is a lot like the Silicon Valley. He said he knows very few places around the world that offer such a variety of startup opportunities, and that his company intends to purchase more Israeli startup companies.
Microsoft CEO, in Herzliya: Our company almost as Israeli as American - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

More irrelevant "Brand Israel" crap.
"Brand Israel" is a PR campaign to make Israel look legitimate.

Microsoft CEO: Microsoft Almost As Israeli As American...
Microsoft's Chief Executive Steve Ballmer, on a visit to Israel, said Wednesday that Microsoft is an Israeli company almost as much as it is American.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the American software giant's new research and development center in Herzliya, Ballmer said that the proportion of Microsoft employees per capita in Israel is almost similar to that in the United States.

Ballmer also noted that the IT sector in Israel is very advanced, and that Tel Aviv is a lot like the Silicon Valley. He said he knows very few places around the world that offer such a variety of startup opportunities, and that his company intends to purchase more Israeli startup companies.
Microsoft CEO, in Herzliya: Our company almost as Israeli as American - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

More irrelevant "Brand Israel" crap.

Bill Gates...
It's no exaggeration to say that the kind of innovation going on in Israel is critical to the future of the technology business . . . For Microsoft, having an R&D center in Israel has been a great experience . . . The quality of people here is fantastic.

1996-Microsoft acquired Israeli-based Panorama, an innovator of business intelligence solutions

[ame=] Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle (9780446541466): Dan Senor, Saul Singer: Books: Reviews, Prices & more[/ame]

Bill Gates...
It's no exaggeration to say that the kind of innovation going on in Israel is critical to the future of the technology business . . . For Microsoft, having an R&D center in Israel has been a great experience . . . The quality of people here is fantastic.

1996-Microsoft acquired Israeli-based Panorama, an innovator of business intelligence solutions

[ame=] Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle (9780446541466): Dan Senor, Saul Singer: Books: Reviews, Prices & more[/ame]

"Brand Israel" Israel's WMD - weapon of mass distraction.
More irrelevant "Brand Israel" crap.

Bill Gates...
It's no exaggeration to say that the kind of innovation going on in Israel is critical to the future of the technology business . . . For Microsoft, having an R&D center in Israel has been a great experience . . . The quality of people here is fantastic.

1996-Microsoft acquired Israeli-based Panorama, an innovator of business intelligence solutions

[ame=] Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle (9780446541466): Dan Senor, Saul Singer: Books: Reviews, Prices & more[/ame]

"Brand Israel" Israel's WMD - weapon of mass distraction.

New York Times: Israel, Silicon Valley Of The Middle East...:clap2:
Jews are a famously accomplished group. They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates. Jews make up 2 percent of the U.S. population, but 21 percent of the Ivy League student bodies, 26 percent of the Kennedy Center honorees, 37 percent of the Academy Award-winning directors, 38 percent of those on a recent Business Week list of leading philanthropists, 51 percent of the Pulitzer Prize winners for nonfiction.

Tel Aviv has become one of the world's foremost entrepreneurial hot spots. Israel has more high-tech start-ups per capita than any other nation on earth, by far. It leads the world in civilian research-and-development spending per capita. It ranks second behind the U.S. in the number of companies listed on the Nasdaq. Israel, with seven million people, attracts as much venture capital as France and Germany combined.

The Tel Aviv cluster - Sun Sentinel
I hear that the land Intel is on belongs to a Palestinian.

I bet he is getting stiffed on the rent.
I hear that the land Intel is on belongs to a Palestinian.

I bet he is getting stiffed on the rent.

This Fakestinian?...:lol:

Former PLO Leader Zuheir Mohsen...
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.
Zuheir Mohsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I hear that the land Intel is on belongs to a Palestinian.

I bet he is getting stiffed on the rent.

This Fakestinian?...:lol:

Former PLO Leader Zuheir Mohsen...
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.
Zuheir Mohsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What does that have to do with a Palestinian getting stiffed on the rent by Intel?
I hear that the land Intel is on belongs to a Palestinian.

I bet he is getting stiffed on the rent.

This Fakestinian?...:lol:

Former PLO Leader Zuheir Mohsen...
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.
Zuheir Mohsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What does that have to do with a Palestinian getting stiffed on the rent by Intel?

This Fakestinian? :lol:

Arab Commentator Azmi Bishara...
Well, I dont think there is a Palestinian nation at all. I think there is an Arab nation. I always thought so and I did not change my mind. I do not think there is a Palestinian nation, I think its a colonialist invention - Palestinian nation. When were there any Palestinians? Where did it come from? I think there is an Arab nation. I never turned to be a Palestinian nationalist, despite of my decisive struggle against the occupation. I think that until the end of the 19th century, Palestine was the south of Greater Syria.

"And there was a third reason for the collapse of the republic: the growing apathy of the democratic public.

"The political system of the republic just became loathsome.

"While the people were sinking into misery, the politicians went on playing their games.

"The public was longing for a strong leader, to impose order.

"The Nazis did not overthrow the republic.

"The republic imploded, the Nazis only filled the void.

Israel on the Verge
"Zionist factions competed for the honor of allying to Hitler.

By 1940-41, the "Stern Gang," among them Yitzhak Shamir, later Prime Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the "Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization in Palestine (Irgun Zvai Leumi) Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe and the Participation of the NMO in the War on the Side of Germany."

Sieg Heil, Haver!

Lenni Brenner:
"The Nazi era is the most discussed period in history, yet most Jews and others are unaware of the interaction between Zionism, Hitler and Mussolini."

Subject for debate?

[URL=" Plot[/URL]

Comparing Zionism to Nazism constitutes anti-Semitism, based on US and EU guidelines.
Did you learn Jew hatred from the primates who raised you?

Martin Luther King, Jr...
When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You are talking anti-Semitism.

I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality.

I solemnly pledge to do my utmost to uphold the fair name of the Jews -- because bigotry in any form is an affront to us all.

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