Palestine Today

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“Old ladies needle” and poppies - beautiful childhood plants threatened with extinction .but the good news so many found in the amazing hills of Nablus.



Says he cares about flowers,
goes to burn whole fields on the way swearing to "cut the hearts of the Jews"

Jihadi mentality.
Indeed, Israel needs to end its war.

Abbas Makes It Official: Israel is Arab Palestine

Another stupid remark
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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ et al,

I have to agree with our friend "rylah."
2019 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code F60.2
Antisocial personality disorder
  • Psychopathic personality is a disorder characterized by conflict with others, low frustration tolerance, inadequate conscience development, and rejection of authority and discipline.
  • Sociopathic personality is a disorder whose essential feature is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others through aggressive, antisocial behavior, without remorse or loyalty to anyone.
“Old ladies needle” and poppies - beautiful childhood plants threatened with extinction .but the good news so many found in the amazing hills of Nablus.
Says he cares about flowers,
goes to burn whole fields on the way swearing to "cut the hearts of the Jews"

Jihadi mentality.
Indeed, Israel needs to end its war.

Says the sociopath who posted a video calling to "Murder the Jews and die together!",
while siding with the Jihadis who murdered an American president.

Skipping the well documented threat from the Arab Palestinians issued prior to the 21st Century. during the 21st Century, the relationship between the Israelis and the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, have been dominated the same decrees as expressed by:

Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders World Islamic Front Statement 23 February 1998

The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies -- civilians and military -- is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it, in order to liberate the al-Aqsa Mosque ... ...​

Palestinian scholars issue a fatwa against "normalization" 4 MAR 2019

The “normalization is one of the most dangerous initiatives, and a threat to the security of the nation and a corruption of its faith;” is how the fatwa read.

The fatwa “considers reconciliation and normalization with the Zionist enemy null and void and a crime…an explicit violation of the provisions of sharia. “​

I could be wrong, but I have never seen an Arab Palestinian counter Jihad stance taken on the same order as the pro-Hostile Arab Palestinian advocacy for violence. That is because they (9 times out of 10) exhibit either the behaviors of a Sociopath or that of a Psychopath. They are advocate violence as the first option as a response.

Example: Just look at the video on Posting #9701.

Most Respectfully,
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Israeli occupation forces displaced Palestinian family after demolishing their home in Yatta city near Hebron.




Hamas demolishes homes, beats residents in Rafah
Citizens decry police brutality, government unfairness in their eviction

The Hamas government in the Gaza Strip recently violently evicted residents and demolished homes it claims were illegally constructed on government land in the city of Rafah, Dubai-based news channel Al-Arabiya reported Monday.

According to the report, on March 21 a number of government bulldozers razed the makeshift homes, located in the southern Gaza Strip. Security officers on the scene beat the evicted residents and prevented media from covering the event. Mobile phones were confiscated from citizens who privately filmed the demolition and the photos deleted before being returned to their owners.

One resident who tried to resist his eviction told Al-Arabiya that the women’s police brutally beat his wife and mother before forcing them out of the home and destroying it.

RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, the posting of photographs without a narrative to a specific action, purpose or cause.

Israeli occupation forces displaced Palestinian family after demolishing their home in Yatta city near Hebron.

In lieu of a narrative, I guess I'll choose to believe that the pictures of the Israeli Police Operation were taken in accordance with:

“Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts, or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in Conformity with International Law”

Under the authority of UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001), wherein the Security Council decided that all States shall “deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support or commit terrorist acts, or provide safe havens”.​

Safe havens, arising in certain environments like the territories under Article 42 and 43 of the Hague Regulation; they emerge based on the interaction between the Article 43 Obligations, the political will of the Israelis and capability of the Police and Security Organizations. The graph highlights the conditions that allow safe havens to form and operate → as well as → the changes required to eradicate them. Combinations of capacity and willingness intersect to produce three types of safe havens: government-enabled sanctuary, government-sponsored sanctuary, and contested sanctuary.


It must be understood that when the Ramallah Government (PA/PLO) opt to glorify and pay monetary tributes to the perpetrators (and their families) of Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) for Criminal Acts directed against the Israeli Article 43 Forces, with the intention of → or calculated to → life-threatening injury to the Israeli civilian population, which were prosecuted under Customary and International Humanitarian Law (specifically Article 68 of the Forth Geneva Convention) the nature or context could look very much like that pictured here. Does it intimidate the HoAP population that provided unlawful safe haven? A: Hell yes. But it is a countermeasure against HoAP activity.

I've notices an ever increasing number of Israeli anti-peace and security initiatives → attempting to draw sympathy for the consequences of HoAP criminal activities with the purpose of such act, to intimidate the Israeli population and to compel the Jerusalem government and international organization to do (or to abstain from doing) some act that furthers the criminal objective.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, the posting of photographs without a narrative to a specific action, purpose or cause.

Israeli occupation forces displaced Palestinian family after demolishing their home in Yatta city near Hebron.

In lieu of a narrative, I guess I'll choose to believe that the pictures of the Israeli Police Operation were taken in accordance with:

“Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts, or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in Conformity with International Law”

Under the authority of UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001), wherein the Security Council decided that all States shall “deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support or commit terrorist acts, or provide safe havens”.​

Safe havens, arising in certain environments like the territories under Article 42 and 43 of the Hague Regulation; they emerge based on the interaction between the Article 43 Obligations, the political will of the Israelis and capability of the Police and Security Organizations. The graph highlights the conditions that allow safe havens to form and operate → as well as → the changes required to eradicate them. Combinations of capacity and willingness intersect to produce three types of safe havens: government-enabled sanctuary, government-sponsored sanctuary, and contested sanctuary.


It must be understood that when the Ramallah Government (PA/PLO) opt to glorify and pay monetary tributes to the perpetrators (and their families) of Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) for Criminal Acts directed against the Israeli Article 43 Forces, with the intention of → or calculated to → life-threatening injury to the Israeli civilian population, which were prosecuted under Customary and International Humanitarian Law (specifically Article 68 of the Forth Geneva Convention) the nature or context could look very much like that pictured here. Does it intimidate the HoAP population that provided unlawful safe haven? A: Hell yes. But it is a countermeasure against HoAP activity.

I've notices an ever increasing number of Israeli anti-peace and security initiatives → attempting to draw sympathy for the consequences of HoAP criminal activities with the purpose of such act, to intimidate the Israeli population and to compel the Jerusalem government and international organization to do (or to abstain from doing) some act that furthers the criminal objective.

Most Respectfully,
Your usual bullshit Israeli talking points.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, the posting of photographs without a narrative to a specific action, purpose or cause.

Israeli occupation forces displaced Palestinian family after demolishing their home in Yatta city near Hebron.

In lieu of a narrative, I guess I'll choose to believe that the pictures of the Israeli Police Operation were taken in accordance with:

“Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts, or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in Conformity with International Law”

Under the authority of UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001), wherein the Security Council decided that all States shall “deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support or commit terrorist acts, or provide safe havens”.​

Safe havens, arising in certain environments like the territories under Article 42 and 43 of the Hague Regulation; they emerge based on the interaction between the Article 43 Obligations, the political will of the Israelis and capability of the Police and Security Organizations. The graph highlights the conditions that allow safe havens to form and operate → as well as → the changes required to eradicate them. Combinations of capacity and willingness intersect to produce three types of safe havens: government-enabled sanctuary, government-sponsored sanctuary, and contested sanctuary.


It must be understood that when the Ramallah Government (PA/PLO) opt to glorify and pay monetary tributes to the perpetrators (and their families) of Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) for Criminal Acts directed against the Israeli Article 43 Forces, with the intention of → or calculated to → life-threatening injury to the Israeli civilian population, which were prosecuted under Customary and International Humanitarian Law (specifically Article 68 of the Forth Geneva Convention) the nature or context could look very much like that pictured here. Does it intimidate the HoAP population that provided unlawful safe haven? A: Hell yes. But it is a countermeasure against HoAP activity.

I've notices an ever increasing number of Israeli anti-peace and security initiatives → attempting to draw sympathy for the consequences of HoAP criminal activities with the purpose of such act, to intimidate the Israeli population and to compel the Jerusalem government and international organization to do (or to abstain from doing) some act that furthers the criminal objective.

Most Respectfully,
Your usual bullshit Israeli talking points.

Typical is as typical does.

You have no rebuttal, tin-can.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, actually you are half right (correct) as is seem.

Your usual bullshit Israeli talking points.


They ARE talking points (you're half right on that account), but not Israeli Talking Points (half wrong on that account). They come from the:
United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee


Most of the convincing propaganda (like this comment of yours) is sprinkled with half truths, so as to give credibility to the disinformation and misinformation.

Most Respectfully,
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