Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ TrueTT, et al,

We have to be very careful that we do NOT become the very thing that we combat. We cannot stoop to the same reprehensible level as the Hostile Arab Palestinians that claim any Israeli is an invader and therefore a legitimate target.


Would it even be wrong for Israelis to kill that girl?

I don’t think so. She’s a legit target in my mind.

This is an example of generational anti-Semitism. While such a young one could be considered a deadly threat in the right circumstances, our moral and ethics demand that every attempt is made to recover this young one peacefully, with her blood being spilled; even at the cost of our own.

The Western Values of the pro-Israeli IS NOT so callous as to not attempt to preserve this life.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, the posting of photographs without a narrative to a specific action, purpose or cause.

Israeli occupation forces displaced Palestinian family after demolishing their home in Yatta city near Hebron.

In lieu of a narrative, I guess I'll choose to believe that the pictures of the Israeli Police Operation were taken in accordance with:

“Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts, or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in Conformity with International Law”

Under the authority of UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001), wherein the Security Council decided that all States shall “deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support or commit terrorist acts, or provide safe havens”.​

Safe havens, arising in certain environments like the territories under Article 42 and 43 of the Hague Regulation; they emerge based on the interaction between the Article 43 Obligations, the political will of the Israelis and capability of the Police and Security Organizations. The graph highlights the conditions that allow safe havens to form and operate → as well as → the changes required to eradicate them. Combinations of capacity and willingness intersect to produce three types of safe havens: government-enabled sanctuary, government-sponsored sanctuary, and contested sanctuary.


It must be understood that when the Ramallah Government (PA/PLO) opt to glorify and pay monetary tributes to the perpetrators (and their families) of Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) for Criminal Acts directed against the Israeli Article 43 Forces, with the intention of → or calculated to → life-threatening injury to the Israeli civilian population, which were prosecuted under Customary and International Humanitarian Law (specifically Article 68 of the Forth Geneva Convention) the nature or context could look very much like that pictured here. Does it intimidate the HoAP population that provided unlawful safe haven? A: Hell yes. But it is a countermeasure against HoAP activity.

I've notices an ever increasing number of Israeli anti-peace and security initiatives → attempting to draw sympathy for the consequences of HoAP criminal activities with the purpose of such act, to intimidate the Israeli population and to compel the Jerusalem government and international organization to do (or to abstain from doing) some act that furthers the criminal objective.

Most Respectfully,
Your usual bullshit Israeli talking points.

Typical is as typical does.

You have no rebuttal, tin-can.

He never does. Ask why the PLO formally declared the Western Wall is off limits to Jews if they got control of E. Jerusalem there is no response.
Yet he posts a map which eliminated Israel titled “ Equal Justice For All?” All he has are bullshit Pro Palestinian talking points.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, the posting of photographs without a narrative to a specific action, purpose or cause.

Israeli occupation forces displaced Palestinian family after demolishing their home in Yatta city near Hebron.

In lieu of a narrative, I guess I'll choose to believe that the pictures of the Israeli Police Operation were taken in accordance with:

“Denying Safe Haven to those who Finance, Plan, Support or Commit Terrorist Acts, or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in Conformity with International Law”

Under the authority of UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001), wherein the Security Council decided that all States shall “deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support or commit terrorist acts, or provide safe havens”.​

Safe havens, arising in certain environments like the territories under Article 42 and 43 of the Hague Regulation; they emerge based on the interaction between the Article 43 Obligations, the political will of the Israelis and capability of the Police and Security Organizations. The graph highlights the conditions that allow safe havens to form and operate → as well as → the changes required to eradicate them. Combinations of capacity and willingness intersect to produce three types of safe havens: government-enabled sanctuary, government-sponsored sanctuary, and contested sanctuary.


It must be understood that when the Ramallah Government (PA/PLO) opt to glorify and pay monetary tributes to the perpetrators (and their families) of Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) for Criminal Acts directed against the Israeli Article 43 Forces, with the intention of → or calculated to → life-threatening injury to the Israeli civilian population, which were prosecuted under Customary and International Humanitarian Law (specifically Article 68 of the Forth Geneva Convention) the nature or context could look very much like that pictured here. Does it intimidate the HoAP population that provided unlawful safe haven? A: Hell yes. But it is a countermeasure against HoAP activity.

I've notices an ever increasing number of Israeli anti-peace and security initiatives → attempting to draw sympathy for the consequences of HoAP criminal activities with the purpose of such act, to intimidate the Israeli population and to compel the Jerusalem government and international organization to do (or to abstain from doing) some act that furthers the criminal objective.

Most Respectfully,
Your usual bullshit Israeli talking points.

Typical is as typical does.

You have no rebuttal, tin-can.
Rebuttal hell, I need a shovel.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, actually you are half right (correct) as is seem.

Your usual bullshit Israeli talking points.


They ARE talking points (you're half right on that account), but not Israeli Talking Points (half wrong on that account). They come from the:
United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee


Most of the convincing propaganda (like this comment of yours) is sprinkled with half truths, so as to give credibility to the disinformation and misinformation.

Most Respectfully,
:laugh::laugh::laugh: Israel calling the Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I have noticed that you say this more and more these days. But you never really support your claim or, in this case, the innuendo.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Israel calling the Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is easy to sit back and challenge my position because you do it without any support whatsoever.

I call your attention to: Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938).pdf •
I particularly call your attention to the first few Articles beginning on page 6.

I'm sure you believe that every country in the world is going to allow the year long shenanigans that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) in the Gaza Strip present towards Israel along the border. I think you are quite sure that the States of Egypt and Jordan would allow the HoAP on the presentation of such activist demonstrations along their common borders. And I'm quite sure that every country in the UN would allow a Hostile Element to fire rockets and mortars on sovereign targets. You saw what happen to the PLO in Jordan. And you see just how welcome the HoAP are in Egypt. There are 21 members of the Arab League. How many are actually funding the Arab Palestinians? (RHETORICAL)

The Palestinian Authority (PA) is on the verge of collapse. Israeli security officials believe that barring drastic rescue measures, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will step down regardless of whether he quits of his own free will or is forced out by mass protests over the failure of funding-strapped institutions to carry out their tasks. Israel’s security agencies are convinced the collapse is only a matter of time as a result of Israel’s own doing and that of its friend, the United States.

Read more: Israel tries rescuing PA from collapse, after instigating crisis to begin with

The Associated Press, UN Tuesday, 30 April 2019

The UN political chief warned Monday that the worsening Palestinian financial crisis poses a growing risk “of a financial collapse of the Palestinian Authority.”​

The question I have is, what do we actually lose if the Abbas Government falls?
Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I have noticed that you say this more and more these days. But you never really support your claim or, in this case, the innuendo.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Israel calling the Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is easy to sit back and challenge my position because you do it without any support whatsoever.

I call your attention to: Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938).pdf •
I particularly call your attention to the first few Articles beginning on page 6.

I'm sure you believe that every country in the world is going to allow the year long shenanigans that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) in the Gaza Strip present towards Israel along the border. I think you are quite sure that the States of Egypt and Jordan would allow the HoAP on the presentation of such activist demonstrations along their common borders. And I'm quite sure that every country in the UN would allow a Hostile Element to fire rockets and mortars on sovereign targets. You saw what happen to the PLO in Jordan. And you see just how welcome the HoAP are in Egypt. There are 21 members of the Arab League. How many are actually funding the Arab Palestinians? (RHETORICAL)

The Palestinian Authority (PA) is on the verge of collapse. Israeli security officials believe that barring drastic rescue measures, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will step down regardless of whether he quits of his own free will or is forced out by mass protests over the failure of funding-strapped institutions to carry out their tasks. Israel’s security agencies are convinced the collapse is only a matter of time as a result of Israel’s own doing and that of its friend, the United States.

Read more: Israel tries rescuing PA from collapse, after instigating crisis to begin with

The Associated Press, UN Tuesday, 30 April 2019

The UN political chief warned Monday that the worsening Palestinian financial crisis poses a growing risk “of a financial collapse of the Palestinian Authority.”​

The question I have is, what do we actually lose if the Abbas Government falls?
Most Respectfully,

He’s not going to get what he wants so it’s destined to fail
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I have noticed that you say this more and more these days. But you never really support your claim or, in this case, the innuendo.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Israel calling the Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is easy to sit back and challenge my position because you do it without any support whatsoever.

I call your attention to: Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938).pdf •
I particularly call your attention to the first few Articles beginning on page 6.

I'm sure you believe that every country in the world is going to allow the year long shenanigans that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) in the Gaza Strip present towards Israel along the border. I think you are quite sure that the States of Egypt and Jordan would allow the HoAP on the presentation of such activist demonstrations along their common borders. And I'm quite sure that every country in the UN would allow a Hostile Element to fire rockets and mortars on sovereign targets. You saw what happen to the PLO in Jordan. And you see just how welcome the HoAP are in Egypt. There are 21 members of the Arab League. How many are actually funding the Arab Palestinians? (RHETORICAL)

The Palestinian Authority (PA) is on the verge of collapse. Israeli security officials believe that barring drastic rescue measures, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will step down regardless of whether he quits of his own free will or is forced out by mass protests over the failure of funding-strapped institutions to carry out their tasks. Israel’s security agencies are convinced the collapse is only a matter of time as a result of Israel’s own doing and that of its friend, the United States.

Read more: Israel tries rescuing PA from collapse, after instigating crisis to begin with

The Associated Press, UN Tuesday, 30 April 2019

The UN political chief warned Monday that the worsening Palestinian financial crisis poses a growing risk “of a financial collapse of the Palestinian Authority.”​

The question I have is, what do we actually lose if the Abbas Government falls?
Most Respectfully,
The question I have is, what do we actually lose if the Abbas Government falls?
A US installed dictator who works for Israel.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I have noticed that you say this more and more these days. But you never really support your claim or, in this case, the innuendo.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: Israel calling the Palestinians terrorists is like the coal mine calling the kettle black.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

It is easy to sit back and challenge my position because you do it without any support whatsoever.

I call your attention to: Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism (1938).pdf •
I particularly call your attention to the first few Articles beginning on page 6.

I'm sure you believe that every country in the world is going to allow the year long shenanigans that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) in the Gaza Strip present towards Israel along the border. I think you are quite sure that the States of Egypt and Jordan would allow the HoAP on the presentation of such activist demonstrations along their common borders. And I'm quite sure that every country in the UN would allow a Hostile Element to fire rockets and mortars on sovereign targets. You saw what happen to the PLO in Jordan. And you see just how welcome the HoAP are in Egypt. There are 21 members of the Arab League. How many are actually funding the Arab Palestinians? (RHETORICAL)

The Palestinian Authority (PA) is on the verge of collapse. Israeli security officials believe that barring drastic rescue measures, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will step down regardless of whether he quits of his own free will or is forced out by mass protests over the failure of funding-strapped institutions to carry out their tasks. Israel’s security agencies are convinced the collapse is only a matter of time as a result of Israel’s own doing and that of its friend, the United States.

Read more: Israel tries rescuing PA from collapse, after instigating crisis to begin with

The Associated Press, UN Tuesday, 30 April 2019

The UN political chief warned Monday that the worsening Palestinian financial crisis poses a growing risk “of a financial collapse of the Palestinian Authority.”​

The question I have is, what do we actually lose if the Abbas Government falls?
Most Respectfully,
The question I have is, what do we actually lose if the Abbas Government falls?
A US installed dictator who works for Israel.

It's very strange that someone who is working for Israel is still refusing to stop paying terrorists in his "pay to slay" program, even at the cost of losing Israeli and U.S. funding. It's also strange how someone working for Israel should be so outraged at the U.S, moving its embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem. Wouldn't an Israeli stooge be happy about a move like that?
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a half-dozen (or so) stitched together interviews that are as out of date as the ideas they express. I don't want to speak ill of the dead (died before Palestine gained non-member Observer State), but I believe Christopher Hitchens has been gone for nearly a decade since the last of those interviews.

Christopher Hitchens on Israel and Palestine

You want to express ideas through the mouth of others. These others generally have either an economic, commercial or political stake in the presentation of such ideas. Hitchens is a columnist and author → and so he is interested in getting his name out there for recognition. But the position he takes is trying to apply modern political theory (and it's just that - theory) on a set of conditions that have evolved over a century.

And let's get a few things straight.

◈ The pro-Arab Palestinians intentionally jumble and make an ambiguous statement about "taking land" in such a way as to make the allegation incoherent (and thus unanswerable).

◈ There are very few Arab Palestinians still around that actually owned land, in what is now Israel. They would have a legitimate claim to be evaluated and adjudicated. But proceeding have been obstructed and negotiations blocked by the Arab Palestinians themselves..

◈ Israel did not occupy any Arab Palestinian State Territory. It did, however, occupy Jordanian Territory.​

Most Respectfully,
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