Palestine Today

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Palestinians Inconvenient Truths.
by Khaled Abu Toameh
May 4, 2019 at 5:00 am

Palestinian Leaders and Inconvenient Truths

  • Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas understood that he had made a grave error in calling out his Arab brothers for their tightfistedness. This was a massive mistake because his Arab brothers do not tolerate any form of criticism. For them, Abbas should only be criticizing Israel and the US.

  • This is the old Palestinian blame game: always make Israel or the U.S. appear responsible for the suffering you inflict on your own people.

  • Like most Palestinians, Abbas is well aware that the Arab states are no longer willing to serve as a cash machine for ingrates. Under the current circumstances, the Palestinians are more likely to succeed in cajoling money from duped Western donors than from their loving brothers. From the Palestinian leaders' point of view, however, this is an inconvenient truth best hidden from their people.
^The Arab states continue to lie to the Palestinians. At the last meeting of Arab foreign ministers in the Egyptian capital of Cairo, the Arabs "affirmed their commitment to support the budget of the state of Palestine by activating the resolution of the Arab summit in Tunisia to provide a $100 million safety net [to the Palestinians] each month."

The Arab foreign ministers announced their decision after listening to a speech by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who complained that his government was facing a financial crisis because of Israeli and US measures.

Abbas was referring to Israel's decision to deduct payments made by the Palestinian Authority (PA) government to families of security prisoners and "martyrs" from tax revenues that Israel collects each month on behalf of the Palestinians.

Earlier this year, the Israeli government announced it is deducting hundreds of millions of shekels from the tax funds it collects on behalf of the Palestinians because of the PA's policy of paying salaries to terrorists and their families. The decision was in accordance with an Israeli law passed in July 2018. Under the law, the payments made by the PA government would automatically be frozen by the Israeli government, in accordance with the Paris Protocol, an agreementsigned between Israel and the PLO in 1994 that allows Israel to collect and transfer to the PA government the import taxes on goods that were intended for the Palestinians.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a half-dozen (or so) stitched together interviews that are as out of date as the ideas they express. I don't want to speak ill of the dead (died before Palestine gained non-member Observer State), but I believe Christopher Hitchens has been gone for nearly a decade since the last of those interviews.

Christopher Hitchens on Israel and Palestine

You want to express ideas through the mouth of others. These others generally have either an economic, commercial or political stake in the presentation of such ideas. Hitchens is a columnist and author → and so he is interested in getting his name out there for recognition. But the position he takes is trying to apply modern political theory (and it's just that - theory) on a set of conditions that have evolved over a century.

And let's get a few things straight.

◈ The pro-Arab Palestinians intentionally jumble and make an ambiguous statement about "taking land" in such a way as to make the allegation incoherent (and thus unanswerable).

◈ There are very few Arab Palestinians still around that actually owned land, in what is now Israel. They would have a legitimate claim to be evaluated and adjudicated. But proceeding have been obstructed and negotiations blocked by the Arab Palestinians themselves..

◈ Israel did not occupy any Arab Palestinian State Territory. It did, however, occupy Jordanian Territory.​

Most Respectfully,
Jordan merely occupied Palestinian land.

Palestinian land is recorded in Turkey, Britain, the UN, and the Palestinian Land Society.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a half-dozen (or so) stitched together interviews that are as out of date as the ideas they express. I don't want to speak ill of the dead (died before Palestine gained non-member Observer State), but I believe Christopher Hitchens has been gone for nearly a decade since the last of those interviews.

Christopher Hitchens on Israel and Palestine

You want to express ideas through the mouth of others. These others generally have either an economic, commercial or political stake in the presentation of such ideas. Hitchens is a columnist and author → and so he is interested in getting his name out there for recognition. But the position he takes is trying to apply modern political theory (and it's just that - theory) on a set of conditions that have evolved over a century.

And let's get a few things straight.

◈ The pro-Arab Palestinians intentionally jumble and make an ambiguous statement about "taking land" in such a way as to make the allegation incoherent (and thus unanswerable).

◈ There are very few Arab Palestinians still around that actually owned land, in what is now Israel. They would have a legitimate claim to be evaluated and adjudicated. But proceeding have been obstructed and negotiations blocked by the Arab Palestinians themselves..

◈ Israel did not occupy any Arab Palestinian State Territory. It did, however, occupy Jordanian Territory.​

Most Respectfully,
Jordan merely occupied Palestinian land.

Palestinian land is recorded in Turkey, Britain, the UN, and the Palestinian Land Society.

Did you get that from the Land Registry in Jerusalem?
Palestinian families evicted and made homeless so new Israeli settlers can move in

Palestinian families evicted and made homeless so new Israeli settlers can move in


There's no eviction they just need a cover.

They're paid millions of $, way over the price of the property,
now probably enjoy the social welfare of some naive western country.

These people are PAYING about 2000$ each 2nd-4th hand agents not to get murdered by their govt for doing the deal. Literally millionaires today.
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It's so comforting hearing how in spite of all the guy loves the "big satan".
Though I still can't figure out why someone allegedly discriminated would invest all their efforts in promoting the very exact populism and racist vocabulary that differentiates Americans by ethnicity and skin color?

From where comes this need to constantly frame reality in terms of race/ethnicity in the American politics?
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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

Actually, everything in this picture looks relatively clean; even the rubble.

Fauxtography of the Day..
..has to be this photo, tweeted out by the Palestinian Safa news agency:

Arab Palestinian Bear.png
A spotless teddy bear, that just happens to remain intact among piles of rubble.
Once again, the Palestinian propaganda machine and their willing enablers are toying with us.
The Bear looks happy to me

The layman simply can't distinguish between fax photo's and real photo's in many cases. Especially on the internet where reality itself can appear altered.

Most Respectfully,

Providence Magazine

YAWN..... Islam has been suppressing BOTH Christianity and the Jewish Faith for thousands of years yet this is the best you can come up with? I realize this is not the appropriate Board and even if it was there would be complete silence from you but its too bad you didn't mourn the CHRISTIAN VICTIMS of Sri Lanka and others who have been killed, beheaded, etc. Keep posting!
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