Palestine Today

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Birmingham activists took to the streets to protest HSBC's investments in Israel's occupation

Israeli troops have crossed into Gaza over 70 times this year alone, according to the UN. And those are only the incursions we know about.


Hmmm, I thought Israel left.

Since Israel unilaterally withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists have fired more than 15,000 rockets and mortars into Israel, putting nearly one million Israeli citizens under direct threat everyday.

You're right...… They DID leave
Pictures from Gaza showing the devastation caused by the Israeli aggression on the enclave.


You have got to be the biggest propagandist I have ever seen in my life Tinmore. I mean, really.

Israeli aggression? Israel attacked Gaza in response to Hamas rockets.

I've never quite encountered someone as ridiculous as you Tinmore. You truly are ...well..I have no words..
Pictures from Gaza showing the devastation caused by the Israeli aggression on the enclave.


You have got to be the biggest propagandist I have ever seen in my life Tinmore. I mean, really.

Israeli aggression? Israel attacked Gaza in response to Hamas rockets.

I've never quite encountered someone as ridiculous as you Tinmore. You truly are ...well..I have no words..
Pictures from Gaza showing the devastation caused by the Israeli aggression on the enclave.


You have got to be the biggest propagandist I have ever seen in my life Tinmore. I mean, really.

Israeli aggression? Israel attacked Gaza in response to Hamas rockets.

I've never quite encountered someone as ridiculous as you Tinmore. You truly are ...well..I have no words..

I do.,,, It’s desperation!
Israeli forces arrest Omar Abu Ayyash in front of his house in Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, Palestine.

Israeli court extends detention of Palestinian mother Suzan abu-Ghnnam from Jerusalem!

EU diplomats go on a fact-finding mission to Issawiya neighborhood in Jerusalem


EU diplomats inspecting a demolished home in Issawiya neighborhood of East Jerusalem. (Photo courtesy of the EU)

Days Of Palestine - Jerusalem

European Union (EU) Heads of Mission in Jerusalem and Ramallah on Monday went on a fact-finding mission to Issawiya, a neighborhood in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem, to hear from residents and representatives of civil society organizations about unprecedented and continuous incursions and clashes between residents and Israeli police in the neighborhood since May 2019.

An EU press release said the EU Heads of Mission met residents, community representatives and representatives of civil society organizations active in the community who talked about an unprecedented increase in the presence of Israeli security forces since May 2019 in the neighborhood with daily incursions – many of them taking place in the vicinity of schools.

EU diplomats go on a fact-finding mission to Issawiya neighborhood in Jerusalem
Cracks can be seen in many houses in the old city of Jerusalem as a result of ongoing Israeli excavations beneath the area.

Why Hamas wants Palestinian elections to be held


In September last year, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared at the UN that he is calling for an election to be held in Palestine. The aim is to elect 132 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council which was, according to many experts, dissolved unconstitutionally by Abbas on 22 December 2018. Although the rule of the court appointed by Abbas is that the PLC election should be held within six months of the previous Council’s dissolution, it took him nine months to express his intention. According to the law, the poll should be held 90 days from the date of the presidential declaration.

Moreover, an opinion poll conducted by the PSR on 17 December shows that Abbas has lost the support of the majority of the people. This comes as no surprise, due to the PA’s broken promises which prevent it from achieving independence; the high level of corruption; security coordination with the Israeli occupation; the failure to face Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem and the annexation of what is left of the West Bank, which is supposed to be the promised Palestinian state; and the feeling among Palestinians generally that Abbas represents an incompetent and aging leadership for an overwhelmingly young nation.

Why Hamas wants Palestinian elections to be held
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