Pandemic in the White Community: White on White Crime

You're delusional. Saying, "there are so many white people" has nothing to do with committing crime because they are "near each other". He mentioned volume and you heard proximity. Straw man much Assclap?
The US is not infinite and most people live close to each other. Any fool understands that the more people you have the closer they are together.

Proximity was your argument. It was never mine. And you've already proven quoting my argument. There's not a single mention of ' just because they are near each other.'

You made it up.

Try again, Mr. Strawman.
Explain what you mean by "so many whites". The implication is that too many whites together creates crime.
Their proportion of the population: about 70%. There's no implication of proximity in speaking of quantity. You've made all of that up, citing only yourself. And then laughably attributed it to me.

Making your claim a strawman.

Explain what you meant by 'so many crimes'.
At what percentage of the population will whites stop committing crimes since you say that it has nothing to do with proximity?

I've never made any arguments regarding proximity. You're offering us yet another Strawman.

It seems your pony does just that one trick.

Explain what you meant by 'so many crimes'.
Are you saying these white people are not near each other despite these large numbers?
Can you quote me saying any of that?

If so, please do.

You'll find you're only quoting yourself, Mr. Strawman.
Why would I quote you when I just asked you? Its a yes or no question.
If you believe I've said 'white people are not near each other despite these large numbers', quote me saying so.

You'll find no such quote exists. Answering your question.
Again. If I believed you said it I wouldnt ask.

Then you knew before you asked that I hadn't said that. And you admit as much.

You're merely trolling. Asking questions you already have the answer to.
Why would you have to say something for me to ask you a question? I never said I dated a girl named Becky. Is it trolling for you to ask me that question? Please stop deflecting and answer the question.
The US is not infinite and most people live close to each other. Any fool understands that the more people you have the closer they are together.

Proximity was your argument. It was never mine. And you've already proven quoting my argument. There's not a single mention of ' just because they are near each other.'

You made it up.

Try again, Mr. Strawman.
Explain what you mean by "so many whites". The implication is that too many whites together creates crime.
Their proportion of the population: about 70%. There's no implication of proximity in speaking of quantity. You've made all of that up, citing only yourself. And then laughably attributed it to me.

Making your claim a strawman.

Explain what you meant by 'so many crimes'.
At what percentage of the population will whites stop committing crimes since you say that it has nothing to do with proximity?

I've never made any arguments regarding proximity. You're offering us yet another Strawman.

It seems your pony does just that one trick.

Explain what you meant by 'so many crimes'.
After you answer my question I will answer yours. It shouldnt be this hard.
Can you quote me saying any of that?

If so, please do.

You'll find you're only quoting yourself, Mr. Strawman.
Why would I quote you when I just asked you? Its a yes or no question.
If you believe I've said 'white people are not near each other despite these large numbers', quote me saying so.

You'll find no such quote exists. Answering your question.
Again. If I believed you said it I wouldnt ask.

Then you knew before you asked that I hadn't said that. And you admit as much.

You're merely trolling. Asking questions you already have the answer to.
Why would you have to say something for me to ask you a question? I never said I dated a girl named Becky. Is it trolling for you to ask me that question? Please stop deflecting and answer the question.

You knew I'd never said any such thing. Meaning you knew the answer before I asked. You're just trolling.

Explain what you meant by 'so many crimes'. This isn't going away.
Can you quote me saying any of that?

If so, please do.

You'll find you're only quoting yourself, Mr. Strawman.
Why would I quote you when I just asked you? Its a yes or no question.
If you believe I've said 'white people are not near each other despite these large numbers', quote me saying so.

You'll find no such quote exists. Answering your question.
Again. If I believed you said it I wouldnt ask.

Then you knew before you asked that I hadn't said that. And you admit as much.

You're merely trolling. Asking questions you already have the answer to.
Why would you have to say something for me to ask you a question? I never said I dated a girl named Becky. Is it trolling for you to ask me that question? Please stop deflecting and answer the question.

See what you get when you have non-working, gay men on welfare like Assclap with an Obama phone......trolling.
Proximity was your argument. It was never mine. And you've already proven quoting my argument. There's not a single mention of ' just because they are near each other.'

You made it up.

Try again, Mr. Strawman.
Explain what you mean by "so many whites". The implication is that too many whites together creates crime.
Their proportion of the population: about 70%. There's no implication of proximity in speaking of quantity. You've made all of that up, citing only yourself. And then laughably attributed it to me.

Making your claim a strawman.

Explain what you meant by 'so many crimes'.
At what percentage of the population will whites stop committing crimes since you say that it has nothing to do with proximity?

I've never made any arguments regarding proximity. You're offering us yet another Strawman.

It seems your pony does just that one trick.

Explain what you meant by 'so many crimes'.
After you answer my question I will answer yours. It shouldnt be this hard.

False. I've already answered your question;
Skylar said:
Explain what you mean by "so many whites". The implication is that too many whites together creates crime.
Their proportion of the population: about 70%. There's no implication of proximity in speaking of quantity. You've made all of that up, citing only yourself. And then laughably attributed it to me.

Making your claim a strawman.

Explain what you meant by 'so many crimes'.

Post 435
Pandemic in the White Community: White on White Crime | Page 44 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You refuse to answer my question after I answered yours. You're just trolling. You have no intention of having a conversation. Merely disrupting this thread.

This is your last chance. Explain what you meant by 'so many crimes'.
I've made no such argument. You did. Engaging in the 'Strawman Fallacy'. Refuting an argument I never made.

So I ask again, what fallacy have engaged in? Remembering of course that you'll have to cite an argument I've actually made.

And no where in that statement did I say that white people commit so crime because they are 'near to each other'. You added that. Citing yourself.

Making your claim a strawman. If your argument had merit, you wouldn't need the fallacies.

Says you, citing yourself, adding words and arguments I've never made. Alas, your claiming I made that argument. And by your own admission, I said no such thing. As your quote above demonstrates.

Try again, this time without the fallacies.
Yes you did make that argument.

Nope. Not once. As your own quote demonstrates, all your inane ' just because they are near each other' babble never appears in my argument.

You made it up. Thus the strawman is yours.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't need the strawman fallacies. Try again.
I already quoted you. Pretending I didnt quote you is not helping to answer the question.

And your quote of my argument includes no mention whatsoever of 'because they are so near each other'. Proving 'because they are so near each other' is not my argument.

Thus, the strawman is yours.

Try again.
Are you saying these white people are not near each other despite these large numbers?
Trying to justify your lie now? There was no discussion of proximity until YOU brought it up.
Yes you did make that argument.

Nope. Not once. As your own quote demonstrates, all your inane ' just because they are near each other' babble never appears in my argument.

You made it up. Thus the strawman is yours.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't need the strawman fallacies. Try again.
I already quoted you. Pretending I didnt quote you is not helping to answer the question.

And your quote of my argument includes no mention whatsoever of 'because they are so near each other'. Proving 'because they are so near each other' is not my argument.

Thus, the strawman is yours.

Try again.
Are you saying these white people are not near each other despite these large numbers?
Trying to justify your lie now? There was no discussion of proximity until YOU brought it up.

Yeah, we're way past 'misunderstanding'. At this point he's intentionally misrepresenting arguments.

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