Papa Obama and the Democrats get an early endorsement !

No problem


it is the thought that counts.......
Nothing new here, the Democrat party has ALWAYS had the support of the Communist party.
They even have a quite a few members elected as Democrats.

Yeah, that is why the commies loaned Bush trillions of dollars. LMAO!! A picture is worth a thousand words & trillions of dollars.................:lol::lol:

You know this story is a lie, right?

There's no mention of this from , which would release a press release if they were "endorsing" anyone. This is purely a fabrication of the right wing blogosphere.

They scrubbed the endorsement out of trying to keep it hidden.

Yet they endorsed him none the less in 2007. Internet is too big to scrub it all.

Get off your ass and look.
You know this story is a lie, right?

There's no mention of this from , which would release a press release if they were "endorsing" anyone. This is purely a fabrication of the right wing blogosphere.

They scrubbed the endorsement out of trying to keep it hidden.

Yet they endorsed him none the less in 2007. Internet is too big to scrub it all.

Get off your ass and look.

They "scrubbed" it?


Who do you think "scrubbed" it? The all-powerful 2,000 members of the Communist Party USA?

What would be the point of an endorsement, if it wasn't public?

Also, I know Sam Webb, and I know that he voted for, and endorsed Obama. But CPUSA has not made an endorsement of Obama yet for 2012.
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You know this story is a lie, right?

There's no mention of this from , which would release a press release if they were "endorsing" anyone. This is purely a fabrication of the right wing blogosphere.

They scrubbed the endorsement out of trying to keep it hidden.

Yet they endorsed him none the less in 2007. Internet is too big to scrub it all.

Get off your ass and look.

They "scrubbed" it?



Who do you think "scrubbed" it? The all-powerful 2,000 members of the Communist Party USA?

What would be the point of an endorsement, if it wasn't public?

Also, I know Sam Webb, and I know that he voted for, and endorsed Obama. But has not made an endorsement of Obama yet for 2012.

They had to keep the ill informed fooled.

FOOL. You should have at least did your homework.
They scrubbed the endorsement out of trying to keep it hidden.

Yet they endorsed him none the less in 2007. Internet is too big to scrub it all.

Get off your ass and look.

They "scrubbed" it?



Who do you think "scrubbed" it? The all-powerful 2,000 members of the Communist Party USA?

What would be the point of an endorsement, if it wasn't public?

Also, I know Sam Webb, and I know that he voted for, and endorsed Obama. But has not made an endorsement of Obama yet for 2012.

They had to keep the ill informed fooled.

FOOL. You should have at least did your homework.

My "homework"? Now that's funny.

Sam Webb is a friend of my family's. I've known him since I was 12. He has always supported Obama, and hasn't changed his opinion. But the CPUSA has not endorsed Obama for 2012. (Also, the CPUSA is a joke. They're a bunch of old, middle class hippies who remember their heyday in the 60s, and are still holding on for dear life. Sorry Sam!).

Who is the mastermind behind your massive "scrubbing" conspiracy?
Nothing new here, the Democrat party has ALWAYS had the support of the Communist party.
They even have a quite a few members elected as Democrats.

How can you tell the Communists apart from the ordinary Democrats?
I find it hilarious given all the evidence that Communism is a giant lie, that there are people who still advocate it.Are there wealthy Communists? Sure. But how did they get their money? Mostly through either confiscation or capitalist endeavors.


You Lie!

Everyone knows we will get it right,

this time

Dumbest, most desperate thread of the day. Get a life...comrade.
The Left may need to get a new presidential candidate

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact it is their worst enemy
I believe our message of statist utopia is best summed up in the following words

We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.

Sounds like Obama

A dead giveaway that it's not obama is that it wasn't prefaced with "let me be clear".

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