Paranoia much, Mr. Trump???

Well, there is the White House, SCOTUS, the Senate and House, 30 or so state governors and legislatures . The Beast is just the icing on the cake. Besides, it's fun to bring her up as she is the epitome of all that is liberal, corrupt, Democrat and failure.
The shame of it all Meat was you and your dumbass friends believed all the crap thrown at you by your repub idiots about how bad Hillary is I doubt one iota was true
I feel your pain...and hers. But come on now, she was and still is a total bitch. I guess with you it's a kinda "sisterhood".

She may well be but you and the other Rumpbots are Rump's bitches. Feels good to you doesn't it!
And yet we're not the ones whining like bitches.
You haven't been listening to Trump?? He's squealing like a stuck pig
And Meat I realize someone like me without the BIG words will never get you to change your mind but it's still fun showing you the error of your ways
Well, there is the White House, SCOTUS, the Senate and House, 30 or so state governors and legislatures . The Beast is just the icing on the cake. Besides, it's fun to bring her up as she is the epitome of all that is liberal, corrupt, Democrat and failure.
The shame of it all Meat was you and your dumbass friends believed all the crap thrown at you by your repub idiots about how bad Hillary is I doubt one iota was true
I feel your pain...and hers. But come on now, she was and still is a total bitch. I guess with you it's a kinda "sisterhood".

She may well be but you and the other Rumpbots are Rump's bitches. Feels good to you doesn't it!
And yet we're not the ones whining like bitches.
You haven't been listening to Trump?? He's squealing like a stuck pig
You sure that's not Hillary? Losers, wadda ya gonna do?
Well, there is the White House, SCOTUS, the Senate and House, 30 or so state governors and legislatures . The Beast is just the icing on the cake. Besides, it's fun to bring her up as she is the epitome of all that is liberal, corrupt, Democrat and failure.

With ALL that power and control you list Mr. MEATHEAD.......when should we expect the Hillary "lock her up" aspiration to be fulfilled???............LOL
Well, there is the White House, SCOTUS, the Senate and House, 30 or so state governors and legislatures . The Beast is just the icing on the cake. Besides, it's fun to bring her up as she is the epitome of all that is liberal, corrupt, Democrat and failure.

With ALL that power and control you list Mr. MEATHEAD.......when should we expect the Hillary "lock her up" aspiration to be fulfilled???............LOL
She is far too valuable to Trump and the Republicans. Did yu see her whinefest in Auzzie? Besides, locking up the hag might elicit sympathy from some, even though now few admit to voting for her.
She is far too valuable to Trump and the Republicans. Did yu see her whinefest in Auzzie? Besides, locking up the hag might elicit sympathy from some, even though now few admit to voting for her.

That's so fucking LAME that even your dog would pee on your
The shame of it all Meat was you and your dumbass friends believed all the crap thrown at you by your repub idiots about how bad Hillary is I doubt one iota was true
I feel your pain...and hers. But come on now, she was and still is a total bitch. I guess with you it's a kinda "sisterhood".

She may well be but you and the other Rumpbots are Rump's bitches. Feels good to you doesn't it!
And yet we're not the ones whining like bitches.
You haven't been listening to Trump?? He's squealing like a stuck pig
You sure that's not Hillary? Losers, wadda ya gonna do?
Who do you believe Meat? trump and Putin or??
WASHINGTON, May 16 (Reuters) - The leaders of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Wednesday they agreed with intelligence agencies' assessment that Moscow sought to interfere with the 2016 U.S. election to boost Donald Trump's prospects of becoming president.

"There is no doubt that Russia undertook an unprecedented effort to interfere with our 2016 elections," the committee's Republican chairman, Senator Richard Burr, said in a joint statement with the committee's top Democrat after a closed hearing on the issue.

"After a thorough review, our staff concluded that the (intelligence community) conclusions were accurate and on point," Senator Mark Warner said.


Senate Intelligence Committee's review of Russian election meddling

"The Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated, and ordered by President (Vladimir) Putin himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton," Warner said.

Their backing of intelligence agencies' findings contrasted with the assertion weeks earlier by House of Representatives Republicans that Russia had not sought to boost then-Republican candidate Trump, who went on to win the election.

The allegations, and multiple investigations into the matter, have shadowed the first 16 months of Trump's presidency.

Russia has denied seeking to interfere in the election and Trump has disputed suggestions that Moscow was working on his behalf.
Yeppers .. 80%+ of these so-called "leaks" have come from inside Donald's White House.

Can't blame them - It's a circular firing squad around the West Wing!

Read this Trumpian tweet, and you too may begin to doubt if the Trump cult membership should stop drinking that kool-aid.......Trump is increasingly becoming paranoid.....
See if in the symptoms found in most paranoid people, you can discern any of Trump's own personality disorders.
  • believing that others have hidden motives or are out to harm them.
  • doubting the loyalty of others.
  • being hypersensitive to criticism.
  • becoming detached or socially isolated.
  • being argumentative and defensive.

Donald J. Trump

The so-called leaks coming out of the White House are a massive over exaggeration put out by the Fake News Media in order to make us look as bad as possible. With that being said, leakers are traitors and cowards, and we will find out who they are!
2:46 PM - May 14, 2018

NOTE that Trump is NOT denying what the leaks stated, BUT that the"leakers" are traitors and cowards........LOL
-------------------------------------- many times so called PARANOIA is simply recognizing that ' THEY ' are out to get you . And in the case of TRUMP I think that that is proper recognition Nat .

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