Parents Bill of Rights, Wins Zero Support From Dems


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Yeah, it's kind of funny....

They want the government out of the way in all respects....until they get power and then...they applaud clear government over-reach.
Keeping smut away from children is one of the very few legitimate roles The State has.

Why are you leftist creeps so dead-set in the sexualization of minor children?
It passed anyway and exposed the Democrats

'Parents Bill of Rights' wins zero votes from Dems who attack it as ‘fascism,’ ‘extreme’ attack on schools

Because they think government trumps the family. Fuck them.
Congress should have no role in our local school districts run their schools.

Big Government is not always the answer.
To a certain extent, I agree with you.

OTH, post-modern philosophy has been foisted upon, and indoctrinated into professional classes, that have been hired into, and integrated into all levels of the local bureaucracy and schooling infrastructure, so, in order to protect the national character and culture, certain. . . shall we say, safeguards, to the American culture, should probably be put into place. . . before it is too late.

This should probably be done so that this dead-end philosophy, and ideological subversion, does not destroy the nation, and weaken it to the point, so that we do not fall to external or internationalist forces.

The only way local governments and federalism can work, is if parents are empowered against this insidious poison, which is being propagated among education professionals, and local governing officials, at a very superficial level.

Enlightenment values are a much better safeguard of liberty, than post-modern thought, which, if widely accepted, can, eventually be turned inward for the agenda of whomever seizes power in the end.
Parents protecting their children from liberal run schools.
Shame on them for getting in the way of the indoctrination process.

Parents do not need Congress butting in to protect their children.

But it is good of you all to totally quit pretending to be for smaller government and state rights.
All the dysfunctional nonsense has a price for America to pay.

There's nothing else that can be said on this issue unless it's put in it's proper perspective. Nobody is interested in doing that.
Racism, facism, extremism, phobia this and phobia that and so on are terms they throw out every single time they don't get their way. No explanation, no reasoning, no nothing. Just a bunch of closed ended alarmist words.

If you're for turning kids into mindless pussy ass weak willed and soft babies by over protecting them and putting them in a constant feel good safe space bubble then I won't ever agree with you.

But if you don't protect young kids from trannies, fags, alphabet people, sexualization, crt and so on in schools then you shouldn't be allowed in our society at all. You should be cast out, never allowed to return. That includes books on those topics. What a parent chooses to let their kid read at home is their business but in a school that's unacceptable.

I'm not surprised democrats all voted it down. They will ruin our country and kids just to be on the opposite side of the fence.
Parents do not need Congress butting in to protect their children.

But it is good of you all to totally quit pretending to be for smaller government and state rights.
Then, perhaps it is eighty years past time that the federal government had given places like the Ford foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Gates Foundation, etc. their tax free status, and their blank check to manipulate society.

It is these foundations that have pushed critical theory upon professionals in our private and public institutions, and then, they have fanned out in our local bureaucracies and public educational institutions.

IOW? It has been, indirectly, tax-subsidies to the wealthy elites, BY CONGRESS, to socially engineer society, in every local community in the first place, via every private and public university.
Hell we can hear it every day on places like NPR and PBS. . . .

This? Is only undoing that damage.
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Then, perhaps it is eighty years past time that the federal government had given places like the Ford foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Gates Foundation, etc. their tax free status, and their black check to manipulate society.

It is these foundations that have pushed critical theory upon professionals in our private and public institutional, and then, they have fanned out in our local bureaucracies and public educational institutions.

IOW? It has been, indirectly, tax-subsidy to the wealthy elites, BY CONGRESS, to socially engineer society, in every local community in the first place, via every private and public university.
Hell we can hear it every day on places like NPR and PBS. . . .

This? Is only undoing that damage.

I am all for them losing their tax free status, along with all churches.
Getting rid of the Department of Education is clearly the most efficient solution. Yet, so long as it exists and uses tax dollars to coerce local districts into conforming to the whims of the party in power, the tax payer should have a say at the local level.

Post of the Day! :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:

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