Paris erupts in violence: Many streets are no go zones as five suburbs in flames


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

PARIS ERUPTS IN VIOLENCE: Many streets are NO-GO ZONES as five suburbs in flames

Wonder how long before this same thing makes it to the US.
Much of what the American people and our government has accepted in the name of political correctness was never accepted by God and certainly never would have been accepted by our founding fathers. Permitting the altars of Baal to be erected here, Baal Allah, Baal gods of all false religions including Buddah, Hinduism, Sodomites, Planned Parenthood, Communists, etc. has brought a curse upon our land. Our nation was once dedicated to God by our first president, George Washington. Now in the name of political correctness we have permitted godless men, haters of God even, to define the meaning of "freedom of religion" not realizing that Satan has used these revisionist translations to open the floodgates to every demonic cult on earth looking for legal grounds to be called a religion inside the USA.

Now we've got Wicca being acknowledged as a religion, Satanism being acknowledged as a religion and they have made their way into the schools and are now indoctrinating our children into the occult!

Look at what is happening to America! Is God a God that changes? Absolutely not. God has commanded His children to have nothing to do with the worship of Baal or the acknowledgement of Pagan holidays, feasts, rituals and yet our calendar is full of them! There is no way we should acknowledge ANY Muslim feast days or customs to their Baal Allah god in our schools or our society. There is no way we should acknowledge the Pagan feast days which our calendar is now full of, there is no way we should be permitting our children to intermarry with Baal worshippers and idolaters but it is happening across the land and the judgment of God is coming for it.

There was a time when true Christians seeking the LORD influenced their countries in Europe. What happened? The same thing that is happening in America. The boundary markers of God's Word, interpreting God's Word have been moved. They accepted Muslim Baal worshippers in the name of political correctness and tolerance and has that tolerance been reciprocated? No, and it won't be because God is going to permit them to be destroyed for forgetting his laws.

What about the USA? People say Oh! It's just Halloween and we're going to dress up and take the kids door to door to celebrate it without acknowledging that it is a high holy day of Satan and children are being sacrificed on the altars of Satan the same night. After all, that isn't us! I've got news for those who do not want to follow God's Word and obey Him on the matter of having nothing to do with the occult and Pagan feast days / rituals, etc.

The Scripture in Hosea 4:6 warns that those who forget God's laws, God will forget their children. The day shall come when our nation will be invaded by the enemy from without and within and a slaughter will commence that will be beyond the imagination of any American citizen. Far beyond. And they will cry out for God to save them and He will not hear them because they didn't abide in God during times of peace but decided to celebrate and join in the satanic revelings of Baal worshipping holidays and accepted that which they should NEVER HAVE ACCEPTED.

Yes, Psalm 91 is true. It is true to those who abide under the shadow of the wing of the Almighty but for those who want to live like the world, do what the world does and celebrate the same holidays and pagan revelings as the world celebrates - there will be no protection by God in that day. NONE. They will be on their own.

Then the world shall see who belongs to Jesus Christ and who was playing church but never bothered to keep the commandments of God. The truth is, you are either all in or not in at all when it comes to God. All in or not in at all.
A police officer apparently raped a man using his baton supposedly doing extensive damage. The local police claimed it was an accident at which time some protesters became violent.
How does one rape someone accidentally with a baton.........? :dunno:
Does this excuse the rioters? Of course not, even the kid that was assaulted has stated as much.
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Much of what the American people and our government has accepted in the name of political correctness was never accepted by God and certainly never would have been accepted by our founding fathers. Permitting the altars of Baal to be erected here, Baal Allah, Baal gods of all false religions including Buddah, Hinduism, Sodomites, Planned Parenthood, Communists, etc. has brought a curse upon our land. Our nation was once dedicated to God by our first president, George Washington. Now in the name of political correctness we have permitted godless men, haters of God even, to define the meaning of "freedom of religion" not realizing that Satan has used these revisionist translations to open the floodgates to every demonic cult on earth looking for legal grounds to be called a religion inside the USA.

Now we've got Wicca being acknowledged as a religion, Satanism being acknowledged as a religion and they have made their way into the schools and are now indoctrinating our children into the occult!

Look at what is happening to America! Is God a God that changes? Absolutely not. God has commanded His children to have nothing to do with the worship of Baal or the acknowledgement of Pagan holidays, feasts, rituals and yet our calendar is full of them! There is no way we should acknowledge ANY Muslim feast days or customs to their Baal Allah god in our schools or our society. There is no way we should acknowledge the Pagan feast days which our calendar is now full of, there is no way we should be permitting our children to intermarry with Baal worshippers and idolaters but it is happening across the land and the judgment of God is coming for it.

There was a time when true Christians seeking the LORD influenced their countries in Europe. What happened? The same thing that is happening in America. The boundary markers of God's Word, interpreting God's Word have been moved. They accepted Muslim Baal worshippers in the name of political correctness and tolerance and has that tolerance been reciprocated? No, and it won't be because God is going to permit them to be destroyed for forgetting his laws.

What about the USA? People say Oh! It's just Halloween and we're going to dress up and take the kids door to door to celebrate it without acknowledging that it is a high holy day of Satan and children are being sacrificed on the altars of Satan the same night. After all, that isn't us! I've got news for those who do not want to follow God's Word and obey Him on the matter of having nothing to do with the occult and Pagan feast days / rituals, etc.

The Scripture in Hosea 4:6 warns that those who forget God's laws, God will forget their children. The day shall come when our nation will be invaded by the enemy from without and within and a slaughter will commence that will be beyond the imagination of any American citizen. Far beyond. And they will cry out for God to save them and He will not hear them because they didn't abide in God during times of peace but decided to celebrate and join in the satanic revelings of Baal worshipping holidays and accepted that which they should NEVER HAVE ACCEPTED.

Yes, Psalm 91 is true. It is true to those who abide under the shadow of the wing of the Almighty but for those who want to live like the world, do what the world does and celebrate the same holidays and pagan revelings as the world celebrates - there will be no protection by God in that day. NONE. They will be on their own.

Then the world shall see who belongs to Jesus Christ and who was playing church but never bothered to keep the commandments of God. The truth is, you are either all in or not in at all when it comes to God. All in or not in at all.

You are obviously very awake and very aware. Nice to see someone who is aware of the game.

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