Paris raid

Oh dear

Bataclan terrorist who killed 89 was trained to shoot by FRENCH POLICE

An Islamic State gunman involved in the murders of 89 people in central Paris was trained to shoot by the French police, it emerged today.

Samy Amimour, 28, was one of the suicide bombers who also used a Kalashnikov automatic rifle to cause the bloodbath at the Bataclan theatre on November 13.

He was behind a number of coordinated attacks, which saw a total of 130 people killed and some 350 seriously wounded.

Now it has emerged that Amimour, who came from the Paris suburb of Drancy, trained at the police shooting club in the city.

He registered for a gun licence in 2011 and took an initiation course at the club, which has almost 2,500 members, in April 2012.

Oh dear

Bataclan terrorist who killed 89 was trained to shoot by FRENCH POLICE

An Islamic State gunman involved in the murders of 89 people in central Paris was trained to shoot by the French police, it emerged today.

Samy Amimour, 28, was one of the suicide bombers who also used a Kalashnikov automatic rifle to cause the bloodbath at the Bataclan theatre on November 13.

He was behind a number of coordinated attacks, which saw a total of 130 people killed and some 350 seriously wounded.

Now it has emerged that Amimour, who came from the Paris suburb of Drancy, trained at the police shooting club in the city.

He registered for a gun licence in 2011 and took an initiation course at the club, which has almost 2,500 members, in April 2012.


Good point, Freddie dear-----you are right----muslims do not belong on the
police force-------The "Dr." Nidal Malik Hasan has already demonstrated
that muslims do not belong in USA medical schools or the military.

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